It's over for Disney

78% drop in US box office confirmed. We did it bros.

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You're welcome sargon

*gets BTFO by jim and sargon*

Imagine watching this guy

>its only making [x] much on the Monday
incel cope

Good! Now we can get the Black Widow ending for Endgame.

i really cant. look at his face, it pisses me off. i don't even know what this fuck is all about and he still pisses me off

Only incels showed up to CM, they thought they would be able to sit next to a woman or maybe accidentally brush against one because this was suppose to be a film that brings all the girls out. But all that happened was they got seated next to other manchildren ;_;

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Why do people listen to this britbong?

Get woke, go broke

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You autistic idiot.

how come he never posts videos of himself having sex?? checkmate dcucks

same as last jedi, big opening, zero legs

No one here does. Discord trannies just like posting him because he's the only guy right of Obama they could beat in a fight.

I’ll believe it when I see it.

I can't listen to him because I can't stand how always pauses to swallow in a loud and drawn out manner.

I don't mind him, I have basically stopped watching tv and replaced it with youtube. I wouldn't say he makes great content but it's decent shit to play in the background while i eat or shit

seems like a lot of you guys are just jealous and spiteful for no valid reason

this guy is actually doing a service for our community

Based Squartering.

>Please smash the subscribe button to hear more!

shave that disgusting beard and wash your hair Jeremy

I watch him regularly. Imagine being so enraged with him that you make daily threads trying to shame him. Haha.

He looks like he has terrible, terrible swamp ass.

>has Funko Pops in the background

I can't take anybody seriously that does this

I fucking hate this fag so much

That's a normal drop. Alita suffered just as bad.

Why is someone like this using incel? is it a dc tranny?


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I don't mind him, but motherfucker can't read even if his life depended on it.

It's funny to watch him struggle to read "news" articles.

>funko pops

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It's good to remind people that capeshit is for incels and children

What the fuck

Lol remember when this guy got one hit KO'd at a bar and then banned from a con?

And then he sued like a faggot?

He got knocked the fuck out by a tranny


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What is it about his guy that triggers trannies so much?

was there some kind of neckbeard tournament battle?

Only Blacks have or use the term "swamp ass."

this angers you yes?

>a bloo bloo bloo how hard it is to be a white man in america A BLOO BLOO BLOO
Please tell me you dont actually watch this, even unironically.

it reminds them of themselves i guess? aren't most trannies just incels gaming the system?

Holy basing BASED!

He really needs to start wearing a hat. His hair is a disaster.

he makes youtube videos about video games...

Even worse

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like a fedora?

I unsubbed after how he covered the infinity chan ama. was so fucking cringy

Judging by how much he hates women I can imagine he already has a hat he can wear.

why do you think its all about identity politics and why do you hate white men tranny?

A kippa?

I never even heard of this guy until recently. Those streams where he was getting btfo are uncomfortable as fuck.

Honest question, why do these weird "alt right" "classical liberal" whatever the fuck types like to cannibalize one another on YouTube? Just trying to steal their limited viewership or what?

where does he say he hates women?

>why do you think its all about identity politics
>why do you hate white men

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Why do all modern white guys look like this? What is this facial structure called?

We're not even 78% through the day...

Reminder if you watch:
Quarter pounder
Any skeptic

You are being brainwashed into radical nazism, whether they mean to or not

s-o-y face? i don't know
what did they do to him? i guess youtube drama is what gives views, so minor e-celebs get addicted to it when they see that as their only way to increase their viewershit

well you just instantly jumped to some weird shit about how some guy obviously feels its hard being white. which it totally can be of course but thats not the point, the point is why would you assume that?

... and that's a good thing. here's why

What if I listen to Michael Schermer and The Skeptics Guide to the Galaxy?

>Goddess Hila Klein

onions face. guarantee this dude gets cucked on the reg

good boy

lol@ that guy you posted

Thought at first that he is yet another high brow idiot. But that guy is explaining it quite right to /pol/tards. (I'm halfway into the video)

Hey 3 arrows here’s an idea take those arrows and shove them up your ass.


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triggered alt-kike, lmao. Look at this brainlet who fell for all this shit!!