ITT characters women will NEVER understand

ITT characters women will NEVER understand

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>why didn't he just kneel
t. literally every roastie

Who knew that a film without a single bit of romance could be this fucking good

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Found in comments
Daenerys: Jorah! I'm so glad you're cured!
Jorah: I was, thanks to a maester-in-training named Samwell Tarly
Jon: Sam Tarly? He's one of my best friends!
Daenerys: sweatdrop

That whole segment pissed me off so much

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but he was an absolute retard?
daddy was cool because he believed in his values but this beta cuck only imitated him because he lacked any sort of personal beliefs

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In the show, he won't care.

Stupid, if he had no actual convictions of his own he would've just kneeled

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too scared of daddy being disappointed, he was maximum npc

Just rewatched the scene, his dad was telling him to kneel

What was his name again?


>disappointing a man 30 seconds from death

his mouth said kneel his eyes said stay standing
why would he go all emo and hold hands with him if he cared so much for his son's life

It's a very anti-boomer message. You have the White Walkers encroaching, Dickon had the potential to surpass his father and do a lot of great things for the realm, and he had an opportunity to join up with the new order and help guide it. But instead fearing to disappoint his dad who was part of the older and crumbling way of doing things, he sacrificed himself and it counted for nothing.

>ending your dad's lineage 0 seconds from death

most likely they'll just ignore it and hope the audience doesn't ask questions

>not wanting a foreign Queen to invade your home with an army of savage rapists makes you a bad guy
I fucking hate this show

Cry moar, euroqueer.

I liked him better as Billy Bones, who was unironically based.

Say what you will about d&d ruining the show, but they intended for it to come off as mixed feelings when she started burning people

based projecting retard

>triggers women by being complex and ambitious
>triggers americans/muslims by being gay
Is there a more patrician character in television?

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it's obviously about putting jon in a hard spot with some hot bitch burning to death the family of his bestie

This smug fuck

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True, but the problem is the normie audience ignores completely the moral ambiguity and just think the men are being stubborn for no reason

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>I want to die also father

He literally represents toxic masculinity. Dany is coming in to make things better for everyone but those conservatives that refuse to change because of bullshit ideals get toasted. Had so much more respect for Dany after she did that.


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Would be lolzy if big boy Sam gutted Danny after learning about that, but I'm sure he'll probably say "you were correct in your judgement of them,,,my queen.."

So you're saying that euros are a bunch of disgusting fag lovers.

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>counted for nothing
he died with honour

billy bones?

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God his costume is so lazy

what season is he in? I dropped it after the red wedding. That armour looks like plastic

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>D&D write the Maester conspiracy into the show through Sam
>Sam secretly kills the dragons with some undetectable poison
>Sam is the only person to kill a Walker AND a Dragon
>Sam is Azor Ahai - his is the Song of Ice and Fire

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what will sam say when she tells him she roasted his family alive in their own armor, including his brother who always treated him well, when they simply refused to kneel? or will the producers simply forget it happened like many other plot points they were too lazy to address?

This guy is WIDE

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>his mouth said kneel his eyes said stay standing

Literal vagina logic

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You have no idea how bad it got

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> well what's done is done! No use crying over spilled milk hehe *winks at his wife after the camera pans up from her breasts*

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Same thing they always do

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>implying this wasn't for comedy
You can't think they were being serious with the woolen chainmail

>i-it's meant to be retarded

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he was supposed to look like a high fantasy faggot and gave a high fantasy speech that none of the surrounding soldiers cared about. then he died. rewatch the scene dumbass

Besides Jaime I felt more sympathy for those two than any other character on the show.

The absolute state of women

>You can't think they were being serious with the woolen chainmail
Different user. I think the woolen chainmail is absolutely a decision to show Mace as someone who sees himself as a knight, but can't actually do anything in a fight.
The rest of the armour still looks plasticy and I'm sure it wasn't supposed to.

prove me wrong unsexing inceloid

I didn't understand it either. Why introduce a character only to immediately kill them off.

Yeah Euron's medieval biker outfit is pure bullshit.

compare that shit to season one armor

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>Competently crafted storytelling or logic.

This is a joke right, no woman is that stupid

Did the fatcuck know about their death ?

I'd assume so, since he wrote it

its clear there are alot of women in this thread.

Was talking about Sam.

>surrendered to the enemy
>b-but he died with honour
he died screaming like the little bitch he was

What happened? The budget went up every season

you haven't watched many movies with women have you? They can't go a minute without making a stupid comment and then ask what's going on every 10 minutes.

Ah that’s what’s his face in Umbrella Academy

Sam the Slayer is alive

the armor got better too, but around season 4 or 5 they hired a different costume designer, which is why it's all garbage now, like the rediculous samurai-shredder/metagross kingsguard waddling around since season 6

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the same sam that daddy would get killed before having him as the heir of his name?
daddy will sure be pleased that now he hogs everything

>mixed feelings when she started burning people
She's the leader. The leader has leave to punish those who challenge their rule. Jon killed fuckers for refusing orders, and there was no moral vagueness about it, because he had to do what a leader has to do. Kelly C is just being judged by incels who are mad about her having the same authority as Jon

and their coke mountain and marketing budget grew bigger each time

If Sam the Slayer becomes Sam the Queenslayer I take back almost everything I ever said about these rotten jews

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But user, he was retarded. He was so concerned about Dothraki that he decided that he might as well kill his friends and countrymen himself then force them to give up all their food to side with the woman who blew up his leader and queen in exchange for then ruling the land whose people he just killed and starved.

>beheading vs burning alive
clearly these things are the same

>she should have killed them in a nicer way
Her dragons are a source of terror, as they should be.

my dick

>implying dragon fire isn't quicker, less painful and with less risk you'll pull a showTheon

>Jon killed fuckers for refusing orders, and there was no moral vagueness about it

Jon literally disobeyed a king to stop someone from being burned alive

He'll remember that his dad was an ass, his brother never defended him and that they both sided with Cersei

And yet Jon burned men alive by dropping oil and barrels of pitch on them. Clearly the burning isn't the problem, it's the reason

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Conflating battle with terms of surrender isnt helping.

No, this is an example of female "heroism". Stupid stubborn defiance just for the sake of it.
>no drumpf, I will NEVER obey you

A real man would think about the situation logically, do what's necessary to avoid total defeat. Later on things might be different and that's when you strike.

>it's okay to commit war crimes because war, it's not okay to commit war crimes outside of war
LMAO. And Tarlys refused to surrender, or kneel or take the Black. Jon was against the obviously zealotry behind the burning and that he liked the guy, didn't give a shit otherwise

Jon killed Janos while the man was begging and crying. Violence isn't only justified in war, but also to keep the population in line - by fear, by whatever means are necessary.

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Pouring hot oil onto invaders trying to breach isnt a war crime.
I never called any of it a war crime. You are doing that.

Literally just commented on some faggots post on yt, he was making a point dae*erys did right by killing Tarleys and that they were being "liability" being alive. Low t creatures cant understand Tarleys, Ned, Stannis and Tywin.

>Jon killed fuckers for refusing orders, and there was no moral vagueness about it, because he had to do what a leader has to do.

Reminder that Jon faces serious consequences for his leadership flaws.
I.e, his own men stabbed him.

see you on raceday champ

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Tyrion is gonna betray Dany next season though

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Jon is as much of a progressive farce character as Dany.

Jon is still a teenager and put in charge of grown men that have been there for 40 years.
>what could go wrong

Soul vs soulless

Wtf this dude has the broadest shoulders I've ever seen

>Why did he go against the Valar? Was he crazy?

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what about this one

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fan art depicting Sauron as a skinny little twink needs to be thrown into the fires of mount doom where it was made

What was the practical function of changing the aesthetics of the kingsguard armour in-universe?

*constantly that is

Armor on the left does look better but I hate that filter

He was a fair elf, but I do agree that that art is pushing it.

he became the commander or some shit, no?


He did but they've changed all the kingsguard's armour about 3 or 4 times now.

My point is that obviously we'd agree that setting shit including people on fire isn't inherently bad, so Jon and Dany haven't committed different things like as if he's innocent cause muh war but she's guilty cause muh surrender. Except Tarlys refused to surrender or stand down, wouldn't even bend the knee, so they're still enemies and it's still war, so she did literally nothing wrong

and there have been 4 different kings

I get that as a tv show thing, but it doesn't make sense for the kingsguard to reforge their armour just to suit a change of king's aesthetic. But then again, nothing makes any rational sense in this show. Never mind.


I know you’re a 16 year old girl so I’ll be succinct: in legal terms, there is a phrase called “cruel and unusual punishment” which regulates that punishment should be proportional, reasonable, and humane. By modern standards, a quick beheading-by a competent headsman-is far more humane, and so regardless of circumstance it was cruel. It was cruel and unusual to burn people to death in the Middle Ages just as it is cruel and unusual to do it now. Standards of morality are different through time, but unnecessary cruelty is always unnecessary, there is no legal or logical argument for cruel and unusual punishment. a good man in either setting looks away with disgust regardless of their society. A Chinese man watching the mongols mutiliate and torture his fellow companions is not suddenly socially acceptable because it commonplace. He’s not going “well I’m Chinese so this is relatively normal so I’m ok with this thank you please continue your murder by 1000 cuts please those damn white people just don’t understand our culture *dies horribly*

maybe just a show that the king adapted the KG to his taste? after all it's just a handful of men, it's kind of understandable a new king wants a new fresh touch to his toys
not even the king's dress is standardized
if they kept the armors the same people would be calling them cheapass for not adding new ones with their budget

In fairness dragon fire is supposed to melt stone castles, their death should have been instant

If that was the case there should be nobody even standing near it.

Also, dany dragons are still relatively small.

what? they are massive, i dont think there's much room for them to grow anymore
>If that was the case there should be nobody even standing near it.
heat doesnt work like that

dannys dragons are literal dragonlets compared to the chad dragons back in the day

This isn't the middle ages and dragon fire shouldn't be held up to a hypocritical moral standard where getting raped by soldiers, tortured, killed, forced to join the army, getting robbed by soldiers, getting cuckolded on your wedding night before Jaehaerys changed it, being able to fight or have someone else fight for you to be declared innocent, or killing the babes of your enemy is fine and expected but oh muh guest right, oh muh kinslaying

No one shat on Aegon for Harrenhal

isnt the skull in the dungeon of the red fortress the one of the biggest dragon ever to exist? the size seems really comparable to hers

>No romance.

The entire film is a romance between the captain and the doctor. They even have a break up and get back together. They spend their nights playing string duets together as an allegorical substitute for homosexual. This is the greatest no homo romance film of all time.

>there is no legal or logical argument for cruel and unusual punishment.
Psychological warfare

Their deaths WERE instant, fuckers were ash in seconds

If he gave a shit about his son he would have kneeled. Just proves what a piece of shit he was.


>tfw you raise your two daughters to be studious and play chess and they still become attention whores

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> pledge allegiance to literal fascists
> A hero comes around to save everyone and offers you to join her
> stick with your fascists and burn to death because you made a shit deal and are too dumb to realize you've been played

Justified in my opine.

We all know you are a hole

god I hope daenerys doesn't make it to the fucking end of this series. plot armor cunt.

we all know you dont have a heir and never will

None of that is fine. All of that is morally-wrong and decried as such by the contemporaries in the setting. Like I said before, just because cruel murder was more common does not mean it was ever morally right


Torn apart in the court cases I read, senpai
then again these are American courts so they uniquely require actual standards

>Not wanting a hord of savages ravaging your country, following a foreign Queen whose family is notorious for Madness

>decried as such
Yet those characters have plenty of fans, few haters, aren't called mad or unusually cruel except to point out how they're effective, and instory are still leaders and looked up to by people except their enemies and even then there are exceptions

But muh daenarys sksksks

It was the biggest one since Aegons Conquest. It lived to be over 200 years old.

And even on the show its MUCH bigger than any of Danys dragons.

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>yeah women don't understand honor, sacrifice, courage, responsibility!
>says the NEET living with his parents and whining about how he cant get laid

>kicking ass in a fictional setting written by men is girl btfo power!

>kicking ass
>in a fictional setting
That don't work.

Yeh, hence these daily threads noting how stupid it is.

When do the writers call him a bad guy?

Wrong board but still this.

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the size is probably inconsistent overall but if you check the last episode when dany lands at king's landing the size of the skull is much closer to that size compared to season 6

What game is this?

>historyfags and autists alike pretend history is morality-free because it happened long ago
>they're suddenly clutching their pearls when someone portrays an immoral act of war
This one's fictional, fellas. No hurt in partaking in the festivities.

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>assuming user is a historyfag for some reason
>implying Yea Forums autists aren't a broad spectrum of retarded

ur post has fallacies my man

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One is tournament armor and one isn't, though. If you look into real armor, even for the same individual, their tournament armor was always WAY fancier and more ornate than the armor they really wore in battle, which, even in the case of royalty, was often relatively unadorned. In battle all that matters is efficacy. Not saying that overall the costume quality didn't go down- they got different costume designers I think?- but that one makes sense, they're probably totally different sets of armor just sharing the rose theme.

This one right here. I went and watched this movie in theater with about 25 people from work, and not one single woman there could grasp why they continued racing.

what makes you think that? Both me and my mom teared up during that scene

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a woman literally did understand him

sounds like your mom fucks black guys

Honor isn't real boomer

I'm trying to understand what you guys are talking about but I can't remember what happened in the show. Can someone explain?

That and a $1 will get you...$1.

Not really.
Its gets you a high credit score for one.

If I could have negotiated her not burning my dad alive I would have considered kneeling. If she went ahead and burned my dad fuck that bitch she can just burn me too

Absolute pleb character that took historical exploits from real people. Trash self-insert of writers.

The only people I see gushing about him are mostly the Tumblr variety.


They died quicker by the Dragonfire than they would by a beheading. They were ash in seconds.

>watches a father and son burned alive
Fuck this gay earth

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the guy in op pic is sam (the fatguy shadowing jon snow) younger brother, he was burnt to a crisp along his father by daenerys after a fight. Samwell saves jorah who daenerys has in the friendzone.


does this guy have a tiny head in every show he appears in?

You are comparing burning at the stake to abrupt incineration by a mythical creature's mouth braps. You would have a point if she simply placed them above a flame. They were dead as soon as they became engulfed.

better than kneeling to a foreign whore, thats for sure

Fair enough, but the Cruel and Unusual Punishment angle is a farce.

she's the legit queen of the kingdom tho, not a foreigner

Danys are 7 years old. The ones Aegon conquered westeros with were decades old at the time.

Shes lived all her Life in essos among savages


Are you joking?

most of her life was at some lord's mansion tho, and she was away because she would get killed otherwise
what sort of judas cuck switches side for some dumb fat usurper the moment there is some hardship?

Nah, bringing a horde of niggers officially makes her not of the kingdom.

I don't know why I just wasted 5min doing this

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I actually posted it as an example some armor getting better until their newer, shitty costume designer came aboard. I think the reason you explained about it looking more efficient is why I always liked it more.
Whoever came up with this piece of shit design should've been fired immediately

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no, my country didn't had tv or internet until like 3 years ago so i'm behind in a lot of things

needs to be smaller
pirated windows

jon has an horde of snowniggers
cersey hired an horde of whateverniggers
lets be honest, westeros cucks cant fight for shit and most of the male population fit for battle has already been killed in the last wars

>legit queen
No such thing. The Targaryens took the crown by force to begin with, and Bobby B took it from them in the same fashion. She's got dragons and therefore the crown is hers, simple as that. No dragons, no crown.

knitted mail is quite common in film tho' but i do agree it was done on purpose in this case

The women that post in these threads are always so obvious.

dothraki can btfo all westeros even without dragons, problem is most of them will die to winter being used to savana

He’s a big guy, they make him look absolutely gigantic in Umbrella Academy with the extra padding.

Bane has met his match when it comes to big guys


Literally a film that women will never understand.

Have sex

They look like almost the same set but the left one looks cheaper. Why not just keep using the same armor?

Whore chess

Literally "I am no man" tier

lmao incels

>attention faggot who just wanted everyone to like him
pompey was literally a grill

i was really having a hard time figuring out when billy bones wore plate armor.
forgot he was even in this show.

>jon has an horde of snowniggers

His men rightfully stabbed him for it.

>cersey hired an horde of whateverniggers

She sucks too, and her cuck left her.


The actors all each charge a quarter a million for every episode now.
And normies don't care so why put in the effort? I've literally seen people recommend others to skip the "boring seasons" (ie. 1 through 3) and start at 4.

>His men rightfully stabbed him for it.

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Battle scenes.
Thats where the money went.
They didnt have big battle scenes in the early seasons. They would just skip to right after the battle had been fought.

Jon left after he did that.

His tenure as Lord Commander was nothing short of a complete failure.

i agree on that, he's a short sighted cunt

He was young.
His story makes sense.
He was a young kid put in charge of a bunch of hardass grown men and it was a bad idea.

Watch Rome again

thats a lie there was a wavering moment when the only time women are on screen are on screen

from this...

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his attitude is problematic, if he was 60yo it would be same
he's a 100% unitasker, can't think of anything beside the immediate objective he has in mind and can't even begin to imagine what people that disagree with him will do
decapitating the baldie cuck that talked back to his orders was a pretty great moment for his leadership tho

to this.

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originally the show did a decent job of making all the sides decently empathetic and giving you reasons to dislike pretty much any house, except maybe the starks unless you were a pragmatist

best king

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Unironically Walter White.

Have sex

what a bunch of kikes
i don't blame them tho, they know normies will eat shit anyway

Not neccesarily.
Everybody is different at age 60 than they are at 18 or whatever Jon was.

>burning alive

You mean being incinerated in seconds. The Tarlys would have felt nothing. They burned to ashes in like 5-8 seconds flat. Their nerves would have been seared away as soon as the fire hit.

The crown was in debt, Tywin probably took some of the metal from the armor to sell

ned was the same, honorable but short sighted and simple minded
jon is a clone of ned

Have sex femcel

The Ainur are suppossed to be "beautiful"

Hence all the screaming?

Master and Commander

those were actors and not actually burning, they screamed to make it seem that they were actually burning and suffering despite the dragon being a cgi entity that doesnt exist in our realm therefore cant damage anyone

thanks user

It's supposed to. The point is to show dany is going mad and repeating the mistakes of her father, who killed honorable men just for disagreeing with him.

The real cringe is dany fans who refuse to see theyre clearly setting her up for madness

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Thats literally the message of the show though. Sorry you're incapable of thinking past surface level on anything

Fact is westeros wouldve been COMPLETELY fine if Dany and Jon hadnt done anything at all

at least he tried

>Thats literally the message of the show though
No it isn't. You're a mindless /pol/ user with a banal political agenda so you need for the show to be "pushing" [insert leftist narrative] so you can pretend you're being victimized by it.

I knew i recognized him from somewhere while watching Umbrella Academy

>jon looks at him in shock
>Sam The Ham shrugs
>Well i couldn't let'er live, could I?

Why is there no maario naharis in this thread?

Newfags think its clever.
Old fags have been doing it since 2001.
And its Super Daario, not maario naharis

Good one

Is that pic of John C McGinley?

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This could have been a good thread without all these GoT fags shitting up the place

it was meant to be a de facto /got/ retard


Gods you're the stupidest cunt in this threados

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Doubt Sam would blame her for it really, not just show Sam.

Davos knew his son was a goner to the red womans religion. You could see it in his eyes long before his son died.

those are some wide shoulders

Dude, Balerion the Dread was over twice the size Drogon currently is. And Drogon is the size of a 747.

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Balerion was around 200 when the Targaryens came to Westeros.

Four player chess. There are many adaptations of it including many new rules. It is quite fun, these two appear to be playing two full sides each. I played it on deployment. Half the fun is arguing which rules to play by.

He wouldve been around 100 during the conquest. He lived another 100 years after it.

No, I am pretty sure Jon is. The Targaryens had a huge fucking war with themselves 150 years before the start of GOT about whether or not a woman could sit the throne. It killed many of their dragons. The decision was NO.

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umm why did they volunteer to secure the crash site knowing they were gonna die lol

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Because they are brainwashed army NPCs.

His head doesnt match his body

I forget which scene but at one point we see Captain Aubrey writing a letter to his dear wife Sofie. Stephen has oneitis for this cunt Diana who never loves him back but after riding the cock carousel from India to Norway eventually marries him for his money after which she dies in between books when she drives her post-chaise off a cliff.

Dothraki can't BTFO shit in westeros
Winter is coming and these dumb fucks don't even have food supplies

They knew as more normies watched it no one would give a fuck

jorah kicked the fucking shit out of a supposedly strong dothraki, their blades can't do shit to armor. the unsullied are probably a different story though

Fuck Daenerys and fuck the dothraki

Jaime looked like a straight paladin when he first rides into Winterfell in s1. damn

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dorthraki break themselves against the pike formation and have no archer to do any parthian memes. no logistics no nothing so as long as people hole up they are nothing to westeros. Unsullied are misused but even if they weren't they have no place against an army that is both physically stronger and just as disciplined.

No, his narrative fits perfectly for women

Jude Law's character makes more sense for this thread

This fucking guy.

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>Jaime's armor

Makes that black crap look even worse by comparison.

I wonder if Rush will be the last great Ron Howard movie.

The honor of a man doesn't matter when he's the enemy and essentially tells you to your face in short words that he will never obey you, and fight against you until he dies in battle or kills you. The father cemented then that they either died in battle or died by a dragon, so why wait for the next battle?

Killing them made perfect sense, It'd be mad to have let them go.

>"bend the knee"

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What was more enraging was why didn't they have the chopper drop them on a rooftop and just provide overwatch. Would have been better for defense for all of them and they could have stalled for more time since the militia would have had to wait for explosives or get shredded. They didn't have to go out like that.


Ah the fabled incel thread of the night

Yeah, just leave the critically injured crew in the crashed helicopter that could catch fire, real smart.

>This thread again
Have Sex™

Youre late, incel

This made me think, is a character like "The Boss" someone women will ever understand?

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>Have Sex
I just raped 3 women, it was awesome. Thanks for the advice.

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Pilot was already dead. That crewman could either crawl away or all 3 could die dragging him out of a completely boxed in area.

dragons don't always have the same size, Tywin say in season 2 that one of the Old Targaryen had a head the size of an apple

They got bogger in Valyria because there was more space for them to roam around.
In westeros they got smaller and smaller due to being kept in the small dragon pit.

It’s intentionally bad. That character was an oaf

Wow women really dont get this scene. you weren't joking

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based da vinci

Absolutely not



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yes. some of the old dragons were literally massive. that was exactly the point. they became weaker and smaller and eventually died out.

Targs were just Valyrians bums that didnt know how to take care of dragons

>Killing them made perfect sense, It'd be mad to have let them go.
Are you mentally challenged? You do realize there are more than two options. Many lords got captured by a pretender but refused to switch sides, yet such pretenders rarely executed them.
E.g. Duke of Orléans, got captured in Agincourt by Henry V, and he was kept imprisoned next twenty-five years.
Keep the Tarleys imprisoned until the end of the war, after it, give them a chance to ransom themselves and swear loyalty. And if they still refuse, send them to the Wall or exile them to Essos.

Johnny Strong and the character from the movie, Rourke.

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I can’t watch TV with my wife for this very reason, she’ll be on her phone and then start asking questions during critical dialogue. Then when they raise objection they say it’s just a show

best answer itt


>omg he's a trump supporter and he was mean to taylor swift that one time, fuck him his music sucks!

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Was there an actual point drumpfies decided to appropriate outrage culture

lerk morr

You have it wrong. The current agenda in big media like HBO's Game of Thrones series, is to subvert the audiences expectations. You thought those were honorable, good intention, knights dying by the strong dragon Queens dragon fire? Nope. One was an old racist nazi asshole, and the other was his dumb unchecked-privledged son, who chose to stay dumb and unchecked.


Retard. And yes Aegon was a dick.

No my mom always watches this

what excuse can red possibly have for that retarded ass development?


Newer armour looks more realistic. The first pic would be very constrictive in movement compared to the newer metal/chain hybrids

Because she's a roasty whore

I am rather suspicious of the modern assumption of battlefield armor not being ornate, as it seems rooted in nothing more than our biases of what "We" think they would have done. If we have illustrations or documentation speaking to the use of ornate arms and armor in battle, then it means they used it. I do know there is demonstratable proof that tournament armor was heavier (particularly for jousting).

I'm not able to speak to the late medieval period as that's not my area of expertise, rather pretty much anything up to the 1200s is what I focus in. But I've heard that argument levied for ornate pieces of armor or weapons from that period. I know there are some textual accounts that speak to gilded and ornate things in battle as well as period artwork depicting them in a battlefield capacity. Battle often involved a measure of conspicuous consumption. We today think of the grungy and gritty being a more fearsome warrior but the ancients elude in text accounts to a more spit-and-polished army being more fearsome to an opponent, to a Roman soldier having ornately painted his shield in Scipio's Legions in Spain (which challenges the "Oh the Dura Europos shields are too fancy, they are just ceremonial"), Homer's account of Achilles and Agamemnon's ornate cuirasses. Given how accurate Homer was on features of warfare centuries before him like the boar's tusk helmet, the old way of chariot fighting, Ajax's tower shield, it makes me skeptical he suddenly gets it wrong and the highly ornate nature of Agamenon's cuirass is just an artistic license.

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It's reasonable to say his armor would be that fancy even in battle just because he's from one of the great houses. There were knights/lords that had really ornate looking battlefield armor just because they were so rich.

>I've literally seen people recommend others to skip the "boring seasons" (ie. 1 through 3) and start at 4.
That's retarded, even beyond the fact that the show's writing and production value begins plummeting, but you'd lose context for almost everything. Almost so retarded I refuse to believe it.

Exactly. We take a modern very science or "Minmax" kind of view towards ams and armor that was just not the case for most of history. And when I say most of history I mean well up to WW2 where a lot of stubborn senses of tradition and a kind of aesthetic ruled over actual empirical fact or that minmax "efficiency". Without trying to shit on the prior user, pure efficiency has rarely ever been 'all that matters' or all that was considered in combat. At least until recently and the industrial level of warfare. Pre-gunpowder and even early gunpowder combat has a major psychological element to it. For gunpowder era you have the use of taller men with taller helmets for grenadiers and guard regiments (Despite being less efficient in being an easier target), while Napoleonic doctors and generals themselves universally account (sadly I misplaced my book or I'd quote it verbatim) that bayonet charges in open battle pretty much NEVER happened. Bayonet fighting happened in sieges and storming fortifications, but if a force charged with a bayonet either they were gunned down and fled before they met the opposing line or the opposing line fled. Despite this, the cult of l'armee blanche was strong well past the Napoleonic wars, and to an extent only died for good in WW1. Efficiency emphatically failed to suborn glamor or 'aesthetic'.

But with armour, it's a case like user said of those who could afford it or had the motivation to do so doing so, rather than having a kind of grungy down-to-earth "most efficient and cheap option possible". Especially given Westerosi warfare would have some level of theatrics and pageantry for a knight and especially a high ranking knight.

This is a less verified theory of mine but I think that the professional soldier is liable to favor the cheap and efficient while the aristocratic soldier is liable to prefer the ostentatious. Vegetius mentions late roman soldiers hating to wear helmets and trying to skirt out of wearing armor - because they have to march and labor, shit's not fun. The ancient equivalent of a range-queen/mall-ninja or the aristocratic knight or Iliadic champion who goes to war like a kind of bloody tournament doesn't have to worry about that. So they'll wear and pay more for the ostentatious and pompous. It's rather like how if you require a GI equip his M16 with funds from his wallet he's going to buy the cheapest shit he can get away with. The range-queen mall-ninja from /k/ is going to doll his AR15 up with the firearm world equivalent of gucci and chanel.

And then above all it's the fucking Lannisters, part of their power is their extravagant wealth and they are liable to display it on their soldiery both for in-world reasons and for meta storytelling purposes. Same reason Tyrel soldiery love flowery ornamentation, same reason North/Stark soldiery all look more grungy, dour and utilitarian.