I wanna die

I wanna die

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imagine being a sonic fag

Essentially nothing has been released about this film but there is a new """""leak""""" that keeps it in the conversation just about every week. Someone on their marketing team is smart.

Why can't they get an original song instead of stealing one made for another movie?

we been spendin most our lives
livin in a furries' paradise
I've had a flea dip once or twice
livin in a furries' paradise

Imagine if there was a Chris-chan cameo.

Maybe they're actually trying to make it as autistic as possible.

I hate rap/hip-hop but that's unironically a good song


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deal with it.

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Look's like KINO is back on the menu boys!

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This will be so bad it's good, I'm sure of it

is this the film that causes the NEET uprising?

They're making sonic nigger now?

Literally who


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Where's the sonichu movie?

Doesn't get any more 90s than this.

that would be pretty fucking good

they are setting up his cinematic universe with this movie and detective pikachu

it's some nigger who made rip off song about amish paradise by "weird "al yankovic


would be the only redeeming factor

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

this bootleg shirt is now canon then?

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post-credit scene

How can Nintendo beat this masterpiece with their Mario movie?

If chris were to appear, I’d sit through it just for that segment.


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Sonichu Cinematic Universe here we go

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>using music in trailers
I seriously want this meme to die

wow bet captain marvel doesn't have killer rap music for it's trailers

women everywhere on the planet btfo

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the world is changing

Satan, I can see it working for Guardians of the Galaxy, because they needed the boomer crowd for it to work, but using Gangsta's Paradise for fucking Sonic is going too far.

You cannot talk about sonic and leave chriss off.

what would you use? speed metal?

Nothing. Nothing at all. Using popular lyrical music for any movie, unless it works, is just following a stupid trend.

On principle I strongly believe that you could make a good movie out of almost anything. But I can't for the life of me think of a way to make a good Sonic live action movie.

this might be a good contender for the worst video game adaptation ever made
even worse than that mario movie

didn't even black and white mute movies have a retard playing the piano? what films are musicless?

Now I kind of want to see it.

This is going to be a disaster but I’m on board for it.

But that was kino

Mario Bros movie was underrated kino though.

the mario film was pretty based and redpilled and plumbers seem way more retarded than 3d hedgehogs

sonic sounds like a pretty straightforward ecologist hero movie to write, like captain planet but with more speed and robots

>missing my point
I meant don't use lyrical music, unless it fit the narrative. I highly doubt the trailer producers considered the meaning behind Gangsta's Paradise and just thought "oohh! wouldn't it be cool to include this kino 90s piece in the trailer?! haha a black guy made it too xDDD"

not even nintendo wants to recognize its existence
thats how fucking bad it was

Will Chris finally snap and go on a rampage?

the mario movie was bad because they didn't understand the source material, but they actually had good production values and nothing about the story structure itself is bad. there is far worse shit like the king of fighter movie

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aren't they trying to fix things by making new mario movie?

That's a biggie lyric though not coolio

ok, so you want instrumental music

when you move a story to a different medium it's retarded trying to keep it too close to the source material, what works on videogames doesn't work on cinema

Miyamoto said it was too similar to the source material.


>being this autistic
Better hop along and make a Bane thread, faggot

I will unironically see this if they manage to make it so bad it's good and not just bad

Weird Al is trash

If i was in charge id make it happen

Why does the Sonic franchise attract genuine autists?

why not use the original music?

shiny colors and friendly animals that still look slightly "edgy"

If the leaked script is anything to go by, we're getting a 10/10 kino.

My hatred for you is balanced by how sorry I feel for you. Well done.

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Yeah get some taste outside of shitty parody music that's outdone by some retard on youtube

What a bizarre choice for dr Eggman.


Why do Americans have to shove every movie of theirs with nigger shit?

it's literally american culture

Gangsta's Paradise is unironically a timeless banger and if you disagree you're not a real nigga

No it isn't. That is just what kikes push as "culture" to retards. Seems to work with people like you.

You're already dead.

This is Hell.

Juggalos are the whitoid of Thug Life

Learn to convey your point better, retard


I'd use anything but fucking gangster's paradise

Isn't there a documentary about this?

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what's true american culture? burgers?

Why didn't they use this version of the song?

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why would you be mad about this? I legit can't wait to see this, it's gonna be a fucking meme fest. It might even become the first true vidyakino.

>christine chandler shows up through CWC portal
>her(male) reek causes tails to fall out of sky
>tackles sonic yelling BLUE ARMS
>Pisses himself
>waddles back into portal

Is it true that Sonic is going to be an experiment of Dr. Eggman's, gone wrong?
Like a rip off of Crash Bandicoot?

Wild West, Irish dancing

Check out weird al yankovic over here

>Sonic looks up to the sky
>the universes are merging
>cut to black

Sonic as a franchise is so consistently bad they're doing it on purpose right? the only good sonic game in like a decade wasn't even made by sonic team ffs

whoaa nice 90s reference brudda, totally retro

He won an Emmy last year

>chris chan in sonics apartment, sitting in the shadows

>"im putting together a team..."

I hope this kino gives MovieBlob a stroke

Been runnin most our lives
Living in a Greenhill paradise
Robotniks on our ass
Running from his Robot-paradise

Why are we, too fast to see?
When my knuckles hurt, my tails fly free

>sonic is hanging out in post credits scene
>chris chan appears to sonic and says "I'm putting together a team"
>sonic kills him and leaves

>in a world...
>where speed is king
>cuts to Eggman, played by Jim Carrey holding an oversized ring "Cha-ching"
>8-bit Green Hills Zone theme starts to fade in
>one hedgehog
>a yawn is heard, a pair of fuzzy legs can be seen getting out of bed
>Sonic, voiced by Ben Schwartz smacks the alarm clock "I think we've all had enough of that"
>it accidentally switches to Shake it Off, Sonic starts to hit it repeatedly cycling through several pop songs before it lands on Ke$ha WAKE UP IN THE MORNING FEELING LIKE P DIDDY
>music pauses Sonic turns to the camera "Well, if you can't beat em, join em"
>cut to Sonic putting on tennis shoes and a pair of sunglasses
>is earth's last hope
>music cuts with a record scratch, the city is in ruins and robots run rampant
>"Aw, c-"
>camera turns to face a hotdog stand
>"Chili dogs!"
>but first
>cut to Sonic in the back seat of a cop car
>he's going to need a little help from a friend
>tik tok starts to play again "Thanks for the ride, Tails!"
>Jonah Hill turns from to look back at him from the front seat
>music pauses every time something funny happens
>"I told you, it's Officer Miles Prower! The ponytail was a one time thing in highschool!"
>from the people who made fast and furious
>montage of slap stick
>Eggman gets hit in the balls "AAAA my precious rings"
>Sonic toward the camera "I guess they'll list him as Egglessman now in the credits"
>this fall
>montage of Sonic fighting robots
>one voiced by guest Kevin Hart ""i JUST got my bolts tightened"
>don't forget your seatbelt
>cut to slow motion crash where Sonic gets flipped upside down, Jonah Hill and him screaming before it zooms out to show the car isn't moving at all
>Sonic the Hedgehog

It's no Hedgehog America but I'll take it.

Sonic music has been shit post Sonic 3. I don't see the problem? The series OST is kind of known for being overly corny know.

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This is awful, it’s perfect

3 billion opening night

screen cap this post

It's a trailer

I hope it's really stupid and somehow folds into itself to become kung pow levels of funny

>featuring gangsta's paradise by coolio

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>>Eggman gets hit in the balls "AAAA my precious rings"
would have been better if he'd called them his chaos emeralds. rings makes no sense at all

If it were up to me I woulda made sonic look alot more faithful to how he did in the 90s.
And make the movie take place in the 90s. Basically make its a heavy 90s period piece that's aware of how outrageous the 90s were because that is the only time sonic was ever cool.

I hate all the "90s kids" bullshit, but that's the only way I can imagine a live action sonic movie working in any way

Or they can just not make it live action. What do I know though, I'm just a dumbass posting on the internet.

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You don't make a movie like this without some kind of reference.

I'm convinced. I genuinely now believe this movie will be absolute meme kino. I cannot fucking wait for the memes. Holy shit. This is going to be the next baneposting. I can already tell. ABSOLUTELY BASED AND REDPILLED.

Been game'n most my life,
livin' in a Sonic paradise.

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>Sonic toward the camera "I guess they'll list him as Egglessman now in the credits"

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I am curious about the Mario movie we will get, too.

>Chrischan would be the Stan Lee of Sonic movies

>Christian Weston Chandler
>In a flick where sanic possesses blue arms.
Ain't happenin'

he's the director

>tfw Robotnik's endgame is to cause a dimensional merge.

how does this fit so well

instant kino


Sonichu is the side-kick