Squad goals
Squad goals
simply the most based right wing podcast, my fellow magapede
dont bring politics into that please
Beautiful evening here in San Frangelico
me on the right but taller
u cute
The Stav weight loss fight at the end of the new episode was uncomfortable
i honestly believe in him. He is gonna make it
>the argument at the end of today's premium episode
Is cumtown good or is it shit now. The last time I listened was 2 years ago
who here /nazipricing/?
well what was that aobut.
absolute muchachos
Do they intentionally try to look ugly as a joke?
I tried but man this is hot garbage. 5 different people all overreacting to non-jokes and squealing in delight as they roll in their own shit. Terrible
they are comfortable with themselves
>4 tickets to alita: battle angel please!
>Hey guys, imagine the [THING] but it's gy/black/retarde/for guy only
>nick goes off on stav for being obese and never changing
>stav goes off on nick for being an unsympathic autist
>episode ends in the middle of stav ranting off-mic
gay retard faggot
reminder hiro is coming for you janitor babysitting this thread
fuck is there a way to listen to it FOR FREE ?