the only funny thing about his standup is how seriously he takes it
The only funny thing about his standup is how seriously he takes it
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I noticed at the end of that podcast with Tim Pool and Twitter guy, Joe went on a rant about how "IM A COMEDIAN".
After i just watched him throw out 3 hours worth of one liner bombs that left the room silent.
It's so bad. So stiff.
he really should hang it up but i think it's funny how everyone but him knows the truth. love when he brings up his "process" with comedians who are actually funny... you can hear them cringe... like nah dude i actually am just naturally funny and don't need to "hammer out my bits and make them work" like nigga just be funny lmao
Comedians chase fame more than they chase comedy.
I think most of us have laughed harder at our retarded friends trying to be funny for free than we have ever laughed at a stand up comedians. The funniest people i know are not comedians.
He sees standup as a sport. It's weirdly autistic in a way
It's funny that Joe Rogan has been a comedian for decades but nobody recognizes him as a comedian. He is always known as the Fear Factor guy, UFC commentator, taekwondo champ, BJJ practitioner and podcast host.
He straight up isn't funny to me, never has been. Yelling punchlines doesn't make things funny, and when he tackles deeper issues he has barely surface level observations about them.
You're forgetting how dumb most comedy fans are though, he still probably draws decent size crowds that laugh at his babies first religious arguments and recreational drug schtick.
People are too hard on Joe. His standup is ok
jamie begone
I mean he takes his craft seriously that isnt a bad thing. Even if hes not that funny he still has an eye for stand up.
He's not funny at all, he's just kind of likeable. I didn't even know he was a comedian on Fear Factor
Stand ups are funnier than your friends between their friends, the hard part is making someone with no relation to you laugh.
I love how he always equates comedy to working out
>put in the time
>put in the work
>the process
>the technique
Laughing at your friends doing retarded shit isn’t anywhere near the same level as a complete stranger trying to make you laugh. You have relational bias with your friends. It’s like when Yea Forums defends a shitty ass video game by saying “but it’s fun with friends!” Well yeah, no shit, anything is fun with friends
t. has never watched a good comedy show live
>the hard part is making someone with no relation to you laugh.
Just because its more difficult does mean its more effective.
Even random events make me laugh harder than stand up comedians.
Yet they act like they are the masters of any and all things funny, they arent.
but doctor, im joe rogan
This. He's got the passion for it, but he's like a movie critic who understands what makes something work, but can't make it work for himself.
>like nah dude i actually am just naturally funny and don't need to "hammer out my bits and make them work" like nigga just be funny lmao
Just about every professional standup hammers out material on stage. They work on their sets all the time until it's time for a special or the new year rolls around and they make new material. Not one pro just wings it in stage unless they're fucking around.
Kinda lame how his standup friends (Ari, Segura, etc) shamelessly suck up to him because they know how big his audience is and how it will help their careers. Like I'm sure Joe's a good dude and a good friend but any honest person would rip into him whenever he started acting like hes some kind of comedy guru. Especially Ari, who really plays up the whole "speak truth to power, never compromise your integrity" thing
kek he looks so fucking tiny
His explanation of the "best bit of all time" to Chuck Palahniuk was a near perfect replica of
>dude my friends are fucking hilarious
Said every moron ever. Standup isn't manual labor, but it is difficult to do. Every geek thinks they and their friends can do it, but it's not that easy.
Whoa this wasn't funny at all
>but it is difficult to do
Again, being difficult to do doesnt mean anything.
Its difficult to hammer a nail using only your feet. That doesnt mean you are superior to a guy who just picks up a hammer with his hands.
Being situationally funny and being a good comic are two totally different things. More at eleven.
Luke Perry died from Veganism
Joe is not funny
holy shit. this is embarassing
well at least he tried
Is this the thread where we all pretend to know things about comedians? Neat!
Omg this faggot isn't funny at all lmao I bet Id be a better stand up comedian just by telling a story about my dead grandma lol hes suck a hack fag
Yea Forums memes are way funnier than standup comedians.
Ill laugh harder at 15 minutes of Yea Forums than an hour of some boring fuck and his Netflix special.
go back to your float tank joe
His literal first bit is a 3 minute “joke” about a hair transplant. You can tell he’s just insecure as fuck
No, it does. You're traveling across the country to make people laugh and forget they're paying $11 for a bottle of Rolling Rock. I'm not saying there aren't naturally funny people out there or every standup is hilarious, but standups are way more on the pulse when it comes to comedy. Open micers eat dick on stage their first time because they have no idea how to present their jokes or how to properly read a room. There's more to it than just cracking jokes.
he funny
Haha yeah I mean sneed and bane right? Always has my sides in orbit and I loooooove calling people reddit
I hate this fat fuck there's nothing genuine about him and none of his stories are believable.
Kek. I always thought it a bit of irony that Joe gets recognition for everything he does except comedy. Thats what he really wants to be known for and its just never going to happen. Its like Michael Jordan and baseball.
he is
>No, it does
It doesnt, the only thing that matters about comedy is being funny.
A guy falling down the stairs will ALWAYS be funnier than a comedian who carefully hones and crafts his act for a year.
2 out of his last 3 specials are good. I can't remember which ones, because they all kind of blend together. But I'd say he's a good comedian.
i wonder if his comic friends have ever told him the truth. doubt it
>dude! guys! stand up is an art an joe truly understands it even if hes not funny, i mean doing stand up comedy is truly hard and we should respect people doing it!
are anons retarded or i'm not getting something here?
>Ill laugh harder at 15 minutes of Yea Forums
Your average American, everyone.
user that just means you have the mental capacity of a child, but that's okay. You can play with the other retards here.
Brendan Schaub is our guy
>Doesnt know what crowd work is.
>A guy falling down the stairs will ALWAYS be funnier than a comedian who carefully hones and crafts his act for a year.
Nigga what
they're probably all too scared
Is this the thread where we dump shitty stand-up?
standup is the lowest form of organized comedy
it's literally just a guy on the stage talking into a mic about stupid fucking stories and observations
>stand up comedy is for intellectuals
That would explain why it increasingly has such little comedy in it.
>comparing this shit to based Brendan
Who do you think was writing bits like that on tv shows? Of course you have to be funny, but you have to be able to present yourself to be funny. When comics are telling jokes in a club, they've been working on those jokes either in their head or in other clubs. Take Louis CK's recently leaked standup. Both leaked sessions he tells the same jokes, but are a bit different. That's because he's trying to perfect the material. Everyone can get a laugh out of good slapstick, which is why the 3 stooges is still funny today, but sometimes you just wanna hear good jokes.
Im with you, at first its kind of amusing but eventually its just a cavalcade of stories about him being a fucking terrible person and degenerate that should be in prison still.
Lmao this coming from a mouthbreather who spends his days like pic related.
I do, but which comics are doing 45 minutes of crowd work? Jeff Ross? What he's doing is completely different because it relies entirely on the people present.
You are funny enough to be a stand up comedian
>based Brendan
Patrice is dead but there are others. Jay (((oakerson))) is one even though he is just a wannabe Patrice and a terrible dresser. LAte 90s hot topic called and wants their look back dude.
How did he convince anyone he’s a comic?
Not that hard considering you lot start snickering whenever someone posts sneed.
>Who do you think was writing bits like that on tv shows?
You cant write truky funny shit, it just happens.
A fat actor bending over and purposely ripping his pants will never be funnier than a real life fat guy bending over and accidentally ripping his pants. NEVER!
Thinking there isn't a difference between polishing up jokes (which most comics do) and Joe's writing process.
Its why blooper reals are so popular.
The funniest shit happens by accident.
There's plenty of comics who do 5-10 minutes of crowd work on a weekly basis. That can amout to decent material over time.
There's a bit in the Talking Funny HBO special where they talk about people going to see the comedian versus going to see the routine. The premise is if you reuse the same material too much, people won't come to see you anymore because they've already seen the act. I think Joe is firmly the former type, where his fans will go see him regardless of what he churns out.
You sound like those dopes who upload terrible podcasts/Youtube videos because you think you and your friends are funny especially for your inside jokes.
I agree, most comedians would probably agree too with how all of the halfway successful podcasts/radio shows/shitty movies are about them bullshitting with friends instead of talking about THE PROCESS like Rogan or Brody Stevens, but to have the skill to make stupid drunk people you don't know laugh you have to put some work in and have some basic comedy notions, which is more than what a insular "funny guy", like Sam Hyde, some Twitch streamer or your super funny uncle that works in middle management has.
Howdy there Reddit
You sound like a weak faggot that wont laugh at anything unless you get permission from zog first.
>anything is fun with friends
What about like, getting the flu or being horribly beaten?
Some people:
>he has 200+ IQ man, don’t you understand?
Other people:
>he “has” 200+ IQ man, don’t you understand?
Hubabdadas I swear on my mudda in 82 back in Brooklyn I shoved heroin up this hookers ass and ate her monkey when she nodded off. *Heeeeeuuuuhh heuuuugh* I tell you what Joe Rogan you can't do that shit today with this metoo shit. I left her in an alley and stole her purse. *Hueeeeh heh hueeeh* I need a special mouth piece and CPAP machine so I don't die in my sleep I still smoke reefah though Joe Rogan.
Anyone else tired of the Comedy podcast? Nothing worse than when someone introduces a comic and they say
>You might know him from the "Guys talking into mics" podcast.
Fucking cringe. Overexposure(to the same fans) probably hurts most of them and they don't realize it.
As a regular at the Comedy Store, I can confirm that Joe will mainly get an audience just from his podcast rather than his comedy. They also look exactly how you'd expect.
The only time he feels natural on stage is when he's dealing with hecklers. Dude really wants to be a fighter
Yeah, no. I'm just aware enough to see the number of failed YouTubers/podcasters who overestimate their level of being funny, you fucking zoomer.
Why does reference ass fucking so regularly? Red flag.
He draws crowds because of his name
Eh, if I'm listening to a comedian's podcast I'd rather have a noname hack than an LA/NY hangaround broad or one of the Snickering Sarcastic Hot Takes on Pop Culture™ guy.
Comedians just streamline whatever funny gifts they have into money.
The career and the money come before being funny. They WILL sacrifice comedy for the career, and thats exactly what they should do if they want a Netflix payday.
Yes its a talent and a skill thats they do.
Its an extremely niche thing within a limitless world of things that are funny.
They arent masters of things that are funny, In the same way a porn actors arent the masters of all things sexual.
>Brody Stevens
who's the chillest comedian and who's the most stuck up bitch?
I’d rather be beaten horribly with my friends than alone. Flu wouldn’t be so bad as long as we had multiple toilets
The insane thing about stand up comedy is how few people are actually enjoyable for more than 2 jokes.
Most are fucking terrible, and even among the good ones there's only like 10 in the world worth going to.
Sounds natural at 1.25x speed.
I would say presently the most laid back comedian is Anthony Jesselnick (sp?) and the most obnoxious is Joe Rogan or that other guy Tom the drunk or something.
when is someone gonna give rogan the same talk he gave schaub?
It's always a variation of the same formulas too
Ease the crowd>relationships>politics>life lessons
Or some other order of that.
Why are you arguing from a place of untouchable artistic integrity if you're a guy that likes people getting hit in the balls and post 2012 Sneed based Yea Forums (((humor)))?
They just think of jokes, the wording, then sell them, people have been doing this since the time of the lute, it's okay if for some reason you just don't like jokes as a whatever-form (a major autism red flag), but I don't understand the anger over it.
The Internet is causing their shelf time to diminish. In the 90s you might get a show like "Stand Up Stand up" which would give you a taste and make you want more. Now you see a guys high lights clip and its over. Less is more imo.
joe is obnoxious outside his act? Also give us some insider gossip
>Why are you arguing from a place of untouchable artistic integrity
Im just talking about being funny, you are bringing up this faggy shit
>artistic integrity
What is it with Joe and Brock Lesnar? Is he in love with him?
Manlet worship of those bigger than them. Brock is like the biggest dude ever compared to Joe.
No segura can be funny at moments but he's conformed to the agenda.
The guy I'm talking about is called "____ the drunk."
Im almost positive that Segura is a cryptokike.
Is that what I said? I'm talking about the stand up act.
Doesn’t matter if his stand up is shit, the fact that we’re all talking about him means he won. Plus, he’s doing what he loves
That's where you're coming from with "Comedians just streamline whatever funny gifts they have into money.
The career and the money come before being funny. They WILL sacrifice comedy for the career," you dimwitted boob.
That's the right attitude, Joe.
Yesterday, I went to /gif/ to beat off. And without warning, someone posted a webm of a women getting raped. At first I thought it was just kinky roleplay. But she was legit upset. The guy was pretty much fucking her in the same manner as Joe's impression.
So basically what I'm saying is... Rape isn't really all that funny. I mean, you can structure a rape joke so that it's more palatable. But when you're a witness to it, no amount of sugar coating helps.
>inb4 some braindead faggot accuses me of playing social police.
Fuck off.
I honestly think Rogan and Segura are in some cuck club together. It's a rumor that Segura's wife wears a pendant that signifies her involvement with being "shared."
> Muh noble profession.
Yeah that's the most infuriating thing about him.
Because 40 minutes of material every other year for a special is so much harder than comedy staff writers needing to do that every week right?
oh ok I meant who's the most chill outside the act
>>dude my friends are fucking hilarious
>Said every moron ever.
bill burr and bill hader says so too
For the most part, everyone is pretty chill although I do think Keith Carey is the friend everyone deserves. And I gotta Earl Skakel can/will get on your bad side but he's fine once you get used to him.
>means he won
I wasnt in a competition with him.
Congratulations on whatever he won but me having an opinion on his stand up doesnt mean i lost something.
Ive seen him have negative opinions on professional individuals in other industries. Does that mean he lost to them?
And besides that, the thread has expanded into a discussion about the general state of stand up comedy today.
Yeah his standup is bad.
He can be very funny in conversations though, and he makes use out of good impressions there too. He just can't translate that to stage.
comedy staff writers just eat catering and do "...yes and"s.
Joe Rogan is really into animals, he loves reading about big bears, gorillas, probably loves thinking about dinosaurs too.
Unusual physical characteristics are very cool to him, so someone like Brock Lesnar really stands out.
His quake name used to be Primate.
>doing coke and meeting a slut who lets you eat her out is literally unimaginable
Imagine living a life where something like this seems impossible
Because its literally true.
Hookers and pornstars streamline whatever sexuality they have into profit.
Its not neccesarily being negative. If you choose things as your profession then the career HAS to come first or you fail.
If all you want to do is be funny you can just talk to your friends or strangers on the bus to try and make them laugh. I know people like this and they make me laugh more than any standup comedian.
Same way with women, some are just sluts that like to fuck and i enjoy them just as much as any pornstar or hooker.
joe probably saved his life. you can hear the cte
give me a single story where this is the only thing that happens with joey
Enjoy your throat cancer.
I think he can only be funny around his friends and other comedians.
When you see him interview people not from the comedy/entertainment world its fucking cringe. He tries to get laughs and they are just blank faced and silent.
This. They want their own group of people to manipulate and control.
Case in point, all the posters that replied to you saying COMEDY IS SRS BZNS.
Just deadpan some dead baby jokes like Anthony jeselnik and you’ll be fine.
I noticed this when watching specials on Netflix. Its been a while since a special really kept me engaged the entire time. Most of the time I just end up stopping it and moving on to something else.
>His quake name used to be Primate.
One of the least surprising pieces of trivia i've ever read.
Has anyone here actually TRIED standup? Its fucking hard.Trust me, I AM funny, people in real life find me HILARIOUS beyond belief, and I have been told I am the funniest guy that at least 60 people know in my lifetime. But I tried standup once and completely fucking bombed.
I had good material as well. My set was in 3 stages
>Came out, started talking about the audience clapping. Segway into the clapping and cheering that bosses at Wal Mart make their employees do to get them hyped up. Then I did a fucking clever bit where I cycled through various employers and did a different fight song for all of them (Subway, an off brand cookie shop, a book publisher, a library). had a hilarious bit where the library staff are doing a 'library hype chant' and at the same time the Wal Mart manage from before WALKS IN and laughs at how stupid they are
>second bit, i talked about animals, and the types of jobs they'd do. Had a great ending where i realise chimps would be good at the wal mart chant, the manager character from before got his face ripped off
>The show wrapped up with a discussion of what it would be like to be an embalmer but for LLAMAS (an emLLAMA). was fucking funny, and ended with the embalmer character realising that his Llama corpse was a former wal mart manager. changed the previous 30 minutes completely because it showed the wal mart manager doing the chants was a fucking LLAMA
that was good. and it flopped hard.
source me up famalama
im gonna try at an open mic soon inshallah
This, but unironically
no one said rape is funny you retard. But you can make jokes on it.
I tried it once.
Wrecked shit. Didnt even rehearse anything. This old kike named Lorne Michaels came up to me after it and begged me to be on his faggoty TV show. I told him to eat a dick.
>Yea Forums never mentions rogan outside of DMT memes
>he has post-purge Alex Jones on
consider my gears turning
Ever since I've started watching shitty comedians, like genuinely shitty comedians, I've come to appreciate the fact that Joe Rogan is actually a pretty decent comedian, whose material has just become too fucking self referencing to be funny to me.
Everything he says flows together, every joke he makes, he has clearly thought out as hard as possible, if as stupidly as possible, and he actually has a decent stage presence.
Compare that to that cunt who was bitching about Louis C.K and you realize the difference.
>Wouldn't it be funny if Brock Lesnar started having non consensual sex with me, and random audience members?
ok... So basically the joke is Brock is so big and scary, he can rape you. Which is most rape.
this is not true at all, I've seen threads mocking for years
>ok... So basically the joke is Brock is so big and scary, he could rape you
That's the joke, yes.
Are good comedians all gone? I swear, I haven't seen a single thing that was funny in years. Whenever I google I always get these SJW comedians doing unfunny skit or these apes like Rogan doing their "DUUUDE" routines.
That's every man to every woman. He's pretty much just explaining how rape works.
Sean Rouse was pretty funny but he died last year and has very little material online
norm macdonald, louis ck, dave chapelle, bo burnham, doug stanhope
Idk, ive seen some men i dont think could get it done.
I know those. That's what I mean, just someone that isn't mainstream but is also funny.
Rodney Carrington
Source on Seguras wife being a slut?
>taking something seriously is something to be mocked
Butthurt CinemaSins faggot identified.
Being funny is no laughing matter
Good evening, ladies and potential rapists! Thanks for coming out tonight. I know many of you risked your lives coming out tonight, when there are hundreds of deranged murderers roaming the streets. MOST OF YOU ARE WHITE THOUGH, SO THE COPS WON'T TARGET YOU! The cops are the murderers I mentioned by the way, if you didn't get it.
*audience applauds heartily, many start chanting "PIGS IN A BLANKET/ FRY'EM LIKE BACON"*
Sooo, I suck a lot of dicks. Like sucking dicks. I try to suck at least five different dicks every time I go out. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about, how hypergamy is normal and should be practiced by all women?
*females in the audience start cheering and whooping*
Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. So anyway, I noticed something. I don't suck a lot of white dicks. And I said to myself "Why don't I suck any white dicks?" And I think I've figured out why.
*thunderous applause and roaring laughter erupt from the audience*
So, I love mixed race children.
*pauses to allow the audience to clap and cheer for mixed race children*
But you know there's one thing about them I don't like.
*audience muffles shocked gasps, instinctively readying themselve to riot against bigotry*
*a collective sigh of relief escape the audience, who nod in agreement about disdain at the existence of white genes*
So I was having sex with ten black guys on a boat the other day...
*audiences whoops their approval, several women shout "YOU GO GIRL!"*
And our boat pulls alongside a tuna barge. And one guy says "Man, I finna hope that muhfuggen boat finna leave, it STANK!"
And I said...
*audience achieves euphoria laughing at this uproarious kneeslapper, camera focuses in on a woman who proudly proclaims "My vagina stinks too!"*
Dude most of the Rogan memes comes from Yea Forums and they've been making memes of him for years.
Were you looking in a mirror?
Nah man, ive a fucking hardcore for real rapist. I be taken dat pussy.
actually kekd
well done user
theo von is naturally funny and makes me laugh.
standup in general is pretty cringey.
He's actually a lot better, the last two specials were really good.
yeah it's the post you replied to
>Rape isn't really all that funny.
Unless you're raping a clown.
joe's unironically going to get better with time unlike most comedians who start out great and burn out after a few years. Plus he literally should never run out of material with all his podcast guests.
Theo is one of the funniest men alive whenever he's not doing stand up.
Raping joe rogan wouldnt be funny in that case
Doug Stanhope is the best of all time.
Theo Von
Standup isn't just about material, it's about your dynamic with the audience. Everyone bombs at first.
Hes fallen off hard.
Hes trying to create new unnecessary edges to be edgy on.
Last time i saw him he was on a rant about how he doesnt like music.
Dunno, it's easier to make strangers laugh than friends and family from my experience.
I like his jokes, I just don't like his delivery. He should be a writer.
stand up comedy is normie shit for degenerates.
>dude sex
>dude drugs
>dude awkward situations and relationships
>dude racist wypipo amirite
spending 5 minutes on this shitty site is funnier than an hour of some normalfag talking about himself
it's a joke
Imagine if he wrote that Brock Lesnar raping your ass joke into a sitcom
If you can't explain a joke it isn't funny. Your joke sounds confusing and shitty. But good job going up in front of others.
She's a woman
no slut hides those massive honkers like she does. I've seen almost every episode of YMH and never gotten a good look at them. dirty bitch
People wouldn't make fun of him as much if he didn't take comedy so fucking seriously.
Joe reacts to being a comedian the same way Billy Bob Thornton reacted to being a musician. Their heads are up their asses and they feel insecure about being only known for their other, unrelated work so they double down and try to force others to recognize them as what THEY want to be recognized as. A comedian. A musician. They think because they're known for other things besides what they're "passionate" about that people are belittling them and not taking it as seriously as they do so they overcompensate by taking it über seriously.
joey diaz isn't funny
i hate people who have to exaggerate everything to seem cool, it reminds me of me and I DONT LIKE THAT
>People wouldn't make fun of him as much if he didn't take comedy so fucking seriously.
you hit the nail on the head
>Comedians chase fame more than they chase comedy
it's more than that. They want somebody to preach to and be adored for everything they say.
Toe Rogan is so gay
Not long ago you were laughing at peek-a-boo, now you're a pervert on Yea Forums searching for the weirdest shit to scratch that itch. You're oversaturated on comedy, there is nothing funny anymore.
fucking this
they mostly start out fine but then he keeps adding shit no one has ever done
>but then he keeps adding shit no one has ever done
Really? I always got the feeling he was leaving a lot of shit out, because most of the shit he says is the stuff drug addicts do when not doing all the other horrible things.
Stand up is 99% lies, shit for brains.
You had me til
>The show wrapped up with a discussion of what it would be like to be an embalmer but for LLAMAS (an emLLAMA)
I'm continually suprised by how many people say that his stories are him trying to look cool.
If you actually listen carefully, his stories are kind of fucked up when you actually think about what he is talking about, and he sounds like a genuine sociopath who just got too old to live like an asshole anymore.
I remember before the whole metoo shit got started where he told a funny story about making female comics blow him for spots in a comedy club. Or masturbating in a playground and robbing gays when he was a kid and beating them. That shit used to happen and those guys often went to the hospital because it was a beating and a robbery. And bad beatings.
Joe Rogan seems more and more like he is just painfully naive about the moral character of his friends.
It's not bad.
so, like his martial arts career
i think he simply respects strength, which is a rare virtue nowadays as most people are removed from having to consider the strength of others as a concern. back in the day, strong people dominated in so many ways you can't really appreciate and just because things are different now doesn't mean we won't return to a time where the strong will take precedence once again.
FACTOID: Joe is married to a JEW and "his" daughters are actually her jewlets. Her third kid is a nigjew that Joe pays for too.
FACTOID: Joe is at most 5'6 he routinely lies about his height
FACTOID: Joe doesn't understand a single thing that goes on in the podcast, he just spouts endless pre-programmed answers. Monkey see, monkey do.
FACTOID: He never actually knew that old bitch from the comedy store, he talked to her on the phone once and he never stops sucking her dick to pretend he's part of the gang.
its entirely possible
gif made me laugh more then anything rogan has done
this made me laugh more than any "joke" joe has ever told
that part was cringe af. He says something about one of his buddies having a bit about any given situation, then says its hilarious, and laughs while wondering why no one else is laughing
For the longest time I never knew that Joe Rogaine was a stand up comedian. I just remember him as the host of Fear Factor. But it really shows just how shitty west coast comedy is compared to east coast. The north east alone had Patrice O Neal, Bill Burr, Louis CK, Kevin Hart, Bob Kelly, Jim Norton, just all these funny guys that would show up on Opie and Anthony. Meanwhile the west coast's most legendary comedian is fucking Joe Rogan and that fat fuck that takes his shirt off.
how do i get the rogan aesthetic?
Shave your head and get hit by a shrink ray
Jesus christ he's unbearable. He somehow is an even more of a dudebro comic than Dane Cook was
Holy shit is he like 5'2? Look at how small he is next to that chair.
It's probably true but I can't fault him for continuing to rake in the money and do it. He's still our guy for his show.
t. Trudeau
he's 5'6-5'7
You can still satirize it, which makes light of it and a joke.
The same way murder is made to look funny all the fucking time.
You stupid low IQ retard.
Want to become a standup comedian?
Get a podcast and netflix special
Don't need talent just need connections
are you implying Ari is a better comedian than Joe? cause he's not.
he's still in denial about his steroid use basically accelerating his hair loss
olivespics love being the only person in a group of people to talk. Why dont they know when to shut up?
If joe rogan was here right now he'd beat up literally everyone ITT and there would be nothing any of you could do to stop him
HAHAHAHA no way rogan is 5'9 as he claims! he's like 5'6 lmao
look at his eyes..hes fucked
He must visit /fit/ they have this conversation once a week
I'm sure they'd settle down if you actually called them out on it as it happens and not just fume silently you FUCKING BITCH
Ugh, you just don't get it
They're "comedians' comedians", you only get the humor if you're funny yourself
>BJJ practitioner
i thought those were just rumors
>masturbatory humor is peak funny
Right. So I supposed baby mobiles and keys jinging are the funniest gags in the world?
Post god-tier stand-up
>implying your situationally funny friends are funnier than top tier improv comics
This delusion really explains the past 10 years of Yea Forums.
>gubment so bad
>high brow intellectual comedy
>Sam Hyde
Guy is Carrot Top levels of unfunny.
>implying your situationally funny friends are funnier than top tier improv comics
They are though, infinately funnier.
A stand up comedian cant even make fun of jews, fags, or niggers.
Thats like 3 of the most funny things that are off limits.
Stand up is terrible.
go to bed tim
>A stand up comedian cant even make fun of jews, fags, or niggers.
So you just got into stand up this year? The vast majority of stand up is what you just described.
Yeah Joe really isn't bad at all. But this a website where everything that isn't 100% perfect completely sucks so ya know.
What do you think about Tom Segura
Anyone here ever done stand up? I did a public reading of some short comedy stories I wrote which I basically performed as a stand up set the other day and I absolutely loved it. I've written a bunch of actual stand up material in the past but never performed those. Was looking to start it, some friends of mine have done it before, one does it professionally
If you have done stand up, how did it go? Do you have any stories from when you did it? Any advice? Why can't Joe Rogan cook?
>The vast majority of stand up is what you just described.
No, it literally is not. Lie harder.
>But this a website where everything that isn't 100%
Unless it is anons autistic friend who tells nigger jokes from 1950 that everyone has heard a million times.
oh im cuban but i talk like a black italian
No one cares
Yes it is you fucking zoomer. It's not anyones fault you put on jim gaffigan for 3 minutes because he looked like you and got pissed because he wasn't an edge lord.
Pretty much. If you listen to any of these comedy podcasts its all about the hosts promoting and hyping up their own circle of friends mainly.
>left the room silent.
well he was in a room with an adderall addicted autist, a man cracking under the pressure of being blackmailed by the bilderberg group, and an empowered SJW lawyer
I care
I've been watching for 20 minutes and haven't laughed once, does it get better?
the craft
>Yes it is you fucking zoomer
No it literally isnt. Lie more.
Thats when comedy is needed the most.
Cracking jokes around your buddies who are already drunk and high is easy.
Not even JREddit fans think his standup is good. Stop white knighting.
>repeating the same bullshit over and over
My eyes are open now. Truly you are an arbiter of wit. I'm sure your friends are funny as fuck.
Stand up comediand are not allowed to make fun of niggers or jews or faggots.
You are spouting off bullshit by claiming otherwise.
There's literally comedians where that is their entire fucking schtick, If by make fun of you mean with /pol/tard tier vitriol then no you dont see that because yeah it's generally just interpreted as racism. But yes comedians use the same fucking punchlines. If you arent aware of this you are very new or know little about comedy. Also, if you are judging by TV specials you definitely dont know shit about comedy. Go to an actual club. Catch people on tour. The humor is way edgier.
Joe is from Boston and started there then moved to NYC. He's an east coast comedian.
>There's literally comedians where that is their entire fucking schtick,
No there arent.
Good for you user, I admire anyone with the balls to give it a shot. Might try it one of these days
Literally type in comedian that make fun of black people and you will find tons. Just because they aren't your preferred skin color doesn't mean they don't do it. And yes they do it, welfare checks, spousal abuse, and all.
Congrats on the netflix special user
So wrong lol
>type in comedian that make fun of black people
Where exactly do i type this into because when i typed it into google all it shows is black comedians making fun of white people.
And the urban dictionary entry for "black comedy" comes up.
Also an article with this title.
>Why don't white comedians make fun of blacks, like black comedians do whites?
I regret to inform you user yes you will have to do some digging because of how jewgle's algorithm works. But if you actually gave a fuck you would find it easily. If you have ADHD and cant be bothered to search for relevent info for more than 5 mins u wont find them.
>then says its hilarious, and laughs while wondering why no one else is laughing
That happens at least once every JRE
Mitch Hedberg was the only funny comedian. Change my mind.
how many times have you posted this nigga jesus
And holy fuck theres even an article complaining about white comedians stealing black comedians white people jokes.
At first you claimed it was the vast majority of stand up comedy. Then you said just type in a search. Now its changed to i have to go digging for it.
Like i said standup comedians arent allowed to make fun of niggers, jews, or faggots.
Its a shit medium.
His first words are literally DUDE WEED LMAO.
oh no no no no
Pretty sure the video is slowed down.
Anyone feel like he emulates Kinison a bit too much on stage? (For how much he talks about him being “the best”)
No matter what he does, all I think of when I see or hear him is him making people at bull dicks and horse cum on fear factor. Turns my stomach to the point of not being able to watch or listen to him.
I done something that was basically stand up. Going to try and do a proper set soon. Good on you for trying, try again and see how it goes.
Part of me thinks a standup general would be good for this board, but it would no doubt devolve into the same tripfag cancer that most generals do
holy shit so this is where the delusional fucks lie. Get a grip of fucking reality.
Plenty do, they just aren't allowed on television. I saw Jerry Sadowitz last year, and plan to again this month, he's more edgy than the majority of this site and sells out full theatres all over the place. Shock and edgy comedy still exists, you just aren't in the right circles to see it.
holy shit you're so far gone
You're beyond mentally handicapped. People with your type of mental illness where they're unable to think ethically and expand beyond their piss ridden bedrooms need to be exterminated. Get a fucking job you sad fuck.
do people watch his standup because of his podcast fame? i really dont understand why he got so popular to begin with his specials are terrible
>do people watch his standup because of his podcast fame?
Mostly, yes.
I don't like most of his stuff either, but his last Netflix special was pretty good.
Stand up comedians are not allowed to make fun of niggers, jews, or faggots.
Thats just a fact. Everybody knows this.
I think his early work was pretty good. Although half the people on this site have severe autism, so they can't actually enjoy jokes they want to think of everything in a black and white mindset instead of consuming and enjoying entertainment.
Most people know him from fear factor. I don't think his recent work is too great, but then again I haven't seen a lot of his recent shit.
You have to be fucking around, otherwise you're an ignorant cunt. I literally linked you a set, and there's tons more.
>i really dont understand why he got so popular to begin with
It all started with a weed documentary ftom about 10-15 years ago.
Joe smoked weed in it when he was the host of Fear Factor. People were like omg thats ballsy!
Hard to believe weed was edgy that recent ago but it was kind of a big deal being that he worked for NBC at the time.
you're dumb and know nothing about stand up
mark cunt
Show me these edgy nigger and faggot jokes, you cant because they dont exist.
>black dudes have huge dicks
>im edgy racial humor guy
For anyone too retarded: it's slow to bypass youtube copyright detection. Set it to 1.25
The comedy is pretty good.
Atleast he's not getting CTE from cawlhmedy
>he's known as
>taekwondo champ, BJJ practitioner
Cool it there.
Source that shit nigga.
Not sure you know what stiff means.
He's made millions of dollars off of standup comedy.
This literally is how you get better at comedy.
Carrot Top has made way more than that.
You mean purest.
Yeah and his act is really good.
Nah dude that's how it works. Go to an open mic night and you'll see when comedy is like when people think they're "naturally funny"
I guarantee you and your faggot friends aren't funny at all
Better than Joe's
You sound like the guy who doesnt get a laugh at an open mic after assuring everyone you're the funny guy at the office.
Your guarantee is a faggot like you though
Lol wow you are mad. Strike a nerve little man?
You don't sound funny desu
Post joke tough guy.
I never said I was funny.
Yeah we can tell.
Not a nerve, but you remind me of my friends who think they're hilarious because they say retarded inside jokes constantly. It's just pathetic
This is why Tom Myers is the world's greatest standup. You can't bomb if they don't understand if you're telling a joke or not
Why didn't anyone mock this faggot? Your jokes suck and you're a retard for thinking people would find it funny.
This. I've gone to a lot of shows and the only ones in recent memory that have made me laugh more than a few times were Doug Stanhope and Theo Von.
I knew a stoner retard that tried it because he thought he was funny. He went up on open mic night three times and bombed every time and quit.
Joe makes elk steaks
Quite the shill. I wonder how much he was paid to post that.
Seems like standup is more timing and confidence than writing funny material.
Some guys its like.....
No...MATTER WHAT....they say.............AS the timing and EMPHASIS are in the right place........the crowd busts out LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY
I wanted to be a comedian when i was younger and I noticed this too it's like sitcoms in a way.That it's not actually funny
imagine being somewhat famous and getting free grills and drinks to shill or a massively discounted tesla because you interviewed the owner once
he hunts elk and has a hardon for them and their meat
Joe Rogan hasn't realized this but he is actually good at impressions and doing gay skits. He does that in his podcasts but never in his stand up.