Captain Marvel Sales SCANDAL EXPOSED!!

Captain Marvel had Disney exec's Pay for almost 80% of opening weekend sales to Boost media notoriety and "Help fight aginst political trolls".

If you paid to see the movie and saw an empty theater, you witnessed first hand social engineering by large corporations.

Expose this by tweeting or facebooking your empty theater experience on any and all social media sites. #Emptyseats

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Other urls found in this thread:

then what

then what

Get married have children

Incels were the main audience for CM.

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chop wood and drink water

Imagine being so much of a loser in life that this is all you have. The website, personality, outlook on life. I hope you turn your life around or end it soon. Go be somebody OP. Do something important with your life. Why is this such an issue with you? Don't be a lemming and just hop on the bandwagon cause everyone else is doing it. Think for yourself and be productive.

have sex, haha like us the toy buyers and comig boog lovers

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YouTube shitposting is not a valid source. Anecdotal evidence is not admissible.

Did this happen only in USA or also in Europe?

This, women hate other women the it's sort of misogynist to market this as a feminist movie

Disney buying bulk tickets isn't new. They did the same thing with Solo, and even greater with Black Panther. Only with BP, they manipulated the mass and their white guilt. It won't work with Brie "Fuck White Men" Larson because Carol is very hated among Marvel fans 2bh.

is that pic true?
as a straight male, i thought aquaman looked fantastic, and didn't even care for the shirtless chad

Collect wood

Now what?

Read Siege

This is just getting silly. Why is it so hard to believe that the movie did well but not well enough to keep every theatre full? It had a dozen showing at every theatre so many of them were bound to be empty.

Yeah here is a breakdown for CM. But Mamoa's abs attracted a lot of girls.

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>Doubling down on the movie being a failure
>Cherry picking "evidence"
>"There's no campaign against this movie", go to Twitter guize and #emptyseats
Literally and unironically have sex.

>trusting Hollywood numbers when so many movies magically turn no profit
Yikes! Also...
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

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The only ones I see in a tizzy are Yea Forums incels

Never seen a studio go to such lengths to pad opening numbers before. Hillary losing really fucked up their planned social engineering trajectory. They probably wanted to have pedophilia a protected class by now. What’s next boys? A female Doom guy remake?

I can't believe Disney would go as far as investing in a female doomguy movie behind the scenes but here we are.

Me thinks wealthy movie industry players are scared of living in normal income neighborhoods where they might encounter a minority.

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1. Source?
2. Even though no source I kind of think something odd is going on
I went this weekend, all days of the weekend, to cinema (went to watch Alita twice also a friend works there). CM was almost empy, 10-20% of the seats at best.
Then asked other friends who went to different theatres. Almost empty.
Then asked to other friends in different states...same.
Then you see pictures in twitter and facebook of multiple theatres empty too.

Yet it's in the top3 earnings on MCU? the fuck?

That's not how money works

This is all anecdotal evidence. I went to the theaters on Saturday in Los Angeles and it was packed.

>los angeles
I sure hope you were the designated shooter

gain height
take a shower
hit the weights
get a clue

>This is all anecdotal evidence
>posts anectodal evidence as counterargument
Have sex incel.

I can confirm this,
Went to the one in my states and all the seats except for 5 were empty. When I ask the sale ticket movie at the front desk they kept dodging the question and using the reply as if they didn't want to admit it.


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Because assholes like yourself are praising a system in which these people behave in ways that were they in Wallstreet or any other consumerist market they'd suffer federal chargers.

Am currently in the Reich and was looking through screenings for the weekend in my town, also weirdly empty

Yeah that was my point. I went to a packed theater, that is not evidence that every single theater on Earth was packed as well.

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Nor is it evidence that it wasn't.

No actually I'm pretty sure its because Yea Forums is obsessed with le ebin culture war and brie Larson triggered Yea Forums

In a place far from here, on the top floor of a high-rise building, someone wrings thier hands menacingly

I would never normally think they bought out theaters but the China numbers were way off. They hated WW even though it was a decent movie, and it flopped hard there.
The Solo flop hurt the Star Wars brand hard. It sounds crazy but spending 200M to save a multi billion dollar brand makes perfect sense.

Which is why is anecdotal. Unless you have a measureable metric it's all conjecture. The movie opened in over 4 thousand theaters. How many pictures of empty theaters did that guys show, a dozen? And many of those pics the lights were still on which usually happens a considerable amount of time before the movie actually begins. And a lot of new pictures are coming from Mondays which is usually a really slow day for any movie.

Even if Disney wanted to buy tickets in China. China would never allow the west to influence what its citizens consume. As is they only allow a certain amount of Western movies and often they reject movies or censor them like Bohemian.

Damage control

it's not influencing anything, just making theaters richer

Sounds like bullshit, but I believe it. The mouse frequently gets away with bullshit.


blease but benis in

fake news

>women want to watch a sex symbol that has been fawned over for a decade

More new at 11. Jesus christ you guys need to learn how fallacies work so you can stop posting retarded shit like this.

Incel c o p e

Pretty sure it's illegal in France.

Yeah exactly, capeshit has only ever been for incels. Captain Marvel being for incels is nothing new.

>no u

something something cant meme?

Why do men have such shit taste in movies? Capeshit is supported mostly by men and it's killing the industry.

it was tlj that fucked them up, they weren't prepared for the fan backlash. now there are articles coming out that get into disney's preparation for the fan backlash of cm. they created 40 teams to shill and create "memes" on the internet to gaslight the fans.

They get more control with every release though

Attached: reddit spacing explained for redditors who refuse to admit they're the cancer killing this sit. (866x475, 78K)

you're one guy, the pattern that we're seeing is the majority of people who talked about the theaters that they saw the movie in were empty.

I'm just gonna leave this here. Which of these is canon?

nice reddit spacing

another gaslighting shill. disney insisted on making this political by making this a feminist movie, advertising it as such, and hiring an outspoken white man feminist to star in it.

Creampie her until she's addicted to it.

I'm convinced this is also what happened with Wonder Woman. People were tweeting about empty theatres when that piece of shit was released as well.

>What’s next boys? A female Doom guy remake?

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I don't see how spacing between paragraphs is reddit spacing
Isnt that spacing between line breaks like in I have never once used reddit so Idk how that gay site works.

as long as china gets paid, they don't care. it's not like there is anti-china propaganda in the movie.

>direct to DVD crap
As if anyone cares.

So which one is canon?

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False flag. Those numbers are obviously made up.

Disney is buying tickets in bulk... but not anywhere on that scale.

I/ll make it very simple and clear: Comrade Marvel doesn/t a 40-year-old wypipo to tell her what/s wrong widh her toe fungus—it wasn/t made for you

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the actuals haven't come in yet, it will probably be even lower like 150

>literally 3 sentences

If China didn't care they would allow as many movies to play there and they wouldn't censor them either. China is very uptight to what they allow their citizens to watch and to what extent they do business with the west.

Waifufags should all be rounded up and shot.

>Source is a called Memeology
you shouldn't post on Yea Forums while you're in school, user

it was quite obvious
femishits BTFO

sentences count as paragraphs as long as they switch between topics or subjects.

It's just free money, I doubt the Chinese give a fuck about the details of foreign box office numbers. Does anyone here give a fuck about how well foreign movies do here?

As in, it's expected to reach $155m. It didn't. It reached $153m.

lol why mods sticky dis tho???

>Captain Marvel had Disney exec's Pay for almost 80% of opening weekend sales to Boost media notoriety and "Help fight aginst political trolls".
post proofs


It is supposed to be obviously made up... it is a false flag.

Already made more than Basedlo lol

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Oh no no no looks like /having sex/ isn't enough lads.

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stop this shitty meme

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>people show up to the theater 30 minutes to an hour early
Fucking why? For the pre-commercials?

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clearly those posts were made by the original newfag redditors. They never belonged here anyways.

the original redditors from 2006, they left to fund reddit but now they're back, you got me

And that the ticket sales are false, you can't lie to Disney investors. That's different that paying RT to change their system or pay for publicity
And retarded incels like you worked tirelessly to help Disney create the narrative the movie was under attack by alt-right members. Congratulations

>book too many theaters and showtimes
>some theaters end up being empty


Attached: theater.jpg (608x640, 35K)

Nothing special. RT critics are afraid to actually ciriticize these movies too.
When you shit on Universal's movies, it's fine. When you shit on DC it's fine too. Shitting on Paramount? Go on. Shitting on Disney's Star Wars or their stupid MCU... OMG YOU RACIST TROLLL BIGOT SEXIST!

RT has to go. Enough of this fuckery.

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Which critic admitted that?

Dany Roth

Full article here:

Besides this being a huge headache and much easier to prove as real, it would be illegal. If Disney was buying tickets across the country to inflate ticket sales there would be MULTIPLE DOCUMENTED CASES AND HUGE AMOUNTS OF PROOF.

Why hasn't a single theater, or theater employee come forward with evidence of such a sales figure with no bodies occupying the theater? Probably cause.... they don't do this. It' could gain them significant legal trouble. And other studios would be happy to see the mouse fall. Losing their ability to show movies? Hell yea, this would do that. It falls into antitrust issues as well as stock market fraud.


have sex, shill

lmao a leftist shill telling others to not dwell on anecdotal evidence, what a laugh

>reboot of braindead movie of braindead videogame
Make it stop.

He barely has any abs...

>jannies delete the thread about the movie dropping 78% on monday but leave all the shill threads up
really made me think

don't believe it but will pretend to as it triggers the trannies

get ready for daily disney conspiracy threads

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conspiracy is just a word invented by the CIA to discredit evidence of their illegal or objectionable behavior and it is used in the same way today to cover for massive multi-billion dollar media conglomerates and the espionage they are very easily capable of and very clearly perform. this is the part where you call me an incel and tell me to have sex

Literally why though. That would make the movie a guaranteed massive financial loss. It would be cheaper to just have the movie flop.


If these movies existed in a vacuum and the stock market didn’t exist, then your juveline rationalization might have made sense

80% of the sales is still $400M, even more than that because $400M is just 80% of what Disney made off the movie and not counties the premium theaters get for selling tickets. It's a completely ludicrous amount to spend just for image, not counting the $152M movie budget initial investment. +$600M just to make $100M and get good press? That is rediculous.

holy shit, is this true?

it's writing 101 to double paragraph if you aren't indenting

it's only
>reddit spacing
if you double paragraph between the quoted post number and the quoted text

It becomes reddit spacing when you do it for every fucking thought that spills out as you type, or multiple times a sentence. A line break (what the fuck is a "double paragraph" you psuedointellectual sperglord? It's called a fucking line break) is used in writing to denote a seperatiom of ideas. Reddit spacing uses it every sentance or more.

BP was nearly standing room only in my mostly white neighborhood. I got their late and had to sit up top in the nosebleeds in the corner near the exit door.

Knew the movie is trash

a line break is

all that does it move you to the next line. if anything it's a "double" line break (or as called in Microsoft Word, paragraph break)

but maybe you never actually took real education and just parrot what you've read online

I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids!

>450 million * 80% = 360 million
>"Disney execs" bought $360 million dollars worth of tickets
>This is what OP believes
Incels are legit retarded

I can confirm this,
When I went to Black Panther that movie was fucking packed to a point that I had to sit on the steps (in the center walkway) in the theatre. That shit was legit. Captain Marvel was dead empty to a point that I literally fell bringing "My Food" in there are and left. Disney really pulling something with this sales shit.

arguing about spacing

is for gay fags


you homo.

Holy shit this has to be bait. I refuse to believe you're being honest here.

your math is wrong and it’s completely worth doing when you have a multi-decade plan

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It's right and you're wrong.
Wow look how easy it is to just say things without backing them up, thanks for showing me the right way to argue user. It's way easier your way.

>marvel spent $1 billion on avengers
>he finds it hard to believe they "spent" money on advertisement with free tickets

they didn't spend a dime on those tickets, they are filling seats that would otherwise be vacant while being able to brag about "ticket sales"

lol who's that? Good job posting some redditor name fag to prove your point idiot.

Nice source

A big reason people hate reddit spacing is because it shows that you're full of yourself and you deserve more visual space than others, and every word you say other people should be hanging on. When you're fucking Moot posting on Yea Forums then you can do it and its fine.

>women always say they are more than just sex and vaginas
>anytime a woman disagrees with you she immediately brings up sex and your genitals

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$400M on Infinity War, not $1B. Disney would have had to spend more on fake tickets than the entirety of IWs budget. This isnt happening.

what the fuck are you talking about? did "disney execs" pay for tickets or not? if not who paid the theaters? get your lies straight incel

>bring women into marvel films
>quality goes down and they all start fighting with each other

Just like in real life whenever i had a woman boss.

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Am I the only one that works in an email intensive occupation?

No one wants to read a wall of words (except Yea Forums apparently, not instructors and not professionals.

It isn't reddit spacing, it was and is double spacing. The only people that critique on "reddit spacing" are idiots with no relevant opinion to the topic at hand, and hating reddit is always fashionable here for some odd reason.

>i'm an user very likely to die alone
>but at least i'm not reddit






>Disney giving money to itself
Turn your brain on, MCUck.

>I went to ONE theatre ONCE therefore this invalidates your THREE times that you went plus your FRIENDS, plust your other FRIENDS in another town plust what it has been posted on FACEBOOK and TWITTER and Yea Forums

>spend money
>to pay themselves

You seriously underestimate how far Disney executives are willing to go to save their franchise. Theirs SW Brand is already in trouble. You think they want a Marvel cinema to fall as well? Hell no, so I'm surprised they go this route and save face. Especially what's happening in YouTube algorithms.

Having spaces between paragraphs isn't reddit spacing. Having spaces between sentences is definitely reddit spacing. Also,

>Captain Marvel had Disney exec's Pay for almost 80% of opening weekend sales to Boost media notoriety and "Help fight aginst political trolls".
At this point you can see why they are happy with Katheleen Kennedy

Eh my normie liberal parents dont want to see this because they both think larson looks like a stuck up smug jerk. And these same people LOVED TLJ.

so the theaters got nothing. ok. you are actually retarded.

Holy shit a Marvel movie made money!?!?? The biggest global popular film franchise based on super heroes made a lot of money!?!? Must be a SCANDAL AND FEMENIST CONSPIRACY. I better make a YouTube video about it no time to shave.

1) This isnt an email format.
2) If you seriously do this every single sentence like you are now then I guarantee everyone around you is annoyed with you.
3) You aren't edgy or sticking it to the man for doing it every word, you're just proving that you're insufferable and socially unaware. You mark yourself as an outlier in trying to prove that you aren't an outlier, idiot. You will convince not a single person like this.

You seriously dont see your circular logic do you? The movies are selling fine, the franchises aren't failing. But you're so sure that you're right that you think the good numbers are fake to cover up the failing that MUST be happening, which there is no proof of because the numbers are fine. You have a conspiracy to explain a conspiracy here.

They did something related with Solo

Saw a Saturday matinee at Cinépolis theater wasn't crowded. But they had at least 3 theaters showing Captain Marvel at one time.

>SW is fine and selling well.
Now I know your shilling....

Got another conspiracy for that one, too?

well looks like moot was a faggot redditor all along

They must be paying you overtime huh?
What's the rate?

I don't think you understand how cinemas work

>cinema PAYS disney for the right to sell tickets to their movie
>disney receives money for tickets at X price (let's say $5/ticket)
>movie theater gets a small margin of mark up to their choosing (let's say $4)
>cinema makes money on food and drink ($20 for large popcorn and soda costs the theater exactly $0.25 to make)

>implying minwagers care enough to lie

>If I keep posting it, maybe it'll come true

You want real numbers, wait for Q1 financial statement

I spent 40 seconds on Google and found that episode 8 made $1.3B with a budget of $317M, and if making more than 3x your investment back isnt doing fine then you have wild metrics. So what's your conspiracy theory to explain it?

this user gets credit for deciphering intent and answering the other user
I thought that fucker was spazzing or stroking out
+1 for gibberish analysis
do you do the captions on NBA Tonight?

>movie theater sets aside $50 million for promotions
>uses that money to pay for tickets to boost the numbers
>investors sees movies are doing well and gives the studios more money
>which they use to promote their next movie by buying tickets

disney doesn't want to see their numbers dwindle before their major release (end game) so they are doing all they can to make it look like this movie also did well. the same shit went down last year for black panther, notice they didn't brag about ticket sales for ant man and wasp because that was AFTER their blockbuster released, we'll see the same shit for spiderman 2, it'll just be a movie, not some headline news that it made $200 million

You must be a newfag,
Because there has numerous threads on here on Yea Forums explaining why it didn't make it sales that it used to, the same for Solo. Let me guess your from Reddit? You must be, why else would you ask a rhetorical question that Yea Forums Yea Forums answered for you.

>studios dont want movies to fail
>stands to reason they would do things to prevent a failure
>I wanted this movie to fail but it looks like it didnt
>so it must be a conspiracy
See, assigning a motive doesn't change the fact that your logic goes in a circle here. You have to begin with proof before you can start to explain that proof with a scandal. You cant just assume there is a secret scandal and then assume a conspiracy to cover it up.

>the star wars franchise is only the major films
all their side projects have flopped, which is why they announced they're not making them anymore. their TV shows have lost popularity as well

No shit women crave drama. They all gossip and compete with each other for attention. Life is a big Reality TV show for them. That's why no project should have a gender ratio less than 3 men for every woman.

>Disney buys 500m worth of tickets
>cinema gets 250m
>Disney gets 250m back
>say they spent 500m on marketing
Retard much? It's really that easy.

>spend literally every waking moment with your finger on the pulse of what random autists think
>if you disagree with me then you must be uninformed, I can ignore your hard numbers and facts if I'm condescending enough when I do it

The guy specifically called out SW as failing, I never said it was their only thing, I said he was wrong.

Have sex and have tons of white babies to further the white race.

>things aren't going my way
>I'll just say it's a conspiracy in defense
you'll do well in your marketing 101 class

I'm not the constantly defendi g something that show early signs of shilling and market manipulation. 9r so I need to remind you how YouTube manipulate it's algorithms for the movie?

And then there's the toys...

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>you'll do well in your marketing 101 class
I'm glad I'm not the one noticing his bullshit shilling.











But it doesn't. It just did well and since you didnt like it you assume it must have been manipulated. The only sign of manipulation you can come up with is the lack of any signs of manipulation, which to you is proof of a cover up conspiracy. Do you get it yet, the circular logic?

>e-celebs shill makes thread
>100+ replies

I hate this board so much

Exactly. So the theaters got almost nothing because empty seats with paid for tickets don't pay for food and drinks.
And you believe cinemas agreed to do this, and lose a shit ton of money, because?

Your not even trying and multiple anons already exposed you....

>one of the most loved franchises of all time
>expected to make over 2B
>turned everything upside down and run every exciting idea to the ground, killed the best characters without them doing anything
>movies cancelled, toys not selling
>killed the entire franchise
oh its a-okay user

>empty seats with paid for tickets
proof please

Why the fuck would I be marketing to you? Literally nothing that the best con man could ever say would ever convince the pissants on Yea Forums to see this movie, it would be a total waste of time. You aren't important enough to devote time and money to specifically convince you and the 97 total posters here, which if so many of them are shills as you say then even less than that. But sure, its yet another conspiracy against you, that's your answer to everything.

>shill calling anons shill

>The only sign of manipulation you can come up with is the lack of any signs of manipulation
Retard didn't watch the video or even read the thread. Who is this going to fool?

there isn't any. inceltubers are straight up lying

>things aren't going my way
>I'll just say it's a conspiracy in defense
A conspiracy like "Captain Marvel is actually a flop"

I just dont understand how its sexist to point this shit out? Literally and i mean literally EVERY job I had where a woman was in charge. She ran whatever place I was working for into the ground by combination of being overly emotional, starting rumors, ignoring any and all logical solutions and picking the worse solution and then crying or throwing the blame on someone else when confronted, usually sleeping with or is close friends with whoever the higher up is, hugely smug and extremely cocky. And the scary part is they all acted the exact same way. Every one of them. I dont hate women in the least but the truth is what it is.

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are you aware that the American car and agricultural industries operate on a loss and require subsidies just to stay out of bankruptcy? are you aware of the concept of a war economy , how Germany built up despite having literally negative money? Are you aware that Sony sold every single PS3 at a loss so they could build up a user base and make it back on accessories and games and subscription fees? Do you understand what a stock market is, do you understand what the lack of a gold standard means? Are you aware that you’re a fucking idiot? Now you are.

Why would you be wasting time here unironically defending garbage unless you're getting paid for it?

>watch the video
Literally who's posting anecdotal evidence, some saying in the tweets that they are there hours before the movie so of course its empty?
>read the thread
Where every single time someone asks a question or points out a falsehood they're called a shill and ignored and never once answered? Such great proof.

Hey guys, remember when you presented "proof" that theaters were being forced to show nothing but Captain Marvel?

Whatever happened to that story?

You weren't proven wrong and or anything... were you?

You must realize you're asking why anyone would bother posting on Yea Forums at all when ultimately theres nothing to be gained from it for any of us.

>Retard didn't watch the video
I'm not going to watch your e-celeb cancer shit you retarded newfag.

There have been multiple videos of empty seats. Now your being desperate

I can believe it.

Why would you be wasting time here unironically attacking a good movie unless you're getting paid for it?

>Why would you be wasting time here unironically defending garbage unless you're getting paid for it?
Because he is paid to shill and defend but he's doing a shitty job at it.

evil. evil is an end unto itself. Self-perpetuating and unstoppable. Take 10 men in a hole, and have 9 of them try to build a ladder, and the 10th guy will always knock it down just because the other 9 are doing the opposite. Put crabs in a bucket, they drag each other down so nobody gets out if they don’t. Evil is real.

>hours before the movie started
Someone's getting desperate alright

>Captain Marvel had Disney exec's Pay for almost 80% of opening weekend sales to Boost media notoriety and "Help fight aginst political trolls".
You gotta lose you money to make money! I don't believe this at all

ARE you on crack lad

I've yet to see video of an empty theater along with accompanying reserve seating screenshot showing a large quantity of absent claimed seats.
That would be sufficient to start a conversation of whether Disney is committing box office fraud.

Think for two full consecutive seconds here. What is there to gain from shilling in this thread? Who in here is there to convince? What return is there to get from this investment? If there's shills here then theres maybe 70 posters who all already are never going to see the movie or already have, making it the lowest visibility per investment option ever conceived for advertising. No one would ever shill on Yea Forums, stop shouting conspiracy constantly.

says the shill

You can keep on repeating yourself but there been videos of it....

Umm sweaty, the whole world revolves around ME ;)

Anyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill who was sent here specifically to change MY opinion ;)

Now watch my vlogs and donate to my patreon ;)

Every Marvel movie for the last decade has been doing ridiculously well, why would this one be any difference?


do you have any arguments, lad? I have never heard a good argument against evil.


I saw a video of an empty theatre...

Attached: 1521778500634.png (882x758, 16K)

Because I dont want it to do well! And I'm objectively correct in all my opinions!! We all saw Alita and it still did well, that means its fake!!!

In principle I believe you, but I need proof before tweeting this to my 10k followers, other than a meme video. Thanks.


Attached: 1552256694829-tv.jpg (697x731, 59K)

>Every Marvel movie for the last decade has been doing ridiculously well,
>What is Age of Ultron
>What is Thor 2 and so on.
Jesus this shilling....

Go YouTube and look it up,
I'm not holding your hand,
There previous threads on it as well,

Post your Patreon I want to give you some of my dad's money so you acknowledge my existence and I can feel validated

>good movie

Attached: yxx2x2wcm6021.jpg (499x354, 15K)

Every single instance of a photo or video of an empty theater must have certain proof to be admissible.
>prove its Captain Marvel and not another movie
>prove it is a recent and relevant photo/video
>prove it was taken within a reasonable time of showing that people would be there
Most of the photos have the damn lights still on in the theater, a dead giveaway that it is way too early for people to have arrived.

It's funny how they never called Captain America The First Avanger or Incredible Hulk flops. None of these movies crossed 400M, but characters became huge anyway, meanwhile now it probably wouldn't be enough.

Stop Larping dipshit,

Attached: memo.jpg (719x414, 155K)

Because brie larson comes off as unlikeable and smug. Even feminists dont like the movie.

Attached: 1551834841098.jpg (1258x1492, 615K)

Whew so much shilling in this thread,
Damage Control is REAL!

Have sex

>Age of Ultron
I hate you spoiled Gen Z faggots so much you have no idea. Anything that doesn't make 2 billion is a flop to you.

let me answer with the answer that you already know is the answer:
YouTube. Where do you think every idea that those uncreative hacks make a video about? Yea Forums. We are the birth of everything that gets big. Mauler and his ilk are all 4channers. All the popular video game channels are 4channers. Every alternative media personality is influenced by us. We are the intellectual heart and elite of an ideological movement. We are quite literally the founding fathers in a modern setting, the revolutionary intellectual class, the organizers of every idea you see thrown into the meatgrinder of ideas. It was all born here. Things that happen here have exponential effects. The people here are more influential than they can even contemplate. We quite literally made history here, and continue to do so. We are the resistance to corporate takeover.

Whew so much shilling in this thread,
Damage Control is REAL!

There's pictures and videos without any context or evidence behind them. I could walk to my local theater, take a picture and claim there's HIV-laced needles underneath the seats. I'd need SOMETHING beyond a shitty smartphone pic to prove it, though.

sure, it's

This is an unprecedented level of shilling. Disney are pulling out all the stops to make sure the public perception of this film is that it is popular and successful.

This is an unprecedented level of shilling. E-celeb shills are pulling out all the stops to make sure the public perception of this film is that it is hated and a flop.

*tips fedora

>We are the intellectual heart and elite of an ideological movement
>We are quite literally the founding fathers in a modern setting
>the revolutionary intellectual class
>the organizers of every idea you see thrown into the meatgrinder of ideas
Fuckin saved, this is gold pasta. Nice work user, garunteed (You)s when I repost it on Yea Forums.

Way to prove his point, shill
>$0.05 has been deposited to your account

Holy fucking shit youtube was a mistake

I know,
It's insane

you already know it is a logical fallacy to compare the actions of a multi-billion dollar media empire with a grassroots fan movement, so I don’t know why I even bothered posting desu

day 3 of cope
faglets still on denial phase
suicides incoming when "week 2 drop" doesn't happen because there's no significant competition being released

I've been to see Captain Marvel, in a sold-out theatre.
But hey, maybe Disney were projecting people into the seats!

Is this pasta?

Anyone who disagrees with me is a shill.
My logic is enlightened and true.

you’re not a real person

Day 3 of 400 shills spamming Yea Forums

Ah, a fellow founding father of the modern age, I see.



Guys how many of these shills do you think aren't actually people but AIs that have learned how to blend in on Yea Forums?

Attached: 1508012708948.png (215x255, 63K)

>be so ass-blasted about normies going to see a movie you tried to suppress that you have to make up fake news
>all because you're fat and unpopular


Attached: 1551634655647.jpg (250x250, 6K)

>implying disney would pay money to spam a shithole that can't even generate its own ad revenue
how's that alita challenge going faggot?

>sex before marriage
You’re the reason why HPV is prevalent among 60% of people in our age bracket

This will go down as /polcel/ being autistically wrong again

Day 3 of you being on Yea Forums

Attached: 1395629851771.png (266x291, 157K)

Judging the rapid replys,
Some maybe bots others are paid shill.

Many of us. I mean, them.

You have to be blind or literally just trying hard to poke your eyes out of them sockets, to not see how powerful corporations are. Not only they managed to turn around tables and straight change the algorythm that shows on equal both information from individual sources and corporative guided sources alike (the youtube incident) but they getting away by even making this demonstration of power a public move, using the internet white man troll" excuse
This is sickening. We're not just talking about souless cash grabs devoid of any artistic vision becuase they are directes by literal suit commitees, but also it's marketing and profit results are totally being directed too.

Some user said this whole ticket sales inflation theory could not be possible because it would be fraud...
Fraud is only something an individual can be processed for. It's okay when corporations do it because they make the rules


>blatantly ignoring the populary and cultural influence of Yea Forums

How would you know anything about this place, you're a touristfag

>our age bracket
All those posts earlier about how self-involved you people are were jokes, but you seriously think that everyone here is the same age bracket as you? You aren't the center of the universe.

>anytime a woman disagrees with you she immediately brings up sex and your genitals

Attached: bale reaction.gif (500x259, 494K)


>Day 3 of 400 shills spamming Yea Forums
>day 3
You're implying that Yea Forums hasn't been a DC and Marvel shill-show for years.

Yes I find it cringe af when so many shills dare disagree with me. I thought this was a safe space. Maybe I'll delete the Yea Forums app off my iPhone 7.

Laughing at overly zealous people getting BTFO is not something anons do at all.

this is too cringe for my collection

>waaaaaaaah why won't the companies let me poopoo on their privately owned sites
The fuck is this commie shit anyway? Political videos have been using SEO on YouTube for a long time and they got smacked for the obvious manipulations that were not profitable for the site owners. Big boohoo. And why would Rotten Tomatoes keep their system open when it's clearly getting manipulated and abused by miserable faggots who got their panties twisted in a knot over a superhero movie? In what real world adult business scenario do you see that being anywhere close to a smart or sensible move, you deluded faggot?

>/pol/ allows itself to get co-opted and farmed by neocon thinktanks and disinfo outfits
>"w-w-we're influential guiz!"
The absolute state of you.

Now I'm sad because I miss when the Yea Forums app was actually alive and updating.

His post may be cringey but it's not wrong

have you missed the constant public "discourses" about being losers with small dicks and inceldom?

Nope. If you do hate speech against me and my opinions, then you're a paid shill.

But you can lie to investors. They're bolstering their division's sinking value by using investor money to pay for tickets. They've threatened theaters to play only captain marvel. They've bought tickets to the tune that whole rooms were virtually empty. The threatened critics. Guy at RT admitted to avoid being shut out they write and coerce favorable reviews.

That's why the video in the OP is all Twitter posts, because Yea Forums is the relevant site youtubers look too right?

>it's not wrong
Except it is and SA/Reddit effect far more than Yea Forums has or ever will, kiddo.

i saw it on Sunday and it was very full.

Don't be delusional. Yea Forums has little effect on anything outside the realm of lonely male adolescents.

SA about 10 years ago maybe. Reddit has no cultural effect really, it's completely sterile and produces nothing new.

>n-no u!!!!
The thing about loathing hypocrites is that you're not supposed to be one. And I'm just not going to believe you've never called a woman "roastie" before, unprompted.

I was it on Sunday too. I arrived 10 minutes before my friends and got a seat in a mostly empty row thinking they'd be able to buy seats near me by the time they got through the line. In that 10 minutes the entire row sold out and they had to wave me over to exchange my ticket for one near them.

it's not just that; women can call the movie trash and not see it without being called bigoted, but if a man says/does the same, it's because he can't watch a woman superhero.

Reddit popularized Pepe

Got a pdf link?

>if a man says/does the same, it's because he can't watch a woman superhero.
Says who? Twitter accounts with ten followers?

Brie's signed on to 6 more movies. They better accept it or get out as long as the mouse lets them.

Bro, call me commie fucker and all that you want, but in the end we are both fucked.
Their strategy is to divide us all. To make you demonize me and viceversa. We're all fucked, and it goes way way beyond just a shitty movie and it's score

Twitter. It's all on Twitter. Nobody cares about Yea Forums when theres Twitter. If you're going to shill somewhere it wont be to 100 angry neets who have already made up their mind in a format that will self delete in two hours, it'll be on twitter.

Their strategy is to make money and nothing more you /x/tard.

Hold on is it about dem jooooooos?

It's literally not possible to be a thinking human and actively defend
1) An awful capeshit film
2) A massive and pure-evil corporation
To do so goes against everything normal and beautiful in the world. You must know that supporting Disney at this stage in the game is only going to make the world a worse place.

Therefore the people who are doing this in this thread are either not genuine or bots.

Pepe did not come from Reddit they merely spammed it. That's all they do, copy things that already exist.

Attached: 1544306244043.jpg (1024x504, 94K)

Reddit's the largest point of interaction between internet and mainstream culture that isn't Twitter (character limit) or Facebook (much older average userbase, focused more on local social media.) It has far, far higher traffic than this site, and celebrities/political figures post there regularly. Your concept of "generating ideas" loses steam past creating memes, which Yea Forums hasn't even fucking done well since Wojak/Pepe started dominating everything. Faggy little psyops like "It's Okay to Be White" don't count for shit other than feeding a few lazy sites their clickbait chum.

Or just people who disagree with you over the nature of those two items. But noooo that's impossible since you're objectively correct in all your opinions.

t's literally not possible to be a thinking human and actively attack
1) A good film that I enjoyed
2) A corporation that I like
To do so goes against everything normal and beautiful in the world. You must know that attacking Disney at this stage in the game is only going to make the world a worse place.

Therefore the people who are doing this in this thread are either not genuine or bots.

Attached: 1552220699616.jpg (393x420, 14K)

If a reporter tried to denounce Disney and especially Captain Marvel, his career would be over. He wouldn't be allowed to make articles even for a school bulletin.

I think you're right. Late Capitalism is destroying artistic innovation. But there's more at stake here, people went to these theatres, women went to these theatres. They encouraged women to go.
Any why?
Most women harbour some left wing values, and most some anti capitalist values. Because they don't fit into a capitalist society {they do, as mothers, but many obviously don't want that. They want prospects}
But Disney, and most "progressive" cooperations see their complaints and are aiming to let women becone equal eaners of capital in the hope that money and greed will steer them right the same way it did men.
That's what's actually going on here.

The AI works!

Attached: 1535672436897.gif (246x437, 1.7M)

Yea Forums Pepe and Reddit MAGA Pepe are two very different things

The latter is the one that has made it into pop culture

You're doing a whole lot of talking but you aren't saying much. Companies want to make money. That's what they do. Everything else is conjecture and speculation. All this "they're dividing us!" shit isn't even in corporate interests. Do you know how good a time it was for corporations back after 9/11? They were slipping pharmaceutical shit into security bills because we were all "united" in fighting terrorism.

It's the fear that fucks you.

>If a reporter tried to denounce Disney and especially Captain Marvel, his career would be over
If he quoted alt-right e-celebs from youtube as his insiders and sources, you bet your faggot ass he would.

Because that post was so low IQ hat even the most basic AI could understand it

>CTRL + F "incel"
>13 replies
Why are trannies so obsessed with policing this board?

isn't that literally money laundering and, ya know, illegal as fuck?

>strg f "shill"
>35 results

I win.

Because they're mentally ill?

They didn't shill TLJ this much did they?

Attached: 1457071120217.jpg (228x223, 7K)

>literally 4% of replies
>half of them ironic anyways
>why is my enemy so obsessed with me? I should go out of my way to search them out in every thread I'm in to prove that THEY are the obsessed ones

Fuck off. No one wants you here.

if you count the TFA shilling as part of the TLJ shilling, we've got a ways to go.

How many years have you been here?

cunt I’ve been here since 2006 and never been on there
I’ve not seen this reddit double spacing meme until 2014-ish so you just fuck off newfag



>doesn't know something that happened in 2017

Smells like newfag in here

you think the theaters are in on it?

>literally have 99% of the internet that accepts them and their mental illness
>decide to come to Yea Forums, of all places, to post
I guess they really are.
2006, now go ahead and say I'm lying. Also, I actually have a girlfriend, too. Just got off the phone with her. But, that's impossible since literally everyone on Yea Forums HAS to be a virgin.

Attached: rPTs9eCvMKyV8DcPGGMTESFul2u0mf6rBy30a_omFCY.jpg (500x1200, 95K)

Everyone is in on it. Disney, Soros, the Deep State, moot,

>implying TLJ is memorable in any way, shape, or form

If that were true, then you wouldn't tell an user who's telling underage newfags to piss off that "no one wants you here".

How is your reading comprehension so bad?

Yea my theater was double stacked. If you were white you had to sit on the erect cocks of black men who already had seats.
>it cost extra

Why do you have to ask about something that happened in 2017, user?

Or maybe I can? I want trannies dead, that's it. They're a fucking scourge.
>we've always liked traps!
Maybe you have, faggot, but I never have.

>siding with gen z mongrels
No one wants you here either, faggot.

Attached: 1489779579010.jpg (496x1374, 175K)

I side with no one.

Because I don't recall the shilling being THIS much. There were shills but not this many. But yes I'm a newfag you got me! Only been here since 2008.

Also Disney had 5 flops last year, it's bleeding money in every front and the only thing still producing tons of cash is the MCU. Disney has to maintain the Marvel machine still going, no matter what

Apathy is death.

Attached: 1448307748639.png (500x235, 122K)

Nothing says oldfag like calling anyone who disagrees with you a shill.

It is now

Are you serious user? The user made that image using Clipart to fake being stickied. Wisen up if you wanna hang around these parts of the internet. Tricksters at every turn

>Los Angeles
is a complete piss hole.

if you don't liked it, you are a cisgender racist

Attached: captainlgbtq+.png (673x651, 400K)

What the actual fuck are you even talking about anymore, and how does this relate to anything posted before this

Some people get really angry and confused by just thinking about traps

newfags can't into chanspacing
they reveal newfaggotry by their ignorance on the two accepted formats of shitposting with words.
What a bunch of newfags

no that's your mom's face



>Captain Marvel had Disney exec's Pay for almost 80% of opening weekend sales


That right there proves this is fake, Bob Iger is not gonna donate his own fucking money to a shitty movie

>Bob Iger is not gonna donate his own fucking money to a shitty movie
This for fucking certain. The idea that these money grubbing power hungry power corporate suits are going to burn their cash to make some faggots on Yea Forums and YouTube gnash their teeth is the height of /x/-tier retardation.

Maybe because it was a shit movie with the most ridiculous and insulting marketing campaign of all time.