I work at an Alamo Drafthouse, and I can personally tell you that Captain Marvel almost sold out in every theater it played in on Friday and Saturday(wasn’t at work on Sunday), so all of these people posting empty theaters a few days ago confuses me. Any other employees here who can tell me how it did at your location?
>inb4 shill
I hate Disney and want all of their movies to fail, I’m hoping the second weekend drop will be TLJ levels.
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema
what if your customers are all faggots?
thats usually the type of person that goes to alamo drafthouse
20-30 something year old hipster "nerds" who talk about craft beers and only watch capeshit
>I work at an Alamo Drafthouse
Thats going to be a yikes from me dawg
>I work at an alamo drafthouse
Do you work at the denton one? If so can I get discount pls
I want to watch a movie but I also want to hear 200 niggers eating and have a waiter bother me. That's why I chose Alamo Draft House.
Those arent hipster nerds. Those are empty normies who are trying to cling onto something that’ll give them character.
>Alamo Drafthouse
That's literally hipster central. It makes totally sense that it would get the "hip nerd" crowd turnout.
Didn't the Alamo drafthouse get sued for those Wonder Woman only show? (With another planned for the LGBT only night they had planned?)
Captain Marvel was played in 4,310 theaters this weekend and became the highest grossing new movie of the weekend.
The next highest grossing new movie was Badla, which was shown in 94 theaters.
Capt Marvel is shit.
It’s Austin, they’re all faggots.
>Well congratulations, you got caught. What's the next step of your master plan?
Yes, they settled fast when it almost turned into a class action. The LGBT only night got axed because of it.
A lot of company memos and e-mails leaked and it was one giant shitshow.
Have you never been to an Alamo? Pretty much all types in my town go there, even if you don’t want food or alcohol you get reclining seats(the front half does anyway), a lot of people probably go for that reason alone. The special showings attract hipsters sometimes though, particularly the video vortex showings.
>Have you never been to an Alamo?
i'm straight
I fucking love Alamo draft house and always want to go when I'm stateside. Best movie going experience. God bless you, early 20 something youngin.
>Visit new location when it opened
>One of the staff members is a white woman in a hijab.
nu-drafthouse in a nutshell.
>but I also want to hear 200 niggers eating
At least you won’t hear them talking
Clean it up wagie.
>works in the most hipster soi faggot theater imaginable
>Captain Marvel sold out
Imagine my shock
I thought Alamo Drafthouse was for indie, classic, and foreign films, not corporate Disney shit though
my local amc put in recliners in all but IMAX theaters a couple years ago. though before that my wife did always want us to go to the ones where you get a server and shit cause they have recliners. not anymore as most theaters have to have them to get people to go to the dying venues
I went to see the new Harmony Korine movie yesterday afternoon at my local Alamo. Kino as fuck. A lot of the employees are straight up NPCs though, but it's a movie theater so they're probably unemployable everywhere else. They also have a problem where they only show shit movies for regular engagements (What Men Want, Isn't it Romantic, etc) and don't get relatively mainstream arthouse movies that would most likely play well there i.e. Climax, Suspiria, Vox Lux therefore I have to drive to Richmond to see anything decent other than specialty screenings. Whoever is booking the regular showings is full-on NPC retard.
>all of these people posting empty theaters a few days ago confuses me.
It was just anecdotal. Wonder Woman had people tweeting about empty theaters too and it was hugely successful.
Did Alamo get Climax?
It's doing alright at mine I work at a Bowtie Cinema. The photo's is probably people getting there early every customer usually calls it a 7/10 and overhyped.
Nah, they do one-off cool screenings but most of the time they show the most bottom of the barrel dogshit that everyone else does. They got the retarded Miss Bala remake that no one wanted to see instead of anything remotely worthwhile
Mine didn't because they're retards. They're showing A Madea Family Funeral and fucking Greta instead, absolute morons.
I love Criterion Bow Tie Richmond, it's the only place to see anything remotely decent that's new
Lmao you work at a movie theater fucking loser