Why does he mostly invite men onto his show instead of women?

Why does he mostly invite men onto his show instead of women?

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as it turns out most women are boring

have sex

So you're admitting that a woman's sexual value is higher than her conversational value?

Because who wants to listen to what a woman says for 2+ hours, let alone 2+ minutes?

no u

Women don't have opinions or beliefs apart from what they read in media or what they perceive is currently the popular viewpoint. This is why the most popular insults for women are "loser" or "virgin", because in the eyes of women the absolute worst thing is not being "in" with society, not being popular.

Leah Remini's episode was one of the best ever though

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most females are fucking boring, and most female comedians are fucking godawful
the two women he's friends with are actually pretty cool
Dr Rhonda Patrick is smart as hell
Christina Pazsitzky is actually funny and not an annoying cunt
every other woman he's featured is either completely inept or actively a bitch

When he invites a women, you incels just go ham and have a circlejerk of complaints and bombard threads with sexist, racist, borderline retarded comments and insults.

The women he invites are stupid as shit.

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Well because he’s obviously a toxically masculine misogynistic incel who hates women and supports the patriarchy

He knows his audience

>9991 pictures on instagram

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Nice to get some confirmation on what we all already knew: Joe's audience is fucking outrageously misogynistic.

>the sexy CTE-slurring of Cat Zingano
kino rogancast


>every other woman he's featured is either completely inept or actively a bitch
this bitch is exactly who I was thinking of when you said that

Who the fuck wants to listen to woman they are not fucking for 3 hours, lol!

>when your bro brings the cheese and wine


Make me.

Damn you had an opportunity to provide a rebuttal but simply reduced women to a series of holes

Are you confused by the concept of social media, user?

welcome to the new age, grandpa

Energy in the room is completely different with the opposite sex. This is something no one can help. There's nothing wrong with having that variety here and there but audiences do tune in expecting a certain vibe.

You really need me to tell you why misogyny is wrong? Holy shit...

By the way every guest from now on is going to have to answer to this fact, "why did you support a misogynistic podcast?"
I can guarantee the answer won't be pretty.

>You really need me to tell you why misogyny is wrong?
I doubt you could

Not based Tulsi or Heather Heying


>Shlesinger was born in Manhattan, New York,[4] and was raised in Dallas, Texas.[5] Her family is Jewish.

i cant think of a single good female guest he has had on the show.

The View
50 years of vagina talk shows is fine, but dont let one pop up that doesnt let wimmin run show.

shirley manson from garbage

>You really need me to tell you why misogyny is wrong?
Give me a reason other than: "You will not get laid LOL XD!"


Why is this the new age though?
Wouldn't the new age be more about understanding online security and privacy, thus being even more secretive or careful about your online life/information?

Like, at 9000+ pictures and captions, instagram probably knows more about her than she does herself, why would you give any company that kind of information?
Obviously one can't be fully offline but you can at least try to be (duckduckgo, firefox disabling tracking, ublock, youtube vanced for getting rid of ads/youtube trackers).

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joe is only a vaguely closeted homosexual, like all of the IDW members

>why would you give any company that kind of information?
The hubris of roasties has no limit.

the one with the ex westboro baptist church girl was pretty good.

Give me a reason

Leah Remini
Dr Rhonda Patrick
Courtney Dauwalter



Christian gets Jewed.
She was better off with her cult, honestly.

What the fuck is goign on

why does it matter

Name three women you would like to see interviewed on the show

Women tend to fall into the trap of "picture sharing" social media it seems, but it's not like men are any better at protecting their identities online. Men still tend to use social media, but often through (easily doxable) psuedo-anonymity (user names on gaming/news sites/fourms).

If you want a real trip, look into your google search history. With old emails you can literally review your entire fucking life. What you were feeling, thinking, questioning, angry about, sad about, nervous about, what your future goals and dreams were, your interests were. It's horrifying.
I'm surprised google doesn't try to package all that data up and analyze it for a price. Like getting to "know yourself better" or what your 2008 year really comprised of or looked like.

Is Owen Benjamin right that the jews control Rogan to push sodomy drugs and globalism on young white men?

I actually really liked her standups and her nudeleaks. But after seeing some JRE clips she seemed really cunty.

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men and women exist at a ratio of 2:3 generally

First and foremost, because women generally aren't interesting. Second, because when women go on his podcast, Joe leaves his balls at home and just agrees with whatever the woman says regardless how absurdly stupid it is (Joe already does that when it's men but it becomes even more pronounced when it's women).
I'd love to see Camille Paglia machine gunning words at him for 3 hours though, that would be fun.

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At chucks

Amanda Knox

Eddie must be on something here

>That time he had a female uber driver on


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>Camille Paglia
I can roll with that.

>not crazy
>needs to have a mental health dog around all the time

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>Camille Paglia
eh, she's ok but she has like 2-3 memes she repeats all the time, after you watch one of her talks you've seen it all
Roseanne is based and redpilled

BASED discord tranny!
cringe incels...

Make sure you include why hating men is okay in your explanation.

Because we live in a patriarchal rape culture and bitch, its fucking time for women to rise up

So you're saying Trannies only persist when societal collapse is imminent?
>*screeching noises*
whoa, I never knew that. can people support you on patreon?


Again you're reducing women to a series of holes

>Camille Paglia

she's got fantastic ideas, but her speech patterns are insufferable to listen to. i can't imagine listening to her for 3 hours straight.

>I'm surprised google doesn't try to package all that data up and analyze it for a price
It's hard to sell the data when the NSA has it by the balls.

womens' constant search for validation makes them dull as they just parrot whatever opinions are in vogue in order to fit in smoothly with society, which is their evolutionary imperative. when men do this their behavior is seen as beta and disgusting, for women it is natural and subtly encouraged.

off the top of my head, i can't think of a single woman whose opinion isn't born of a man. there are a few exceptions in the art world and academia, but the bell curve of critical thinking among the female population is extremely narrow.

From what I have been through women's brains shut down if you cant talk gossip to them they just dont grasp things beyond vapid judging of other humans for entertainment. A guy can talk about all sorts of things but women only talk gossip.

Yeah grandpa, insane levels of narcissism is totes normal now.

>womens' constant search for validation makes them dull as they just parrot whatever opinions are in vogue in order to fit in smoothly with
pic related was reeeeeeally bad

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if you're just going to be filmed sitting in a chair looking at Joe why wouldn't you take those glasses off for both you and the audience's benefit?


Her body is bangin tho

Let me tell you something Joe Rogan, hardest I ever fuckin' came was from this little chinese guy I met on cragslist back in 2009. I show up at his house and he's got fuckin' pictures of his family up everywhere and I'm thinkin' not fucking way this cocksucker is legit. Fuckin' ten minutes later where doin' blow off eachother's rods, doin' poppers, slammin' tina, chem pissin in eachothers holes, the hole fuckin kit and kaboodle. Next thing I know mr miyagi has me layin down on his couch, legs in the air an he's fucking poundin' away at me like a fuckin wadaiko drummer, his little egg roll is slammin into my prostate like tyson hittin' the speedbag and in five minutes he's got my belly looking like a fuckin' cinnabon, without even touchin' my cock the whole time and it was soft as a fuckin' wet noodle with all the blow I'd snorted off that yellow prick. I had my first out of body experience with that little yellow bastard.

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This reply is becoming the new sneed. Fuck off.

Because every women he has on can’t stop flirting with him.

Would she have a career if she wasn’t gorgeous?

based discord tranny

her friends said it looked cute and she didn't style her hair without them in mind, so she can't just change it mid way through. plus, it makes her look smart and cute
I hate women

I assume that you are one of the people who began with the internet very early and you saw what it was with phone lines, chat rooms, endless trolling and 'there are no women on the internet' statement was actually true, so I guess that you also over time came to realize how easily is this exploitable?
Millenials didn't yet come to this conclusion. They don't even have concept of something existing on the web forever. They genuinely think that when shit hits the fan, they will pick up a phone and call the CEO of the Internet and order him to delete all their pics with their tits outs when they were still 'discovering themselves'

Maybe you remember that Facebook has change their terms to services in I think 2011, and it just plainly stated that whatever you post on their platform is there to do with as they please. people were outraged and were posting those posts forbidding Facebook to do so, because they believed their Facebook wall is legally binding document.

joey pls

And talk about what....vacuum cleaners? DZO R0GAIN is a man with male dominated hobbies, e.g: hunting, fighting, comedy, etc....

Why is Joe's stand up specials so crap? He's better n his podcast. Also Joey Diaz isn't funny no matter how much Joe tries to force him

Miss “I’m not funny but I look good so I keep getting standup specials and tv spots”

I’ve given her a fair chance and she’s just not entertaining or funny.

Tom Seguras wife Christina P, Leah Remini (ex Scientology) are the only two memorably female episodes if you don’t count the twitter lawyer

I don't hate women, only leftist women. On the other hand can leftists be women? Aren't they just leftists?

>Second, because when women go on his podcast, Joe leaves his balls at home and just agrees with whatever the woman says regardless how absurdly stupid it is (Joe already does that when it's men but it becomes even more pronounced when it's women).
Iliza Shlesinger was terrible

>You really need me to tell you why misogyny is wrong?

Do something about it. Oh, you can't because women, like the blacks, were allowed freedom. It was something handed to them and could just as easily be taken back (which, if you know literally anything about history, is 100% guaranteed to happen). You might wonder why and the answer is because you forgot the cardinal rule; the weak should fear the strong.

Jenny Jones
Rikki (as big as a) Lake
Sally Jesse Raphael
I remember staying home sick on a school day and daytime TV was The Price is Right and female talk shows and soap operas. Thank God for good Discovery back then and Weekday Wings.

Google is in such a weird position in regards to things like that.
Many other companies routinely sell or even GIVE away your data for free, upon the request from other companies. I believe a woman's health/period tracking app just got into the news because they had voluntarily given women's ovulation data for free over to Facebook (which then I assume, Facebook used to create even more personalized ads to those women when they were ovulating).
If this tracking app had simply said before hand, "Hey we're going to anonymize and give this data away to others" would users really care or mind?

That pretty much sounds like you hit the nail on the head. The thing is, where I'm sure you had the same experience, is that oldfags like us didn't really get any formal "training" or educational means for protecting ourselves, we just observed and learned what to do and what not to do, sometimes through trial and error.
I just don't understand how there isn't a WAY bigger push against these companies to be more accountable/transparent in their policies (so yes, even dummies can be aware of the consequences) or why there isn't a larger focus in society about net safety and privacy. Where is the formal education for this stuff, or why is it being blocked (and more importantly, by who)?
You think if you were a parent, you'd teach your kids net privacy/safety or at least push for it to be taught in school.

I actually liked Heather Heying more than her husband.

>filtered "have sex"
>filtered "incel"
>Yea Forums instantaly 300% more based

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she wanted joe's dick



dem tittays.

He doesn't want to get #metoo'd

fuck off back to rēddit you retarded nigger

I wish he was never made aware to the chimp meme shit.

Kind of liked his childlike wonder for large predators.

I agree but I would still tongue punch her fart box

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podcasts are supposed to be 2 hours long or more.

Harder to riff with a woman in an entertaining way for that long (atleast for Joe).

I think he's had woman podcasts as short as 1 hour because of how little material there was.

>was my chidhood crush in saved by the bell
>was my mommy crush in king of queens
>never went to highschool, isn't embarassed by it
>had the personal strength to part ways with a cult in which she had been indoctrinated since she was 9 years old
>isn't afraid to stand up to them despite enormous backlash from the church and her former friends
name a more BASED actress. i can wait.