How about that DOOM, eh?

How about that DOOM, eh?

Attached: image.jpg (1920x1080, 365K)

Other urls found in this thread:

is this a kickstarter movie?

holy fuck that looks bad

Fucking kek, we're in for a show, gentlemen.

I don't think she's meant to be the Marine, just a random soldier
Still sucks though

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That looks even worse and more generic than the first movie, holy shit

>is this a kickstarter movie?
this. honestly im not even mad it looks like an ultra low budget movie that just uses the brand name. a bit stupid after the success of the nudoom but whateves

where's doomguy

lol look at this womanhater

10 bucks say he's going to be the sequel bait at the end.

How much terrible acting can you cram in 30 seconds? Jesus Christ what a mess

Women look so cute in military gear! It's always way too large for them and makes them look extra petite.



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why do Doom movies always try to make Doom look fucking boring. It's supposed to be fun shit like 80's splatter horror movies but with unstoppable action hero Chad as lead.

> :20 seconds in

Attached: soyboy-2.png (210x240, 6K)

>okay we're making a doom movie, what game should we use as inspiraction
>ah how about doom 3, the black sheep of the franchise that doesn't represent the other games we ll

This is essentially just a throw-away movie made so that Fox can keep the license to make Doom movies. It's due to some US copyright law that says you must make a movie every X years.

the director of Hobo With A Shotgun has mentioned many times he'd love to make Doom, shame that can't happen instead

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>set is porn-tier
>costume is shitty starter cosplay level
>gun looks like plastic
>lighting is fucking awful
Jesus Christ

I don't remember that episode of Dr. Who.

Attached: wat.gif (300x226, 878K)

>DOOM movie
>no one capitalizes on it being set in Hell, so no bizarre trippy visuals and sounds
>no one sets it up like Crank, where there's constant action
>no feeling of adrenaline from the trailer



How will the trannies try to spin this one.

The director said Slayer does make an appearance, but I assume Doom Girl will be taking up most of the screen time.

Also no Barons of Hell.

which demons are in it?
pinky? imps? hell knights?

Literally like how every Hitman movie has been about a girl being chased by an agency and 47 getting involved to keep her safe. And not, you know, 47 BEING A FUCKING HITMAN AND CARRYING OUT HITS THROUGH PROPER PREPARATION AND PLANNING

Did I hear the Predator snarl?


I saw a bugman.

>you'll never see a movie with an archvile resurrecting revenants in your lifetime

Is this going to be on the syfy channel?

jesus that gun is literally more than half her size... Looks ridiculous

Attached: that's a big gun.png (686x1152, 790K)

Waiting for the r34 of Doomguy hate-fucking her

Hitman is legit one of the easiest games to make a movie out of. Just make a heist movie but replace the heist with assassination. Open the movie with one assassination sequence, then chill out for a bit, maybe have another one then the rest of the movie is setting up and doing one long assassination mission, like a heist from a heist movie.

Is that even supposed to be the bfg or just some random rifle?

where's her fucking helmet


Attached: 11876961__ce78be474d10304cf8d55ac3b7c31178.jpg (356x378, 36K)

that looks like a repainted nerf gun wtf

Day of the Jackal was a perfect Hitman film already, he just failed the mission.

looks even worse than the first movie

Christ, I forgot about this. I remember when info about this was posted here with pics of the main girl on set.


Oh, so this is probably all so Universal can hold onto the rights or some shit.

It looks like a proper The Asylum flick. Will enjoy it behind seven layers of irony.

what the hell is this?

Attached: file.png (117x156, 20K)

Here's your bfg

Attached: 73687.png (1280x720, 1.31M)

It is time to quote Mr. Jenson:
"At no time did I request this."

Attached: deus ex jc n jensen.jpg (827x546, 128K)

that gun looks so cheap like it's made of styrofoam. it's all one big piece with no moving parts.

That's probably supposed to be the BFG.

Attached: BFG.jpg (1200x1200, 246K)

>not even a closed helmet

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Why don't they just make a DOOM movie like the Dredd movie? Just a badass going around killing demons?

Hey, what a courageous fan movie. I am not sure Universal will be too happy with creative team using their logo.


A doom film would so easy. Just doom guy murdering fucking every demon

I honestly thought it was a fan film at first.
How the fuck can a big studio film could even possibly look this bad? I've seen sitcoms that looked better.

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It fucking says they are looking for the doom marine.
It's not her.

if that were were real it would weigh like 400 pounds

Yes, and?

>skate armors

All they needed to do was just make Dredd but located in a Mars colony and against demons. Hell they still could have kept some of the marines and the chick since Doomguy is defined by his silent rage and they could bounce off him.

Why do people who don't know how to do anything are thrown in to make vidya films?

You can't give everybody full helmets.

so this is how they promote movies nowadays uh? by triggering internet autists that gives them free advertising?
i wonder when this fad will end

This isn't funny, never was and never will be. Have your (You) and fuck off.

we all knew it was going to be terrible but even the trailer is shit they didn't even try to swindle you with a misleading trailer lol

Understandable. The movie does look like cheap shit.

>Directed by Tony Giglio, the director of Soccer Dog
I'm in

haha gonna cry incel?
this is powerful

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Looks like big plasma?

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Doom is the most Christian game out today.

Doom guy is a devout Catholic.

>when the bfg is so big the Rock has trouble carrying a replica of it

it's literally a straight to dvd movie

Can anyone make a webm of the tuff grrrl run at 23-24 seconds?

Fucking hilarious

>they couldn't even make a cheap halloween mask that can move its mouth

Attached: 14356.webm (1280x720, 614K)

>Your mission: Don't die.
>It's not a game anymore.

Who writes this shit?

Doom guy is a protestant
you have to go to church to be catholic and doom guy would rather spend an eternity in hell than go to church


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wew lad

where is doom guy? wtf is this shit.

this is what its supposed to be

Well that's it.

Video games are officially confirmed to be better than movies.

So... What's the target audience here exactly..? Angry incels who views it so they can shit on how bad it is online?

something better

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>character is known as doomguy
>original game created / programmed all by men
>played largely by men
>modding doom community (probably 99.5% men)
it's like replacing Frozen characters by dudes, just why?
but honestly that's the least problem this movie has
I haven't seen a single demon, probably because they were too lazy or this whole thing is too cheap to even have CG artists create something like what's in the game
instead they have dudes in zombie constitutes

whats the onions equivalent in hell?

Thanksgiving with family.

zombie costumes*

This movie is being made so they can keep their license to the Doom movie rights, just disregard it.

Why not make something proper?

She can't weigh more than 120 lbs, this shit where they make women into action heroes always looks like a joke

Why does hollywood continue to greenlight shit like this?

It's so abundantly obvious that no one will give a fuck about this movie. The fans of Doom wont care because its not actually Doom. The woke girl-power audience wont care because it isnt a major blockbuster disney film.

It has to be some sort of money laundering scheme and they're hoping woke doom will land them a netflix buy-out or some shit

hand scanner?

So it's basically The Asylum's response to Aliens?

because executives are morons and don't know how to adapt videogame movies yet, there's no faith on them

>the first-person scene YOU JUST KNOW they've crammed in somewhere to give gaymers an awesome reference

fuck you incels

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As soon as internet autists stop getting triggered so never.

Will be a bigger money loss than just spent less than 10M$
This is a Universal 1440 Entertainment movie, has the same level as that Woody Woodpecker film, which was actually economically success because of Brazilians


it looks like a shoebox

fuck me? fuck you

I've written a film that I'll be filming at the end of the year that is unironically accidentally a great Hitman adaptation
shame it will be a low-budget indie film that no one will see

>Hitman movie advertised as another action flick
>Its a horror movie from the perspective of a conglomerate's members
>47, disguised as some mechanic, enters an office building that houses 600 employees including management
>Has some weird security for whatever dogshit reason, idea is there are more than usual security guards
>Movie's main protags are a normal white collar employee, a cleaning man and one of the top managers who 47 is supposed to assassinate
>Building is under lockdown due to a bomb threat orchestrated by 47 to make sure the target can't leave
>We only catch glimpses of 47 outside of horrifying murders, wearing the clothes of random people, looking around corners out of focus or moving inside vents / whatever spooky shit you'd only expect in ghost movies
>Several company members are part of some child pornography/grooming/black market/secret criminal syndicate that 47 was hired to wipe out, beheading the snake style
>Entire movie has the "Killer on the loose" vibe
>Everyone is paranoid, they don't know who the killer is, where he/she might strike, people panic a lot and make poor judgement calls
>Movie ends with all targets dead and no-one knowing how the fuck the rest were killed, newspaper still shows killer may still be on the loose, two of the three main protags suspected of the manslaughter that occured

If anyone wants to subvert my expectations I'd prefer a Hitman horror movie instead of another fucking abortion we have had so far.

just give the rights to pete travis

post here when you're done and i'll watch it

how is she gonna fight demons, she seems to have problems even fucking holding a fucking gun...

>no helmet

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they could easily take more serious note tho, there is plenty of lore in it, but still it needs to have lots of action

Oh, don't worry. I'm already trying to think up a shill strategy to get this board to praise me as the next Refn

>a fucking skateboard helmet

Attached: aaah.jpg (200x291, 7K)

i'll take that bet

How 2 doom moobie:

>scientists working in lab
>oh fuck we made a literal hell hole
>demons overrun lab
>Doom guy shows up
>1.5 hours of Doom guy running around ripping and tearing in dead silence while a heavy metal soundtrack blares

93% RT
100% Audience

You can't make this shit up

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Only if it has the rock

based on the promotional art I think they were gonna give her a power suit but they were either too cheap or thought all women are queens and don't need power suits to carry a 400 pound plasma rifle

My Doom film
>SGT BADASS (SG) is on an interstellar mission to find moon gold
>along the way, they encounter a wormhole which sucks them literally into hell
>all of his crew are slowly killed one-by-one by demons and hellspawn over the next 40 minutes
>SG is ready to accept his fate and die with his crew until he remembers his family back on earth (his wife is black [played by Rihanna] for progressive points)(also there's a 5 minute scene of unsimulated lesbian sex of Rihanna fucking Barbara Palvin while SG is away)
>decides he's not ready to die
>5 minute montage of him crafting armour and lock and loading the big guns
>next hour is non-stop carnage of him hunting down every motherfucking demon in a quest to find the door back home
>ends up killing Satan's son as the final challenge
>after-credits scene of Satan finding out and vowing to take the fight to the humans in retaliation
Just give me my box-office record now

It would get a 30% RT ratting because not enough global marxism, women, homosexual and minorities

This looking like its fanmade and shitty female rebooting aside, how do they make a female soldier so unconvincing when you know it can be done right like pic related or Emily Blunt in Edge of Tomorrow.

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>the rock
Nah. Just a stunt guy wearing the helmet. The character is the costume

>you have to go to church to be catholic
lol wat, you just need to be baptised

you should just try to sell it to the Hitman producers


>Universal 1440 Entertainment, the production arm of Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
I thought this movie was getting a theatrical release. Since when did it become straight to DVD?

The Rock ruins Doom, he's too onions and wants to show his face. Doomguy needs someone like Karl Urban in Dredd, who insisted on not showing his face.

Just have The Rock for one scene of him turning around and putting the helmet on over his head, then the rest of the movie is someone else acting in the suit.
You get to have the appeal of "THE ROCK IS DOOM SLAYER" while only having to pay him a couple hundred thousand for his short appearance.

day 1

It was always DVD-only

Honestly I'd like this but they always want to put in human characters to relate to...which they can do. Could have a team of marines following on the heels of the Doomguy to some degree and then have the final 30 minutes of the movie literally just be rip and tear with the marines all being killed off and then it switches to the Doomguys POV where he finds their remains and then goes on a fucking rampage. It's not fucking hard

Who knows, maybe the writers took some inspiration from the Goblin Slayer anime. That would be fun to watch.
You know, a badass crew of Strong Independent Females (TM) show up to kill some demons and you know the rest. Cue the arrival of Doomguy.

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RIP Bill Paxton

I guess I'm just retarded then.

Doom needed to be an 80s movie like Commando, where the plot is perfunctory and you're just there to see shit blow up and guts being ripped and torn.


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Why must the world take a giant shit on the things I love

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I don't even care that they're casting a girl in the role, but couldn't they have found one that was at least somewhat physically imposing? She doesn't sell the character at all and it looks ridiculous when she's holding a gun that's as big as herself.

Name an actor that can play Doomguy in the age of sissified retards like Downey jr. or Chris Evans.

Karl Urban

The other Chris

Have you seen her fucking forehead? She needs no helmet

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Put the mountain in the Doomguy suit, it's not like we need to see his face or even talk.

Attached: Gregor_Clegane-The_Mountain-HafĂ¾Ă³r_JĂºlĂ­us_Björnsson.jpg (257x386, 13K)


some big guy in a suit and the big guy doing the voice

>1.4 hours of doom guy ripping and tearing his way through increasingly crazier hordes of demons
>Doom Guy's character arc is that he is originally a bit cautious checking corners and shit
>By the end of the movie Doom Guy is kicking down doors looking for things to kill
>Final boss demon shows up
>Doom guy runs off a ledge, jumps onto the demon's face and fires round after round directly into its brain creating a blast crater in the monster's body
>Doom guy eventually fires all the way through and lands on the ground as the monster falls into two halves next to him
>Last shot of the film is Doom Guy noticing the original portal to hell the demons came out of, cocking his shotgun, and running directly into it

Attached: 1517466204887.gif (500x500, 2.51M)

>can I speak to your manager haircut

>who needs doom guy
Your movie about doom apparently

>Last shot of the film is Doom Guy noticing the original portal to hell the demons came out of, cocking his shotgun, and running directly into it

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That's retarded. Quake 3 already has a canon female marine that trained the Doomguy, Crash

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It worked for Hardcore Henry so I can see it.

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This is more than an insult to the fans, it's outright fucking disgusting.

Who the fuck is the target audience for this???

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>direct to video.

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Tom Hardy?

>take a game that literally epitomizes and celebrates masculinity and violence ala fight club
>replace the main character with a girl
this world is officially compromised

Women want to be men

I have no idea what they were thinking. Even if this was intended as some kind of underhanded social justice "yasss slay queen" shit, surely they know it still wouldn't succeed? I honestly don't know what they were going for here.

Doom is just Aliens plus Evil Dead. It should be the simplest thing to adapt.

>jews want women want to be men

has anyone started complaining about toxic female masculinity yet? is that a thing?

SUPREME GENTLEMAN gamers doing it again.

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they’re too big to fail and communists care more about social change than profit. These are the nepotistic children of capitalists who actually earned their money, and so they have no respect for profit and pull stunts like this all the fucking time. It’s ok, just buy your own tickets and then create a narrative of success because it’s a drop in the bucket compared to your standard marketing costs. It’s literally a war economy functioning without a gold standard. It operates completely on faith alone, like a shadow on the wall.

>Women want to be men
No they dont. They just want nerds to stop trying to become men and die. Complaints about toxic masculinity only apply to beta males. Women ABSOLUTELY love toxic masculinity when it comes from a chad with abs and that's mostly the guys they hook up with.

that's why feminists are taking nerd hobbies. They arent complaining about toxic masculinity among rockstars or athletes

Fucking this. Holy shit it looks youtube-tier. Also, is the chick the main character? If so, even more reason not to watch.

BuzzFeed head lines soon:
>"Alt-right troll farms etc....."

Doomgirl does exist, fools.

Attached: Screenshot_Doom_19950904_174023.png (640x400, 243K)

at least the Rock's Doom won't be the worst Doom movie anymore.

Here's how you do it
>have an actual budget instead of a direct to video disaster with shitty monsters and effects
>mars research facility, plenty of red colors in the environment
>nearly all the humans die quickly, among the survivors is a lone female scientist who is about to get killed when doomguy comes crashing in through a portal and tears all the undead and demons to pieces
>female character then acts as the more human side, the one that has to relay information to the audience, doomguy is a force of nature that instinctively kills the unholy in his path
>goal is simple, destroy the portal to hell the science division has opened
>female character gets a few good shots here and then with a gun she picks up, gets progressively better, doomguy continues to pull shit like ripping the spine out of a giant demon and use it as a flail
>uncertain how much doomguy cares about female character, yet when she loses an arm doomguy quickly stops the bleeding then straps the woman to his back as he charges forward, mowing even more demons down
>climax is the female director who planned to open the portal is granted demonic powers by the forces of hell, turns into a giant demon
>doomguy has a tough fight, but ends it by shoving his BFG into her mouth and blasting the demon into pieces, but destroying his last gun in the process
>doomguy drops the female supporting character off, stops for a beat, then without any doubt goes charging into hell armed with nothing but a steel beam he picks up
>female scientist comes to, but is all alone on the station, unsure of what to do, portal remains open, but no more demons seem to come out of it
>after some consideration she goes for the armory, dons a combat space suit, grabs a shotgun and carefully slips into the portal
>movie ends right then with the portal closing behind her

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this is somehow heartwarming, movie was bad but the First Person scene was kino

She looks comically short. And her helmet looks even weirder on here because of how tiny her neck is.

Is this an early April Fool's joke?

Attached: red shirt gentleman of taste.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

this is the only DOOM i know


She's 5'9", which is tall for a girl. The set pieces are just comically oversized.

A quake 3 arena or unreal tournament movie would be kino.

Okay but what about demon characters with redeemable traits. I'm tired of "muh demon evil". We're not all so bad.

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God just make Evil Dead mixed with Aliens, how fucking hard can it be?

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post more

>26 years since game release
>Two movies
>Both shit

At least the rock one was shit in a cheesy dumb fun way. This one just looks like complete ass rot.

Demons are evil in nature, there are no good demons
Sequel can have the female supporting character partially corrupted and get horns, blue skin and a giant tongue for all you freaks out there

all they had to do was make this.

get a real girl.

Attached: XRJKfvi.jpg (563x692, 77K)

The chick reminds me of pic related

Attached: tenor.gif (498x382, 502K)

No, fuck you and your 3dpd shit

scifi channel tier. looks fun

cast him

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Unironically the rock again


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Vin Diesel

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The guy who plays the mountain in game of thrones.

He’s not a mutt though

Attached: 9E53842B-1920-4CE1-8505-F3FA6A07ACD1.jpg (1920x1080, 339K)

>dark hair, brown eyes
>not a mutt

Attached: 1551063063632.png (726x732, 429K)

Can we get someone who isn't suffering from male pattern baldness that's been brought on by habitual steroid abuse?

If they go the Dredd route it wouldn't really matter.

is the stroked out face part of the cosplay?

the guy who plays Kylo Ren, i can see him having a fun time with a role where he has to act like a genocidal psychopat

is Quake Champions good?

>If they go the Dredd route it wouldn't really matter.
But it will, because we'll all know that the actor is balding

its good if you are good at quake and terrible if you arent

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Do you have to make that sort of costume yourself, or can you buy one for a king's ransom?

Any madlads out there bad enough to name their kid DOOMGUY?

Ah good old /pol/. Left wingers dog whistle you over the stupidest shit and like true brainlets you dive in every time.

DOOM could work

The new Doom game created a really cool universe to work in if you didn't want to create a super-action kind of Doom movie. In the game the argent (hell) energy is an infinite energy resource but earth isn't a utopia because there's a mass wave of religious satanists taking over now that hell is confirmed to exist. Doomguy wants to destroy the energy source because it's corrupting humanity into becoming what hell is. It's an interesting world with a lot of possibilities

not cannon

it's garbage
champions all have different stats/powers and the game absolutely force you to deal with that retarded shit, you can't avoid it
so avoid the whole game
it's dead already anyway

How about MUG Costanza?

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I've played Quake 3 20 years ago I beat bots on nightmare It's a piece of cake. I'm only good at railgun and rocket.

it was a gimmick

found the wood ranked player lmao

wow sounds terrible like a mobile game I'm gonna avoid

Its an amazing game, when u actually kill something.

But most of the time i found myself REEEEEEEing in real life so i dropped it.

Friendly reminder Doom (2005) was good.

Attached: doom rosamund pike-3.webm (1054x720, 2.9M)

Best part of the movie


>can act
>looks like a meathead

they literally just copy pasted everything about quake and took a big "champions" dump over it;
yes it's fun when you just play and get your kills for the few first hours
but in the long run you realize that it's not fun having different life/armor values, speed values, jumping styles and the cherry on top is obviously the retarded "one hit kill" button that everyone has a variation of.
the core of the game is good because that's quake. quake is good.
but quake is dead.

Fun fact, both Hitman movies have the same writer despite being in different continuities.


Jason Momoa. He's even a based metalhead.

I hate so much how big cosplay has become. For a brief second it was who worked the hardest on their costume and now its hundreds of attention whores dressing slutty with just enough pieces of the actual character thrown in to be able to say it’s cosplay. We need a beta culling NOW.

That's problematic

Attached: knee deep in the diggy.jpg (890x890, 76K)


uh sure but the pic you responded to actually falls in the first category does it not?

>* remix of "at doom's gate" starts playing *
>* doom slayer puts on his helmet in first person *
>* first person footage of him running around and killing demons *
>* rips out a demon's head *
>* cuts a demon in two with a chainsaw *
>* camera slowly zooms out, revealing it was all just someone playing the new realistic doom game on their console *
>"Yep, they sure don't make 'em like they used to..."
>* old washed up doom guy puts down the controller and slowly stands up *
>"Welp, time to mow that lawn down to size."
>* walks outside *
>"Holy fu-"
>* skyline shot of New York being invaded by demons *
>* doom guy starts putting on his armor, but has trouble fitting in his beer belly *
>* takes various guns out of kitchen cabinets, fridge and toilet tank *
>"Now where did I put the big guy?"
>* the music stops as he looks at the lawnmower which is actually a modified BFG *
>"Ohhh, right..."
>* doom guy fighting demons in his backyard *
>"Get. Off. My. LAWN."
>* doom guy and a young female scientist escape from a horde of demons *
>"To stop the invasion you'll have to clog the portal to hell"
>"Can I clog your portal afterwards?"
>* scientist girl slaps doom guy in the face *
>* random shots of doom guy fighting demons *
>* a giant demon suddenly picks up doom guy *
>"The bigger they are, the harder they-"
>* the demon flings doom guy on the ground *
>* more random shots of doom guy killing demons *
>"Ready for one last ride, bud?"
>* doom guy flies into a giant demon riding his BFG lawnmower *
>* everything explodes and the screen gets covered with fire *
>* DOOM logo appers out of the flames *
>"Heh, still got it."

Attached: nRUsrsu5tHY.jpg (960x1262, 553K)

This. To make a good DOOM movie all you really need to do is have a basic Point A to Point B plot with DOOMguy killing demons in ever increasingly creative and violent ways.

I'd actually really like to see a Doomguy/gal teamup that had actual effort put into it.

>Doomgal and her platoon trying to keep up with Doomguy as he rips and tears through the mars base
>>The soldiers being cut down one by one with every new area
>Doomgal plays it cool compared to Doomguys RAEG
>Doomgal finally snaps after her bff dies and gets her own RIP AND TEAR sequence while doom guy looks on approvingly.

I honestly think it could work, but after that trailer, I would preferred footage of the director taking an extra long piss set to heavy metal.

It was kino

Imps and Zombiemen. That's it.

>tactical olive oil is "doomgirl"

Doom.......Annihilation....Has stupid women..
>Here we go again..

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Check comments

> joah45
>2 hours ago
>this makes the 2005 version look very good

(i liked the 2005 one but know that a lot of people didn't)


This looks like a syfy movie

Yeah but take a look around, they can't even make another Dredd.

big f,

All you need to do to make a DOOM movie is to make a Mad Max movie set in Hell. The main characters are just trying to live and survive in this world and every now and then, Doomguy shows up and fucks things up.


Attached: the-rock-BFG-e1480804959859.jpg (274x365, 24K)

> doom guy flies into a giant demon riding his BFG lawnmower
Absolute kino

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There's a television series in the planning.

>The £78m Daily Mail printing press in Didcot, Oxfordshire, has been purchased by media company Rebellion. It will film adaptations of a Rogue Trooper film and a Judge Dredd TV show there. Six soundstages will be available at the 220,000 sq ft (67,000 sq m) site, creating 500 jobs. The complex is due to open in the spring.

What is this haircut called?

>the violence has escalated

It's good but very hard to get into because veterans flocked to the game.
Also it's funny that originally it was based around this idea of champions and their unique skills, but eventually, after player's feedback, the unique skills were nerfed to the point that no one really uses them.


And we got to see Rosamund Pike's titties floppin around without a bra


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Dubs of truth

A highlight.

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awww yisssss

No it wasn't. Instead of demons from hell it's some shitty extra chromosome that turns humans into super downies.
Literally too fucking slow.

Urban has integrity as an actor

There better be a slomo shot of them back to back blasting demons with shotguns

I can see him doing that well

he looks exactly like that one reaction image of the kid with braces

it's corps, not core

>Doom: Annihilation is an upcoming American direct-to-video action horror film


it's corpse not corps

>hey lets change motherfucking doomguy, a fucking legend, for a weak literally who cunt

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Urban was already in a Doom movie, you butthole.

the fuck are these proportions?

Call me when they finally make the movie adaptation of Commander Keen.

i have now seen everything.

this can't be real
wake me up thanks


Have sex

>not even having a thing that resembles the suit or the setting.

why is this called doom?

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Smokin’ Aces already best Hitman movie.

Leftists are literally ruining everything men love.

It’s 2019 you pathetic incel

yeah doomguy ripping apart giant building sized demons is more realistic by comparison, the male frame really makes that believable, but the female frame? no go

Attached: Heres your doomguy bro.jpg (863x643, 115K)

Yeah, it does make it more believable.
Are you not reading what people are saying?

>samefag tries to stop people from mocking the movie by claiming that it counts as negative publicity

tell me this is fanmade because is horrible

>men are so rapey and dangerous that women need a bazillion laws to protect themselves!
>women can be unstoppable beasts too!
Choose one, you rancid cunt.

in a "realistic" action movie, sure, but the gender of doomguy doesn't matter. He's the easiest possible action hero to gender swap because his gender doesn't matter at all. He has super strength just because and you don't see his muscles anyways, for all you know he's a lanklet in that armor

looks more like plasma gun


Absolute trash quality. Is that supposed to be a tv movie? Even the titles are horrible.

damn even the props are phoning it in

The tacticool gear doesn't really fit with Doom. She could at least look like Crash.

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I'm one of those triggered autists you stupid fucking nigger. Fuck this skinny whore trying to be doomguy.

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If they wanted to make old game movie why not unreal tournament?
It has always had female characters in every team and voice announcer female(sexy)

>oh yeah yeah


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>another steaming pile of shit for corporate bootlickers to shill on this board

Have sex.

This is like 90's C-movie-tier.


John Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were demons in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Cernel Joson were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
John was a space marine for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy."
Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY DEMONS"
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of the UAC he knew there were demons.
"This is Joson" the radio crackered. "You must fight the demons!"
So John gotted his palsma rifle and blew up the wall.
"HE GOING TO KILL US" said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles. John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.

>unreal tournament
Dude, the main protagonist of Unreal 1 from 1998 (Prisoner 849) was fucking female. Not intentionally, but the point remains. And I wouldn't mind seeing that, more than a genderswapped Doomguy.

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i dont understand Hollywood
why even make such generic cheap costumes
why even adapt a popular IP if you are not going to cash in on its aesthetic?

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Why is everything made of plastic? This has to be some kind of joke. Why would they allow some indie filmmaker to use the brandname for his $87k budget movie?

even worse than KAEL-AEHL NAO

>daily reminder Crash was Doomguy's instructor
>daily reminder everyone itt's first doom game was bethesda's on the ps4
>daily reminder vidya is dumber and worse than capeshit

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this is 10000000% times better than what we got. I don't care much about the girl but fucking at least stick with the god damn character design for fucks sake

Why isn't she muscled?

Wasn't Doomguy the son of Commander Keen and Commander Keen was the grandson of the Wolfenstein3D guy?

crash came in quake3 and you don't play as doomguy in quake3 because there is no story or canonical main character in quake3.

Can't wait for Rich to watch this on Best of the Worst GAMING edition

No, it doesn't. The lore should be to give context and be explained by the action sequences like Mad Max always did, where you know the characters by their clothes, the vehicles they choose and the way they talk. Nothing more, DOOM is not a setting where people talk like retards for hours.

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Hardcore Henry but with heavy metal, or Mad Max without social issues or PTSD.

Take my fucking money

The Rock is a faggot. Stone Cold would be a more appropriate space marine.

>* doom guy flies into a giant demon riding his BFG lawnmower *

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Best adaptation so far, by a LONG shot

The last scene was literally Doomguy with Queen

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I love the notes for the "Cernel", apologies for the misspelling included. My favorite part along with the Plasma Rifle 3 settings.

In DOOM, Chev Chelios must kill demons constantly to stay alive. By Mark Neveldine

fund this please

So... how fucking DENSE Colonel Joson is?

>* takes various guns out of kitchen cabinets, fridge and toilet tank *

I actually spit out my cereal

What a perfect crossover that would be.

Its good but they'd still say its a male saving a female movie

How is it so hard to make a doom movie? You just need a very very basic plot with very very basic characters and goals.
As long as the pace and intensity is really high, maybe excessive even (think Crank or Fury Road etc.) and the violence and the demon designs are fun, you're good.

years since game release
Having you been living under a rock?

>die die die *in bored monotone voice*
what did she mean by this?


is this a fanmade parody?

Is the lawnmower played by Tom Hardy


He never takes it off his helmet, so what does it matter?

Chris Evans is a cuck politically but he doesn't look like he couldn't play the part.

You've also got Hemsworth, Momoa, Statham, Batista. If Rock hadn't been in the attempt of the Doom movie he'd have been perfect now

fucking kino

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Nothing wrong with that. When hasn't men had to save women?