
DISCO (Star Trek Discovery) Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't remember this scene.

You made be repulsed, but this is what peak Starfleet theory of color looks like.

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I have a theory about your color.


Fat, but not cute like Riker

who's the hog?

That beautiful woman is Sylvia "Killy" Tilly of DISCO (Star Trek Discovery)

>actually having seen Rent

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I don't understand what point you are trying to get across. Spell it out for me?

>Burnham mentions that Spock's shuttle disappeared in the Mutara sector. The sector's Mutara Nebula is where Spock died in 2285, twenty-eight years after the events of this episode, in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

this makes sense, since he's having wacky premonitions. but his shuttle never disappeared, it's just that when they caught up to it, Spock wasn't on board, Michelle Yeoh in leather was. and then Mickey Spock went to Vulcan to pick up Spock, fuck up by handing him over to S31, then steal him and take him to Talos IV. all of these locations are pretty far apart, and most of the time she's traveling by shuttle.

tl;dr warp drive really does go at the speed of plot and Janeway wasn't trying very hard to get home

>I can't believe what I'm seeing here
>I'm sorry Jonathan. I know it's disturbing to view but it's important that you understand exactly what's at stake here. If events unfold this way then the history of the entire galaxy will be irreparably damaged and that cannot be allowed to happen. I know that you said you didn't want to get involved in temporal mechanics again but-
>No, no, it's alright. I know what needs to happen
>Yes. It's distasteful to say the least but the alternatives are untenable
>Alright, so remind me exactly what it is that I need to do
>You'll be going undercover as a military officer assigned to a remote outpost. Security won't be especially critical of you so it should be relatively easy for you to move around. Once you start undertaking your mission then it will become easier as time progresses. Figuratively speaking, that is
>Something tells me that keeping my tenses straight is going to be the least of my worries
>Unfortunately you're right. I know that it'll be difficult for you to set aside your compassion so.......blatantly but remember that a significant portion of the fallout will occur outside of your remit. I know that doesn't make it any easier but at this point every small distinction helps
>And once the mission's over, you'll come and get me just like before in Detroit?
>Exactly. Simply activate your temporal beacon and it'll indicate to me that you're ready for retrieval
>How will I know for certain when it's done?
>Like I said before - when he's killed them all
>All of them. All of them, right.
>Attaboy Jonathan. And remember.......?
>Gul......Dukat was it?
>Dukat, that's right
>Gul Dukat does, I mean, will do nothing wrong

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all of those things you just described is TNG era ship lighting
get educated about this matter first

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This isn't a legitimate /trek/ thread. Stop posting in it.

>trekyards takes the midnightpill
oy vey

>This isn't a legitimate /trek/ thread. Stop posting in it.
Make a new one then

then what is

It would be deleted. Let the thread 404 and we can then make a new one. This will be my last post in this thread.

I might be Valley Forge (or not), and I endorse this thread.

>the black kid posting from a phone wants everyone to do the work for him
maybe kill yourself, subhuman.

/trek/ threads that don't feature non-trek shows in the OP. This obviously means DS9 OPs aren't /trek/ either.

Disco? Do you mean STD?

>This will be my last post in this thread.
I can't tell if you actually believe that.

This will be my last post in this thread.

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And we never saw her again.
seriously, you would become legendary if you ghosted on everyone



they also thought the spore drive was going to be used to time travel back and prevent the Klingon War from happening.

or that Doug Drexler gives a shit about somebody's fanfic stats for the Ent-J

But why did you format your post like you have a learning disability?

>reddit thinks this is a bad case against drugs despite it's intention of being blunt

1. How do you know what Reddit thinks?
2. It's a great argument against drugs because it's 100% true and not embellished. Just the facts. Fuck Redditards.

I love you

>off topic image in OP
gg, /trek/

Do you have a boyfriend?

This dead thread is optimal for me to complain.
I know I wasn't an active member of the discord, but I just wanted to shoot the shit about Star Trek every now and then.
Fuck you, guys

The discord was discontinued

That shitty, cold cheese thrown on top
I've had better in my local area.

mom makes better, huh?

It's called STD.

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My mommy can't cook, so I get it from taco serving food establishments

Accepting Bashirfaggot into your heart is the confirmation surgery of /trek/.

Very well. That'll be all.

I've reviewed your plea and I have to say I am unimpressed. You are dismissed.


Raising your voice at a superior officer? I've very disappointed in your performance. Ensign, report to the Commander immediately while I submit your formal reprimand. Dismissed.

of course it does. there's no real difference

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If this is true, I suppose it can only mean a reinvigoration of /trek/.
As long as the lost drama outlet doesn't highten the negative tripfag effects on the general.

We're just having fun roleplaying, user. Don't be such a negative Nancy

VF deleted the disco(rd) because of a fight with BF

>There's no real difference and Geordi is a rapist
>It's not the same and doesn't count
Which is it?

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If he came, it counts.

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Holos are programmed to receive

It's like saying that eating from the replicator doesn't count as a meal.


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It doesn't. Beverly says I'm allowed 3 meals a day, but I usually have five from the replicator, so I'm sticking to my diet.

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why are there always tons of Apus in /trek/ nowadays?

It was a discord server, after all. Not even /trek/ could save it from the usual pitfalls.

we evolved

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That's not true. A holodeck isn't a replicator. A replicator rearranges matter to create something. A holodeck doesn't create a person, it creates the image of a person.


I'll keep posting until the end.

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so Moriarty isnt a person?

Things got dark between them after the rape fapfic.

It's obviously not the same. It's obviously creepy as well.
The holodeck is like a private imagination room and you're free to do whatever, but if it comes out that it's all about fucking your coworkers and people you never met, there's social implications but well within Geordies fap rights.

He's a hologram.

I fap to /trek/ all the time.

sex is the whole point of the h deck, chomo

Too late now

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Did it involve Riker?

>tfw the galaxy killers are Species 8472.

thats not true. They buried yar in one.

I'd never leave the holodeck. in there i'd be safe

Sure, just don't make it as weird as old G-Dog

It depends on if the Holodeck liked it.

You've never been caught jerking off, user? Be honest.

They can't catch you if you announce it

I've been interrupted but never caught. Just gotta keep your ears open.

>Describe the following Star Trek character WITHOUT saying what they look like, what kind of costume they wore, or what their profession or role on the ship is.

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It doesn't count, if there is nothing to see.

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It feels things.

fap trek or star fap

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There was no rape. It was a beautiful story about a woman who enjoys humiliating a man who enjoys being humiliated. VF was clearly a willing participant.

just capped this image from enpisode of DS9, it could be used as a "meme image"

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With star fap at least the anal idiots would have less of a problem with DS9

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recast these pussy destroyers

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Fap Trek sounds better though

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stop replying to my posts you weird little goblin

the Treksons

Let's hear it.

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well damn guess that ends that conversation

Pro Star Fap: 1
Pro Fap Trek: 1

These are both me

can you not be such a buzz kill I'm just trying to have a good time over here

I love /trek/!

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this scene is hamfisted but denise crosby carries it like a professional

thank me later

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I like TOS but TNG is my favorite.


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Certain life-saving experiences notwithstanding, Quark didn't put much value on dreams that didn't feature attractive females, or at least the germ of an idea for profit. He would have been glad to forget the one he had when the computer woke him up as well, but no such luck. The images were still there, and that acid taste in his mouth. It would probably go away in time, he told himself; after all, it had been only two days since the station had been retaken by the Federation. Only two days since Rom had almost died, because his idiot of a brother had to play the hero. Because Odo had decided that he didn't care about lower lifeforms that didn't change shapes or weren't Kira anymore. Because Rom, confounded nuisance that he was, had stuck around on Deep Space Nine to begin with, instead of leaving with his uppity Bajoran wife.

Sharpening his teeth for the day, Quark mentally reviewed the profit and loss situation. He'd have to get rid of much of the kanar, there was no help for that; after all, Garak couldn't be depended upon to drink it all by himself, now that Ziyal was gone. And wasn't that another uplifting thought. Quark had liked Ziyal; she had been utterly lacking in either Bajoran condescension or Cardasssian arrogance, and she had always paid her bill. If she had been Ferengi, he would have bid for one of her body parts, in respect and memory, but Kira had insisted on putting her in the earth somewhere where her remains wouldn't be of use to anyone.


Bajoran is hot, the trill redesign is dumb, idk wtf that pale thing is, the ferengi is cool, the klink barely looks different, and the cardie has more of a direct snake vibe to it that ever.

>start watching Star trek a couple weeks ago
>Today at work I get a new girl to train
>Going over basics and she asks if she should run some paperwork she still had to HR
>"Make it so" in a deep voice
>She looks at me weird and goes

Rest of the day was normal but no idea where that came from. I never have said it in any other situation.

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nice blog fag

Thank you

>Okay guys, I'm off to Risa, don't wait up for me.

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Trills are worms that live in your colon. Why would it make a person grow a third eye? This is retarded.


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mm-hmm das wright.

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I just think it's cool Disco is coming back this seasons has been pretty great.

If you are missing it, check out it. It's like a reverse version of JJ film. You've got large macro shots of the set, the camera's are in someone's face shaking half the time. It's got a ridley scott vibe to it


Which would be fine if Discovery was a reboot. But it's not.

I love DISCO!

>when that one autist who has no life and spends all his time here gets triggered by memes, coffee, and the phrase "lol"
LOL *sips coffee*

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If ENT had its full run I'm sure we would have gotten to see them leave that gangs of Chicago book behind on the Piece of the Action planet. That would have been cool. They even mention that the ship that visited the planet was named the Horizon which was Travis's family ship


by all intents and purposes, it's a reboot

Some autistic faggot
He thinks "lol" is a catchphrase/gimmick
What a retard lol

Sweet Christ, Bortus is thicc af! And tasteful thicc, not T*lly thicc.

I'm back! I'm sorry I couldn't stay away! I love you guys too much!

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You're okay, I guess.

sup fatty

I don't even think the creators know what it is

I hate this kind of post, where I can't tell if it's bait or serious.
The implications...

does anyone have any trek bingo cards
i can only find my ones for /cpd/

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Trill symbionts live in Trill hosts, that look like people with spots on the side.

STD sucks ass, doesn't resemble trek in any way. The orville is much better and is closer to star trek. The Orville has also been using all the old actors as guest stars to rub it in STD's face.

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I'm sure this new "realistic" design is going to be iconic enough to be remembered 60 years from now. Completely misses the point about how they're freaky androgenous aliens that have defied typical biology. They now have clear genders as well because that's also "realistic". How lucky are we to have all these non-sci-fi writers improve the lore for us. I'm sure we will see how the giant version of a microscopic animal which teleports into the mushroom kingdom where dead people live will be made grounded and realistic too.

We won't, beta virgin incel.

Trill hosts used to be regular people you dummy.

>The one time you plan to get real, non-holographic pussy, you get manchurian candidated

Orshills should have sex.

The trill are one of the most retarded races
The concept is stupid

Cool STD season 3 concept art!

>caring about having a skull when shit like armus exists, and other space creatures.

Can you program cum in a holosuite to taste like whatever you want? Like if I want a bukkake but it tastes like Baja Blast Mt Dew is that possible?

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YES! You fucking idiot, we've gone over this one hundred times! If anything, getting the holodeck to make realistic tasting cum is what's the most difficult.

I wouldn't mind these designs for either of the upcoming animated shows - except the third eye Trill obviously.

You think Quark blackmailed people on DS9 with all the sick shit he recorded them doing in the holosuites?

Rape anyone today?

>Computer, run program RCTD-196

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Based TNC listener

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>epic taco bell soda bukkake xD
how fat are you

>Computer, run Bashirfaggot 245 Beta, but simulate the Kaiba program so that his cum tastes like he has eaten a whole pineapple everyday for two months

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Except it's still claiming to be in the same continuity as original Trek. To the point of showing 60s Trek footage.

Are they worth listening to? I've listened to a lot of The Greatest Generation, they're funny most of the time, but their unfettered "wow that's so problematic" leftism makes me cringe like crazy.


That's disgusting. Does Mr. Noseberg know about the stuff you post here?

How fat do you want me to be?

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For a couple of literally impotent kikes they're not horrible. I'm more than certain the fat one reads these threads, but the desperate one would be scared at just the thought of this place.

>Can't wait for that pineapple salad!

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but then they steamroll over established continuity and make up their own shit so what the fuck is it then

post boipucci

Get on your knees. Now.

Bashirfaggot is fat

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Am I dumb because I just realized in the last episode that they're using the Spock autism / mental breakdown thing to explain why he acts completely OOC in the Pilot?

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The creators had to separately license the 60s footage from CBS as STD is produced under Bad Robot's alternate 25% different license. It's not canon under legal definitions, but the producers try to pull the wool over fans' eyes in various ways, by licensing footage like this, or saying that STD is 'prime' (when their definition of prime is a 25% different variation on Star Trek).

The editors of the show confirmed this on Twitter by mentioning they had to chase up a lot of legal releases and licenses to be able to use The Cage footage.

No, because the events of the TOS pilot occurred before he went crazy in STD. At best you could infer that the singing plants have an effect on him like the spores from This Side of Paradise

Preferably the type of fat where it all goes to your tits and ass
Thicc I believe is the term

Oh no no no!

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did anyone actually want Picard: a basedwars story?


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Bad tv

You're giving them too much credit.

Listen, just because Midnight's Edge says something doesn't mean it's true. Go back to sucking Andre's Doomcock.

Did anyone want a cringey leftist version of Picard lecturing them about how racist and sexist they are?

They never said it was True. But they said it's something to consider as the truth, which it obviously is. As long as Star Trek rights are all under different roofs it'll never be the same

I love you with all of my heart but you really need to stop making my dick hard all the time.

>Cast is 5 people of any ethnicity and a black human version of Belana Torres

All the caffeine i had today is making me crash HARD right now

>That Orville episode with Phlox and The Doctor in it at the same time


>Bashirfag will never crawl around in her Star Trek cosplay while /trek/ sprays gallons of cum all over her
why even live

Exactly. They even predicted this at the end of their video describing the 'Prime' conspiracy. They said that STD would continue to include elements from TOS and the larger Trek canon and that we should be wary that this isn't because it's trying to be a better show that adheres better to established canon - it's because the producers are trying to confuse fans by licensing separate elements on case-by-case basis.

I want to get pegged by Bashirfag

I've got a better slampig than her

I know Bashirfaggot is married, but does she swing?

Stop it. You incels are just threatened by a strong woman of color.

Have sex.

She could be so pretty if she wasn't so fat

>producers are trying to confuse fans
Ha ho kay.

Is it still cheating if instead of fucking the girl the girl fucks you?

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You seem awfully threatened over a mere YouTube channel. Is it because you might be working for a certain network?

tripfag feeder fapfic now please

He's insane. Don't respond to his low IQ posts.

It's hard to disagree with this poster though.

Got that right

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Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post ((((CBS)))))


Yeah and all those faggy collages were paid promotions


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This weird theory was disproven a hundred times already, kys.

I can't stand STD but I think Midnight's Edge is just full of shit now.

It doesn't matter how many times its disproven, he'll just keep shitposting because he's a fucking moron.




There are a lot of Trekposters that are like my literal boomer mother in that it doesn't matter what they hear, whatever they hear first HAS to be correct.

>computer, activate program "Bashirfag Pegs Me"
>disengage safety protocols
>oh and computer, make it count this time

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OMG this is so funny!! XD They're sending PICKLES to Fox to get them to renew our favorite show!

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>he actually browses there
Go back.

They want the incel clickbait crowd.

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Why would Fox want a bunch of pickles?

What board was this originally from? IIRC, it was /m/.

No hunny, I'm a MOCLAN. I lay eggs more often than I pee. It's like a birthday how funny is that?!

"Impotent boomer outrage" sums up the anti-Discovery noisy minority as a whole

I know a person in real life who was in a near spluttering rage that the season 2 trailer used a Lenny Kravitz song in it. He kept gong on about how Star Trek has only ever been, and should only ever be, orchestral music!

He was actually offended when I laughed at him! He's the most boomer non boomer I know.

>B-b-but muh Midnight's Edge, muh MIDNIGHT'S EDGE!

reminds me of this

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Because it's RANDOM!! >:3

I always chalked up most of it to redpilled ENTbabbys that don't cotton to some upity negress taking a knee on set.

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Why is there no Sisko one?

Orshills are pathetic

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*holds up spork*

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I think the Picard one is more fitting for Sisko, desu.


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user what? We dealt with more than a few angry 29 year olds here who were used to the jingoistic, pro-war on terror themes of ENT and didn't even know that Trek is typically progressive.

>that midnight's edge fag who piledrives threads with his unfunny autistic charts and dad jokes bullshit then bitches about tripfags killing /trek/
see you after this nap boys

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I wouldnt know, if my test levels are high enough for version 3. I would give her my best, though!

Calling Enterfags redpilled is oxymoronic

I mean sure, racists dipshits are a thing too. But they're more a thing here than anywhere else, elsewhere it's mostly "not mah Trek" boomer shit, and Orvilleshitters never shutting the fuck up about that garbage.

its all so tiresome

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Then why continue to protest? Get your ass to Pittsburgh, pull shim's goddamn pants down and take a high def photograph already.

"I gotta do a pee pee in the corner."
-Gordon 2019

"Say 'Goodbye Spock.'"
"Goodbye Spock."
-Burnham and Spock 2019

Can somebody photoshop this into Riker?Thanks.

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>the guy who constantly shills Midnight's Edge
>the guy who always talks about Bashirfaggot's gender
>the guy who always tries to shitpost against The Orville
>the guy who always spams /pol/shit
The worst part about having a discord is now you know which people are always making the same shitposts.

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The older I get the more pro-Borg I become.

What do I get out of it?

What's it like being a liberal

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kek im like 40 mins from scranton
only if he would be my range trap

Fake BF

The pleasure of serving /trek/

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The last episode of Discovery was good TV. Thursday looks awesome too. Can't wait to see who the Red Angel is.

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Are you offering to take a picture of your ass for /trek/?

>Wanting to see some mentally ill dude's ass
Based and Trekpilled

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Please do this BF. I have an almost unnatural desire to see your asshole.

It's Q.

Q has never played tricks like this before.

I expect naughty selfies out of this

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What is a TAS??

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Also the only hints we have are that it's a human, consumed by loneliness and desperation

BF has proved himself to be an abnormal survivor

Lighter face for visibility

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Star Trek sucks *braps on the Star Treks*

I am 30 and i love Orville, TNG, and DS9.


Shit they're right outside!

I'm 30 and I love TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9, ENT and ORV.

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Ah yes. 50 minute monologues.

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I'm 21 and all Trek is good but not all is created equal. TNG and TAS were created less equal than others despite Worf/Data and Odo/Quark.

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Horse is like, "fuck this shit."

Based Seth bringing the fanservice

Is it bad that I want Tilly and Burnham to fuck

Or Tilly and Kirk

Or Burnham or Kirk

Or Tilly, Kirk and Burnham

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Where's Ezri


Is based Shatner playing Kirk? The madman can still perform at peak level.

>Everybody's gonna get to design they own uniform!

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make new thread

Why don't you do it you cocksucking faggot?

The absolute MADMAN. How does he keep getting away with it lads? I mean, the absolute STATE of it.

make it

Chad Canadian TV Actor vs Betacuck British Stage Actor


I can't tell what's the worse idea: someone who spent the time on this because they honestly felt this way, or someone who spent the time on this because they wanted to bait /trek/

/trek/ is filled with sickness and hate

hi /drek/

Damn bro she's just gonna leave you on Seen like that. BF is a total cunt.

Yeah I got played hard

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Why do you think she's being stingy with her ass? Did you notice how she unbuttoned her shirt in the Valentine's Day picture? She's pretending she doesn't want to fuck us but she gets so wet when we talk about her. Probably fingering herself right now.

I don't think she cares desu

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It's a dude with a penis, you're a fucking retard

/trek/ is a hatebox or whatever

I can smell your fishy twat splooshing from my posts all the way over here

Still has butthole, that's all I'm interested in.



I said "or whatever"

Ok, lol

Mk nu bred

>not at bump limit
>not at image limit
>not at reply limit

>vulcan ears
>andorrian feeler things

Racemixing should be made illegal in the federation


Admiral JLP

Captain of the USS Martin Luther King Jr.


Someone do ENT