>48 years
48 years
Other urls found in this thread:
he's homosexual, so it's not a big deal
The sheer intensity of just how badly he killed his career should land him in the Guiness Book of Fucking Retards.
>mailing fake anthrax
>destroying race relations in a hoax that got nationwide coverage
This nigger is going down. Cope.
Honestly this. I'm surprised gays don't intentional,y get themselves locked up to be buttfucked on the daily
We live in a world where an Antifa thug can try to kill several unarmed innocent people by trying to crush their skulls with a piece of metal, on camera, and walk with just probation.
A gay nigger that faked a crime in an attempt to smear Trump-supporters is a hero to the Left. He will walk with a slap on the wrist.
>this country is filled with racists
>*stages a fake racist attack on himself with two black guys as the attackers*
>neet, gay
I'm honestly considering it.
if he had gotten away with it, it would've made him insanely rich though.
>assaulted by "Trump supporters"
Hollywood would've been having bidding wars into the 10s of millions to cast him in shit.
>On June 28, Richardson was indicted and charged in the mailing of ricin-laced letters to President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg.
>On July 16, 2014 most of the charges against Richardson were dropped as per her plea agreement. The charges of making threats against the President of the United States and mailing threatening communications were dropped. Richardson was convicted of the charge pertaining to manufacture and possession of a biological weapon and sentenced to 18 years in prison, $367,222 in restitution, $100 special assessment fee (for psychological testing), 5 years' supervised release and ordered to undergo psychological treatment while in prison and continue psychological treatment after her release.
He'll be fine
He wont do more than months.
This scares nobody else away from doing it.
We live in a world where a MAGA thug can try to kill several unarmed innocent people by trying to crush their skulls with a piece of metal, on camera, and walk with just probation.
A straight white male that faked a crime in an attempt to smear bernie-supporters is a hero to the right. He will walk with a slap on the wrist.
He ain't gonna do a day in prison.
he wont do more than 6 months and will hailed as a 'victim' when he gets out.
man they really threw the book at this handsome, wealthy celebrity who was probably well liked among his fans before the incident and is probably still being defended by a lot of them
he's getting 5
Outlandish "racially motivated" attacks are 100% fake 100% of the time. The MSM always refuses to print the truth days later when it always turns out that the "nazi threats" were from some random nigger, or when the dune coon's lies about buff white men trying to cut her hair off and burn her head towel never existed and she made the whole story up which sounds suspiciously like a sexual fantasy of hers. They're always hoaxes, the MSM just makes it seem like they aren't.
Because being gay and therefore the bottom still means you're the lowest of the low in prison?
He will get hardly any jail time, if any, for most of the charges BUT the fake anthrax thing could put him away for years.
She's a white woman though, he's going to die in prison
probably if you're this desperate you're ugly and so less likely to be targeted but either way rape is agonising retard, gaynal especially (t. 12 time prison rape victim)
I can't survive prison I'm not like you Oscar.
Minorities get short sentences for these sort of crimes too. Only white men do hard time for victimless crimes
what the fuck kind of name is jussie
probably don't want the brutal ass beating that comes with the train that gets run on you
I'm letting you guys into some secret intel, but please don't spread it: nothing will happen to him.
Thanks for the attention.
If I remember correctly his whole family has garbage names and he got off lucky.
Love the libtrannies coping in this thread. Read the fine print. 16 charges, 48 years. You lose again.
Bike lock idiot, yea, got a slap on the wrist. It's pinko liberal judges in our cities doing this.
Women always get lighter sentences
And we also live in a world where nazis organize rallies in public places shouting anti Semitic phrases and driving their vehicles into crowds, killing people in the process.
Remember when the Bernie Bro shot up a Congressional Baseball game and sent several sitting House members the the ICU with gun shot wounds and the MSM treated it as less of a big deal than this gay nigger supposedly having bleach thrown on him during the coldest night in Chicago in 46 years?
Normally I'd agree but the only reason they went this hard to begin with was due to the amount of gall he had in this. He literally sent fake texts to the PD when they initially wanted stuff.
He's not black in my eyes he's a gay liberal jew.
I'm tired of these niggas exploiting us
He will get 18 months in prison and 7 years probation, somebody screenshot this
>trying to soften his own rape by saying it happened because he was pretty/better than people who aren't getting raped
wew, anyway, it's still free food and housing
Are you continuing to repeat the lie that the morbidly obese girl was hit by the car in Charlottesville and not the truth that she died from an MI and improperly rendered CPR by someone who didn't know what she was doing?
who writes this crap?
What was he thinking or did he not have any white friends?
He won't see a single day of imprisonment
>black american
Yeah, the only thing he will be facing is a public apology on behalf of all white men.
>where nazis organize rallies in public places shouting anti Semitic phrases
not illegal
>and driving their vehicles into crowds, killing people in the process.
He's in jail
That's still would be a fucking shitty sentence. Probation sucks ass and is pretty crippling in terms of what kind of life you can lead
If he gets a year in prison and restitution for the money wasted on this bullshit., I'll be happy.
Jussie fuck my shit up
Fascism is a murderous ideology and any violence against it is justified, go back to /pol/ if you disagree.
This idpol lib tried to play the corrupt justice system and got burned by his own grift, no sympathy from me. And no he's a hero to the "left", maybe to liberals but not to leftists.
based nigger
Damn I just loled, thank you user
Please keep this thread up at all times. Seems to rile the discord trannies.
What about the time a white nationalist shot up a mosque in Quebec City and killed 9 people, they really fooled me with that one.
Ok Jamal. Still better than getting shanked for being a fag
I always wondered why is it that you Americans take mail related crimes so seriously and furiously dunk on people doing them?
From what i know, you used to hang people for it.
what does this mean
He's a rich celebrity. He'll get 3 years max.
Another victim of the Trump curse.
The fat ass died of a heart attack he literally didn't try to kill anybody
If you didn't want him to drive away in a panic, why did you chase him with a rifle?
Prison inmates don't like fags. He would be put in protective custody simply because of his fame anyways.
yup it's true!!
Why do you think that?
I don't care what goes on in Muslim countries and neither does anyone else.
>Fascism is a murderous ideology and any violence against it is justified, go back to /pol/ if you disagree.
Communism is a murderous ideology and any violence against it is justified, go back to /leftypol/ if you disagree.
Trump curse
Gangster gay niggers are among the most feared in the prison hierarchy
based black uncle tom cuck
Imagine being so stupid as to claim that every hate crime is a hoax, and when you're confronted with one that clearly isn't a hoax, you just abandon your argument and go on to the next absolute failure of an argument.
Honestly neck yourself retard, I'm glad people like you don't have a voice in actual society and are relegated to this piece of shit website
>Prison inmates don't like fags
Yeah that must be why they're all buttfucking eachother at every opportunity
US mail has been tooted as arguably the most efficient/trustworthy in the world. Why do we take it so seriously? I don't have a clue, but it is serious business.
Why do you care
Ummmm sweetie black people can't be responsible for crimes they're victims of society
identity politics, e.g:
>muh aryan heritage
>muh trans plastic vagina
>muh free market
corporate shills of various flavors. zero concept of collective action, as politically effective as wet toast
They do prison is full of homosexuals looking for a bumming these people are insane
*drops mic*
>where nazis organize rallies in public places shouting anti Semitic phrases
Literally not illegal, nor even physically harmful.
>and driving their vehicles into crowds
Because you commie thugs threatened to shoot him and then tried to beat your way into his car. You forgot that part.
>killing people in the process
Literally the only person that died wasn't even hit by the car, and only died because she was too fucking fat to survive an injury that lots of healthier people were able to survive despite being injured worse.
And despite all this, that person is still in jail.
Meanwhile Eric Clanton is walking around free on mere probation.
It's a real easy way to kill or fuck someone up from a long distance. Presidents and prominent government officials are all immune to it now but it's still a really fucking low and insidious thing. Besides, if the envelope tore or leaked during mail processing or transit, it could kill a lot of innocent people.
Also the US just takes mail seriously in general.
give me a break
I was thinking this was going to get memory holed. Still think he will ultimately get a slap on the wrist.
CIVIL WAR NOW! Let's get this over with
Wasnt a hate crime. Killing muzzies is a love crime
>meanwhile, Varg murders a man and was only in prison for 15 years
What did they mean by this?
>"this piece of shit website"
>still comes here every day because ???
You may be pro-fascist but least this is a coherent viewpoint, as opposed to the shitty libs who cry at any kind of political violence even if it's necessary.
It's funny sometimes
Don't worry, everything is email now
Never gonna happen. Don't get your hopes up.
>getting raped by other Tyrones for 48 years
>implying that's not paradise to him
Varg is certifiable. I honestly believe it's only a matter of time before he kills again.
I hate niggers.
>Most hate crimes are fake
You really need to neck yourself.
ITT people who have no clue about prison culture. Being a fag in prison is the lowest of the low in terms of respect. The only thing lower is being a rat. Being either a dad or a rat greatly increases your chances of being attacked.
Who the hell views this retard as a hero, are you drunk?
>le ebil communists in usa
Communism is a murderous ideology and any violencr against it is not only justified, but also hilarious. Go back to r/eddit if you disagree.
He is black and raped no one. He will do no time.
*fag not dad
He said racially motivated. Muslims arent a race you brainlet
>Communism is a murderous ideology
No, communism is a progressive ideology, capitalism IS a murderous ideology, american presidents killed more people than hitler and stalin and mao combined.
Lmao is any of this supposed to convince me he's leftist?
No-one palling around with the Prison Indsutrial Complex postergirl Kamala Harris is remotely left....
Well there's roughly two sides that absolutely refuse to have anything to do with each other, isolating themselves from each other both geographically and now online. Where could it possibly lead?
you say you're a communist revolutionary, but somehow receive funding from soros and get special treatment from the justice system.
I don't know... it's starting to seem that you guys are the bootlicker useful idiots and fascists are the ones who are an actual threat to the system.
>48 years
>%100 percent of Hatecrimes %100 percent of the time
Here's one example literally down the street from me off the top of my head
>Hurrrrr Obviously not all of them!
If you don't mean it, don't say it retard.
>We live in a world where a MAGA thug can try to kill several unarmed innocent people by trying to crush their skulls with a piece of metal, on camera, and walk with just probation.
When and where did this happen? In your head?
Are you mocking him for thinking there are communists or for thinking communists are evil? Can you be more specific?
This. Our judicial system is full of corrupt pinkos.
"Muslim" isn't a race you cock-gobbling queer.
>had to pay $100 for psychological treatment out of her own pockets
He will get probation and psychological training before getting new work. Our Justice system is a joke.
what a waste of money
should just kill him
The majority of communists, especially the nonwhite ones, support ethnocentric idpol.
Being a white communist who opposes white nationalism is basically saying "please mutilate me and then rape my corpse."
See pic related, black communist who was put in power by the Soviets and Chinese, and later disenfranchised/genocided both the leftist and right-wing whites in his country.
Trannies are STRESSING
Jussie is FINISHED
yeah, progressing towards failure and destruction
liberals are not communists idiot
This. When white men do shit like this an 'example' needs to be made out of them, according to activist judges.
>progressing towards failure and destruction
Communism never failed so bad as capitalism ae failing. Bangladesh is a capitalistic country for example. Djibouti is, Liberia too, etc.
any law guy here? What time will he actually get? He doesn't have a criminal record before this incident.
antifa is funded by soros
Racism and facism rules you sound like an aids ravaged faggot which is exactly what you are
It won’t be light like the coping liberals and trannies are coping in this thread
Neoliberals use commies and mercenaries to crush nationalist rebellion.
Most commies are just neoliberals LARPing with a red/yellow color scheme.
gaynigger BTFO
Cold war.
>not real communism
>He's not black in my eyes
>nonwhite shitholes full of subhumans are failing
>american presidents killed more people than hitler and stalin and mao combined.
over what period of time?
Um, look at Zimbabwe.
>american presidents killed more people than hitler and stalin and mao combined
Citation needed.
he won't
He will.
How is it murderous?
What is a victimless crime? I’ve never heard of a crime that doesn’t have a victim.
>No, communism is a progressive ideology
Progressively more genocidal, comrade.
he better
>that slowmo
he's literally half jewish
Stalin had 23 million kills and Mao had 80 million kills. That's not counting the other communist regimes.
You saying US Presidents killed over 100 million?
More like full of sexual degenerates with no self-control. Most of them would fashion themselves as straight on the outside, but they penetrate other men on the inside because they lack to self-control to wait until they leave and the shame that would keep them from even trying it. Actual faggots get separated from the general population because they get run through by everyone there.
thats a bit over the top, american "justice" system is fucked up with these 50 year possible sentences
forgot pic
Formerly Smart Simpsons.jpg
There's literally an organization of Communist Terrorists that is allowed to operate in the open and Democrat mayors instruct the police-force to stand down for in multiple American cities while they riot, intimidate voters, comit assault, etc., and several of them are actively employed as college professors.
Get me on the phone when the "nazis" are even close to being able to do the same thing.
Explains his urge to make-up fake grievances.
He'll do 6 years then some celebs will start a campaign to get him out like that rapper a year or two ago and be out
Imagine not understanding hate crimes apply to more than just ethnic status, holy shit, no wonder you guys confuse a board about TV for a politics board!
I knew he was a lying sack of shit from day one, but I did not expect him to actually be held accountable. NICE.
I wish the leftists would hurry up and make good on this threat. In addition to just being tired of constantly hearing about it, it'd be the best thing to ever happen to the right-wing and the ultimate example of Leftists getting hoisted by their own petard.
They'd basically be starting a "war" they can't possibly win. Really it'd be less of a war and more of a massacre. They'd basically be asking for that "Day of the Rope" thing and giving its perpetrators an excuse to commit it.
Think about what the factions would actually be in a "Second American Civil War".
It'd be pink-haired ham-planets and their soi-boy slaves and tenured Commie college professors, all armed with White Privilege Awareness pamphlets. The only ones that would be an actual threat are the poorly-organized thugs, cholos and terrorists that actually have guns.
Meanwhile they'd be going up against essentially the entire military, the entire police-force, hunters, survivalists, working-class militias and pretty much every racial minority that isn't a moron.
It'd be a complete slaughter. Imagine the Battle of Portland but with bullets.
Basically, he'll face 24 months house arrest, with records expunged after 6 months good behavior.
>we gotta focus on those white males and their crimes
Back when the US was still a frontier country, mail was the only reliable way to get information from one side of the country to the other. Literally everything had to be done by mail, from personal letters to public declarations to notifications about current events and new laws. People who fucked with the mail could alter an entire regions understanding of the rest of the country. Thus, huge penalties and a powerful investigative force were created to prevent criminals from even thinking about altering the mail. Basically it was a matter of national security back then.
Now, physical mail isn't super important anymore, but the Postal Inspection Service still has all the power that it historically had. So you have this hugely powerful agency, basically sitting on its haunches, bored, just waiting for someone to fuck with the mail. Combination of all these forces basically means that when someone does do something stupid over the mail, they'll get reamed 6 ways to Sunday because the PIS has nothing better to do.
PS: Join 4craft and make Yea Forums sneed again! discord.gg
It was just a harmless social experiment, white people fucking suck.
yeah where the fuck was johnnie cochran
King Leopold's body-count doesn't pass historical scrutiny. The 15 to 20 million number traces back to a single unsourced document and numerous historians roundly reject.
There's also the fact that the vast majority of the supposed killings were conducted not under Leopold's command but instead voluntarily by African warlords that were merely allied with him.
heard this a lot but there's literally no proof
TMZ reporting that the brothers said the 3500 check was for training...
>Fascism is a murderous ideology and any violence against it is justified, go back to /pol/ if you disagree.
Yeah, that guy that was unarmed, on his knees and trying to separate the two groups? SUPER huge Fascist.
why are they all frowning?
Crazy how fast this fell out of the news.
He's black and he's gay. Shouldn't there be an article about his bravery, coming up with these fake charges and all, since it's America?
Your shitty humor and the way you type is so obviously reddit, go back there and stay there you shitstain.
Literally a non-sequitur
Damn that's interesting. I buy too much shit but USPS is still consistently the only carrier worth a shit. Had something go missing once, most likely stolen due to the way it was never delivered and other things, talked to some official sounding dude and had it back the following morning and there was a new carrier.
The leftists still defending him.
They won't admit it out loud, but to them he's not a propagandist criminal but instead a good soldier who was injured in the line of duty.
Leftists have no concept of "right" and "wrong" when it comes to "fighting fascism", i.e. doing anything to damage Trump and his supporters.
"There are no wrong methods, only wrong targets."
To them it's perfectly OK to lie, so long as the lie you tell forwards the agenda, because the agenda is inherently correct.
>the way her fat jiggles
This is what he gets for being a nigger.
Yeah, I remember James Allsup or whoever's vid about the Belgian Congo exaggeration. I just posted that chart because it was convenient.
It won't give me free money for being a NEET that I can spend on weed and the Internet Connection I need to post on /leftypol/.
That's BASICALLY murder!
>It was just a harmless social experiment
If the police in Chicago had more leftist ideologues, they probably would have arrested some random innocent white dudes and thrown them in prison. Felony charges aren't something to fuck around with.
Gotta love it when that reddit moral superiority shows itself in full swing
>american presidents killed more people than hitler and stalin and mao combined
Considering Mao is, without exaggeration, the single most murderous person of the entire 20th fucking Century, I seriously doubt an American President exceeded him, let alone exceeding his kill-count COMBINED with Stalin's and Hitler's.
Those numbers are made up by white cops framing blacks and other minorities for murders.
Has anyone got that "Hey Jussie... What you doing?" pic?
Outside of Charlottesville there really hasn’t been a huge city-destroying Nazi rally, and even then Antifa/reddit dick sucking groups were there
It’s mostly special snowflake leftists groups that go out and break windows in public. Now run along back to your shitty “morally righteous” reddit account to get some gold
No they aren’t.
>184 posts
>80 unique IPS
>Outlandish "racially motivated" attacks are 100% fake 100% of the time.
You were responding to something about "racially motivated" attacks you fucking mongoloid.
The proof is that she wasn't even struck by the car.
And the people that WERE struck by the car, that weren't 250 lbs. overweight, survived.
have sex
Because despite all the constant killing they STILL didn't create a perfect Communist utopia.
one car attack?
When you count all the fake hate crimes, leftist assaults, antifa hijinks you won't think things are so clear cut anymore.
Even the FBI and homeland security consider antifa to be domestic terrorists - for good reason.
KKK and alt right are completely subverted by fed agents.
There is no way he faked this attack. Nobody is dumb enough to plan out something this ridiculous and actually follow through with it. I know it's cool to think that he just made it up, but seriously, none of you believe he's innocent? I have to side with Jussie here.
Is this kino?
Actually if you get raped in prison you're legally allowed to leave since it's considered cruel and unusual punishment - the prison guard union can't say shit either
yes they are and you're racist
No they aren’t and you’re racist. Have sex.
he still ran through a crowd of people with a car. Isn't that bad? That's bad right?
Chomo is lower than both man.
> Convicted by a Chicago jury.
Come on.
Hispanics and Blacks don’t like each other. Looks like a coin flip. Some whites and Asians too. Cope.
black people are pretty pissed off at him for this. Only the Wokest of blacks are still hanging on to thinking chicago PD is making shit up
I wonder what his aunt, Kamala Harris, is thinking about this...
The thing is, people being attacked aren't nazis, but now they are or atleast allies of convenience.
Bad move unifying the side with possess of most of the guns and military support.
Then again, leftists are comprised mostly of low IQ people with aloof whites at the top playing God.
Just find a cute bf user it’s not worth it
And what's the proof she wasn't hit by the car? I'm genuinely interested as I've heard this a lot but never seen the proof she wasn't hit. There's like one shitty video from one angle that might be able to show it and a few pics from an angle that makes it unclear what was happening really. Also, what's the agenda here? If you fire a gun but it doesn't hit someone head on but causes someone to have a heart attack are you not responsible? I just don't get the eagerness to cry fake.
How did Manafort get only 4 years for treason but this gay nig gets 48 years for being an attention whore
Need a unanimous jury for a criminal conviction. Not gonna happen.
He has a DUI and tried to use his younger brother's name to escape it. Wouldn't that count as a record?
Explain why I should care that a fat communist died.
From QC city. 100% falseflag. Dumbo yried to fucking """""flee"""" to a fucking island eith a god damn single bridge leading in and out.
>he's homosexual
And black. Prison is like home to him.
It is going to happen. There is no defense for his actions and nothing to prove his innocence.
He was french canadian, not a white nationalist. Just because he was white and shot muslims doesn't mean he was a white nationalist.
You can't blame all white nationalists for the actions of one person. You should stop criticizing white nationalists or else they'll radicalize and shoot more people. You just need to be more tolerant and accepting. Diversity makes us strong.
Depend how hard the postmaster wanna go. And if he get judged bybpinko commies or actual judges. Pinko gives him 5 years probation , massive fine, massive community service and years of psycological followups.
Actual judges gives him 5-10 because gay nigger.
Her name was Heather Heffa
The eagerness to cry fake is to absolve themselves of any moral responsibility. They'll scream and wail over dumbass college kids kicking over trash cans and starting fires at Berkeley, but when a man goes and shoots up a synagogue or a church and was proven to have been radicalized directly from Yea Forums/infinitechan, they'll come up with any excuse as to why they're not responsible.
JUSTine Smollett.
Nowhere. IRL version was bit different, it happened in Berkeley and it was antifa-guy beating people with MAGA hats with bike lock.
He is half kike.
Don't get hasty. The justice system can be very kind to the elites.
>The Holocaust never happened but it should have 1488 gas the kikes race war now wait what no that shooting never happened it was a false flag FUCK JEWS LMAO not really though but SERIOUSLY haha it's just a meme why do you all take this stuff so seriously????
/pol/ in a nutshell
He'll get no more then 2yrs. Parole within 6 months probably. If anything at all
>he still ran through a crowd of people with a car. Isn't that bad?
Yeah, but when Commie thugs are trying to beat their way into your car after threatening to shoot you, options are limited.
Hey why are you talking to yourself and rambling about a board that lives rent free in your skull?
>proven to have been radicalized directly from Yea Forums/infinitechan,
>Citation Needed
Fuck I swear that hrt shit you guys inject rots your brain.
If there actually was 2 white guys walking around its quite likely. Especially since faggot smollet actually was gonna throw them under the bus. Fuck, i wonder what would have happened if he randomly got known democrats this way.
It was just a prank bro
The fact that she had zero injuries consistent with getting hit with a car.
>Also, what's the agenda here?
The only agenda here is leftists that want to take a fat commie terrorist and turn her into a martyr because she was too "body positive" to survive something that was easily survivable by any healthy person.
The agenda here is leftists rallying around her death to justify FURTHER violence against any who vocally oppose them.
It's cute how they tried to make a martyr out of a blob holding a hammer and sickle flag. As though that's something quintessentially American.
>and was proven to have been radicalized directly from Yea Forums/infinitechan
"Proven" implies proof was involved, which was never presented.
Go inject more estrogen.
You got some of that proof pal?
Literally a Google search away moron:
>“HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”
Please, he'll get probation at best, just like all other media-hyped "victims".
imagine what it must feel like to have that mass on you moving that way.
one smollett sentence for nig, one giant step for racial harmony
Why does it matter whether she's quintessential. An American is an American
48 States Of Mind
Wheres the part about Yea Forums?
>Half Jew
Nothing will happen.
>65 Million+ dead innocents but it's ok because it wasn't real communism
alt right cultural conservative nationalists whatever you wanna call it are cucked out of their own well being by propaganda, you can spin it any way you want it
Daily reminder that Asia is a continent that is split up into West Asia, South Asia, East Asia and South East Asia, all of which are different racial groups. Daily reminder that the USA classifies you as 'white' if you're from the native peoples of the Middle East or North Africa (and Europe). Only in America does 'Asian' mean 'East Asian' because the term 'Oriental' got labelled as offensive.
For him that's 48 years hanging out in the showers with a bunch of glistening hard bodies.
>She didn't have injuries
Yeah you can say anything you want but where's the proof? Where are you getting this info? The back of some random woman's head is not proof, that's the equivalent of guys on /gif/ going "I actually know this girl"
I'm really not asking for a lot just any substantial proof
And where is Yea Forums or EightChan involved in that statement you drooling leftist mongoloid?
>no actual proof
>rant about how people shouldn't be such pussies as to die from being hit by a speeding car because of body positivity blah blah blah
unironically posted by a fat neckbeard
>an American
They are traitors and need to be treated as such.
>We live in a world where an Antifa thug can try to kill several unarmed innocent people by trying to crush their skulls with a piece of metal, on camera
>no actual proof
There was no actual proof she made direct contact with the vehicle, mongo.
CDAN and AGC Gossip were thinking Jussie will get a slap on the wrist:
>Right now they are saying nothing, but prosecutors in this case involving the actor/singer from the hit network show are weighing dropping all the charges against the actor/singer because they are not sure they can make them stick.
And here is where AGC guessed it was Jussie:
Wait so now you're just saying you don't need to prove it and that it's a conspiracy even though every official report was that she died from being hit by a car? If that's what you're going with, fine, but don't pretend like you have proof and then slink away when you don't have any.
>48 years for a bit of bantz
Grim. That's the USA judicial system for you
There aren't any official reports saying she died from being hit by a car. Show me that.
Hmm, I wonder where Gab gets its users from, oh gee, I dunno. Nope, nothing to see here! Why do you always play innocent? You have blood on your hands
That's Dan Henderson tier KO skills.
Remind me how many millions were intentionally killed by communism? Remind me how the hooded and masked anti-fascist movement that silences dissenting viewpoints with violence isn't fascist.
I thought the left didn't have to follow the law? They could lie and be as violent as possible all to suit their warped sense of progression.
Someone shilling for the destruction of the country is not a representative of that country, but a traitor.
white privilege on full display
You're a fucking idiot. You think you'll get released from getting raped? Buddy if that were the case a lot of people would be getting out all the time. Prison guard union? What the fuck are you on about.
based 88%er
imagine believing this
Even with the best lawyers in the world he's still gonna get hit with something. Half of that probably.
>inb4 "liberal local news LYING as usual, I only get my facts from compressed mspaint jpgs and greentext"
c'mon I don't even think the guy went to the rally specifically to ram people I think it was partially triggered by the intense situation but why are you denying this happened? Truther nonsense that just makes you look like a nutjob. Shit, even 9/11 conspiracies seem more legit than your narrative.
>we live in a world of free speech
How horrible for you.
>This nigger is going down. Cope.
Not him, but I think user was implying that Smollett may not serve any time due to his celebrity. Matthew Broderick killed two people and was only fined $175.
>On August 5, 1987, while driving a rented BMW in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, Broderick crossed into the wrong lane and collided head-on with a Volvo driven by Anna Gallagher, 30, accompanied by her mother, Margaret Doherty, 63, killing both instantly. He was vacationing with Jennifer Grey, whom he began dating in semi-secrecy during the filming of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, the crash publicly revealing their relationship. He had a fractured leg and ribs, a concussion, and a collapsed lung. Jennifer Grey received minor injuries, including whiplash.
>Broderick told police he had no recollection of the crash and did not know why he was in the wrong lane: "I don't remember the day. I don't remember even getting up in the morning. I don't remember making my bed. What I first remember is waking up in the hospital, with a very strange feeling going on in my leg." He was charged with causing death by dangerous driving and faced up to five years in prison, but was later convicted of the lesser charge of careless driving and fined $175.
That said, I'd love for this nigger to get the full 48.
>driving their vehicles into crowds
Self defense. His lawyer failed and should be disbarred for legal malpractice.
>the zoomer law expert
He'll do 1 year, tops. Probably 6 months. Now go floss.
>tfw wanna seize the means of production but also wanna kick all jews and non-whites out and strip away women’s rights
>tfw will get shit on by both /pol/ and /leftypol/
he's doing 1 year at most
Communism is inherently violent because you need violence to take people's stuff and gulag anyone who wants to make a lemonade stand. Fascism does not inherently need violence.
all systems of government require violence or the threat of violence, its the fundamental basis of all human societies
That's why I don't watch it. I officially have lost interest in the fact that someone might have been murdered near my home as a result of these shitty news stories.
Wait, doesn't that turn the whole thing upside down? I'd mow hundreds of americans if there was a single one of them chasing me with a fucking gun. I don't give a fuck, I'd run over kindergartners.
>Fascism does not inherently need violence.
Yes it does. Fascism absolutely needs violence to keep people in line. Where do you even get this idea?
What kind of dumb fucking name is that anyway?
Jeez, that looks like the senator from X-Men before turning into water
lmao you're a fucking retard, holy shit. name a single government that doesn't need violence
>gets completely ignored
Even the ugliest of faggots can get bummed every day with absolute ease there's no need to go to prison, gay personal ads are literally pictures of dicks, they have no standards
he better lube his anus hole
The tribe protects their own
it's either be fucked or be the fucker
commies are now exclusively white middle class trannies who actually despise the working class
what happened
>nothing to prove his innocence.
He doesn't have to prove shit. The (((State))) has to prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Not the same thing.
That's even before we get to the locals on the jury going all OJ.
>Implying Matthew "Kill a Mick Driving Automatic or Stick" Broderick did anything wrong
remember back when bruce jenner accidentally killed a guy and used his enormous wealth to get away with it?
Fine, he’ll get hate-crimed for real and nobody will believe him this time.
He would have gotten less time if he killed someone. This is fucking hilarious.
Can I get a quick rundown? Only heard his name, not the details.
Yeah, you can Google it you lazy faggot.
Based Son of Sowell.
You faggot nazi's are just a different side on the same coin.
Go take your tranny/leftist enemies and go stab each other until none of you come out.
I hear the guy has brain damage
"Tweet? What tweet?"
Embarrassing honestly. As a black gay man, I hang my head
>Fascism is a murderous ideology and any violence against it is justified
Repeat this but replace "Fascism" with "Communism" and you'll see where everyone else is coming from.
You should be used to hanging by now.
>And so I tole Jussie...
>*shuffles his feet*
>I sez to Jussie this...
>*smacks lips"
Got nothing. Quick rundown now?
You didn't even try, lazy faggot. No.
t. Tyrone
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