It would have been nothing without Geiger

It would have been nothing without Geiger.

Attached: Screenshot_20190311-190120.jpg (823x818, 344K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Ridley scott owes his career and fame to everybody else
I agree what a hack


>the monster alone made the movie

>ywn see a geiger-directed body horror film that involves sex

He did more than just the alien itself.

>Movies are made by directors
The decline of most directors correlates with the change of their film team

his name is Giger you stupid plebs

I wish they'd give it the Animatrix treatment. Just short segments expanding the lore.

>Just short segments expanding the lore.

This bonus feature from the Prometheus Blu-Ray was more kino than the entirety of Alien Covenant.

Lol. There's always one.

The bonus features for Paul blart mall cop is better than covenant.

both true

everything that was left from original script was egg and chestburster scene iir

What do you mean? user is correct. It's Giger, not Geiger. Geiger is someone else.

I put spelling mistakes in my posts for attention.

The director is the most disposable member of a film crew.

Isn't the producer the most important?

I hear the third grip is actually most responsible for what you see on the screen.


>get a book on HR Giger because I love the art direction of alien
>almost all his works have penises or vaginas in them


Attached: hr giger.jpg (1920x1080, 535K)

There's something just absolutely captivating about alien-machines and biological reproduction being fused. Its the most futuristic imagery to me. And it makes my benis the big benis.

giger's art is legit like hentai but better drawn

Attached: necronom-v-hr-giger-d0fba0d0.jpg (930x626, 372K)

If this is what Hell looks like, I'm getting myself a one-way ticket there.

Attached: hnng9.jpg (688x792, 29K)

But does anyone know why he is so obsessed with sexual organs? To me that ruins the paintings.

Its his style. You're not letting yourself enjoy the art because you fear sexuality.

It would have been a one off film without the great Alien design but it still would have been a good film. The first film has great atmosphere and does a great job of building the tension. The chest burst scene would have worked even without a cool alien design.

I don't fear it I just find it gross.

Looks better than "lol sex alien"

when did this come out? It's literally alien: covenant but much much better and 10 minutes long

You're taste in art is gross.

Seriously, don't talk about art on Yea Forums, it's embarassing.