Why are most youtube review guys such smug cunts?
Stop acting like you're writing for the new york times or something, you're just a movie faggot fan like the rest
Why are most youtube review guys such smug cunts?
>caring about critics' opinions
He's a gay furry with an annoying voice.
sardonicast is so fucking boring
Why are you watching people you don't like? The fuck is wrong with you? You retarded or something, boy? This is on you and you alone.
He fucks dogs by the way.
There's a video of him around defending his rights to fuck real life animals.
To be fair, writing for New York Slimes must be pretty humiliating and pathetic these days. Youtube reviewers can definitely be obnoxious but imagine being so pathetic you think working for a scumbag bought and paid for propaganda organization makes your opinion worth something.
Im not a big fan of dogfucker but he just seems wasted on that shitshow.
They appear untouchable to criticism of any kind. They don't work for Hollywood so they can't be fired or fined. They aren't professional critics so any gaffe on their part is defended by "hurr I'm just a guy on the internet!". They risk absolutely nothing by spewing their trash on the web. I am still confounded as to how these guys gain any popularity.
to be clear, he's not a fursuit, cartoon OC furry, he's a dog-fucking bestiality furry
If it wasn't for the furry dogfucking I would actually enjoy his videos a lot more
post his fat moon face
Go watch this guys “music videos” if you really wanna laugh.
Who's worse, him or IHE?
There’s a difference? Don’t all of them want to fuck animals?
Or are they the new trannys and we need to get woke?
howdy, dog fucker
pic related
who is this semen demon
Noticed this too
I was going to post videos of my opinions on my fav movies(not follow trends, not rush to theaters, just talk about what I wanna talk about) and instead or being a pick or be smug about anything g, I'd try to radiate an aura of positivity. Look for the good in the worst and understand getting a movie made is a miracle.
I used to be big into YMS but I've found he's become insufferable in the last two years or so. But Blondie did do a cover of one of his songs, so that's cool. Good for him.
They're influencers now, get on with the times grandpa.
I don't. that's not at all what i was trying to communicate here
He's probably a liberal. Liberals are the most unjustifiably smug people on the earth. It's annoying 2bh
Not giving in to everything modern has nothing to do with being out of touch you dog fucker
Depending on the individual, youtube celebs unfortunately have higher visibility and more pull with the right audiences than someone writing for the new york times.
It's like 100% relateability/people framing them as 'friends' in their lives. Same reason kids love lets players.
Do it user, i'll watch
>implying the NYT is good at what they do
Are just fucking with me or are you foreal?
Wow, he named his dog after hitler
a guy that fucks dogs
Since I don't hear about him at all good bad flicks is based and makes good content
Was the dog he fucked at least cute?
he's not fucking dogs, he just dresses up like them
I actually don't mind when he shits on movies, because he just describes how he personally felt during his viewing, and the thoughts that went through his head.
Listening to him critique art house shit and try to elevate movies he enjoys to some ridiculous height gets really boring though.
no, the worst part is they are smug and they have pleb opinions
why is he friends with Jeff Holiday?
Does anyone have that screencap of him saying he doesn't like old films because they lack technical refinement? I needed it the other day but couldn't find it.
she's clearly trans you bigot
it be the funniest shit if he actually said that
Being a "professional" reviewer is literally fake it until you make it. You have to act smug or else no one will listen to your useless opinion.
>I rate this dog's anus 10/10
What did he mean by this?
>make 60+ min reviews of the absolute shittiest (horror) movies
yeah we know they're shit at face value, adam, we don't need a miniseries for that.
he fucked dem doggos
i liked his oldboy video
>Hey guys this is sonicfaggot99 here with a review of OP's thread...
This thread isn't very impressive he starts off mostly crying about reviewers..hmmm thats not going to leave a good impression for anyone reviewing his thread..
0/10... OP is a fag
>Stop acting like you're writing for the new york times or something
journalism is so devaluated this days that they are almost on the same level.
at least when you hear this guys you know there is noone pulling the strings.
Many of them have bigger audiences than the New York Times.
They only have to answer to their own audiences which leads them to being massively better than mainstream media outlets which inflate review scores in order to maintain access to celebrities.
this guy gets it
the old oldboy is perfect
>you're just a movie faggot fan like the rest
except this guy fucks dogs
I don't mind him as much as those pretentious Nerdwriter kinda faggots.
>The art of ....
>How "film title" subverts expectations
>What "directors name" teaches us about ....
they can all die in a hole
Adum at least keeps it real. Also his Oscars commentary is hilarious. Makes me wanna have gay furry friends to get drunk and watch oscars with
why is everyone saying that? Is there any proof to this?
Maybe don't give them an audience since they're trash and make them have to actually go and get a real job instead of relying on YouTube bux
it's a meme. he talked about bestiality in context of animal abuse once
They all try to rip off Plinkett and YMS
They even imitate those weird accents
When will he transition already?
fucking this. I prefer a canadian faggot who loves movies over another purple-haired "journalist" complaining about why movie didn't have enough people of colour or women. Journalism these days is a joke
>shits on your capeshit
I like yms for that reason alone
he says you can only say beastiality is bad if you're a vegan
he said animals can consent to sex
he's not a vegan
add two and two
>"This movie's character didn't follow my strict logical guidelines. I thought about this for 3 days and realized that this character should have done this perfectly logical action despite being panicked while in a stressful situation. My internal logic is strong and I know that there is absolutely no way that I'm wrong about it. This movie is BAD!"
I really can't stand most YT movie reviewers.
its your fault for making a thread about this faggot instead of someone based like rob ager
Because someone who is smug is either full of shit or knows his shit. No one wants to listen to a meek faggot.
No he genuinely believes dogs can non-verbally consent to sex lol
He made a joke that kids would look sexy in little furry outfits.
The guy is a pedo
The only good yms videos.