Is Captain Marvel literal (((establishment))) propaganda? Why would Disney, YouTube, etc. go to such great lengths to ensure that the normies can't criticize it?
Is Captain Marvel literal (((establishment))) propaganda? Why would Disney, YouTube, etc...
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Have sex.
PLEASE have sex
Bend over.
>is corporate media corporate propaganda?
Is this the new resetera tranny tactic?
The internet was never free, it literally began as a US military tool. Have sex.
Sex have
If you hate being jewed stop buying into the american dream
Don't right wing people love corporations?
>Had sex
>still think this is propaganda.
Got any other suggestions?
Engage in copulation
I don’t get it. People shit all over the prequels, nobody cared. People shit all over Batman v Superman. Nobody cared.
Warcraft? No one cared.
Pretty obvious Disney is paying these guys.
These corporations, while actively trying to make money, remain HIGHLY profitable, to the point where "the search for profits" becomes secondary.
The leaders of these corporations share the same ideology, and vision of the future. Normies need to follow every trend to feel alive. And fan boys live in the eternal hope that their "hero", or "franchise" will be great again. So they will always be purchasing that ticket, and then complain.
Disney and friends have no incentive to change anymore.
Not as much as commies apparently.
With a girl
Its pretty simple. They are demoralizing us. THEY decide what is good or bad, any contrary opinion can be written off as trolls, cause the movies already a success. The internet is slowly becoming a prison.
is this an american thing?
in eu i get a bunch of anti-brie larson videos
The hatred for those movies was nowhere near comparable to CM. There was a large campaign against CM specifically because of the remarks made by Brie and all the political divisionism.
All media is. Jews run the world and that includes news outlets, movie productions companies and everything inbetween
It was with a girl yes. One that was born a girl with a real vagina. Not an axe wound that the body is trying to heal but not allowed to.
the alt right is turning against capitalism, feels good bros
They do until the corporation does something they don't like, then they magically become heroic crusaders for consumers. That's why Youtube/Google repeatedly raping incels into submission is so hilarious. "Please daddy don't hurt me, I love corporate power!"
So you change algorithms? Delete 1s but not 10s? You are more than happy to be socially conditioned pal
The whole world is mate. All buildings look institutional. They are building a wall around us. The climate will be so bad leaving home will only be for work. If that. Live on 1000 in Amazon Prime Cash and watch Netflix all day. It's cheaper. Eventually we will decline as a species. The elite are attempting to become a dominant sub species. Personally I just hope Jesus comes back and BTFO everything.
>the bogeyman i made up agrees with me now
In better times we put people like you down for such strong delusions
>shit on DC
all fine
>shit on Dark Universe
>shit on prequels Star Wars
go on
>shit on Disney Wars sequels or generic #32432 MCU schlock
What kind of fuckery is this?
>act like a retarded sperg and reviewbomb a movie because you disagree with the politics of its lead
>people stop taking you seriously and change things so your autistc screeching has less of a reach
You made your bed, now lie in it.
And before you go "b-.but people were legit upset and it wasn't just trolling/bombing" - Captain Marvel had ten times the "want to watch" votes that Avengers:Endgame had. It was obviously people were deliberately going out of their way to vote it down and this was not a genuine disinterest, further evidenced by its current box office success.
Why do people that pretend they're on our side love kike shit like google products so much?
God won't help us, only we can help each other. Personally I count with USA collapsing for its economy being built on speculation and the world re-starting
It's money, user. Direct Social engineering is the new Marketing because it's cheaper and yields better results. And it's gonna get worse in the future, so better get used to it. It's as simple as that.
butthurt Beckies
Women aren't just sex objects you incel creep!
I'm not happy with either. I really don't give a shit at all about the movie. But I do find the whole thing hilarious, how a stupid movie got in the middle of a bitter culture war full of dumb memes and shitposting. The same goes for the hypocrisy of how a lot of these very same people kiss corporate ass up until they do something they don't like, then it's not fair.
Imagine jumping to the defense of billion dollar companies. What kind of absolute lowlife you have to be
We're socialist but also nationalist.
>all the 10s arent review padding
>signalling you dont want to see a movie is review bombing
God you people are insufferable
this was scripted as an excuse to exercise greater control over their users
No, the hatred over CM is the fact that the character will ruin endgame.
I think the real message of Jesus was to encode a kind of revolutionary message within the predominant religious myth. That way the powerful preserve their undoing over centuries without realizing. Maybe Jesus himself won't return but rather the Christ consciousness within us which rejects all of the NWO will wake up and we will find a way out
that's what you get for being a high IQ race. Stay mad.
Google "Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act"
>the remarks made by Brie and all the political divisionism
Clearly that must be the plebs' fault, not the rich Jews and actors in the movie business.
you're also virgins
white nationalist brainlets who support capitalism should be put down first though, makes no sense to support the jews who are selling away your national heritage
My youtube recommendations got better overnight so I don't even care anymore.
Have gender
A fan of other capeshit
>da j00s
Its like talking to a child.
This. And those who it "supports" are happy to support it. "Its just movies" ya for now its just media.
literally just had a threesome with a classmate and her cousin
I still think this is blatant marxist propaganda
*smokes cigarillo dapperishly* have intercoruse, incelle...
>signalling you dont want to see a movie is review bombing
Yes, because most of the people voting down CM did not vote down the hundreds of other movie on the site that they had no interest in watching. It's a relative metric.
If there are hundreds of movies you're not gonna watch, but you're only voting down CM, you are reviewbombing.
I was hoping something would activate my almonds today. Thank you.
>da j00s
Cringe. Grow a foreskin.
>only tuckers family is smiling
I thought homosexuals were happy in their dead end loveless relationships
>people actually follow paul joseph watson on twitter
Fuck me what a time to be alive
No? Was that your assumption after a right-winger expected you to at least treat them fairly? That's a far-cry from "loving" them. Then again you sound like a braindead leftist femcel so you probably exclusively see shit in black and white.
>da j00s
Literally Wikipedia the CEOs of major production studios and tell me what their family history says.
While you're at it, Wiki the CEOs of (((Goldman Sachs))).
Karl Marx himself warned about the mercantile nature of Jewish culture
No. DA JOOS is cringe, its not the beginning of the 20th century anymore jews literally arent a real issue
I guarantee i have more foreskin than you.
No again. Saying im not interested in a movie isnt review bombing. Its not tough so try and keep up
>There was a large campaign against CM
>[Citation fucking Needed]
What is your evidence of this massive "campaign", faggot?
A large number of people disliking/not being interested in a shitty movie isn't a "campaign".
Theres is no love. Just a mutual understanding in order to indulge in their depravity on a regular basis.
Neocon boomers do, but it’s like saying “doesn’t the left love the government”
Ya 250 years ago when jews were the capitalist. We no longer live in a world where only jews are capitalists. In fact the majority of big capitalists are goys who learned kike tricks
Again this isnt 19th/20th century anymore. There are more goy capitalists than jewish. Everyones just using kike tricks
>talking shit about corporations when they do something wrong is "hypocrisy"
Typical Grade-A Femcel logic right here.
/pol/ was so fucking wrong they're still spamming the board.
>implying neoliberal corporations don't share the majority of the left's social agenda, including importing more "vibrant diversity" to lower the value of labor
Even Jesus (the king of the jews) BTFO the money changers.
Can you stop pretending to be retarded?
Yes, saying "I don't want to watch a movie" is not review bombing, but using the "want to watch" metric in this way is.. Going out of your way and making an account only to downvote Captain Marvel and nothing else is reviewbombing. Like I said, it's a relative metric. It only works if people somewhat truthfully apply it to everything. So if you're abusing it by only saying "This is the only movie I don't want to watch", you are reviewbombing.
The way in which the Jews maintain their position as the dominant minority in our society has changed. It used to be moneylending and bribes, and the pressure was exerted only at the top, on the political leaders of our society; today it's control of the mass media of news and entertainment, and the pressure is exerted at every level of society. Some people still talk darkly about international Jewish bankers -- and of course, there are such animals today, just as there also are international bankers who are not Jews -- but the control of the media is the key to Jewish power today, not control of banking. The most important Jews today no longer are the Rothschilds and Warburgs and Hambros and Sassoons, but instead are the Eisners and Levins and Newhouses and Redstones and Bronfmans and Sulzbergers: the Jewish media bosses.
BASED and sexpilled
>act like a retarded sperg and reviewbomb a movie
There was no "reviewbombing" you bootlicking sperg.
User's weren't even ABLE to "review" the movie.
Stop taking SJW Clickbait headlines as fact you fat retard.
>Captain Marvel had ten times the "want to watch" votes that Avengers:Endgame had
1. Do you even have proof of this?
2. Even if you do, what does it matter? Avengers:Endgame is months away from release. Why does your dumbass think that supports your point?
If you think this is bad, just wait until the 2020 presidential election.
Ah-ah-ah! Your political opinions don't fit our algorithm!
The only one being intentionally retarded here is you. By definition to review bomb i need to leave a negative review. Not signal interest/lack thereof. No amount of word games changes this.
Real conservatives oppose corporatism.
There's a difference between supporting businesses and actively/passively supporting those that are influenced by special interests.
The difference is white goys are more likely to support white people and our national integrity, whereas Jews literally see us as cattle to be abused at a whim and don't care about the long term demographic decline.
Corporations are the establishment now.
>Yes, because most of the people voting down CM did not vote down the hundreds of other movie on the site that they had no interest in watching
[Citation Needed]
How do you know that? Stop pulling claims out of your ass without evidence, Femcel.
Id agree that control of media js the most important thing. But you are flat out wrong thinking its a jewish problem in 2019. Its both goys and kikes fucking over the normal person. Its kike tricks employed by goy sheep.
>No, the hatred over CM is the fact that the character will ruin endgame.
100% this for me. I could have ignored her if she wasn't being shoved into Endgame!!!FACT!!!
I'm legit scared of the upcoming elections. The dems are going to double down so fucking hard. The internet will be a miserable place.
>, its not the beginning of the 20th century anymore jews literally arent a real issue
>they own the media and make up a disproportionate amount of congress
>they've even admitted to owning hollywood
>john money was a pedo jew that created the foundation for the gender bullshit
>babies can get herpes from rabbis who do circumcisions
>keep pushing "white people baaaad" bullshit, while also pushing for jewish supremacy
>not a problem
Neck yourself, kike.
Twitter has already started by making bullshit excuses to ban major right-wingers. It's so obvious that 2016 made them salty as fuck.
>Going out of your way and making an account only to downvote Captain Marvel
You have zero proof anyone did this.
Look bloke the real left is on your side. On the day of the gulag we won't be asking what religion they follow, the jews will get thrown out with all their collaborators
All Jews seem to be genetic retards and pests for some reason. They keep trying to defend their shitty behaviour with more immoral acts. Why can't they just act right? They don't adhere to their own bible. This is why I only trust real christians.
it all goes back to the rothschilds, they're worth more than the GDP of the UK, they buy men and corporations on a whim
It's literally US military propaganda
have sex
Ok then
Drop your pants
>White men are going to be actively sifted out of the hiring process for our promotional team
>We're also gonna retcon this random lame super hero to be the most important Avenger and set her up to save the day in the big Avengers finale
>If you don't like all that, you're a troll!
Oh so you're Tucker Carlson now?
>Yes, because most of the people voting down CM did not vote down the hundreds of other movie on the site that they had no interest in watching.
Why do you assume your delusions are reality?
sex is the opiate of the masses
I like certain NazBols like Eric Striker, my main goal is just maintain white superiority in our own countries. Although on the day or the rope/gulag it would be nice if you commies killed all the soiboy corporations in your blue states.
republicans != /pol/cels
It is (((establishment))) propaganda for the WASP establishment.
Don't mistake the servant for the master. The WASP establishment is still the boss.
do you normally talk to yourself or just when you’re getting paid?
No they arent.
Never said that.
Im more anti kike than youll ever be i just realize the problem has evolved brainlet
maybe they're just superior, which is why they rule the world
Ghostbusters 2016 was much more brutal boy.
Waaay more hardcore hatred and fights
>Whites are more likely to support whites
The problem is this isn't true. Whites never saw themselves as one big mass. We believe in culture and individuality. Only altright faggots push the "white power" agenda which makes no sense. Pan europeanism is internationalist. It goes against what you're fighting for so if you win on those terms you have also lost. There is no white race. Truth be told there are no races, only genetic patterns and cultures.
have sex
>Have sex poster
How the fuck did a captain marvel thread become REEEEing about jews
>butthurt /r/The_Donald boomer
>wheezing obese incel
Expect Dems to bus around a lot more illegals to a lot more voting-stations, too.
I'm morbidly fascinated to see just how awful it's going to be. It's going to be a holocaust of logic.
Put me in the ovens, Google. I'm ready. I want to die.
amd was Marx an incel?
>CM had ten times the user ratings than Avengers:Endgame
>CM had mostly "dont want to watch"
Do you see the issue? There apparently was this huge interest in Captain Marvel except - the interest came from disinterest? It doesn't make sense except when you consider that there were people that deliberately went out of their way to vote it down.
It's seriously tiring even arguing on here when everyone is pretending to be retarded and not see the elephant in the room.
Why did the WASPs intentionally import millions of nonwhite leftist Catholics?
YouTube users deserve all the shabby treatment they get.
Well, that's Yea Forums
We can only hope. The problem with the left in my opinion was that it got crushed internally. Specifically during Occupy. I don't know what to say I feel my best option is to join up with the Nazis even though I think race is a distraction. The billionaire class of satanists are the problem. Still I do like my own people I can't lie.
>Paul Joseph Watson
No wonder Yea Forums is fucking retarded.
>There apparently was this huge interest in Captain Marvel
Almost as if it were a heavily-promoted major movie due to a soon release to theaters?
>One that was born a girl with a real vagina.
That's your problem right there.
Every racially conscious group strives for mastery, for domination, not just the Jews. That's Nature's way. That's the way it is in every barnyard and every schoolyard.
You know the Germans didn't begin throwing the Jews out of Germany in the 1930s because of Christian bigotry. It was because they wanted their country back. The Germans wanted to run their own universities and schools, their own newspapers and films, their own legal and medical professions.
That is why the media propaganda takes the deliberate slant it does: trying to make us feel guilty, trying to kill our sense of racial consciousness while the Jews keep theirs, trying to persuade us to give up our arms, trying to silence all our dissident voices. Their aim is for us to be racially unconscious, for us to be ashamed of our nature and our traditions, for us to be afraid to organize for our common good, afraid of being thought racists. The deliberate aim of the Jewish media propaganda is to disarm us morally, to make us rootless and defenseless, and then to destroy us.
That is what is happening now.
Oh these posts make sense now.
It's the Zionist Jew that lurks Yea Forums and Yea Forums. How do you feel about how most Jews are Democrats, and their party is filled with Muslims now?
>Lack of interest isn't genuine if it's a movie that I want to do well for political reasons
Just post that next time, Leg-beard. It says what you're trying to communicate in far fewer words.
People can't understand the stakes involved with 500 million plus invested. Most people live on like 35000 a year or less. 500 million plus is killing people money. Of course they will exert influence to make it pay off.
Can you please explain how interest in a movie is the same as a review for it?
>Lack of interest isn't genuine if I don't want it to be
Just like Endgame which is probably the most anticipated capeshit of all time and which trailer broke the record for most views in the first 24 hours.
But somehow much more people were were interest in voting if they want to watch CM - and somehow that great interest was actually disinterest.
For the love of god can we move on and stop pretending CM didn't have a hatecampaign? You can still shit on the movie and acknowlegde this, fuck's sake.
I get this but why do you guys rail against Jews when chinese are basically doing the same thing but worse.
>right wing fag complaining that what a corporation is doing is not fair
Oh nonononono
What they don't understand is the hatecampaign is more for lulz than actual misogyny.
have sex
PJW is p good, your post is not an argument.
>It's seriously tiring even arguing on here when everyone is pretending to be retarded
Yeah, except the retarded ones are the fat-lipped, bulgy-faced femcels spreading this conspiracy-theory. And you're not "pretending" to be retarded.
I can assure you it's indeed VERY tiring trying to educate you.
Jews have conquered the world and it is theirs by right of conquest.
stay mad
See this is the point ive been trying to make in this thread. Its no longer a jewish problem.
>lefty that thinks he isnt a corporate stooge despite all of his views aligning with the modern big corps
Remember retard, its about power, not money.
>Why would Disney, YouTube, etc. go to such great lengths to ensure that the normies can't criticize it?
t. femcuck that's triggered by someone's wrongthink being allowed on YouTube.
>Only altright faggots push the "white power" agenda which makes no sense.
Defending your own common race/culture when literally everybody else on Earth does it does make sense. We'll be consumed if we don't. For example, look at how Robert Mugabe disenfranchised/genocided leftist whites after they helped him get into power in Zimbabwe.
>Pan europeanism is internationalist. It goes against what you're fighting for so if you win on those terms you have also lost.
We support the integrity of our nations, while also uniting in order to fend-off bigger foreign threats. It's not that big of a compromise. Also, by your same logic, you should claim that pan-Africanism and US blacks that shill for Africa should be called retarded because they care about a foreign nation(s).
>There is no white race. Truth be told there are no races, only genetic patterns and cultures.
Splitting hairs. Haplogroups are used by geneticists to determine ancestry. Israel literally requires new immigrants to take a DNA test to determine their Semitic genes before they can become citizens.
Which is completely irrelevant?
>It was real inside my mind.
This imaginary "hate campaign" really is the Third Holocaust for your conspiracy-nut faggots, isn't it? The second one was of course GamerGate.
>only genetic patterns
What is the criteria of a race nowadays?
its gonna be a shit show I wish i had facebook just to see the insanity from both sides. Get the popcorn ready this is going to be a comedy of horrors.
Wow, those /pol/ folk are extraordinarily handsome.
>PJW is p good
Sure, if you're 13 I'm sure he's epic.
Why is everyone who dares to criticize this movie called a "troll"?
Only after I had sex. Something you'll never know incel.
Its not women trowing around "incel". Its usually 30+ neckbeard, which is especially pathetic
>"want to watch" votes
That's some quality shilling, given how the button for not being interested was removed specifically to help this movie. But, whatever.
>People on RT didn't want to watch Captain Marvel. CLEARLY A CONSPIRACY.
I really can't imagine the fucking low-tier genetics that went into making a brain-dead sub-intelligent stump like you.
How is it a conspiracy theory if there are objective facts to support it.
Explain to me how much more people voted on Captain Marvel "want to watch" than Endgame and how that great interest actually turned out to be disinterest. Explain to me how that is possible if it wasn't for people just voting it down for shits, giggles or butthurt.
Here's the reality and this may be a shock to some people: most people that are not interested in a movie, ARE NOT INTERESTED IN A MOVIE. They don't go out of their way to check on that movie to make sure everyone knows they aren't interested. The "want to watch" for virtually every film is overwhelmingly positive because people that don't care about a film don't care about signing up and leaving a vote for a movie they don't care about.
Seriously if I have to make this point one more time I'm just gonna fuck off. It's like talking to a wall.
They aren't totalitarians, they are Antitots!
nice trips, based user!
Check out this YouTube channel. Literally pro-white communists:
They have a show called "The Peoples' Square" which livestreams a few times per week.
I have been all my life
You have avoided this question the entire thread. How is interest the same as a review?
chapo is cringe as fuck so is all left wing thought. neck yourself
You make good points. I don't disagree on a white alliance but that is an ideal. I was trying to say that the reason that whites don't actually look out for eachother is because we moved past tribalism centuries ago. If we revert to tribalism because we fear an existential threat then we are undermining our own greatness. I just wish the entire discussion would evolve. On Yea Forums at least it has stayed at the same retarded level of We Wuzzing pan africanists.
>there are no races
Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races. Source:
Genetic analysis “supports the traditional racial groups classification.” Source:
“Human genetic variation is geographically structured” and corresponds with race. Source:
Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals. Source:
Oral bacteria can be used to determine race. Source:
Race can be determined via brain scans. Source:
96-97% of Whites have no African ancestry. Source:
97% of Whites have no Black ancestry whatsoever. Source:
There was minimal gene flow between archaic Europeans and Asians. Source:
Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning. Source:
A substantial amount of the human genome has been subjected to natural selection since the races diverged. Source:
With 160 short gene sequences, race can be determined with 100% accuracy for Whites, Asians, and Africans. Source:
Principal continent of origin (race) can be determined with 87% accuracy even for highly mixed populations. Source:
Because it was obvious from the trailers Marvel was stuffing the movie with anti- white male SJW propaganda.
Tens of millions saw those trailers in theaters and on YouTube.
Nice thanks
It's not gonna evolve because multiple foreign entities and rival ethnic groups have an interest in conquering white nations.
Trump supporters respecting Mexicans lmao shut up dumb ass
>If we revert to tribalism because we fear an existential threat then we are undermining our own greatness.
>can't read the pic
Eric Striker is the anti-Chapo. He's literally NazBol.
It's not obviously. But when a movie has yet to release, it's the closest you can get to a review. And more specifically, it's the closest you can get to reviewbombing.
You just had to look at Yea Forums in the run up to the movie, tons of threads along the lines of
And here we are and the movie is out and turns out people did want to watch it. It's almost like the "want to watch" rating was bombed by people with an agenda or anything.
The first two links are 404 do you really just expect people not to click them?
Nebula should have defeated Thanos. What's the point of surviving the Snap if Thanos' Balance creed doesn't result in the daughter he loves-less defeating him on her own terms? A daughter with an actual character arc, at that?
>And here we are and the movie is out and turns out people did want to watch it.
No, very few people did.
>Explain to me how much more people voted on Captain Marvel "want to watch" than Endgame and how that great interest actually turned out to be disinterest.
I'm really kind of amazed that you're enough of a slack-jawed retard that you need this kind of shit explained to you.
Captain Marvel was a heavily-advertised movie that also produced a lot of negative and uninterested reactions. And people on a website dedicated to discussing movies expressed that emotion.
The only reason this became a problem is because spergs like you are DEMANDING the movie be well-received due to politics, and you're dumb enough to buy SJW click-bait headlines that push a retarded conspiracy-theory narrative.
Seriously, $20 says that you think the Russians "hacked" the 2016 Presidential Election using Pokemon GO.
>he thinks strasserism is different than nazbol
Big yikes my friend.
no, the closest you can do to reviewing a movie is reviewing it. Signalling interest is not related.
So now you are agreeing with me that the user reviews were bombed by people with an poltiical agenda? Cool.
Not the Chinese... the Russians!
Seriously. :/
“It is inaccurate to state that race is biologically meaningless.” Source:
Race is biologically real and represents “genetic clusters” of variation. Source:
“Empirical structure within human genetic variation … resembles continentally based racial classifications”. Source:
“Recent research in genetics demonstrates that certain racial, and also ethnic, categories have a biological basis in statistically discernible clusters of alleles.” Source:
“Numerous human population genetic studies have come to the identical conclusion that genetic differentiation is greatest when defined on a continental basis.” Source:
Genetic analysis of race corresponds with self-identification more than 99% of the time. Source:
Races are human subspecies. Source:
The “social constructionist account of race lacks biological reality”. Source:
Race can be determined from fingerprints. Source:
For 99.86% of individuals, genetic analysis of race matches self-identification. Source:
Predefined ethnic/racial labels are “highly informative” about genetic identity. Source:
Over 2000 genes have been subject to recent (post out-of-Africa) evolution. Source:
>chinese are basically doing the same thing but worse.
We enable the Chinese with our lack of immigration law enforcement, and by outsourcing our manufacturing base to them. DC could fix the "Chinese problem" by fixing our trade and immigration laws, but they have failed to do so.
>by right of conquest.
I have studied the historical record, and I have not yet found a single instance where jews waged face to face war.
>stay mad
Yes, if you're mad, stay mad. But if you're not mad, I want you to get mad. I don’t know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you’ve got to get mad. You’ve got to say: ‘I’m a human being, god-dammit! My life has value!’
You know what's really pathetic? caring this much about childrens movies
Yeah, imagine inventing conspiracy-theories and writing lengthy clickbait articles because a children's movie wasn't well-received.
>thicc wifu of maddow
Even tho she is libtard and a dyke she has a good taste
>muh Russia
You couldn't be further from the truth about me. I don't like CM, I don't plan to watch it because it looks like garbage. But guess what, I didn't go out of my way to make an RT account and vote down the movie because why would I? I don't care about it.
I mean, you can believe that the supposed "outraged normie who saw the trailer and just had to make sure everyone knows he doesn't like it" justify the numbers of those want to watch scores, but they simply don't. Endgame still has about 25% of the users giving an interest compared to CM and it just doesn't add up. It's just as heavily advertised and gonna break a fucking billion in a week or whatever and you really believe a bunch of normal people just some CM trailer, didn't like, went to RT, made an account and left a diinterest note? That's pretty rich, calling me the delusional one here.
>have sex
For the purpose of procreation and starting a family, not for the sake of an orgasm.
Cringe and Redditpilled.
Also, you didn't even know who Eric Striker was before this thread, so shut the fuck up.
A cursory skim of some of these articles paints a much more vague and mottled picture. Im not saying there are no differences but there are similar differences within races--the point being that tribalism is monkey fucking stupid and people of European ancestry can do better.
To exploit for cheap labor. They always despised the Irish in particular... but somebody had to lay all those bricks to build New York and Chicago.
They adopted the Reform Jews as their pets post WWll, when the Irish and Italians started moving up socially in the US.
The Reformed Jews were happy to hate and slander Catholics for them- they had done the same job in Bismarck's Germany, during the .
((They))) have since expanded their services to hating Southerners and evangelical Christians.
I think this might actually be true. Give us just enough rope to hang ourselves with.
Wrong. Allowing other races among us is an abuse to our own children.
during the Kulturkampf.
>Bringing up dual citizenship
(((shut it down)))
So Russians are Jews?
many of the anti-immigrant street gangs in Sweden are communist as well
>the point being that tribalism is monkey fucking stupid
Man is a highly social animal and readily forms groups that compete with other groups for territory, mates, and resources. Given our social nature and the fact that resources are limited, the formation of a manageable group is the best strategy for surviving against competing groups. A loner, at least until modern times, would not have survived for long. For a group to be effective, it must be cohesive – the individuals in it must stick together and sacrifice for others in the group. Such cohesiveness cannot be easily obtained unless the people in the group are genetically similar so that any sacrifice for others is for those who have more of one’s own alleles and is therefore, in a biological sense, less of a sacrifice than it is a gain in fitness. Ethnocentrism and racism are built into our nature; the alleles of those who support their own genetic family are more likely to survive than the alleles of those who do not, i.e., anti-racism is maladaptive.
People who don't have children (and never will) shouldn't be allowed to comment on what is best for them
I love how disney moms did not even dare respond to this post.
he just got butthurt after getting ZACKED
>white males: concerned about the future of white people and our countries
>white females: concerned about getting more views for a Marvel movie because it has a le woke feminist in it
The Eternal Roastie.
I was being sarcastic user. I know "muh Russians" are a bogeyman, like the "Elders of Zion" were. ; )
The 'Russian' mafia in the US is actually mostly Jewish.
>Taking PJW seriously
>WASP establishment
No one is actually stupid enough to believe this