What do you want to see in a Batman movie?

What do you want to see in a Batman movie?

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This is a rainman thread now!

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first film:
>no supervillains
>no cataclysmic show down, city under threat of destruction, etc
>its just batman working his way up through the mob
>big intro montage of the first night and war on crime, like Dark Knight Returns but bigger, Batman only seen in quick flashes (Batman Begins has him stopping one dockyard drug deal and that's it lolwut?)
>meets Selina/Catwoman
>adopts Dick Grayson
>takes on the corrupt GCPD swat, like Year One, gets his ass kicked and rescued by Selina/Dick like Mask of the Phantasm
>maybe for the third act the mobs could organise a crew of C-listers, people like Firefly and KGBeast, for a final hit
>simultaneous, maybe the crew of C-listers do it, young Barbara rescued in kidnapping like in Year One but replacing the baby boy

Seriously though: I want the entire movie to be portrayed by only one actor:
Nick Cage

A gripping sports drama about a baseball savant

Detective work. Stealth. An interesting villain that hasn't been adapted before

second film
>dark noir horror
>introducing a Supernatural villain:
>the vampiric Mad Monk (I think there have been some other Vampires crossing Batmans path, they could be in it too)

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>detective work
I got your back here: >an interesting villain that hasn't been adapted before

a serious movie with almost no quips, only quips should come from Alfred, Batman also should meet Dick Grayson

I also want them to adopt Joker killing Robin in the last movie, I want a movie that portrays both Joker and Harley Quinn as giant psychos with no redeeming qualities, no retarded romance, just two evil psychos, the audience should hate them and WANT Batman to beat the shit out of them, I'm tired of seeing sympathetic villains

Jokers been done to death - and WB seem determined to reanimate the corpse, cyberize it, and continue to parade the bioorganic abomination around - suicide squad, that joaquin phoenix movie, harley quinn movie, etc
Also killing Todd was lame
When Grayson grows up it just goes straight to Drake

I want to see him walking around with a megaphone asking if anybody's seen The Joker.

Fucking white lenses in the mask.

Selina departs at the end of the first film cause she cant tell if Bruce wears the mask of Batman or Batman wears the mask of Bruce or some shit like that
She comes back in the second and gets caught up in the coven
(I dunno why Wagner didn't do that, it dove tails the two stories nicely-as he wrote it she just sorta shows up and then goes and it is ultimately just filler)

The eyes are white because it is an artistic decision its not literally lenses
Its something adapted from The Phantom
Lee Falk did it in The Phantom because he liked how Greek and Roman busts did not feature irises
That would be Natalia Knight you are think of friendo

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Some rich guy that believes that the superhero comics are real decides to become a hero himself. He goes out at night and looks after criminals to beat up and get the shit beat out of him the first night and get left in a ditch. Luckily his neighbour drives by and sees him and takes him home. The neighbour asks him what happened and our hero tells him that some thugs from a gang ruled by his nemesis attacked him and he needs his help. Together they wander the countryside meeting different kinds of people and causes all sorts of trouble.

>they couldn't put Nocturna in Batman: TAS because censors said a very firm NO to blood letting
Uh guys... have you never seen a vampire movie? They HYPNOTIZE people all the time!
I thought these people were supposed to be creative geniuses

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a flashback of the waynes getting shot

all the female supervillians played by cunny

How developed was vampire media in 1995, mister dubs?

They've been hypnotizing people in films for decades
Also the Spiderman carton had fucking Moebius the Living Vampire in lots of episodes and they simply said Plasma instead of Blood - this was broadcast at the same time

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I like how everyone forgets that roman busts were painted originally.

In that case in the second film after several victims their newest becomes... guess who... a newly returned to Gotham... Selina
Could even have some kinky stuff with Natalia seducing Selina

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Yes everyone forgets that and its probably why the eyes are blank
But what Falk saw and was inspired by was the eyes being just white orbs

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>Alfred gives young Bruce a puppy after his parents die
>we see them both growing as Bruce trains himself through the years
>It's Ace

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>giving bruce wayne a dog

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A movie version of Arkham Origins except without the Joker plot. We got Black Mask already so its possible.

Yeah, he should get a cow instead.

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It will be shit. They won't make it dark cause of le dark DC memes and it will be full of quips. Aquaman was a success for them but It ruined all other future serious films

>he doesn't know about Ace the Bathound

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Batman beating up pack of niggers...

>it will be lightheared, bright, and full of quips
They should just bring back Joel
>but It ruined all other future serious films
The clusterfuck of studio meddling that is BvS & JL is on line #1

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Ben Affleck pre-JUST League

He was the best thing in BvS, it was almost like he was in another film. He clearly brought his own research and insight in developing his performance because it sure as shit wasn't in the script or Snyders directing

I love DC comics but the DCU is a shitshow, Man of Steel and Wonder Woman were the only "good" movies. Aquaman gained a lot of money but it was a 5/10 at best

Man of Steel poisoned the well
It had too much going on in it, too big an antagonist for a first film
Superman defeats a bunch of Kryptonians who have his same powers AND space ships AND armor and AND weapons
What do you fight after that, God?
His first film protagonist needed to be someone human-level
Toyman building big bank robbing robots would of made a good film

But the studios are too fucking scared of the rogues gallery so that's why they keep going with Lex and Zod
Same reason they keep going back to Joker

Wonder Woman is honestly on par with Aquaman, Aquaman in chasing the Marvelmoney

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And you know what you could make this at the same time as lowtech Batman movie And have hints in them that both villains are working for something larger
>Who was the mob laundering money for?
>Who supplied Toyman with his warehouses and startup capital?

Which would lead into a teamup movie, not a dumb fight

In which this larger villain produces... Metallo

Who would this be? Ultra Humanite or Vandal Savage make good choices, especially as they could be very very old setting up possibilities for a Wonder Woman & Justice Society movie or movies, return engagements, etc

Stop pushing this meme. The script was great and flew over brainlets' heads.

I agree with you, that's why I said "good".
Expect for Aquachad, it was too cheezy, at least for me

>the script was great
>Lexs ridiculously convoluted plan

>holding up Martha as a flaw
>not seeing how Lex's plan is incredibly flexible and almost bullet proof
Brainlet confirmed.

its not bullet proof, its juggling burning chainsaws

a proper Ra's and Talia
Nolans films watered them down so much
Introduce Talia
Develop a relationship
Fake a kidnapping
Ra's shows up pleading for help
Globetrotting hijinks
TWEEST revealed
Lazarus Pit and terrorists

How hard is that

How so many people didn't get the Martha scene?

There is nothing to get
>he.. has my... mother
would work just as well

Not as well, no. Expecting any literary sensibilities from capeshitters was this movies' only mistake.


>literary sensibilities
>convoluted fight that makes no sense
>dudebro director insists its all metaphors and subtext

You mean like in The Dark Knight?

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Is that why you hate Snyder so much? Because he's good looking and smarter than you?

Is that even true

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You exposed yourself calling him dudebro. Don't drop your shit on me.

Was this "fixed" by the same lady that tried to fix the jesus painting?

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>if you call someone a dudebro that means you're jealous of them

its painted on a replica obviously they wouldn't paint the original
they know it was painted and how from traces of the pigment remaining and written accounts

a properly made Knightfall not that shity nolan version.
>inb4 hothead

you're looking at 2 or 3 films right there
and it would have to be the after at least a film or two to introduce

He realises he's just as human, that's all

which you get with 'mother'

2d animation

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Martial arts action like The Raid. Just Batman beating the shit out of a bunch of bad guys

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i want to see zack snyder batfleck vs deathstroke beating the fuck out of eachother and more wharehose tier batman vs several thugs action scenes, but matt reeves is going to make a muhhh boring detective batman with shitty boring action scenes,

>matt reeves batman muhh sherklock holmes trying to bring down scarecrow oh so original and interesting

Darren Aronovskys Year One that never got made.

Watch the film You Were Never Really Here and how Joaquin clears out the brothel

Alfred's adventures in Myanmar (formerly Burma).

That warehouse was ridiculous.
He throws a shipping crate by pulling a line over his head.
>but matt reeves is going to make a muhhh boring detective batman with shitty boring action scenes
Pfft it wont even be that - and a detective Batman would be GOOD - it is going to be Marveltier I guarantee it

Batman's whole thing is lashing out against his feeling of powerlessness. He's overpowering others because of his childhood trauma (father/himself being incapable of saving Martha). It's his way to cope. That's why he's going this hard against Superman, because he ups the feeling of powerlessness to an unprecedented degree. When Batman towers over Superman, ready to execute, Superman tells him he'd be letting "him" kill Martha. Batman freaks out due to his deep trauma and Lois appears and puts it in context. Batman realizes both Superman's humanity and that he's been tricked, as well as having Superman put in the same situation Thomas Wayne/young Bruce was. He sees his shot at redemption, saving Martha and overcoming his trauma.

Villeneuve's Batman Beyond.

Who know who

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I wanna see Batman just railin Harley Quinn for like an hour and 37 minutes while they’re both in costume still and he’s just pounding away with his bat dick. She’d start crying maybe 20 minutes in and Batman would cum about 30 minutes in. It’d be a floppy for maybe 4 minutes then go back to being rock hard bat dick. She’d bleed a little an hour in and pass out and Batman would say “ooh yeah”

agree, but a more compact and determined CIA

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why would you write something like this

No Anal?

Diskover Dhe Untôld Ťrue Stori Dhat Chandged Dhe Kourse Ov Histori Forεver
Dhe hydden thēme ov dhe blæck-silhouêtte “Vise (Prezident)” mōvie powster iz “šhadow gôvernment.”

>Justise Lēāgue Ov Shadowz

Attached: Vice.png (332x183, 7K)

Did you even read the OP?

no, like this

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One where he meets His alternate universe dad who is a remorseless killer. And then they have to take on the Justice Lords

The problem with the white eyes is that you can't just put them on any kind of cowl. The cowl need to be specifically designed to have the white eyes, otherwise, it would look silly.

Also, if they fill the entire eye holes with white, it looks horrendous on irl.
To me, it would be easier if they just decided to give the next batman white pupils with a regular mask and the black makeup. They wouldn't even need cgi for that shit

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There are certain things you can do in one medium that doesn't translate into another medium
It works in comics as a stylistic choice, it doesn't work as a real thing

And white pupils would be bizarre

A non bulky sleeker costume. Minimalist but technologically advanced. I don’t mind Nolan or Snyder’s suits but I’d love if the next one looks like the Alex Ross War on Crime Batman, but not cheap looking either.

one guy in UK did a quite nice job at making the bat costume

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I'd kill for clay face or mad hatter. Barring that, a noir style story with cat woman and a sympathetic mr. Freeze could be cool

you couldn't do that war on crime mask in real life it would block the eyes
the Akrham games went too far turning him into Iron Man. He should not have holographic computers on his gauntlets, xray vision, etc

Mad Hatter is easy enough as a child killer, you could make that an ongoing investigation subplot in a Batman v organised crime movie

Batman need to go up against an alternate-universe evil Batman who can match him evenly

no Batman literally says something on the note 'i bet your parents told you you were special' at the beginning of the fight
it may not have worked

I agree but remove dick grayson and young barbara, we don't have time for that bloat unless it's a big budget tv show adaptation.

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if not for the add o armour pads and tech things the only ones that could portray batman would be bodybuilders. and he still kept on doing fights with his hands

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Ben Affleck versus Joe Gatt the dude who motion captured every Kratos bar the first and last ones as Victor Zsasz

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Barbara would really only be in some family scenes with Gordon and the ending
>setting up for future appearance :3

Dick is introduced in the 2nd act
Bruce and Selina have hookedup and he takes her to the Circus and well you can guess the tragedy that follows
He or Selina comes to the rescue in the police swat fight
Actually that alone is a fair bit now that I think about it maybe you're right
Unless plot and story is advancing in mere minutes which I really fucking hate in the modern episodic nature of big budget film making
>that face
it looks like the hokeypads guy wtf

Continueation of the Nolanverse
>JGL as an old Batman, not just struggling being an aged version of Bats but being a decent one to begin with, struggling with filling in for the real one
>1/3rds in becomes Batman Beyond, finds Terry, not a clone of Bruce because that shit was bullshit.
>Movie is more about how hard it can be to pass on an idea to contrast with how in Begins Bruce wanted to become an idea.
>This can be mirrored in one of JGL's Bat's enemies training a new generation more tied to Terry's

New enemies, new characters, reduce the ties to what came before, get creative.

Zsasz is just a serial killer there isn't anything special to it

>you couldn't do that war on crime mask in real life it would block the eyes

Yep. That's basically a arkham origins cosplay.
I'm pretty sure that that guy can't see shit with the cowl on.

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that's not the war on crime mask, there are large eye holes filled in with makeup
also why the jpeg archives for your left picture

Short haired Selina Kyle or nothing
Such a missed opportunity not casting Morena

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go away

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I want to see Batman fight the more fantastical villains in his Rogues Gallery. Clayface. Solomon Grundy. Man-Bat. It doesn't have to regress to the Schumacher era, but Batman doesn't have to be treated with Nolan levels of seriousness to be entertaining.

you could include the Bayside redevelopment into show its not all just breaking bones

pixiecuts kawaii
Oh I agree that's why I said I want supernatural villains starting with vampires

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