How did it go so wrong...

How did it go so wrong? The tone went from "magical adventure gone wrong" to "SAVE THE DINOS! hunters = bad! and "hi im jeff goldblum and im going to be sarcastic and pessimistic the entire time . the only redeeming thing was roland

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Forced sequel


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shouldve kept this scene

still the second best in the series

I like that it went more grim. Why re-do the first one? Look at what we have now.
This franchise is proof how each successive film gets worst and worst.
I didn't think I would like the third one but damn did the JW movies make me love that one now.
Footage of raptors being smart.

>-Hey Crichton write a sequel to Jurassic Park then we'll make a movie based on it.
>-I don't want to, Steven.
>-Come on faggot.
>-Alright i guess.
And Spielberg and David Koepp proceed to shit all over the novel and keep pretty just the modified trailers vehicle and Jeff Goldblum from the story.
What was wrong with them, The Lost World was a good novel.

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>10 millon dollar dinos
the average home in the usa costs more than a deathly dino weapon

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>good novel
thats a bit of a stretch. its clear Crichton had no intention of writing a sequel to the first book until he was forced to. I could read the first book dozens of times, I've only read lost world once

Should have used the fluffy Pteranodon.

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Spielberg basically gutted the first one but replaced everything he changed with absolute movie magic. This one stay truer to the tone of the book but it blindsided people as now they were expecting the same type of heartwarming tale.

Yeah I wanted to write OK novel but it's a little better than that so i went with good. It's between OK and good. But it was way more interesting than the movie that's for sure

Fair point. I'm a pretty big Crichton fan in general, some of his other novels are pretty interesting.Sphere, Airframe, Andromeda Strain,

>how did it go so wrong
Nigga when this movie came out, everyone was head over heels and loved it. I remember going to see it with my dad and it was an awesome experience, pretty sure not a single person that day was unhappy leaving the theater.

spielberg was a god damned fag and didn't follow the novel which was basically a well done script

sequels still tap ideas and concepts from that book, which is pretty pathetic

>kicks raptor in the face with gymnastics

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I thought you were dead. Did they upload your mind to a computer or something?

>Detweiller, if you want me to run your little camping trip, there are two conditions: firstly, I'm in charge, and when I'm not around, Finster is. Second condition: my fee? You can keep it. All I want in exchange for my services is the right to hunt one of the kindergartners. A male, a buck only. How and why are my business. Now if you don't like either of those two conditions, you're on your own. So go ahead, put a whoopie-cushion in my chair. Watch Vince have rough sex with Spinelli in the jungle gym. Set up base camp right here, or in a swamp, or in the middle of a Rex nest for all I care! But don't say I don't care about summer vacation, 'cause I've been on too many safaris with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas, OK?
idk, the dialogue here always felt jarring to me.

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were all of Crichton's books about theme parks going awry on purpose or was it an accident?

The book wasn’t a magical fun adventure

why did they give malcolm a black kid?

its his wife's daughter.

Malcolm was cuck

she was ready, willing, and able to do literally anything for the role. And she did.

i never liked kids in all these jurassic movies. would have better without them

that nipslip tho

Because it wasn't trying to be an adventurous thriller, it was an action packed sequel more intrested in body count. The first film's dinosaurs felt like a trip back in time with real dinosaurs. 2nd movie turns them into mindless monsters. The biggest offense is turning the film into some sort of hamfisted environmental message too.

Fuck you nick and sarah. biggest retards of the franchise

I liked the second novel way more than the first, but I don't know if it would have made a better movie if they suck closer to it

Nick is the true villian

The themes were essentially the same politically. The first one was anti-capitalist and the second one targeted a similar breed of political opponent - hunters.

Fuck you guys, JPII is just as good as the first one. It's like Godfather 1 and 2 or the Back to the Future trilogy. They're all good.

>muh gymnastics
Yeah, because the first movie didn't have goofy moments like that.

Now, the third Jurassic Park movie is indeed a huge pile of shit.


The hunters shouldve been from Biosin

Name a goofy moment in Jurassic Park on par with gymnastic raptor kill.

>murrican capitalism
>murrican feminism
>murican affordable healthcare

The United States were a mistake.

deepest lore

I was expecting the Roland/Ajay scene.
Both great.

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I like that scene too but I think it played too much on the annoying tourist part. I think just having the Ajay Roland conversation would've been good

Jurassic Park is literally the only one with a theme park.

His books are about science gone wrong, usually when money or politics gets involved.

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Will she make a comeback bros?

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Pretty much.

Who is this flat chested transgender black man?

The raptor running full speed and hitting himself in the reflection in the kitchen.

Nick and Sarah are single-handily responsible for every death in that film. I'm not even kidding. Even San Diego was their fault.

westworld, timeline

>JPII is just as good as the first one. It's like Godfather 1 and 2

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There is only one good jurrassic park movie. They shouldn't have made so many. FUCK MONEY

>Fuck you guys, JPII is just as good as the first one. It's like Godfather 1 and 2 or the Back to the Future trilogy. They're all good.
>the Back to the Future trilogy. They're all good.

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Lost world is better than the orignal. Sorry braindead user. Your lack of thought is terminal

It didn't come from a book. It came from a studio wanting a sequel to their movie based on a book so they bugged him to quickly rush something out then changed that too.
The book has a little boy who jumped grades he's so smart and he hacks his way into the island. A lot worse than a simple swing and kick from a trained gymnist

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Not everyone is a racist incel like you. In the first movie he says he's always looking for the next ex Mrs Malcom. One was black.



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You have nothing better than that? because gymnastic raptor kill is a lot worst.

>ywn see Cameron's version of Jurassic Park because Spielberg basically rigged the process to get the rights to make the movie
>Cameron wanted to make a darker movie closer to the novel

JP is my favorite movie of all time but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't want to see Cameron's version as well.

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Why did Roland wait until they were already there to name his conditions? Seems kind of like a waste of a flight around the world if he had said all that, and Ingen man had just told him to fuck off.

You make it sound like it was some kind of fair fight. She kicks the thing and it impales itself. It's not as if she went toe-to-toe with it and won in a boxing match.

if she went toe-to-toe with it and won in a boxing match that would have been less stupid.

>characters talking
>"i'll show you what i mean"
>drive an hour to get to the spot
>character finishes the conversation
what were they doing in the car for an hour

Uh oh

Not true. I was in fifth grade when it came out and one of my friends said his dad hated it so much and got so pissed when it got to the part in San Diego (I still don’t get why he hated that so much) that he left the theater and took his kids. My friend said this like he was proud, like his dad was some tasteful patrician and everyone who liked it were idiots. I told him his dad was an asshole. A few years later his parents got divorced because his dad was having an affair then he went to jail after getting several DUIs so I was right.

>His books are about science gone wrong, usually when money or politics gets involved.

That’s practically the message of the first book. Science gone wrong because of greed and lack of ethics.

I liked it.

>European diversity
>European socialism
>European economy

Europe should just be carved off and ejected into space.

The problem with the book is that they keep monologuing scientific facts over and over.
Also the deaths seemed uninspired

yeah dumb action is so much better than scientific facts

I agree.

Dodgson's death was pretty chilling.

Agree. This movie gets an unfair rap. It certainly still sparked wonder in me as a child. All new dinosaurs shown, 2 T Rexes this time, being stuck surrounded by dinosaurs in the wild rather than a few escaped ones.

The Godblum cut here was GOAT but it would be worth sacrificing that for this scene as it explains so much

Because of the utter stupidity of a T-Rex running through the city in the middle of the night and nobody noticing

The Lost World just went a bit overboard when in the middle of a chase or a tense spot all of a sudden either Levine or Malcolm just starts explaining something in a very long winded way.

Imagine if the whole of The Fallen Kingdom had been as good as the first five minutes, that opening sequence was the best thing since the original film.

>. the only redeeming thing was roland
He was great and based to be honest, they could have done the sequel entirely with him.

DESU the book was pretty cool but the movie went too hollywood

>>-I don't want to, Steven.
>>-Come on faggot.
Actually Mike went to spielberg to announce he was working on the second book. and to be honest I like the second book more than the first.

So? There's only one good movie in the series to begin with.

I still love it, the dialogue isn't that great and I fucking hate Ian and Sarah but the film itself has such a cool aesthetic to it with them lost in the jungles, also John Williams' score for it is underrated.

>It certainly still sparked wonder in me as a child.
The only thing it sparked in me as a child was confusion over how the t-rex managed to eat everyone on the boat if it was still locked in the hangar.

He had no intention of writing a sequel to Jurassic Park. The Lost World was the only sequel that he ever wrote in a career of over 30 novels and several movies. He wrote a sequel because so many kids wrote to him with suggestions on how the story should be continued and he thought all their ideas were shit and decided to show them how it would really play out.

Also the guy was a total chad
>As an adolescent Crichton felt isolated because of his height (6 ft 9 in, or 206 cm). During the 1970s and 1980s, he consulted psychics and enlightenment gurus to make him feel more socially acceptable and to improve his karma.
>In 1992, Crichton was ranked among People magazine's 50 most beautiful people.
>He married five times. Four of the marriages ended in divorce: with Joan Radam (1965–1970), Kathleen St. Johns (1978–1980), Suzanna Childs (1981–1983), and actress Anne-Marie Martin (1987–2003), the mother of his daughter Taylor Anne (born 1989).[114] At the time of his death, Crichton was married to Sherri Alexander (2005–2008), who was six months pregnant with their son; John Michael Todd Crichton was born on February 12, 2009.[115]

based thot destroyer compys

Because now they've already got their whole team there, losing Roland would mean either continuing without a hunter with such a level of expertise, or spending money waiting for another lead hunter. Perhaps Roland's fee was substantial enough that InGen, which we know was in dire financial straits, would gladly trade a male Rex for it.

It goes beyond that. It lacks likeable characters. You have Malcom, a type of character best played off a straight man like Grant. Everyone else was so ridiculously stupid and/or pious I wanted them all to die.

Those animals have got to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

>”Hurrrr sure, go ahead and kill one of these animals for sport, of which only four are known to exist”.

grant>>>malcom and jp3>tlw desu

I will defend Lost World until the very day I die for that transition alone.

But they can just grow more. They cost a million bucks or something in the JW park builder game

That not "a goofy moment." It was actually a tense and scary moment to trick the audience because Lex fooled the raptor.

You mean how did it go so right? JP2 is better than 1 in every way. It's more complex, more nuanced, the factions between the hunters and conservationists was fun as fuck. Not to mention 2 T Rex's, like there was meant to be in the book of JP1. People are literally brainless if they don't like JP2. It was a slightly darker tale, with more complex interesting character motivations.

That’s the game. Anyway, they would take years to raise to adulthood, and Ingen needs them now.

The ending where the T-Rex barges in and saves the day from the 3 raptors, total dues ex machina

>you can supposedly hear the rex coming from a mile away as it's steps make the earth quake
>ninja's it's way in at the end to kill the raptors to save the main cast

The ending of JP1 was shit. The book was much better. I really liked the JP1 film but it's overrated, and JP2 underrated.

JP1 Book > JP2 Film > JP1 Film > JP2 Book > JP3 >>> JW1 > JW2.

As cool as Speilbergs version was, it was nowhere near as good as the book. A James Cameron version of JP1 would have been fucking amazing.

Hopefully Cameron lives to 120 and after Avatar 3 and Alita 3 are finished, Universal loses the rights to JP after their 6 film contract is up and Cameron can direct a new adaption of the book.

Are you surprised that malcolm fucked a sexy black woman?


At least they are good actors unlike the little spic teenage doctor and hypocondriac faggot from fallen kingdom. Holy fuck that movie has the worst writing and acting of any of the jurassic movies. That mexican director was completely wasted on it. I just tried watching it again an hour ago since I saw it last year... couldnt make it past 40 mins. What a terrible film.

At least the lost world has good music, great actors, some great action sequences, and good cinematography and effects. The only thing I can say for FK is... the dinosaurs looked great.

it aggro'd them and they all came running in to the hangar one at a time, like in a 90s FPS.

How the fuck was he a chad? Just because he was tall? Fuck that noise, height has NOTHING to do with being a chad/cool or to get laid.

And left their body parts all over the deck?

when did you realize that 3 was the best in the franchise?

True, but it's not a bad thing in the film. JP2 is simply more nuanced. There is no clear cut good or bad guys, just rival factions.

The hunters vs nick and sarah are one of the best things about the film. All the side characters are great. JP1 is too simplistic and has that soppy fatherhood story, it's very black and white and childish. JP2 leaves that behind and I think that's why it gets a lot of hate. Brainlets hate when one of their dumb series get smartened up, even just a little bit, they hate it so much. Same happened with the Star Wars prequels

JW2's cast is fucking atrocious and annoying.

Westworld was also a book

>it's very black and white
Who's the villain of JP1 then?

For me it was right after I had a brain aneurysm, collapsed and hit my head real hard.

Nedry and the Raptors.

Really good movie still second best no questions about it.

He's disloyal, but his intention was never to set any dinosaurs free. It's purely by accident that his actions has such catastrophic consequences. Not exactly villain material.

>the Raptors
Are simply animals. The sequels play them up as genuine villains way more than the first movie does.

>>The ending where the T-Rex barges in and saves the day from the 3 raptors, total dues ex machina

Didn't even happen in the book, Grant kills the 3 raptors by himself like a badass.

Raptors don't play a big role in 2. In 3 they are simply trying to regain their eggs from someone who stole them.

>nedry's intention

He still wanted to commit corporate espionage, he shut down the power purposfully.

Anyways even if there is no clear cut villain, all the human mains are all good. It's just humans tying to escape some dino's with a sappy family theme thrown in. In JP2 you had humans who's motivations were arguable even more than Nedry's.

I know, I've read the book. The film does not compared to the book at all. As good as the JP1 movie was, it really shits all over the muhc better book, and people wanking off solely over the JP1 film, and shit on the other films are retards. JP2 is a better movie by far, it actually deviated in an arguably good way from the book.

>JP2 is a better movie by far, it actually deviated in an arguably good way from the book.
I was with you until you said this.
Seriously, dude

Never read the second book but I read the first one and if did it around 1993 I might've been disappointed that the book had more dinosaur scenes but the sequels adapted the missing scenes eventually and those that made it to the first movie are better than those in the book. Also the ending not just the phenomenal third act with the raptors but the final scene as compared to what Crichton wrote. What I think book did better were what Crichton loved the most: science and technology. Those scenes with characters talking about dinosaurs, computers, dna and the state of the park were the highlight for me.

>the Raptors
>Are simply animals.
Did you completely miss this scene? The one where the movie establishes that they are NOT "simply animals," and that they are systematically trying to escape? That the line "when she looks at you, you can see she's working things out" was implying that they are sentient, thinking creatures and not "simply animals?"

I said arguable. I like both the film and the book. I liked the camouflage dino's and some of the other scenes. But the fact is, very little of the JP2 film takes from the book. A lot of the best scenes in the movie like in the trailer over the cliff are much shorter in the book and not as good. Plus IIRC some of the unused stuff from the JP1 book made it into the JP2 film. Also the whole hunter safari wasn't in the book. The book just felt a lot smaller scale than the movie. Now I like both, but they are too wildly different to be the same thing. JP2 is only very very loosly based on it's book.

I think that JP1 Book > JP2 film > JP1 film > JP2 book

I liked the long grass, the dino safari, the trailer scene, the high hide (it's different than the book version), the raptors in worker village, the t rex's in the camp and creek bed, and the sabotage and dino escapes in the hunters camp all too much and barely any of that is in the book version, and if it was it was drastically different.

It's a funny thing to say about a movie that single handedly put the raptors, and specifically the idea of smart raptors on the map. Also the link with birds.

They should have found a way to keep the "T-Rex's don't need movement to see" bit from the book, as well as the raptor inadvertently stealing the key macguffin (don't remember what the key was to - one of the vehicles, I think).
The bird thing was well established already, but perhaps not well-known in the public.

I watched Fantasia, apparently the most accurate scinetific portrayal of dinosaurs to date at that time. According to them dinosaurs had a pigeon-sized brains. This changed over time but reptiles always had a bad reputation the book had quotes about this at the beginning. As for the link between birds and reptiles scientists believed it more than a hundred years ago.

Dinosaurs are a hoax and you guys are fucking retarded

if we're lucky?

JP1 = JP2 > the rest

Lost World is underrated.
3 is a horrible waste of film when it had the makings of a good film.

I love how Crichton always puts in charts and graphs and code right into the text so you can see it and not try to visualize it

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Apparently raptors that snuck onboard were meant to have killed them in the script and then escaped with the rex's into San Diego although this is rumor although i thought that it could be the pteranodons that we see flying at the end of the movie and in JP III although this link below is the best explanation I've come across.

Came here to post this.

The last act of the movie. You can just watch it up until the point when they get off the island and turn it off.

>Fuck you guys, JPII is just as good as the first one. It's like Godfather 1 and 2 or the Back to the Future trilogy.

Excuse me sir, you better not be implying that Back to the Future III is in any way, good

You would miss this part though.

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>Excuse me sir, you better not be implying that Back to the Future III is in any way, good

I share a board with these retards and their retarded opinion.

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If I'm not mistaken, Spielberg also forced him to resurrect Ian Malcolm in the 2nd novel.

Crichten wrote a blockbuster picture within a novel and makes the movie look like trash.

I will also have a soft spot in my heart for The Lost World.. But Steven had his head firmly planted up his ass when forcing everything about it.

There's a lot better and more subtle gag earlier; just after the T-Rex breaks free from the boat and a bunch of cops cars speed into the scene, only to turn the fuck around and speed off, there's an animal control truck among them.

I remembered seeing this when I was younger but it never showed up on any other times I watched it with friends and even my recent download of it didn't have this scene. Was it included in some director's cut thing or something that I got when it was released on VHS?

2 could have been better if they got rid of the gymnastics and maybe the raptors didn't have such a big role in the movie. And the ending scene with the guy getting eaten by the baby rex was kinda stupid. Oh and the T rex some how eating everybody on the boat, that made no sense. Basically the first half of the movie is amazing

Patrician taste.

Seriously? You guys don't like The Lost World? It's pretty good aside from the weird Malcolm black daughter shit.

I felt Jurassic World was kind of a parody of itself and Blockbuster movies in general. It had that sense of self awareness I thought was pretty clever. Yeah it really wasn't anything like Jurassic Park, but you've already seen that story and that kind of commentary about man trying to control nature. JW was giving everyone something different and I enjoyed how ridiculous it was. Fallen Kingdom though was shit though, hated it. Not sure how they're going to make dinosaurs a global threat when only about a dozen escaped into the woods. Seems kind of stupid but whatever

It was in the trailer, I remember it from there.

i still dont understand why john hammond was sending people to the island in this movie. what the fuck was his plan he literally says he's making a "living fossil record" ??? someone help me out here

Said literally no one ever

>he literally says he's making a "living fossil record"
So it's basically Pokemon but with dinosaurs. Does that make Ludlow, Roland, and the Ingen guys Team Rocket?

did he somehow forget which species they had been breeding before the events of the first movie? did he think that the span of time between the first and second movies was enough time for entirely new species to evolve on isla sorna? it really makes no sense whatsoever

Well actually everyone’s kinda of an asshole in JP2 except Malcom I guess

Jesus christ, so this is the power of the MCU generation. This is what happened when minds molded by the MCU go back and watch real kino. Fuck.

They were experts doing a safety inspection you fucking faggot.

The thing about JW that really makes it shit for me is the complete lack of attention to detail.
>I-rex has killed a bunch of things
>They're all arrayed across a field, all facing different directions, when they should be arrayed in a rough line, all facing one way because they were fleeing
>Starlord has a gun
>It's a fucking 1890's Cavalry carbine, notable for being chambered in a PISTOL CALIBER making it wholly unsuitable for shooting dinosaurs, it would literally just make them mad
>The Raptors have their eyes on the sides of their head, instead of having the binocular vision that is so often associated with (real) Raptors

No internal consistency, just brainlet tier "duh this looks cool I guess" direction with no thought put into it.

Those little fuckers were so much worse in the books the Compsognathus were so brutal that when they got on the mainland they actually spiked the child mortality rate and kept killing babies

I think the movie is fine up until the San Diego scene. The film should have just ended on the island.

lol whose safety are they inspecting? the dinos?

>he doesn’t know about .45-70

Oh shit lmfao

Because Costa Ricans were retarded by leaving infants alone with the doors and windows open

the book was a lot slower and smaller in scope, but I think it did a better job of horror than the movie did. I liked the scenes of seeing the past park works now covered in jungle. But neither the book or the movie makes sense that there was ANOTHER island that they just went up and abandoned after the incident at the other island.

I think Jurrasic Park III was better. Fight me.

They had Genaro, the lawyer, to make sure all legal shit was in order. Grant was a dino expert, to give advice on if there would be problems due to park arrangements, certain animals being in paddocks located to others, how they might react to visitors etc. Satler was inspecting plantlife to make sure it wasn't poisonous. Malcom was a chaos probability mathematician to take a tour and look for things that could go wrong.

How else do you do a safety inspection of a dinosaur themed park. They were the best experts on the subject they could get.

JP3 is literally just scenes cut from the first two books mashed together into a movie with the Spino thrown in. It could have been good with a competent director, but it was very clearly just a series of scenes stitched together however they would fit.
The first movie is a better movie than a 1:1 adaptation of the book, but the book is a better book than a novelization of the movie.
I like the TLW novel but the movie shit the bed pretty hard.

the new Jurassic World movies have really made me appreciate The Lost World. at least it's shot competently and has an underrated john williams score