I fucking hate superhero movies but this is literally the best thing I have seen in a long time

I fucking hate superhero movies but this is literally the best thing I have seen in a long time
Only problem is I dont really like the OST but its made up by this total semendemon

Attached: gwen.png (854x358, 596K)

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I'm surprised by the lack of porn.

this movie put every other superhero film that's come out in the last 2 decades to shame, and convinced me that this style of animation is the best way to portray comics in action. The visuals were so fucking slick

It was great. Funny, well-paced, decent character development, good sense of gravitas, didn't stop every 10 seconds to wink and pander to the capeshit casuals, it just did its thing. Neither Yea Forums or Yea Forums talked about it very much because they only talk about stuff when there's controversy or waifus, so the most I ever saw were /pol/-tier threads trying to get people to care enough about Miles Morales to hate him, or the occasional Peni Parker thread.

I like it a lot, too, but there's not much to say about it and given the fact that animated capeshit success pales in comparison to live action capeshit success, there's no reason to ever hope for more funding for this kind of thing, so I doubt it'll ever truly supplant MCU-tier capeshit the way it deserves to.

>Stop fetishising fictional characters, Gwen isn't rea-

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I don't get it, it had a nice visual style but there's nothing to this film other than pandering to greasy comic book nerds and asian markets, the pacing was bad and story was just meh (stop the baddie before he does the bad thing!)

Attached: 90543534.jpg (239x211, 8K)

I don't completely disagree, but eat shit faggot, your opinion is trash.

I wish they focused on the other spidermans (noir, peni, pork) more instead of treating them as joke characters. It's a shame that they treated Noir as just a joke just like Batman in Lego movie

everything was so cliche I was literally never surprised even once by some plot development

you have the mind of a child who watches cartoons and likes shadman tier art. you're a lonely loser who has absolutely nothing going on and you should legit kill yourself.
>le semon demon XD
talk to an actual, real life, female you utter faggot

movie was okay but i want to fuck gwen

the best spiderman movie by far

its a spiderman movie you stupid faggot

I watched it last night and a lot of the foreground and background was blurry? Is that intentional or was the version I was watching meant for 3-d?

>american animation

Yeah I pirated this the other day and was surprised by how good it was, easily the best Spider-Man movie since Spider-Man 2. I’d watch a spin off movie with Gwen or Noir Spider-Man.

>exclusive private school
>allows eyebrow piercings

Pick one.

Get out of my dreams...
and into my bed

>I hate superhero movies
>but I actually like them

Calm down sperg.

Nice bait honestly.
Its good to see some bait here that had some effort in it.

So you're saying Spiderman is shit by default?

Attached: redditMovieHigh.png (1231x443, 65K)

Looks like shadman

There's a shitton of porn of Peni though. Look harder.

>remove negroid for original young peter parker instead
>it becames a better movie all way around

>liking a movie and thinking about why you liked its reddit now
jesus fucking Yea Forums has fallen when you literally cant discuss a movie without getting called le epic reddit

Private schools allow piercings

My favorite twist about it was that early Spiderman is actually successful as a hero and a real life person. I thought that it was off and then the real Spiderman shows up. That's a nice touch for saying that Miles's universe is an alternate universe

I liked most of the soundtrack but the two "sad" moments had the worst tracks. Pete's funeral with that awful Lil Wayne song, and then when the spiderpeople kick Miles off the team they play that gay soundcloud rapper Juice Wrld

But lots of people had represented it as a comic book movie that was a cut above other superhero movies, including movie reviewers who I respect who were putting it on there end of year lists, I only just saw it recently and I was just underwhelmed, there was nothing special about it.

Same, other sounds are great I just hated the shitty rap songs.

sounds are only in my head haha telling me to do things haha

It was a lot of fun. I'm not really with the people calling it the best theatrical Spider-Man movie, though. I think the super fast pacing and "everything but the kitchen sink" approach it took to the franchise's history took away a lot of room it could have used for a bit of downtime to develop its characters more and give its emotional scenes more impact. Miles realizing that his uncle is a supervillain and then later having him die was technically a great idea but it could have worked even better if the move took more time to let it sink in rather than just hurrying to the next trippy action scene. It was just a bit too slick and hyperactive for its own good.

Still though, as an action movie it was fucking stellar. It had almost Fury Roads level of momentum.

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So did Gwen get a lab assistant job in a week or did she needlessly sneak into the high-security complex with a shitty disguise?

theater finna be slick empty, slawwww

>Aunt May is a kickass no-nonsense granny!!
Hate this trope

What about the visuals?
Every single frame of this movie is literally could be a wallpaper

It won't happen with so many people pirating it, you'll just get more MCU if not supported.

He puts it in an awfully faggy way but I know what he's talking about. That feeling when you've just finished a movie or a book or even a video game that you really, thoroughly enjoyed and for a while you're just glad you saw it... that's a great feeling.

>I fucking hate superhero movies
Marvel is the perfect corporation for you, then.


Attached: thowupinmouth.gif (500x290, 493K)

They should have made the movie either a 4 hours long or a 6 episode series.
They could have developed every character like old spiderman with archs and development like him.
Would have been fantastic.

I just hope she's good in her own movie. She didn't get much screen time here and she's shit in the comics. There's some interesting ideas there but modern marvel writers are just too shit to handle stuff like "Holy crap Gwen Stacy just fucking murdered Peter Parker and now has to live with that".

Attached: thicc Spider Gwen.png (1920x796, 2.39M)

>there's not much to say about it
The only truthful part of your post

>Only problem is I dont really like the OST

[screams in Prowler]


Why does Yea Forums love Nic Cage so much?

What the fuck was this? I literally walked out of the theater after this.

Attached: spider point.png (1036x683, 650K)

The screams really sells it
Yeah he was barely in iy

>I’d watch a spin off movie with Gwen
Next movie is confirmed to be a spin-off movie starring Spider-Gwen.

>I literally walked out of the theater after this.

I really hope they make the sequel where they get even more retarded spidermans in 1 movie to stop some great evil.
It could be the avengers but with spidermans.

Agreed but it had to be this way for Sony to keep Spiderman away from the Mouse.

That's a dude.

No one wants to see that shit. If it was popular, then you wouldn't have "look harder".

I'm pretty sure
has drawn lots of Gwen already.

how i felt about End of Evangelion

was surprised myself too
pretty good shit

This is the kind of audience the film panders too. There's no future for real animation.

>allows time travelers to enroll within a day with no paperwork

there's a comic about this, don't read it it's awful, namely because they think it's funny to kill all the interesting spider-man variants. They even go out of their way to kill hostess Spider-Man just for the hell of it but I'm sure if given to the guys from this movie it would be thousands of times better.

Attached: hostess-spidey-rip.jpg (900x1366, 453K)

Hello red it

nigger + white woman = automatic pass

Did anyone else feel like that while Miles was way better than he had any right to be and was legit well written, he was still kind of boring compared to the other Spidermen? The film just left me wanting more of the others. Even Gwen was more interesting to me despite playing the Straightman for most of the film. Am I just too burned out on "kid becomes a superhero" arcs or what? I can't place it.

Maybe she stole the identity of a Gwen that already existed and just made her stay home. Really, she needed more screentime if she was going to be up to par with Miles and Peter B as one of three main characters. Stuff like that or seeing her actually react to other Peters would have helped.

Well almost everything in this movie has shitty comic versions. The guys doing the movie basically just fixed everything Marvel has done.

They don't so much as hold hands in this movie.

It's because no matter how well written Miles is written, he still just a black and more boring version of Peter Parker, in a film where both Parkers are already more interesting than Miles

His motivation is different from Peter's though. I mean Miles' main issue at the start of the movie is he didn't want to be under any pressure to be something greater. Kind of the opposite to Peter in that respect. Peter at that point in his development wanted to be special and bring in money to help his poor family. Still found Peter B way more interesting.


No that would be Bendis, Bendis ruins fucking everything especially his OC Miles.

I think his dad being a cop that hates Spiderman is very interesting ground to work with.
Too bad it was resolved already.

JJ is like a surrogate father to Peter at some points

so all the other non-Bendis current Marvel are good and not absolute trash?

Genuinely impressed by this movie and thoroughly enjoyed it. Really just came out of the blue, especially considering Sony. Sometimes a shot in the dark can hit its target.

The motivation of Miles having a pressure for being a Spiderman and almost quit being spiderman is something that we've seen before in Spiderman 2 though. They could also making him having a different point of view of only being spiderman as having fun or chasing fame and gradually becoming matured for his responsibility, but that also already done in Homecoming
I mean we already have a character who hates spiderman, he's called JJ

I'm starting to think the movie would have been better if it was about a young Peter meeting an old Peter or Spider-Gwen meeting a living peter. I mean Miles wasn't bad, he had his moments. But he was the least interesting part of the movie.

>a day

she says in the movie she had been there for a week

Spider Gwen did meet a living Peter

when it comes to Miles yes

tried to copy what lego batman did

>stale, copy-pasted talking points
>nice bait

that's a shit gwen OP

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They're good visuals, but same could be said about any big budget CGI movie these days, doesn't do much for me

>muh epic white short hair roastie #667235742
Yawn, stop applying

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