So,is the Stagrate movie and tv series worth watching? Also,whic Sci Fi films and shows are pure kino to watch? I already started watching the Battlestar Galactica remake and I love it. Anything like that?
Stargate and Scifi Movies/Shows
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Star Trek
The movie is great and the TV show is probably one of the best shows you could watch.
Stargate movie: C+ (looks great and cool ideas but directed like an Ateam episode)
Stargate tv show: A (just keeps getting better)
Spin-offs: D to B- (skip)
Stargate is my favorite thing of all time, but for someone watching it for the first time in 2019, you really need to prepare yourself for levels of camp and cheese that have largely gone out of style. the first two seasons of SG-1 are particularly cheesy and planet-of-the-week in an almost TOS kind of way - which has its own charme, especially rewatching it with nostalgia, but I imagine it can be a little off-putting for someone trying to watch it for the first time (unless you're into that kind of thing, ironically or unironically). I still recommend watching everything because most episodes will be referenced later on. it starts getting much much better in late season 2 and the show changes, to stick with the Star Trek comparisons, from TOS to DS9 with a lot of continuity and ongoing story arcs with a lot of satisfying continuity.
if you can get past the camp, you're rewarded by 10 years of fleshed out story arcs (more, if you count the other shows); a good sense of humor that offen offsets the aforementioned cheese factor (though without devolving into the full blown postmodern quipathons that plague kino today); a really cool mix of indiana jones hunts for ancient artifacts, ancient mythology, space travel and current day military setting; fantastic music (once they stop copy pasting the movie score in season 1); the greatest team chemistry between main actors ever captured on camera
if you wanna go for it, follow this guide (but make sure to avoid Origins like the plague)
Best sci-fi show coming through
this, but you really need to be forewarned about the 4th episode. It is the worst thing ever but you need to get past it
It really is. There are a lot of good space shows out there, but Farscape is the most alien show of any of them. It oozes "otherness."
Kino incoming
Fifth element
So much so that it was offputting when I first started watching it and it took almost an entire season before I got used to the show's style and began really enjoying it.
Amanda Tapping is apparently incapable of looking seductive.
Stargate sucks
The episodes might be dull recycled Star Trek plots, but the characters make it enjoyable. The cast has excellent chemistry and RDA is a hoot
>RDA is a hoot
true, but his self-inflicted flanderization is insane. in season 1 he drops the occasional snarky remark and does his funny faces here and there but generally knows when to quit the shit and take the situation seriously. then by s8 he has basically turned into Homer Simpson
Watch it for the aesthetics alone user
I love SG1 S9-10 too
I mean stargate universe was a shitty attempt at battlestar galactica you could try that
Thoughts on Battlestar Galactica?
Was one of the few sci-fi shows that actually had the protagonists reasonably get more powerful as time went on due to basically conquering shit.
I still loved him even in those later seasons, but I think S4 was his peak
>reasonably get more powerful
Stargate's power scaling is abysmal.
>ten seasons of hiking through Canadian woods
SG1 and Farscape are my favorite scifi series of all time and I watched almost everything scifi, except stuff like Red Dwarf and Dr Who.
I won't pretend it's perfect, but for me nothing is quite as satisfying and comfy as seeing the progression in SG1, or the character interactions, practical effects and craziness of Farscape.
The Expanse is also very good for different reasons.
You always know when they're on a really weird planet because the SFX team makes the grass look blue or yellow instead of green
Hopefully we get some news on the Amazon adaption soon.
The movie is okay, it has good visuals, soundtrack and ideas, but many of the things that were established in the movie were retconned later (Even some of the names of the characters were slightly changed for some reason, like O'Neil --> O'Neill. The overall feeling of the movie is completely different to the series.
SG1 as a series is probably the most fun I've had with any scifi series that I've watched. It has ten seasons, so it's given that there are some shitty episodes here and there, especially in the earlier seasons. If you get pass the first two seasons, then it really starts to get good.
SGA is like SG1 but worse in some aspects and better in others.
SGU is shit and only worth watching if you are really into the stargate lore.
SGU started to develop a soul right towards the end. Still sucked though and should be skipped.
True, the second season was definitely better than the first
>SGU started to develop a soul right towards the end
nah,the characters were all stereotypes.
half of them cheerleaders,half of them ultrachads and then some scientists no one could stand.
Emancipation? Prodigy was worse.
Fair enough, the budget really didn't give them much to work with. Still, I found it rather cool that they could use some relatively mundane locations and pass them as alien planets somewhat believably.
>it's a the great golden galactic godking has to personally walk around the muddy forest with a handful of foot soldiers to capture some bug episode
I believe explained at one point that the reason the planets look like Earth is because the Ancients placed the stargates on planets with similar environments and ecosystems. I think some of them were even terraformed by the Ancients to resemble Earth
>Also,whic Sci Fi films and shows are pure kino to watch?
Watching Farscape now, it's damn good desu.
Am I wrong? It's been a while since I've seen the show
you're right, but it's a lame afterthought asspull in-universe explanation for something that is obviously due to budget constraints and nothing else
Yes I remember something like that too. I guess it makes sense because Ancients were basically just humans so the planets they would want to put their stargates in should be somewhat livable. And the same goes with the Goa'uld and their gates because jaffas are basically humans too.
Earth has deserts, swamps, grassland, tundra, jungle, mountains. Planet Canada is just the same fucking trees forever. Stargate is waifu central though.
Farscape's waifus are superior
I mean sure, but I guess they had to address it somehow and the explanation given makes sense in-universe so why not go with that.
>those two and a half episodes with anise designed to draw the seven of nine horny boy audience but no wait nevermind
Looks like the Species alien
that first season was super low budget
Why didn't they keep her on? Did they think having a full-time fanservice character was too much of low-hanging fruit? Hey guys you aren't making the Sistine Chapel, some more hot tail is always good in any show
I liked SGU. It was much more interesting than SGA. Fite me.
Well, more like Planet 30 minute drive from White Rock BC, but I see your point.
Atlantis is one of the most lifeless and generic sci-fi shows ever made. SG1 was already sort of a Star Trek clone, but with SGA it's like they thought "how can we make it even more unoriginal?"
Time for your prostate exam, user!
Yeah I didn't think about this when I first watched it, but now that I've rewatched the show it really starts to get annoying that almost every line RDA has is a joke or a humorous remark. I mean yeah, it works because the jokes are mostly funny and RDA is a charismatic actor, but it cheapens the character I think. O'Neill is the guy whose son shot himself with his gun and he is the guy whose actions might decide whether the Earth gets raped by those snakes. You wouldn't think he might be a bit more serious, unless his mannerism is some-kind of coping mechanism .
semen slurping soap opera inhaling redditors out
> Did they think having a full-time fanservice character was too much of low-hanging fruit?
Yes, and her character was ultimately flat and useless since other Tokra filled her role as advisor.
They kept Waifu bait though, pic related
>dr. fraser will never open your iris
she is my waifu
He acts like a sarcastic dick to the goolds because it's his way of trying to knock them down a peg off their god pedestal, and it's an extension of RDA because he had no interest in playing a constant downer all the time.
That said, when it's go time, he gets deadly serious.
Other Tok'ra were all ugly as Unas.
Fuck off incel, i saw her first
>tfw no mommy goold to dominate you and sit on your face while she plans galactic conquest
Does the Species movie have a softcore scene with a guy in a gimp suit? I think not.
*blocks your diet*
I want Osiris to chain me to her sarcophogas and make her semen milking sex toy while she bullies me and calls me weak
Colonel, Skip A'Meall
does The Architect work on men too?
>70 Year old man doesn't maintain a constant fitness schedule or have the phsyique he had nearly 30 years ago
Imagine my shock...
Stargate SG-1 seasons 1-7 are absolutely fantastic, worth your time and get better as said. However, theres a quality drop starting in season 8 that becomes more pronounced in the final two seasons in part due to the resolution of the main story line and cast departures. That being said, Stargate Atlantis is also worth checking out and pretty consistently good throughout. Universe on the other hand had a complete shift in tone that made it feel like a cheap Battlestar Galactica ripoff; although i heard it found its footing in the second season.
Dr. JUSTson
I know they're divisive but I really like the last few seasons. Then again I'm a Claudia Black waifufag so what do I know
My Canadian waifu was garbage, so I returned that shit for some better pussy.
A hearty kek was had
>Stargate Atlantis
>pretty consistently good throughout
>I really like the last few seasons.
Go back to the Farscape thread. And take Diet O'Neill with you.
Can you believe she was almost Xena? I bet she kicks herself over missing out on becoming a pop culture icon. Then again the character's success probably owes as much to Lucy Lawless as it does the way she was written. Would be interesting to peer into an alternate universe where she donned the leather armor
SGA had only a handful of really good episodes, but the main cast was arguably a lot better.
The crossover episodes were probably the best in the entire series because you got the best of both.
(Possible Spoilers OP) I think the reason for this is that they planned to end sg1 to season 8, and Atlantis was meant as a continuation in both spirit and in story. Then they got a greenlight for season 9. I think they had an idea for a third show (not SGU) and some of those ideas were mixed to what would later become season 9 and 10 of SG1. Thus it was different to the other seasons with different characters and villains. I also don't have a single fact to back this up, I just remember reading it somewhere at some point.
SGA Season 1 and 2 were kino, but starting mid way through season 3 the original show runners left to start work on the SG1 movies and the crew that took over was objectively worse despite a few hits (Be All My Sins Remembered), because they shifted the tone to campy and comedy.
I'm in the minority that loved Universe, but the first season was deffs darker and edgier and i can see why it pissed people off
Am I the only one that liked the Ori (or the idea of evil ancients) as villains? I thought the way they handled it was a bit shit, with random plagues and the like happening, but I enjoyed the theological discussions with Daniel vs the Priors and the like.
Arthurian legend was also a nice change of pace to Egyptian goods as well.
They did, It was supposed to be a brand new spin off called Stargate Command, but MGM balked at spending money on new sets so they just folded it into SG1 Season 9-10. Overall the main story is identical.
I want Osiris to turn me into her living toilet whose only purpose in life is as a convenient receptacle for her waste
The concept of actual gods as opposed to fake ones was good, same with Anubis. Didn't care for all the Arthurian stuff though, Ancients have got to be the most boring aliens ever.
sci fi tv shows are quite good.
sg1 is top tier. you may also want to watch farscape, because there are fun tie ins later.
Is there anything else close to Stargate? I've never really found anything else that can capture that same vibe.
Osiris is a male parasite in the body of a woman.
>Actress wears padding during shooting
>Character is completely forgotten about as Daniel's girlfriend
Feels bad.
Yes and no. I think John Sheppard and McKay were great, Ronon was somewhat interesting but Teyla was trash. I get what they were trying to do with her, I mean basically she was Atlantis' version of Teal'c, but while Teal'c had interesting backstory and was also funny with his "Indeed", Teyla had nothing. And before someone says it, it had nothing to with the fact that she is a woman, I just think the writers didn't know what to do with her
>Osiris is a male parasite
with the exception of queens, the goold are genderless, they just tend to prefer male or female hosts
A guy's brain in a hot woman's body is every man's dream, user. You can fuck her and at the same time she isn't a boring vacuum and has interesting hobbies. Also more likely to be into kinky shit
I always saw Ronon as the SGA equivalent to Teal'c, they even did a crossover episode where they both team up and it was great.
Completely agree with you on Tayla though, she was pretty dull.and her arc mostly revolved around "muh people".
>>with the exception of queens, the goold are genderless, they just tend to prefer male or female hosts
Both Osiris and the Goa'uld played by Ken Durand mention Osiris being male.
>A guy's brain in a hot woman's body is every man's dream, user.
In 2D, definitely. I don't think it'll translate as well to 3D.
>basically she was Atlantis' version of Teal'c, but while Teal'c had interesting backstory
this basically sums up the fundamental problem with SGA: they designed this really neat station with all kinds of neat new gadgets, fancy new stargates, bad guys are cannibal vamprie goths and then there's random medieval villages everywhere. and then they pretty much leave it at that and don't develop it anywhere. by the end of SGA, the Wraith are still as underdeveloped as the fucking Kazon. Pegasus just ended up being a boring ass galaxy.
oh yeah and most characters don't get developed either. if they don't work, just bring in another one. this show just fell apart after s3.
>In 2D, definitely. I don't think it'll translate as well to 3D.
Well yeah if you think about it, a man in a woman's body would have to relearn everything about their diet, hygeine, etc and in all likelihood would ruin the good looks he was given in a matter of months
from The Tok'ra, Part 1:
Please, ah, tell me of Jolinar.
I get the feeling you knew him way better than I ever did.
I'm sure. For one thing, he was a she.
What? You're kidding!
Well, actually, that isn't accurate. The symbiote does not have a gender. However, Jolinar has always been in female hosts.
Well, actually, the host I found him in, her in, was a male.
Really? Must have been another method of hiding from the Ashrak.
>sterilizes you
based spacejews
>Osiris is a male parasite in the body of a woman.
You say that like it's a bad thing...
What is the worst episode and why is it the one where Colonel O'Neill lets millions of people get killed because they kinda sorta remind him of Nazis?
What are those two straps going down into her pants for?
Yeah I remember that episode. Tea'lc and Ronon are similar in the sense that they are both alien warriors with a difficult past.
However, what I mean with the Teyla and Tea'lc comparison, is that both of their characters are used in a same way in the terms of the plot. In both series, when humans are new in the galaxy and know very little about the way things work, both Teal'c and Teyla work as kind of a guide. They know about the galaxy and especially about the bad guys and share this information with the humans. They also, when its convenient to the plot, can say something like "I have never seen anything like this O'Neill/Sheppard" so the audience will know something is up.
Character wasn't well-received because of the attempted love triangle. Other than that, she didn't have a lot of purpose that other characters couldn't fill, so they just dropped her.
Eurondans did nothing wrong.
Easy pulldown access
based Odo Hitler
>Colonel, my Tok'ra symbiote produces an excess of collagen that accumulates in my lips--I trust this won't be a distraction?
Based Aschen. I liked the genocide slag as well, can't remember her name.
Even worse than that, they forfeit all the superior technology which could be used to defend their OWN FUCKING PLANET, which is their primary mission, just because they were genocidal.
Even worse than that, they turn a blind eye to the Jaffa who have committed multiple genocides and devastated an uncountable number of planets.
He didn't even collect enough information to make that call. All he knew is that they were at war with other ethnic groups and that they started the war. Also what about the everyday citizens that had no part in causing said war? Why do they deserve to die? And how did O'Neill know that the "breeders" weren't evil scumbags who deserved it? I bet they committed atrocities as well
The Expanse, Firefly, and Cowboy Bebop are pretty damn good, all with different tones and styles.
>Stargate Comman
Huh, so I wasn't just speaking nonsense then. I wonder if they had a plan to make a plotline about the revelation of the stargate program to the public. I always felt the series were building up to that, although very slowly. There were some episodes where they showed that there were some people outside the Stargate-program who knew about it. I think there was one episode where some journalist gets killed before he gets the chance to leak it all.
It all started to become a bit too unbelievable especially in the later seasons. There had to be thousands of people working in the stargate program. They had spaceships at that point, which had to made somewhere by someone, and which had a plenty of people working aboard them. Also the people leading other countries knew, because US had to tell them.
Good post
>I wonder if they had a plan to make a plotline about the revelation of the stargate program to the public
that was going to be the plot of the third SG-1 movie, Stargate Revelations, which got scrapped
>I wonder if they had a plan to make a plotline about the revelation of the stargate program to the public.
IIRC the (cancelled) third SG-1 film was supposed to be about that.
>sends you to he...Netu
Sokar was a massive disappointment desu
Would have been kino. Why the fuck it had to be cancelled? They should've done that instead of "Continuum", which was just another timetravel episode.
Why was Ba'al the best system lord?
Because he was based.
Although I think they could have done more with his cloning plot.
MGM bankruptcy
>Stargate film
Directed by Roland Emmerich, so his hacky fingerprints are all over it. However the actors, characters, and cool concept help tremendously and it deserves it's position as a cult classic.
>Stargate tv
Watch SG-1, it's set after the film and borrows some of the characters (though they're recast of course). Gold standard of scifi storytelling. The spinoff show Atlantis was mediocre, everything else in the Stargate universe can be safely skipped.
>Star Trek
If you're in to scifi it's mandatory that you at least try this universe. Looking all the way back to TOS, it's a little goofy nowadays, but the other shows still hold up quite well. The movies are hit and miss.
A show from the late 90s/early 00s about a NASA astronaut who travels via wormhole to the otherside of the galaxy and gets in to a bunch of hijinks with a ragtag group of outcasts on a biological spaceship. Pretty good, balances comedy and drama well. The dialogue has a lot of dated slang, though.
>Dark Matter
6 strangers with total amnesia wake up on board a spaceship. Cancelled after season 3 but what's there is worth watching. First season is a bit of a who-done-it mystery.
>Childhood's End
Syfy channel adapted Arthur C. Clarke's book of the same name into a miniseries. Aliens come to earth and give humans all the technology necessary to achieve world peace, then things happen.
The original V from 1983. Aliens (dubbed The Visitors) come to Earth and offer to give us technology in exchange for resources that could save their dying homeworld. Weird things start happening to scientists who want to study and learn more about the Visitors.
>The Expanse
Based on a series of books, the Expanse tries to take the most realistic and grounded approach possible to tell a story about space-age humanity colonizing the solar system.
His demise was kino though.
what did Daniel mean by this?
The first movie and at least the first 4 seasons of SG-1 are genuinely enjoyable. The first half of the first season is a bit messy, they needed to figure out what they wanted to be at fist.
But SG-1 just went to complete shit after season 8. The show somehow turned into a slapstick sitcom and all of the old characters just started phoning in their performances. All villains were treated as jokes and the former main villains, the Goa'uld, somehow turned into bumbling idiots.
The new big threat was boring and uninspired. Everything about how they found them, fought against them and defeated them seemed ham-fisted. The Jaffa Nation side-plot was uninspired as well.
Just stop watching after season 7 or 8 and watch Atlantis instead. Don't bother with the direct to TV movies.
the best snakehead
Stargate Universe flopped and MGM was having money troubles, so the people in charge of Stargate went "fuck you, no more SG movies" and cancelled them.
Joe Flanigan had actually been trying to buy the SG license for a while with intent to revive it. He had a plan and roadmap all set up, with a small few TV series that would touch partly on those plotlines (as well as the Atlantis movie). Then between one day and the next, MGM decided to cancel the deal they were about to sign with him for the rights and tried to whore them out to Hollywood for more movies.
MGM subsequently failed at this, and we're at where we are now.
>Joe Flanigan
Poor dude lost everything in the fires last year.
What fate Omoroca.
Linea, Destroyer of Worlds
>Directed by Roland Emmerich, so his hacky fingerprints are all over it
If Independence Day was a proper stargate sequel it would have been purest kino. SG1 was always hampered by a tv budget, the Set helmets were very poor.
>tfw you'll never go on a genocidal adventure with Linea
>Okay user, we need another filler episode. We dont have a big budget for this but we can drive out to the woods if needed. Any ideas?
Thanks user. Based Michael Shanks boned every female on the show.
>Mind probe episode
>it's an Ancients can help but can't help episode
Except that thirsty jewish lady from Farscape
I've heard this too (as in real life). Was Shanks really hounding around on set even when his wife was part of the cast?
>The first movie and at least the first 4 seasons of SG-1 are genuinely enjoyable.
Season 5 they started building their own ships, then it was a trek clone, "powering weapons", "raise shields" and "beam down to the planet".
Do you think they could have tamed her if the situation didn't escalate or was she already far too traumatized being ostracized from the people on her planet and jailed by her Ancient daddy?
Yeah fantastic intro
If Independence Day stayed exactly the same, but the aliens were replaced by Goold shits, it would probably be even worse. Unless you mean scrap ID and replace it with a Stargate sequel with Hollywood budget. I don't know though. I think Emmerich is just a shitty version of Bay, except Bay has fun with his disaster porn while Emmerich has to pretend that his fap material is actually a work of art.
I wonder how weird it would be to watch this show for someone who lives in canada and has been in these locations
Stargåte SG1 is kino
He married Sha're, then dumped her for Andromeda whore. Marina Sirtis didn't like him very much when guest starring. RDA is an all round nice dude by all accounts.
Overrated. But you might enjoy it. That blonde makes it worth checking out.
Hating Roland Emmerich is fucking groupthink, The Patriot is an incredibly entertaining film and probably Mel Gibson's best role after the Lethal Weapon series
Fringe is one of my favorite sci-fi shows. Probably top 5 all time. It's not space though.
First two seasons are really good, the rest is meh. And the ending is a bit of a divider.
Also, Felix Gaeta did nothing wrong.
he means that what became ID4 was originally planned to be Stargate 2 or 3 with a Goold invasion led by Hathor in retaliation of Ra's death (this was actually written as one of the novel sequels that came out before SG-1 happened)
It goes up and down. There are some good plot lines. And there are some particularly stupid arcs that seem to drag on forever. Like the one where they settle on the most visually unappealing planet ever for half a season.
The ending is also pretty stupid, but I've seen worse.
It has some good characters, the space battles are great and so is the music. I also like the visual style of the show, but that's subjective I guess.
watch it, Hammond of Texas
Emmerich made a handful of good movies in the 90s and has churned out nothing but dreck since
Aschenazi :^)
No, YOU watch it snakehead!
You could the same about 99% of movie directors. They have a few years where they are in their prime and their creative juices are flowing, and then they get washed up and lazy
>ascends your dick
I don't vehemently hate every film he's done just because it's Emmerich. He's just kind of trashy. I enjoyed The Patriot, but Mel Gibson's one of the greatest actors alive and he could make a movie about watching paint dry seem fun and entertaining. I like the Stargate film as well, obviously. Everything else he's done is a 30 hour long 2012-tier masturbation tool. His batting average is weak.
Yeah, every director is eventually going to become out of touch and churn out trash. But he fell out of his prime after, like, 3 films. Feel free to enjoy as much of Emmerich as you want, though.
Thanks for the response and I respect your opinion, although I would argue that being "trashy" isn't inherently bad. Sometimes trashy cinema is just what the doctor ordered
based "GOOLD?" poster
Stargate is so much more creative tjhan all his other movies that I'm inclined to believe the rumors that he stole the concept from a guy who came to him with the idea who he and Devlin then settled with out of court
As much as I loved this show it had some of the most inconsistent power levels for the bad guys
>5 seasons to kill off average system lord Apophis
>The system lord that everybody is afraid of, the one who looks like Voldemort, killed off-screen after a season
>The system lord who merges who is an immortal killed off-screen by ghosts
>The Ori killed off-screen
>The replicators killed by a deus ex machina
>Ba'al is a constant threat for half the show, gets his own movie
Kino trilogy: Stargate, Independence Day, 10,000 BC
Apophis was high ranking actually, he was one of the top dogs and particularly so after Ra died. Ra was the one who kept them all in line.
He died like the quisling he was.
No problem user.
>Sometimes trashy cinema is just what the doctor ordered
I agree wholeheartedly. As far as mindless action, I tend to choose Bay when I'm feeling like turning my brain off and seeing some explosions. It may be schlock but fuck is he good at it.
Anubis wasn't killed. As a half-ascended being he was essentially immortal, and the Ancients weren't going to descend him whilever his ascended half played by their rules.
It took Oma Desala commiting to fight his ascended half eternally for SG1 to destroy his unascended half.
>03 clone wars' position
>08 clone wars' position
Come now, user. They should both be low-mid or mid.
>that video of michael shanks talking about how fun shooting guns were and zats were dumb and looked like dicks
Technically that was the Others, not the Ancients.
But yeah. As long as Anubis did not use any of his ascended-half's abilities (wiping out fleets, resurrecting planets, etc.) to enact his will on the lower plane, and only used technology he could have gained as a Goa'uld to do it (his non-ascended half), then the Others would let him until Oma owned up to the fact that it was her fault (which in their minds she wasn't doing because even after she fucked up and unleashed Anubis on the galaxy, she kept doing the same thing on and on and ascending other people - even if they were "good" she still broke the rule of interfering, and had also proved that she could be fooled) and fixed her mistake.