Reminder hiro is coming to Yea Forums today to discuss what to do with the board...

Reminder hiro is coming to Yea Forums today to discuss what to do with the board. Reminder to let him know that all the problems come from Yea Forums posters and hotpockets

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck jannies.

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Yea Forums won't improve until television and films do.


Can someone remind me how much they get paid?

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It's literally as simple as getting more jannies and making them do their jobs. Broken window theory and all that. If the board is constantly covered in shit, of course it will attract other spammers looking for easy (You)s.

so that's why all the porn and basedposts are getting instadeleted

Only way to save the board is to make janny stop fucking banning me for and deleting my Anya and Riley threads
I'm not going to stop so you just may well stop trying
Also banish capeshit

Attached: IMG_3023.jpg (1080x1350, 96K)

>this imagewill be the closest jannie gets to a pay check

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>more jannies

Have sneex

>is coming to tv today
link or source pls

Reminder that Yea Forums and /pol/ are Yea Forums's main boards and that Hiro will do everything to pander to them.
Check if you don't believe me.

I'm not the one complaining about the state of the board. I find nu-Yea Forums quite cozy. I'm just saying what objectively needs to be done.

Yea Forums is the coal mines though
those fancy city slickers get to thrive as they do because of the meme output we generate that keeps the lights on at this site

>Reminder hiro is coming to Yea Forums today to discuss what to do with the board

/film/ needs to be made and its moderators need to take the board seriously. Not in a no-fun-allowed way but in a no-lazy-shitposts-tolerated way.

/waifu/ when?

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They're on the dole like you, paki

Ban mobile posters
Literally all that needs to be done to fix this board. Let them post on /bant/ and /int/ but not here and everything will be fixed overnight

Since we all know crossposters are bad, can you keep your Yea Forums Captain Marvel threads out of Yea Forums? Thanks

When are we going to ban /pol/ crossboarder trash?

make a containment board for e-celeb/youtube shit. make it a rule that cartoons should be posted on Yea Forums and not on Yea Forums

No, the /pol/reddit boomers who screech about capeshit are based and redpilled!

Remind him that jannies are faggots


nobody watches or cares about old movies

>more janitors
We need more admins not powerless janitors. You give them way too much credit.

Nobody cares about your tranny board.

>who screech about capeshit
But that isn't them

-delete /pol/
-get rid of the NSFW boards entirely
-permaban any and all alt-reichposters
-permaban anyone who talks about trump in a positive manner
-greatly expand the wordfilter
-a +1/-1 system for posts
-enough -1's on a post will result in a timeout for that poster
-more transparency from moderators, make sure there is a healthy mix of viewpoints on the moderating team
-country flags & post id's on all boards
-reduce the criteria on becoming a mod
-hire more mods

I want less jannies and more c*nny threads.

Based and redpilled


>find a way to mitigate capeshit
>wordfilter sneed and incel
problem solved

get a load of this assblasted janny

>thread gets filled with sneed, bane, and dubsposting
>hiro deletes Yea Forums out of frustration

Was triggered until I caught ur joke XD

shut up sneedcel

>not a gamer
>never been to Yea Forums as a result
>go to Yea Forums out of curiosity

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>Hiro hires more mods
>they are ABIB-tier of faggots
It's not worth the cost.

Have sex sneedcel

a) move capeshit to Yea Forums
b) create /film/

simple as

Have sex

Clearly people care about this toilet of a board eh

The CSIS got the bot guy lol
You'll probably here about it this week since it was a nation wide bust which included Australia and Greenland as well

formerly unseething

Fuck jannies. Fuck the mods. And most of all fuck hiroshima up his yellow jap asshole.

Fuck this thread. Yea Forums needs no rules.

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Sneed’s Food and Seeds
(Use to be Chuck’s)