Why arent gays ever portrayed as the sexual deviants that they are in real life? They're always shown with a fake fluffed up romantic view
Why arent gays ever portrayed as the sexual deviants that they are in real life...
Dios mio
You’d think after 10 years more posts would be found to make an updated collage if so many bug chasers exist
Fuck off homophobe and unironically check your cis privilege
woah, came here to laugh at fags not fall in love with a pure mommy. who is this?
Because they’re trying to indoctrinate normal people into accepting these mentally ill sexual predators so they portray them as normal humans. Muslims have it right, they should all be executed.
now this is podracing
not fooling anyone tranny
Hello Disney social engineers. Thread production has slowed down. /pol/ is winning right now heads up
I am Jazz is looking good
I ain't clicking that shit nigga
The same pic has circulated for ten year now, should be able to produce 100s if it was common.
riveting read
its almost like nature is weeding them out.
What was it
anal prolapse
What the fucking fuck
nu wars 9 plot leak
Can it go faster?
it’s not that i disagree with you, but i’m pretty sure this is fake-ish
it’s from a role play forum or something, so still definitely sick but at least it didn’t really happen
yeah my gay cousin did so many depraved acts he had to have his tonsils removed and got a weird blood disease.
for what purpose?
If God wanted gays to die off, he'd have sent a plague to kill them all.
>You’d think after 500 years more paintings would be made to make an updated Mona Lisa if so many art fans exist
How much fucking money was wasted on AIDs research?
I agree
you have no idea what you are talking about. the bugchaser community was huge on tumblr and they all moved to twitter now
>Median age of death for homosexuals is 42
>Homosexuals are 100x more likely to be murdered than the average person
There is no way either of these stats could be even close to being true
i rented a room from a lesbian couple.
they had homo friends. white collar, upper middle class.
the irresponsible shit they did was unbelievable, and i was party person. it's hard to people to believe if you haven't seen it yourself.
White collar workers tend to do a lot more recreational drugs than blue collar workers. It could have easily been that.
Why would you hang out with them?