Why are you zoomers and millennials such a cock sucker for materialism and corrupted (((entertainment)))? Why is capeshit considered high art in 2019? Why the obsession with diversity/minority races?
Why are you zoomers and millennials such a cock sucker for materialism and corrupted (((entertainment)))...
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i like things
Jews and their nigger pets
>you zoomers and millennials
you do know that you fall into one of those yourself, right?
i bet youre a zoomer of all things too.
> Why is capeshit considered high art in 2019?
Infantilization agenda
I dont think zoomers or 'lennials even know what Newsweek once was.
I have never heard anyone refer to capeshit as high art.
It isn't considered high art but you wouldn't know because you couldn't care less about high art. You could have started a thread about high art but you didnt.
I'm pretty sure you are a millennial kek
Imagine being older than 37 and pretending you belong here or that your opinions would matter to anyone being that old and still coming to this site. Who cares what a failure with no future thinks?
>white male
>front page is of a jew
What did they mean by this?
yet they treat it as such. dumb fuck z0y boys get their mouth all wide open and excited about them
black people and women have money and time to spend now so they are being catered to. It's all just incentives with a little manipulation thrown in for future monetary gain
Diskover Dhe Untôld Ťrue Stori Dhat Chandged Dhe Kourse Ov Histori Forεver
Dhe hydden thēme ov dhe blæck-silhouêtte “Vise (Prezident)” mōvie powster iz “šhadow gôvernment.”
>Justise Lēāgue Ov Shadowz
Northeastern WASPs and their reform Jewish and homosexual pets.
Holy fuck blatant anti-white male propaganda goes THAT far back?
Well, Falling Down (and Dirty Harry) are the ultimate angry-white-male movies.
Because black people and women didn't have time or money 20 years ago. :l
If you get the opportunity, you should kill yourself.
Why are you so paranoid?
Not as much.
There are literally millions of superior monkeys out there that managed to spell their name correctly on a college application and get pushed into corporate jobs where they do literally nothing all day but be a payroll diversity check.
They have money and arent fullfilled by work because they arent doing anything.
The consume jew media while still feeling purpose and validity by being politically woke against whitey.
fuck off baby dick faggot. Go to 9gag
Imagine being this old and not being able to write like a white adult. Your family must be complete trash.
Have dilation.
>yfw trannies get laid and you're going to end up committing suicide as a virgin
>trannies get laid
Not with that big hole in their crotch they're not
Think before posting next time, poor kid.
Reminder that if you are under 30 you are a zoomer
Yea Forums - White knights whine about “incels” all day
>Why are you zoomers and millennials such a cock sucker for materialism
What else is left? How do you intend to topple these giants?
Reminder that if you're posting from an iPhone or other Apple device, you don't belong here because your IQ is too low.
>that kid who gets so upset about getting called an incel that he invents a discord full of trannies to cry about
Nah. That’s a standard set by newfags, zoomers, and plebbitors trying to seem cool. Real odlfags and boomers like me embrace new technology and posting styles.
I wish.
>newkid still has a Yea Forums folder
Yeah it’s called the internet, spaz
>when /pol/turds make a discord and use it to troll other /pol/turds but those /pol/turds aren't smart enough to realize what's happening to them
Added feature: Now you get to let chicks with dicks live in your head rent free 24/7, all because you're a closet case.
rent free
Are you zoomers starting to pick up our old slang again? Cringe.
Bag your face.
Gag yourself with a spoon while you're at it.
>chicks with dicks
I thought they were chopping those off now?
Call me when you get tetroma
loosen the tinfoil hate tranny
Great off topic thread.
>Why the obsession with diversity/minority races?
Happiness and justice, user.
But why did you reddit space? Oh, that's right, you got here in 2016 with all the other unwelcome refugees.
Get laid for once in your life.
>Getting laid.
After the Cold war ended Jews started their plans for creating a global government
>But why did you reddit space?
>Not committing suicide.
>Projecting this hard.
I know you want to kill yourself. Why waste time?
>sh-shut up!
Sorry, but you were either too stupid to know what was happening to you or you were pathetic enough to be in on it.
>t. 21yo kissless virgin from a poverty level family
What kind of a faggot uses twitter at all. You're more like what you're crying about than you think.
>the answer a black kid would give because blacks aren't concerned with self
improvement or societal prosperity
>more reddit spacing
I'll start reading your posts when you start acting like you belong here, reddit refugee. Are you white enough to do the right thing?
>all the redditor fighting each other in this thread
Go away you fucking idiots, you don't belong here.
r e n t
f r e e
>>the answer a black kid would give because blacks aren't concerned with self
improvement or societal prosperity
Tranny, you offer nothing to society.
Not even your agenda is original, your'e a dude trying to copy something that there is already plenty of.
You arent even trying to force society to believe you are something original.
You suck and are a 24/7 drain on society and everyone around you. Just die already.
Nice strawman scumbag. Must be projecting after coming back from your horrible meth habit. Bet you sold your unborn child to some spic
>getting this mad because someone finally told you that poor white people are basically blacks
>le reddit debater "thinks" I'm here for rational debate rather than to make fun of retards
>"no u!"
Funny how it takes 6 minutes for all the refugees to start replying...
>>getting this mad because someone finally told you that poor white people are basically blacks
Dont project your anger onto me, tranny.
>Funny how it takes 6 minutes for all the refugees to start replying
looks like we have lives and dont sit here like a dumb loser waiting for replies then acting like a 5 year old child with every response. But yes you're not a childish baby dick faggot zoomer at all I am sure!
I have never heard someone refer to high art
>no u!
Black kid on the playground response.
>looks like we have lives and dont sit here like a dumb loser waiting for replies then acting like a 5 year old child with every response.
You mean like you're doing right now?
and what are you doing? Sucking a cock? Maybe you're carving your boipussy out of your asshole, or maybe the hole where your dick and balls was.
get off Yea Forums grandpa
>literally can't stop thinking of gay sex
At what age did your dad abandon you? Or did you just get molested?
>lie put into greentext to imply someone else said it
Exactly what i would expect from a jewish tranny on the verge of suicide.
>>lie put into greentext to imply someone else said it
>(reddit space)
>Exactly what i would expect from a jewish tranny on the verge of suicide.
What's up with black kids refusing to do the white thing?
>dude it's all a conspiracy to make trannies look bad
Poor/black detected.
>reddit space
>newfag with an image folder
The rest of the thread is up here in the present, newfag. Read threads before replying.
kike harder, tranny
>literally can't stop thinking of gay sex
and what are you thinking about when calling people incels or virgins?
maybe do something meaningful with your life? Go outside? See nature?
>Happiness and justice, user.
you dont get happiness with diversity user. You get misery
That's not Reddit spacing newfag
>no u!
>reddit space
Read the thread before replying, refugee.
Reminder 34% of the country believes Civil War is likely in the next 5 years, the highest ever recorded.
>posted from my smartphone
Your opinions on the subject aren't valid. Come back when you get an adult computer.
Time to infect southerners with a biogenic weapon.
>reddit spacing
You auto lose every time you do this shit, refugee.
You have never heard of Black Panther?
>Time to infect southerners with a biogenic weapon
The highest proportion of those that believe it is likely are the far left in California.
>>reddit spacing
>You auto lose every time you do this shit, refugee
you're a fucking dipshit moron. Northerners want civil war too. Read properly faggot
EXACTLY. Fucking film was nominated for a god damn Oscar. Isn't that high art retards?
>uh oh you silly doofus, looks like you didn't space correctly
>now i am correct
What in the fuck is this shit?
>typical black kid response again
>fails to capitalize like a white person
The implication being that southerners should be killed off because they deserve to lose. Take your own advice, trailer inhabitant. Can you do that? Can you stop acting like a poor person for awhile?
tranny jew shills/propaganda
Yup. That. You understood it! Good girl! Banana sticker?
Nice projection. You probably live in a trailer with your fat black girlfriend.
Imagine getting completely decimated in every thread because you're worse at banter than trannies.
>no u!
How many times am I going to have to tell you this makes you look childish, Jamal?
>the tranny discord is a false flag, despite its progenitor literally admitting to spamming boards
Reddit rent free in your head
B-but goldstien said that Oceania hasn't always been at war with Eurasia!
You're so dumb. No wonder you voted for a reality TV star.
>continues retard spacing because outsider
>no u
>unwelcome refugees
The hypocrisy is off the charts. But, then again, poor people were never know for integrity.
>tranny thinking they have integrity
>no u!
There i go tranny.
Just rant and pray for archive.
Circle back to black this time. Only a couple hundred more posts. Almost there.
>tranny is such am insecure loser, replies to every response
/pol/tards getting scared as shit
What's so hard about writing like you passed the third grade, Tyrone?
>i'm going to MAKE him reply! hehehehe
>now I have the power instead of everyone who bullies me and calls me stupid!
Try leaving the house if you want to build a life that facilitates exerting control over others, scared, thin-wristed kid.
get off the internet you fucking tard. no one in real life talks about these movies as art. stop watching reaction videos.
massive faggot alert
>cock sucker for materialism and corrupted (((entertainment)))
>said by the boomer
Good one, have a (You).
>tranny acts like has a life
>posts constantly and waits for new replies like a fucking loser in his basement
Yea keep responding retard.
Nice strawman retard. Not an argument
>What's so hard about writing like you passed the third grade, Tyrone?
There u go tranny.
>no u
Kike harder, tranny
>stop beating me
Art produced under a capitalist framework necessarily takes on the details of capitalism. The "value" of art becomes about increasing profit as opposed to meaningfully representing culture. Art stops being borne from inspiration and remits to duplicating itself in search of a more efficient model. It also becomes an extension of the work day, anesthetizing you, by being unchallenging, obvious and harmless. Who has the capacity to be mentally engaged after yr 8, 10, 12 hr shift of mindless uninspired repetition? Very few people. The role of "art" or "entertainment" becomes abt preparing you to wake up and slave some more by numbing you to sleep, deadening your mind with saccharin platitudes instead of challenging you and, ultimately, continuing the same processes that allow it to be profitable in the first place.
Adorno was right, enjoy your superhero movies.
>Im not a dumb kike cock sucker NPC normie that slurps up every retarded thing on the media like a big warty cock!
>no you are just a boomer!
>zero self awareness: the post
Good times create weak men.
>projection: the shitpost
>12 shekles in your jew account
>being so intellectually insecure you come to 4chin for arguments
nice deflection
>i wasn't any good at sports and this is how I compensated
Didn't he kill an actual nazi in the film and constantly sperg out at the hyper capitalist society he was stuck in?
It's all an illusion by the media. 99% of us don't want or like that shit?
Yeah sure sounds like you. Nice psychoanalyst.
>no u!
Pretty much, yeah.
Good boy. Stay down. Just like your father.
What did mr. shill mean by this
Boomers are the worst offenders of being cock sucking materialists in the history of humanity. Willfully ruining the Earth for future generations by gorging on the planets resources then shitting out waste destroying entire ecosystems around the world, all so that they not have to be slightly inconvenienced.
>hurr fucking zoomers and millennials
but user being a tranny is LITERALLY what the NatSocs do
You never even had a father faggot.
>obsessed with climate change
Yea sounds like a dumb liberal to me. Keep blaming all your problems on everyone else.
Zoomers aren't in anyway as materialistic as millennials or boomers. Millennials are the only people who care about diversity
Tiny brained goy cattle ripe for indoctrination
>your spacing isn't up to my standards making me right
Tay Tay had herself a stalker. I bet there's some scary faggots on this board in particular. There is some creepy fucks with celeb photos and such. everyone blames /pol/ but doesn't see how many incels are in Yea Forums
Just look at the 'sneed' meme. very gay
>Who cares what a failure with no future thinks?
Nice job invalidating your own post
>what is this? they're taking away my styrofoam container?
>making me eat my cheeseburger with WARM lettuce and tomato?
>and they're wrapping it in paper now?
Most wasteful generation and pampered generation.
>doesn't see how many incels are in Yea Forums
Yeah, look at them all whiteknighting the latest feminist propaganda film
just like the new Captain Marvel film
You should get what you pay for.
bleak future we have. Thanks millennials
Hilarious how you cucks in such denial. Keep sucking that kike cock and buying tickets to see these shitty propaganda movies you fucking fools
Yeah, but that doesn't matter.
It's standard "common man can't take it anymore, so he is spewing his misguided anger towards society" shit, that Hollywoods been pushing since ever and a bunch of misguided right-wingers have adapted.
dont you need to get your will in order old fuck?
wow very witty. Go change your diaper fag