Jazz General - Bullying Prevents Castration Edition

Jazz Jennings’ Doctor Exposed As Anti-trans, Posted Photos Of Patients’ Body Parts


Episode 10 QRD:

>2:00: Mom Jeanette commands Jazz to NOT dwell on the necrovaginal constructive surgery complications, lest she "turn off kids from having this particular procedure."
>21:30: Amir gets creeped out by the Cronenbergian details of Jazz's surgery. Jazz gets her soul crushed, BTFO.
>25:36: We meet The New Flesh slated to be castrated.


Attached: Transgirl Charlie 15.png (638x620, 330K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Previous thread:

Ahmir isn't feeling well....

Attached: Does Ahmir have AIDS.png (1226x861, 1.62M)

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=u1V4VN6pp5I

All you fag enablers should be killed.

>jazz could have had this cutie bullying his small penis
>gets it chopped off and hooks up with ahmir the vacuous negro instead

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remember when you were 10 and rode your bicycle to see your friends to trade pokemon? Now just imagine if you were locked in your room not having any friends and wishing you were a girl for your childhood. how different life coulda been.
>this is the state of 2019

Attached: if only you knew how bad things really were.jpg (300x300, 21K)

Yes ahmir, "not feeling well" is what happens when you sell your soul for fame and a paycheque



He’s coming to the realisation that being physically attracted to a man may make him a homosexual

damn hes falling hard. He might be mentally ill.

Nobody feels well in the presence of the wicked witch Jeanette.

Attached: ahmir_mistake.png (477x625, 434K)

How long before it takes him to figure out that dressing up like a woman makes you a tranny?

Attached: Drag.png (1407x681, 1.13M)

>constantly complains about how people he's around are making him depressed
>only hangs around Jazz and his family and tranny friends
What did he mean by this?

You don't need to concern yourself with other people's kids; you sound like an incel.

Ahmir the kind of dude that turns the tv down if his cat is sleeping.

Yes. He stared into Jazz's abyss and it stared back into his soul.

Attached: Fucked Jazz now crazy.png (1226x795, 1.47M)

Parents who put their kids on hormone blockers at any age should get their kids taken away. This behaviour is just mental.

You can look at his instagram and watch Ahmir progressively go insane little by little (see his picture here)

Attached: Ahmir is Teratoma now.png (1536x746, 177K)

>mfw I got filthy stinky rich from driving my son and innumerable others to suicide via castration and all you plebs can do is kvetch about it


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From what I can tell it doesn't really help at all either.

Is Ahmir having a depression or what?

>How can the things be real, when our eyes aren't real
That guy nuts!

Ahmir is a paid actor. We are just seeing his genuine reactions to all of this in the show when he hears it for the first time. They will eventually brainwash him too and he will become a tranny if he doesn't save himself.

Attached: Jazz paid extra.jpg (564x736, 68K)

How fucking insane do you have to be to let your child mutilate his genetalia,and then make a show out of it for the whole world to see.

reminder that the family gets about 1 million dollars per episode

imagine if the first vagina you saw was Jazz's messed up axe wound

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Did the guy actually say that Jazz’s NuVagine ‘creeps him out’

..i was just imagining what life could have been like if i wanted to be a girl when i was a kid. And fuck your asshole because damnit i was a fucked up kid, i was pretty damn feminine and not for no reason either, so get fucked faggot. Dont concern yourself with me. Im on this tranny ride for the lolz, dont get so serious.

Citation pls

Classic triangulation. These beta fucks use social media as the surrogate for the role that a specific friend plays in more assertive people’s lives. He’s talking about the people that bother him(the Bloshinskis) because he doesn’t have the balls to talk *to* them.

See 21:30 in the dailymotion video in the op.

You don't need to concern yourself with other people's kids; you sound like an incel.

It's a bargain. People may hate TLC for the modern day freak shows but they're really doing a public service here.

Happily together with my wife and planned kids for in the next couple of years. Stop projecting /r9k/, not everyone is like you.


each family member on honeybooboo also a tlc reality show got 50-100k a episode, you can look it up, its safe to say the (((Jennings))) are making the same if not more

Hello Dr. Ehrensaft. Welcome to the thread.

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We concern ourselves with other peoples kids because when we see other people abusing their kids, we need to call it out. This is 100 percent abuse, and should have been caught by authorities the first time the mother went doctor shopping for puberty blockers and hormones. It should have been caught when the mother sent the kid to public school dressed as the opposite sex, they should have did a mental hygiene warrant on the mother, and the father, and put the kid in a foster home. Everyone involved needs to be prosecuted. Teachers- they have an obligation to report abuse. Doctors- same and any other adult that came into contact with Jazz as a child that did not report the abuse that knew what was going on.

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Is Ahmir the best thing that happened in this show? the dude it's living iin a clown world

does the sex just feel like rubbing your arm really fast?

Attached: Story so far.png (1885x823, 296K)

How do we stop the bombardment level of propaganda?

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Is there anyone in that fucking show who's not mentally ill?r

Remember to get them on hormone blockers early my fellow jazzbro


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Make propaganda illegal again. It was illegal until the Obama administration. (I think it became legal to use blatant propaganda on US citizens in 2012.)

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sweet Ari and the twins. They're the ONLY sane people.

Maybe Yea Forums needs a Jazz outreach program. The best thing Jazz could do at this point is realize what a horrible mistake it's made and try to dissuade others from the path.

Ahmir is accidentally redpilling himself. Even his dumb ass is realizing that fucking another dude makes you gay whether that guy’s swinging a dick or not.

>therapy is going great

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>it was illegal until the Obama administration
Holy shit you’re retarded



heres a pretty good article on it.

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Smith-Mundt Act

seeBe sure to name all your worms.

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Jeanette's been draining his soul slowly

I'm gonna be really sad when the new episode airs tomorrow night. Jazz is gonna break up with Amir and that's the end of Amir memes :(

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my sides

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Is your child literate in porn user?

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This freak needs to hang.

>implying Ahmir won't get Jazz pregnant and make a great season 6 story arc


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>I love pizza

god, i'm so sick of these freaks whose lives revolve around MUH LGBTQ bullshit. why can't you just suck dicks in private and act normal

Does Charlie not have an insta anymore?

>nose is a feature that makes him who he is
>dick wasn't

the absolute state of jewish people

>I Love Pizza

Attached: 1547884341841.jpg (800x755, 39K)

Imagine the encryption levels on his hard drive.

Link to latest episode?

Doing God's work user

It's in the post you just replied to.

Anyone that makes something that everyone can do, that isn't special (sex) their identity, is mentally ill. That goes for straight people as well. If you can't come up with something more interesting about yourself to "identify" as, than something everyone on the planet can do, then you are pretty boring and mentally ill.

Attached: Mentall ill.jpg (607x590, 122K)

he does

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>tfw your mother's a crazy subtle abusive cunt who's turned your little brother into a walking freak show but insists that he's the daughter she always wanted because she's sold his soul for a reality television show and is now whoring what remains of him out for the entire world to see
Being Ari is suffering.

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I'm sure he has a lot of home made cheesey pizza stored there

>not posting the whole webm

Attached: aquamancopsafeel.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

Damn, already hit the wall.

>Charlie is Jazz's friend
>Jazzm lives in florida
>Charlie lives in CT
>all those selfies
>all the jb cheerleader pics
>running around in heels and tiny skirts
Is this some weird prostitution ring or something?

If someone bases their identity off being straight are they mentally ill?


>spends 5 hours on makeup
>spends 5 seconds on teeth

Still not mentally ill.

You will see hell in your lifetime.

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Can we do anything to save Ahmir? His mum sounds pretty alright how do we get him back home and in the company of the mentally well?

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The post you’re referring to literally says “even straight people” you dullard

The Hollywood elite want so desperately for Jazz to become a poster child for the trans movement and it is blowing up in their faces just like her neo-vagina.

Yes. If all they talk about is sex, and their whole life revolves around sex and they have no hobbies or anything unless it involves sex, that means they are hypersexual and that is a symptom of mental illness. The answer is yes user.

Attached: Mental Illness.png (1884x860, 526K)

My bad. Didn’t see it there at the bottom.

I'd still lick his teeth

Give handle

lmao Amir finna get dabbed on by his based mom


is he out of his god damn mind?

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literally just google his name

They meet annually in Philadelphia for some tranny convention. It's a small world for trannies. It's still worthy of a weaponized autism investigation.

Lads what does amirs dad think of all this? They frequently talk about his mother yet no opinion has been offered by the father?
Find it a bit strange is all, has his dad refused to appear on the show?

only after I lick his baby dick


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Do people seriously think he is doing anything wrong here?

he said the same thing about his leg hair in a youtube video which I think has since been removed

>Be Black
>Have a dad in your life
pick one user.

Attached: breast deformity.jpg (604x286, 32K)

>amirs dad

Attached: ahmir'sfacereactionidonthaveacopyofhisactualface.png (355x324, 11K)

Christ almighty the irony is totally lost on him isn’t it

get pozzed and die faggot

Holy shit. It's not even about sex but imagine spend the rest of your life with a double ass.

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>ahmirs dad

That’s awfully racist of you both, black people have fathers too

Reminder that Jeanette's twitter handle is @MomofJazz and not @MomofAri. Sorry sweaty. Try harder in your next life.

There he goesssss
There he goes again

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My father was absent for most of my life too user. Its okay :hug:

Ok am I the only one that notices that this dude despite the hormones acts mostly like a teenage boy? Girls(especially teenage ones) are literally horrified at shit like that. Meanwhile he in typical teenage boy fashion thinks it’s hilarious and wants to share it.

who knew aquaman would be a cunnysuir?
truly /ourguy/

Why can't they keep the penis?

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Attached: Body Language.webm (854x480, 772K)

My wife was laughing about the leg hair. She looked at me and said "So Jazz is a tranny, but refuses to do the basic things a woman has to do to keep up appearances", and then told me that Jazz refuses to wear a bra. She questioned why jazz wanted to transition in the first place and I had to explain to her that Jazz was raised this way. That sexuality and sexual preference is religion to them. She understood. I then told her about the breast deformity tweet I saw here, and that Jazz has tubular tits (like the one farthest to the right) and she said she knew about it and couldn't believe blood parents would do this to their own kid. We make "I am Jazz" an event every week. It's like TLC is a perfect circus sideshow, with midgets, fat people and trannies.

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Attached: dan tranny sore arse rex image 1 sm.jpg (512x768, 72K)

I've noticed that. Especially when he's talking to his friends about the surgery. In fact whenever he's hanging with friends who are real girls you can see how he behaves differently

I think he's 100% fucking based.

It also thought a cavernous vagina is a good thing, it’s not very good at into a woman

Do you think Charlie is a bug chaser?

Attached: bugchasers.jpg (2184x1706, 1003K)

Hey look at this

Attached: discord tra nnie and the infinite sadness.png (738x669, 186K)

Women fear the MeatStick!


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Facts aren't racist user. Racial yes, Racist no. They can be hard and they can hurt your feelings but facts don't care about your feelings. Just like it's not racist to state the average IQ of blacks is 70.

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yeah, I'm thinking he's BASED

only a autist wouldn't realize this is groping in a sexual manner, notice the daughter's smile is because she was aroused

I think he cute

what the fucking cringe?

I guess some people are into shit user.

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what the fuck am i reading?

The girl sure did.

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>jazz's tits turn into a penis
like poetry

imagine living in a world where people unironically ask "but can I eat shit?"
because that's the world we live in

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mental illness

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Imagine living in a world where people write public articles about contracting worms from eating shit (see)

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was meant for


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I want to abduct him and keep in chastity and sissy bondage.


What expression are they conveying here?

Attached: Amir and Sam Expression.jpg (1165x401, 123K)

Your OC is shit


>wtf why doesn't this poor facsimile sculpted from my excess guts look like a real vagina


It'll have to do, that's about all the time I am willing to spend on someone who is going to become part of the 40 percent sooner rather than later.

Attached: Degeneracy sold to kids.png (1207x636, 355K)

>"So Jazz is a tranny, but refuses to do the basic things a woman has to do to keep up appearances"
Welcome to troonville. You either get lazy sacks of shit like Jazz or hyper-sexualized trannies like . Regardless, they always act in a stereotypical bullshit manner because they haven't lived as a woman at all. They simply cannot understand that being a woman is more than makeup, tits and putting yourself out like a complete tramp.

>people are a-okay with a bobbleheaded midget dressing like a 20 something thot in Dubai
>said midget is a guy that had his puberty negated and replaced by manufactured hormones, doing all sorts of damage to his testosterone starved endocrine system
>if you think this is wrong or child abuse, you're the mentally ill one

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>a man could get pregnant.

If science could get jazz pregnant it would be the beginning of the thot genocide.

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>My wife was laughing about the leg hair. She looked at me and said "So Jazz is a tranny, but refuses to do the basic things a woman has to do to keep up appearances"
um sweetie, gender is a social construct, just because some women dont have hairy legs doesnt mean you cant be a women with hairy legs

>pizzagate is not real they said.

Attached: abcess.png (209x395, 140K)

Attached: chhacriy9wk21.png (878x368, 28K)

Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times

You don't need to concern yourself with how much money I make or what guns I buy then


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it's all so tiring

Those people are trying to give their kids cancer, on purpose.

This cancer of the fauxgina has been documented already sixteen times that this research knows off, who knows how high the dark numbers are. Of course it wasn't just cancer, the cancer was marinating in a soup of STDs because these people are fucking degenerates and should be locked away for their own and the public's protection.

Attached: cancer in the hole.png (645x434, 172K)

Spread this article like wildfire: dailysignal.com/2019/03/10/i-was-americas-first-non-binary-person-it-was-all-a-sham/

I'm 40% 40% positive this wont end well.

>autogynephilia is a myth
>trying on pretty panties makes me want to jerk off
What is wrong with these people?

Oh, no one said women can't have hairy legs. What the wife was talking about was- we have been married for 18 years and she was laughing at how she would be embarrassed if she didn't shave for me. I explained to her that times have changed and that mental illness is now embraced and encouraged instead of laughed at. She didn't understand and finished my sandwich.

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Literally mental illness.

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it's just gender euphoria, bigot :^)

We all know that all trannies are perverts.

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They need to share their cancer, aids, and hpv, like it's a cool thing. One good reason to get your kids the hpv vaccine, Yea Forums, because those fucking trannies are literally in their schools.

For the anons who ask what dialation is, DIALATION CAUSES CANCER, IT IS KNOWN! Another thing doctors didn't tell poor Jaron.
>The abnormal exposure of the neovaginal tissue therefore seems to be a risk factor for chronic irritation with subsequent inflammation and infection of the neovagina.
>The regular use of a prosthesis for neovaginal dilatation and the higher neovaginal pH compared to nontransgender women were found to be further risk factors.
>Consequently, the graft tissue may be susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as well.

>the tissue used in vaginoplasty has considerable influence on the direction of pathogenesis and the resulting malignant manifestation
Positively teratomatastic. Jaron may get stomach AND ass cancer in his fauxgina.

Nah. Too much there to be just a coincidence.

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>that image
they made a documentary about it

So who do y'all think will an hero first, jazzsm or amir?

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He chews with his mouth open, like a teen boy who never bothered with manners, and walked with the gait of a farmer before the surgery.

I think it's also strongly related to these weird tranny online communities
really look at how they're phrasing itfeels like it's just as much about telling people online about their boners and fantasies and shit

holy shit is that a boy

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Did they pay you to eat that baby?

I dont think those numbers are correct, look around at other reality shows, america's got talent pays 70k a episode to each contestant

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Jesus fucking Christ.

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Yeah! Four in ten, in fact. That's almost half!

Autogynephilia isn't real.

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If by "they" you mean your mum and "baby" you mean her pusy, then yes

Blanchard and Rod Flemming are both right

You think the panties is bad? They rub biohazards over themselves to jerk off. Then they wonder why they have the highest std rates and blame it on the "white cis male" boogeyman.

Attached: transbians.jpg (1200x794, 112K)

good read

>most cis women can be described as having a fetish for being a woman so it makes sense that trans women do
i wouldn't piss on this person if he was on fire

I'm so glad they're all gonna die from cancer in their fake holes.

>100% of the HPV-positive transgender women had been infected with at least one oncogenic HPV genotype.
Translation: every HPV infected trans prostitute has the cancerous version, or several cancerous versions of the virus, kekeroni. We're going to see a lot more fauxgina cancer in the coming decades, hope that helps smash the tranny delusion.

Makes a great come-back too. Discord tranny tells you to have sex? Smugly tell it that it has cancer.

does anywhere have a link to the episode where her vagina falls off, the face of it?

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Haha thank you for posting this classic. Hadn't seen it in years.

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Jokes on you
My mum has a cock
Massive one

>ad for vodka on the next page
My sides.

>Vaginoplasty by penile and scrotal skin inversion is a well-established technique for male-to-female gender confirmation surgery.
>In this setting, chronic inflammation and lacerations associated with history of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection may induce a high risk of malignant degeneration in the long term.
I've never been this happy to read the words high risk. All those discord trannies who smugly look down on Jazz because they had a full grown ass man's penis to do their surgery better start digging for tumors.

>Jazz's mother started him on hormones and puberty blockers at about 4 years old. (in the show and in interviews this has been established) because the one doctor that made the penis valentine was recorded on the show saying that Jazz could not physically have the penis inversion SRS technique because Jazz's dick was only 1 inch long by 1.5 inches in circumference and Jazz did not have enough material for the doctor to work with. He asked Jazz what quack said the penis inversion was an option and Jazz didn't have an answer. Jazz's mom then went on to doctor shop until they found a crazy tranny doctor that said they could do a gastric bypass on Jazz and take part of the stomach lining and make the vaginal lips. Jazz would still need the colon surgery to make the majority of the fake vagina and it would still need to be connected to the colon to keep the vagina and stomach lining alive. This adds the benefit of being unlike normal trannies- self lubricating with shit, but the downside would be he would need to wear a pad permanently because shit would be constantly leaking out of it, because he would have no control over it because no muscles. It would also smell like shit the rest of his life.
Jeanette made sure Jaron will get colon cancer in his fauxgina before he's forty.

Attached: trans.jpg (970x1299, 236K)

Why is google so mean?

> I'm a girl in boy's body.
> Fuck you it's my nose embrace it.

Attached: SentimentalFirmKomododragon.webm (640x800, 188K)

I deepthroated it, fagget

Fucking hell just keep the dick ffs.

Are neo-vaginas the ultimate pleb filter?

forgot pic

Attached: Jazz is fat.jpg (407x200, 58K)

based google

>western degenerates go to Thailand to buy kids for sex
>Thai kids become surgeons
>make it their life's work to castrate western degenerates
>western degenerates pay for it
>call hospital the peepee surgery cause zero fucks given

Attached: Takei kek.gif (290x260, 1.65M)

Are you my stepdad now?

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god damn it who is this one

I ask in every single thread

I will continue until I get an answer

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Amy Amyson

Extra transgirl #1

oh fucking hell

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that sounds like a lie!

a real qt3.14

Joey Clarkson

Seeing this is especially painful for me because charlie looks exactly like my little brother.

Charlie is cuter.

Attached: 2766.jpg (656x656, 323K)

You little brother looks like a girl.

why are there so many faggot tranny enablers on Yea Forums?


Kill all bugchasers or just wait and let them die themselves

I just found out one of my childhood friends is a tranny. Not even a good one, he wears a beard like that Eurovision dude. Looks like freak circus bearded woman.
What's going on.

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not all of us are close minded bigots like you

Why are there so many retards who think anyone in this thread supports injecting hormones and cutting your dick off?

You must know some very beautiful men I guess.

Attached: 2718.jpg (1080x1080, 314K)

He doesn't but if i put a wig and makeup on him he would look identical to charlie

Stop sexualizing mentally ill children.

What's even the point thing doesn't work either way

Give her a few years user
That cute little face will lengthen, the babyfat will fall away, the button nose will become more aquiline
Masculinity comes for them all eventually

stop replying to yourself, tranny.

>dude so what i just can't stop talking about trannies, it's not like i like them or anything!
lol cope you fucking faggot

all children have neonatal features, you're just a pedophile

14 year old quarterback see

good thing they can't get pregnant

I thought cancer in neovag was a meme.
These poor people.

Pics or it didn't happen.

Is that an argument for why we should fuck them as young as possible?

Fucking pedo fag!

All heterosexual men are.


Gas yourself you literal degenerate



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It's fun to make fun of the mentally ill that believe they are "normal" and "sane". Easy to trigger a response, easy to destroy all the arguments that support them and they are not used to reality and truth because they live in bubbles and protect themselves from opposing opinions.

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>Jazz would still need the colon surgery to make the majority of the fake vagina and it would still need to be connected to the colon to keep the vagina and stomach lining alive. This adds the benefit of being unlike normal trannies- self lubricating with shit, but the downside would be he would need to wear a pad permanently because shit would be constantly leaking out of it, because he would have no control over it because no muscles. It would also smell like shit the rest of his life.

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She doesn't look like a child, she looks like any beautiful teen girl, you must be a fag if you don't find her beautiful.

Attached: 2737.jpg (1080x1080, 394K)

Reminder that these are discord trannies truying to derail the thread.

#3 is a qt. I'd dilate her anus if you know what I mean.

Ahh, Jazz, or some say Jazm… Do you read our posts? No, we will not abandon the thread. No one can catch us, no one can stop us now!

Attached: more_eyes.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Discord trannies

He looks like a boy in a drag, you big faggot.

Look like (from left to right)
>15 year old Spic with long hair
>28 year old bro dude who likes make up
>8 year old boy
>12 year old fat kid

Jazz and the fatty are trainwrecks, I agree, Charlie is cute af though.

her names emily, and she seems to be less crazy than the others.
still though they're all gonna get surgery and kill themselves regardless.


>15 year old in weird midget 10 year old body
Dude, you're a pedo.

If you didn't already know, you would never be able to tell who he was in there, stay in denial.

sure, but puppies are cute but i dont want to fuck them

hate to be the one telling you're a gay pedo user, he looks like a little boy.

Why are the majority of Trannies pedophiles?

All the Discord sites that got shut down by the FBI last month, where Trans Discords.

Attached: Trannies.png (1000x1300, 398K)

He shoudn't be saved.
this tragedy must go as wrong as it possibly can on for all involved parties to send a message to SO-CIE-TAY that mental illness is dangerous and so is the surgical mafia and their lies.
Amir is a worthy sacrifice, he volunteered to poke the teratoma, ruining a good BBC and becoming gay in the process, his mom coudn't save him, who the fuck are you to even try?

Attached: 321321321321.png (800x334, 267K)

>A faggot is a pedophile
Color me shocked!

>you would never be able to tell who he was in there
Any straight man would be able to tell you thats a boy face, fag.
> stay in denial


if anything shit like that makes me not want to reproduce

i don't want my kids to live in a world where shit like this is normalized in public education

>it just fell off
>the whole face of it

Attached: the whole face of it.webm (800x334, 2.99M)

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA yeah right. Shoulders on men are wider than their hips. On women the shoulders are at most the width of their hips. Most of the time the hips are wider than their shoulders. Made completely different from the way the muscles and skin look to the bone structure. It's why when you see a tranny you know it without even looking up close. It's why they need to always pose for pictures. Hands, feet are much smaller on women than men.

Attached: HOLY WOW.png (1424x905, 1.63M)

>not having the balls to post the bikini booty pic

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u5.jpg (550x550, 31K)

I'd guess it would be the one with a boys face wearing too much makeup

fucking gagged reading this shit.
fuck off!

I only found out he's been in a relationship with Lisa Bonet around the time Aquaman came out but damn if the kids don't look just like her.

Attached: Spring-Fashion-Inspired-by-Lisa-Bonet.png (700x500, 430K)

Attached: If only you knew .png (81x99, 17K)

May god forgive me for uttering these words but it cannot be denied

>/pol/ was right again

Everyone knows how fags and trannies are made- by older fags that were abused, abusing kids. You are obviously a normal faggot.

Attached: Who would have guessed.png (1080x1500, 1.13M)

Noelle is such a chad, I bet when the cameras turn off he takes his wig off and hops into his truck to go look for some sluts to bang

this is edited...you can't be THIS ignorant, r-right?

Attached: C3698FA6-1DBA-481F-8A29-F7898208A2FA.png (128x104, 19K)

I know, people are fucked up, it should be commom sense that a father has the right to initiate a sexual relationship with his daughter whenever he wants.

We are always right, guess who sended the FBI the Discord pics from the Tranny sites where they posted pedo videos/pics.

Attached: pol is always right.png (1332x903, 2.55M)

Why would you sit by and let this happen to your boy?



Attached: russell-williams.jpg (700x394, 49K)

i was just thinking much the same. this shit is so far beyond healthy and everyone is just eating up all the propaganda, like they WANT to be brainwashed into thinking its all normal. Its at the point where i question if I even want to continue living in this shitshow of a society. you cant disagree with it because you get labelled a nazi, fired from your job, and generally hated by your peers. Thankfully i dont associate with many people but id never put on a smile and say "yes i support LGBTQ+." Its 1984 shit all this pronoun and PC bullshit. There is literally no point in having kids if this is the kind of world they're gonna be forced to live in.

The times i did have to talk about transgender people i just kinda let it slide by and glossed over it. I had a transgendered nurse one day in the hospital and i was mildly concerned they were gonna give me aids when they drew my blood, but i let it happen.
Look at me being transphobic im such a nazi...

Stop bullying the ESL, user.


>posts a picture with the Jennings
>my mental health is awful, SOME PEOPLE really suck the life right out of me
So passive-aggressive. I'm surprised he isn't the one transitioning into a girl.

/pol/ really is just shitskin larpers

but its not a penis. a nose isnt anything to do with- i cant play the devils advocate. shes irrational, big news.

I am Yuro, so my English isn't perfect!

But thanks for picking out the mistake i made, even tough Trannies are now in jail for pedo shit because us "evil internet Nazis" sent the pics to the FBI because we actually care about kids.

Funny right?

Attached: Jazz music stops.jpg (540x720, 53K)

Comin' to save Charlie's girlpenis!

Attached: 6tyy.jpg (970x650, 67K)

That would turn anyone gay.
Ironic that the kronengina makes dick look more appealing by being so utterly repulsive.

Attached: anamamaa.jpg (333x400, 23K)

I'm ESL as well, so I have the right.

Based and justicepilled.

>he thinks it's about money
Shabbos goy

I prefer the term "Teragina".

My first memories are from around 6-7 years old.
Imagine if your first clear memories were of your mommie giving you pills that you don't have a clue what they are for. Just because she caught you trying on her high heel shoes or something like that.

Attached: naamaaaa.png (179x184, 75K)

The fucking double standards.

Pull the plug on the whole thing, abandon the tolerance, take the children from them.

It's too late. Charlie is doomed. He will become The New Flesh.

Attached: 200 (1).gif (350x200, 2.68M)

>we make the monolithic institute which pushes the propiganda be in charge of propoganda and empower it to silence the truth as propoganda
The fucking state of you stupid superbowl politics niggers

Long live the new Flesh

Good another fag less!

i fucked a tranny (pre-op) on a trip to colombia.
was much better then expected, tbqh.

did you touch the penis? Did you bring them to orgasm?

your gay

I have a feeling even the cenobites would be confused and grossed out by that shit


>being a woman is more than being a dumb vapid follower
C'mon now

>look up the dad
>he married a single mom
>no picture of him with the kids as they were growing up
>or at all
>kids look nothing like him
>the tranny has no pictures besides himself

Attached: my wifes mental illness.jpg (590x530, 99K)

>t.Discord Tranny who larps again
No one likes you pedo freaks!

You aren't women, YOU AREN MAN and no surgery and hormones will ever change that you freaks!

Attached: Bored Pepe.jpg (960x960, 75K)

Oh my..


Attached: dedsss.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Thankfully islam is coming to purge the west, expect gay parade shootings in the future.

He's saving that nose in case he needs something to rebuild his penis with.

charlie is cute, great eyes, nice body.

Islam is pro Trans and Gay you imbecile!



Attached: Blick.png (466x586, 103K)


yes and yes

>jazz general
More like jizz general.

Attached: 24625.jpg (1080x1080, 1010K)

>reddit:the post

user, muslim clerics a-okayed the transgender shit. Especially as a "cure" to homosexuality

You know they say a picture is worth 1000 words

Attached: mistakes were made.jpg (556x467, 76K)

is there an instagram account of him/her/whatever?

that's funny I beat a tranny to death on a trip to colombia
was much better than expected as well

You will be shot as soon as WW3 breaks out!

Do they know how to masturbate properly?

Attached: 1507833617488.jpg (1881x813, 456K)

Too bad he's gonna get gouged

Attached: 1NKaprB.gif (624x480, 362K)

This is earth is hell

Attached: ?.jpg (555x525, 67K)


this counts as pedophilia in retarded burgerland but not in developed countries.

Attached: 1512585151851.jpg (300x295, 84K)

Attached: 673466245.jpg (634x824, 117K)


Is that child crying?

its an insult to life itself


How big do you think her dick is

Tell that to the people throwing fags from building rooftops, inshallah.

But seriously now the more radical sects on islam will start killing degenerates and faggots in mass if islamism gets a sizeble population in the west,and i will be there to laugh at it.

New thread:

You'll hang too.

I am Yuro, and your ass would rot in jail for posting shit like this I hope some hood rat dismembers you Tranny body and sets it on fire!

Attached: Roasted Nigger.jpg (1024x825, 134K)


>muh based jewish sand religions
Dumb kike-slave

it wasn't anything sexual, i doubt that this would be illegal in europe.
god damn are many retards here.

Attached: Burger.jpg (360x396, 155K)

it's a joke user, besides i would side with george soros if he started killing trannies.

Yup can't unread that one.
Jesus, that's more horrifying than most creepypastas.

Attached: 1528110610450.jpg (250x240, 11K)

I bet you their penises are touching through that thin fabric

Just imagine the smell.

Trannies off themselves through their own deleterious behaviour, it's those that force tranny propoganda you should pay attention to.

Remember also that the enemy of your enemy is still your enemy
