You will download this movie just for his scene

You will download this movie just for his scene

Attached: quicksilver.jpg (2313x1889, 594K)

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My god, he looks like a child after they were just raped my Michael Jackson

So is it canon that mutants age slower than humans?

I wonder how would they nerf him to not curbstomp Jean

which moobie

they'll probably copy that justice league scene and kill him on this very scene

I'll wait for the webm actually

*by bryan singer

Why are we stuck with characters like quicksilver and mystique as x-men over and over again instead of having classic members.


He didn't have good scene in last movie, it was the only thing I was looking for when downloading it

What is happening?


Are people in studio retarded? His solo movie would earn more than this shit.

I can't for another jobbing scene.

>If Jean can outrun Quicksilver why doens't she end the whole planet faster AS SHE WANTS TO DO?
Supes had the excuse of not wanting to end the world, just be alone

TIME KINO (minus that Apocalypse crap)

Nah senpai, I’ll wait for a chinese rip on youtube just to see how much they make him job to Phoenix. He only had DoFP being actually useful, his power was taken seriously and was grounded in reality with how he interacted with his surroundings. Like him having to hold Magneto’s neck so it wouldn’t break from whiplash then in Apocalypse he is grabbing people under his arm and throwing them out of windows like its nothing.

>nerf him
In the comics, Phoenix is not only a powerful telepath, but so powerful a telekinetic that she can rearrange atoms. How is "runs fast guy" even a challenge for that?

They already did a scene kinda similar to Justice League but before Justice League in Apocalypse

He moves so fast that she can't even see and target him?

So its been pretty much confirmed that mystique dies in this right?

Considering for terrible her characterization look it's for the best.

She can sense his thoughts, and with telekinesis she can fly out of his reach and just nuke the whole area he's in.

Same as in apocalypse. She will be frozen in time as he runs, but her mind can still create force fields etc.

Wait, Quicksilver freezes time rather than just running fast in these movies?

Reading these replies makes me wish for a nuclear winter. How in the fuck can anyone give a shit about this children's garbage?

>he could literally fuck a girl several times before she even realizes it, only to then cum in absolute pleasure as she feels the force of thousand thrusts and gallons of cum in an instant

I will watch it in the Kino for Fassbender.

Hee hee

I was gonna download it regardless since i enjoy FOX-Men more than i do mouse universe. Shame about casting that fugly potato as jean though, especially when coming from famke

I used to like Fassbender. After I watched Shame and saw his big dick, I’m now too jealous and intimidated to watch his movies. Same with Jon Hamm; I can’t rewatch Mad Men.
>tfw no big dick
It hurts every single day...

what movie? and where to download?

he's always giving 100% in every crap he's in

honestly, yes
anyway, rest of trailer doesn't look as shit as people said

I already saw this scene when Legolas ran on those rocks on the falling bridge.

>the force of thousand thrusts
Sounds like it would be extremely painful.

>"Yo silver there is this telepathic dyke, please smash her head in. Just run fast in from outside her radar and send a pipe right through her head"

>go to step on plank
>it just gets pushed away from you as you don't move cause that'd be retarded otherwise

Here you go gents:

why can't they create good scenes with him instead of this sequence shit
the only good one was from dofp


Quicksilver has a fast regeneration ability, which means he heals faster than regular humans, but not as fast as Wolverine/Deadpool, who are almost immortal.

I won't and I watched every X-Men movie. That fat bitch from GoT is just unbearable.

why are they making The Last Stand for a second time?

>Same fucking scene done a third time

Yeah, can't wait

So if he put on the magneto helmet he'd be unstoppable

you think he was raped in slow motion

Jean is limited by how fast her neurons can fire. Quicksilver could run and lobotmize her with a knife before she could even twitch

I think he means movie versions, in Fox Movies Quicksilver is faster than Flash and severely overpowered. In comics versions, Quicksilver is just a "fast" guy and Phoenix is a destructive force of the universe that not even Thanos can kill.

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tfw don't like him anymore either

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*smiles in big dick*

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right, but she's a psychic so she'd know this, and would need to always be thinking about him in case he ever presented himself. She's psychic so she'd know if he was gonna show up. She has time to prep.

I genuinely can't take this movie seriously because fuckin SHANSHA

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they wanted to see if they could make an ever worse film

It doesn't fucking matter you idiot. If somebody points a gun at your head, you know the bullet will hit you, but that doesn't mean you can stop that. And Quicksilver is thousands of times faster than a bullet.

dog you got to pull women before even worrying about your dick lmao

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It doesn't matter if he did. He goes Mach 700+ in these flicks, he could literally cross the USA and bust her into paste before she makes a forcefield or whatever. And that's even assuming she's always thinking about him.

Shit, given that he probably goes slow mo in reaction to pain, the second he feels her in his brain he could just kill her too

The only way to kill a speedster is either with another speedster (see Justice League) or with shitty writing, see Apocalypse and probably this movie

peter pan complex

>The only way to kill a speedster is either with another speedster
Top kek. Phoenix could just fly into space and consume the sun.

I legitimately believe he dies in this scene. The director mentioned there would be multiple deaths and his (due to his power) is pretty likely which is a shame... it seems with all speedsters it’s only coming to light when they try and bring it to film/tv how difficult it is to write interesting challenges and rivals when you execute their power as it’s portrayed in comics.

Holy shit they set the bar high with that Apocalypse scene.

The rest of the movie was good, too, I thought, even though or perhaps because I'm not a capeshitter.

There's probably going to be some bullshit with her setting up some telekinetic force field that stops him from getting too close.

Comic book Phoneix, we're talking movie phoenix who can die to Wolverine stab wound

If we match comic Jean against comic Flash on even grounds, the argument would be the same

movie looks like fun. got girl's hot. hope it doesn't flops so bad

Because in the movies, Quicksilver isn't just "runs fast guy", the guy can quite effectively stop time if he wanted to. On top of having already slowed down time, he's shown still zipping around while in that state.

He doesn't stop time, brainlets. That effect is just to demonstrate how he perceives things. That his mind and body operate so fast that everything else appears super slow.

Same. I guess capeshittes didn't like it because it took itself pretty serious despite being totally cartoonish.

They already did that with Magneto in Apocalypse. Still, sucks he's most probably gonna die.

>tfw no scene of Quicksilver getting btfo by another speedster like the justice league scene
>then they have a crazy super speed fight

Feels bad.

it's allready pirated?

No. That shot is from the new trailer.

Yeah bro just go on torrents dawt com

>Focus on my voice
Is there a more cliched thing a character can say in a movie with psychics?

Dork Phonics

Imagine calling someone a brainlet and not understanding that time is entirely perception.

I hate when super speed in stories never makes sense
if you suddenly moved someone at a thousand miles an hour they would explode or their limbs come off

>tfw big dick but not mutilated
good goys will never ever know this feel

you will fart in a can and smell it just for this scent

Imagine thinking that one person's perception being different is the same thing as stopping time.

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Duh, that's why he wears goggles.

>The only way to kill a speedster is either with another speedster (see Justice League) or with shitty writing, see Apocalypse and probably this movie

So you never read comics, huh.

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Apparently, a lot of them hate these scenes because they make Quicksilver out to be way more powerful than he's supposed to be. This version of Quicksilver is more like the flash, but he's not supposed to be THAT fast. The Quicksilver from Age of Ultron is a lot closer to the comics version, even though it's the more boring version.

Wow, yet another mutant who will be able to see him do his thing and stop him before he does anything cool.

Imagine that after two posts, you still don't get that time is perception

Does this movie actually do the schtick were everything slows down and he zooms around at memespeed AGAIN

If he can move at super speed while already being in a state of moving at super speed, then he's pretty much stopping time imo

Please reply and confirm you are baiting. I am genuinely concerned.

Phoenix is a force and is independent of paltry Jean Grey. She is merely possessed.

don't forget the accompanying shit song

>alright, let's put in a bunch of millenial-zoomer-looking cunts and certainly our movie will sell to young people, har har.
It's amazing people this dumb get to live in big homes. Revolution when?

What if everyone here is underage? What do you even care, mister? Shouldn't you be in a business meeting or something "truly" productive?

>not a capeshitter
>enjoys bottom of the barrel capeshit
I have some bad news for you user.

>imagine thinking this unironically
>quicksilver runs real fast
>across the universe everyone stops
>oh wait, what about the other super fast beings?
>well, I guess my theory is shit
Only responded because you seem really fucking lonely and desperate for attention.

>I legitimately believe he dies in this scene.

He doesn't.

BUT he gets hit in the head with a brick and spends the rest of the movie in a coma.

t. Seen it.

>millenial-zoomer-looking cunts
Brian singer has one of those before bed every night.

>breaking the law downloading a movie and infecting your computer with a Russian AIDS virus at the same time so you can watch mediocre capeshit


>worried about breaking the law
>worried about viruses
You fucking normies could at least lurk before posting for fucks sake.

Does anyone actually like speedsters or are they just for powerlevel autists to jerk off over

this is big?

If it's that big while limp, yes.

That's easily over one percentile, I believe. Unless he's semihard, that's 8+ inches.
t. that's what mine looks like flaccid

most guys erect dicks are this size

Theres nothing stronger canonically than the Infinity Stones.

He's semi in the scene, I'm only 7in and I can look like that if I pull and flop my dick around a bit. Not very impressive

Capeshit is pretty dumb but cool scenes with time is always great.

Is there another Sweet Dreams/Time in a Bottle scene with him?


Nightcrawler and him rescuing the astronauts from a malfunctioning space shuttle.

But it is set to regular orchestral music, at least in the cut I watched.


H-he's fast!

QuickSilver vs Accelerator, who wins?

I see Hollywood still can't make CGI human bodies not look like ragdolls.

Remember that Fassbender's a pretty short guy, and not very broadly built. Relative size is often used in porn too. Small man with large penis + tiny woman makes for one huge dick relatively speaking.

I don't like the way the trailers look but I'll definitely go see it in the theater. I like the X-Men universe as a whole, even if the last two movies will probably have been pretty bad

MJ was innocent

This entire thread is the most pathetic thing I have ever read. It's a fucking comic book movie and the virgins here are discussing the finer points of running fast.

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"Don't let it control you"
"What you have, is a gift"

Dunno, I enjoy MCU capeshit too but I can't imagine a reality where I don't enjoy X-men's Quicksilver scenes. They're part of the charm that keeps people coming back.

Anyway, have other capeshitters read comics recently? As in the last couple decades? Quicksilver has gone from Mach 1 to about about 5. The latest surge had him running from Tibet to Indonesia in 92 seconds. That's like Mach 300. Still nothing compared to Flash but still respectable.

Ult. Quicksilver was shy of lightspeed at his peak IIRC

DC has all the speedsters anyway. Does Marvel have more magic users then?

>Theres nothing stronger canonically than the Infinity Stones.
Lol look at this lorelet.

I mean DC has Etrigan/Jason Blood, Dr. Fate. Zatarro, Zatanna, Nightmare Nurse. Madam Xanadu, Orchid, Deadman, Phantom Stranger, Captain Marvel (Shazam), Constantine, The Spectre, Swamp Thing to name some heroes. Villains, Klarion, Felix Faust, Black Adam, Tala, Wotan Solomon Grundy, Vandal Savage...

Marvel has Dr. Strange, Scarlet Witch and Dr. Doom technically? Villains I guess are Dorrmamu and Baron Mordo

>what is the High Tribunal