Sci-fi movie

>sci-fi movie
>character explains wormholes by bending a piece of paper and sticking a pencil through it

why do filmmakers keep doing this

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Because filmmakers are the biggest brainlets of all

Name 3 sci-fi movies that do this.

Name 3 movies that did this

Hard mode: no interstellar

Have sex

FTL isn't real. We're never exploring the stars. C is the great filter. Get over it.

> action movie
> people talk to each other

It's not even a good metaphor, space is three dimensional and it's really difficult to visualize.

> the shortest distance between two points is a straight line!
> *laughs* no, dumb fuck. Watch this... *grabs pencil and paper*

interstellar, event horizon, the martian, true detective iirc

Fuck Interstellar. Event horizon did it first.

>event horizon is a good horror movie

why are people like this?

Now think about how your tongue is inside your mouth and suddenly you don't know what to do with it.

Fuck you nigger

>not knowing exactly where you tongue is at all times

imagine being this guy with his deformed skull

my tongue exists to lick little girl's armpits

>When you fall through a black hole
>you become spaghetti pasta because stronk gravity
why do they always say this?

Doesn't happen in the martian

because the gravity is so strong it distorts space so much that any direction is all directions.

the irony that idiots keep making these threads

Could you come up with a better and simpler scene to exemplify wormhole travelling to someone who doesn't know what the fuck you're talking about?

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Based and sexpilled

>So how does this wormhole work?
>It doesn't, it's made up bullshit.
>credits roll