You will not see a live action LOGH adaptation in your lifetime

>you will not see a live action LOGH adaptation in your lifetime

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>no 4 season HBO show with planets on the intro

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>look this up on wiki
>there's a bunch of different movies and animes, etc
Where do I start watching? What's the definitive viewing order? Which ones are good, which ones are skippable?

They would ruin it so bad it would be unwatchable, for this to work out there need to be fuckton of talented actors knowing their characters, something modern shithole called Hollywood is incapable of.

why are they all dressed like fags?

there's no way that it could be pulled off properly with the current crowd
just look at what is happening to other adaptations

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There is no living men who would give Reuenthal justice

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Watch all 110 episodes of the series. Then if you feel like seeing more move on to the OVAs.

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because it's about future

thank god


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They wanted to LARP their 19th century ancestors when settling a new planet

Why would you want a live action version? The OVA series is perfect and the best space opera ever, it will never be topped so go watch it

Thanks anons, I appreciate it.

>so go watch it
what, again?


>series women literally wouldn't understand

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normalfags want live action of everything for some reason

>>you will not see a live action LOGH adaptation in your lifetime

Lets see what happens with the Gundam movie. Something tells me if that shit goes well, we'll be seeing a lot of 80's anime sci-fi in Hollywood unfortunately

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normalfags attention span is too short for series like LoGH where almost all of season 1 work just as character introduction

S1 would end with Kircheis dying like Ned in Game of Thrones.

If nips have control over it and not Hollywood shitheads then maybe Gundam movie will be decent

Christ Pine should be Mittermeyer

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that's last episode of S1, normies would have enough of talking heads and drop it after episode 3

If an american studio were to do it, the result would be like Star Trek Discovery. The average american wants suspense and flashy sequences, not something to think about.