You either like my movie or you're a sexist bigot

You either like my movie or you're a sexist bigot.

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You either like my movie or you're a racist.

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liberals amirite?

yeah its a copy/paste hillary clinton campaign over and over again

I am a sexist bigot yet I liked it anyway..

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Please have dubs

Based corporations protecting us from incels

I'm a volcel and it was 5/10

>I'm a volcel and it was 5/10

I have your movie, and it's not because I'm a sexist bigot, which I am anyway.

What’s wrong with being sexy?

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I'm volincel and I don't watch capeshit

Are women sexist for skipping this one?

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i love watching you guys get riled up over strawmen you've made up in your own mind in your head

I used to absolutely adore this woman, she was an icon of mine for a long time. Her work in Scott Pilgrim, Short Term 12, and Room was all outstanding and I admired her for not adopting the liberal hollyweird mindset.

Until she started hanging with that fat pig Amy Schumer and turned into an intolerable feminist. So disappointing Brie.

: (

You gotta admit, she is irritating.
That tweet about being looked at by TSA really smacked of arrogance
She has no charm

I had sex and it was nothing special

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You either like our movies or you're hateful trolls.

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I'm a sexist racist bigot, and your movies are shit.

>women hate comic book movies unless there’s a hunky exotic guy with his shirt off
More news at 11

Man I’d love to kill this bitch and all of the liberals on this board

Kill yourself first Disney shill, before you write article #153212 about incel “trolls”

you were doin it wrong then.

I bought a ticket to CM solely based on the fact that poltards hate it. My little contribution to making you brainlets SEETHE. Go back to your containment board, CM has already made it's budget back and still has 3 more weeks to make profit. No one cares you're moving the goalposts from it flopped to underperforming. Go bug Donnie to build the wall he promised 3 years ago before he loses to Bernie next year.

Based & Dempilled.

Based disneybro btfoing incels with facts and logic


Double Cringe, no take backs !

she's cute

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I hear what you're saying user, but you're satire fall flat when there are so many out there who hate this movie because they hate women