Claims to be a movie fan

>claims to be a movie fan
>has never seen a silent film

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Based fuck normies

Sorry, pal. Yea Forums aint eletist anymore, you should've posted this 4 years earlier.
It sucks, I know

Uh yes? This weekend I played infinity war when my gf came over and we muted the film while we listened to music

lol actually i watched that one bit in TLJ without having a panic attack so there

>watching silent films
Fuck off virgin all of those fimls are shit

A quiet place was fine

>tfw you've not only seen silent films but own several on DVD and blu-ray

I miss when people like you got laughed off the board.

>doesn't claim to be a movie fan
>watches capeshit and rom coms
>doesn't claim to be a music fan
>listens to the radio
>all forms of art and entertainment are suitable background noise while they browse their phone
>95% of the human population is this

Attached: locust.png (636x708, 256K)

>Tfw the only phone I own is my old nokia with Snake II on it

Attached: 1534877069310.png (819x827, 302K)

fuck normies, and no the artist doesn't count

But I did see A Quiet Place.

i only saw metropolis, the gold rush and modern times, how much of a pleb am i?

I miss old Yea Forums so fucking much
I'd easily trade all of these dumb capeshit loving incel retards for a bunch of pretentious dipshits who'd at least talk about film, instead of just mindlessly shitposting and falling for obvious /pol/bait
I wish I was this based, but I'm too attached to social media

Technically you can’t "see" it if it’s silent

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>Seeing with your ears
Might need to get that checked out, that's some serious mutation you got there.

8ch is still eletist, sometimes I wish they would raid this board and rid it of capeshit

I think I'll move there then, although it's fairly slow and probably blocked in my office

>claims to hate a disordinate amount of bland pop culture artifacts
>just trying to take the focus away from self hatred

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Not the most patrician but better then normies who ignore silent films all together.

They do have some pleb-tier opinions there, though. Like thinking Aliens is bad and Prometheus and Covenant are good

>shits on user for attachment to capeshit
>while simultaneously is too attached cancerous social media
This is what hypocrisy looks like.

>tfw have seen countless silent films in the cinema with live piano accompaniment
>tfw saw Die Nibelungen with live orchestra music
feels patrician man

If you want some recommendations:
>Any Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton kino
>the silent Dr Mabuse
>silent Ben Hur
>The Black Pirate (this one's in color!)
all of those should be reasonably easy to find on the interwebs.

This is the most-kino way of watching silent film. I attended a concert for a Nosferatu viewing and it was excellent.

>tfw can't sleep at the movies anymore

>This is the most-kino way of watching silent film.
It's literally THE way they are meant to be seen.

My local cinematheque shows silent films with live piano every now and then. The guy playing used to compose film music as well, and he's like 87 years old. Some months ago I went to watch Metropolis with this guy on the piano, the whole two and a half hours. Truly a god among men, got like a 10 minute applause.

After watching Die Nibelungen with live orchestra I couldn't help but feeling sound films were a step back. You really understand why people weren't too keen on them back in the day.

It’s a very tactile experience that channels the best of theatre with the purest form of cinema.

>binge watching chaplin """""classics""""" including pic related when i was 11
>realize it's boring shit
>never go back
Literally the only reason you faggots keep jerking each other off over these is to appear cultured and contrarian. Forcing yourself to watch them is like insisting on driving a Model T to get around just because "muh historical impact".

Chaplin is entry level silent film. See

>binge watch

Stop watching movies like a retard is step one to actually appreciating cinema.

>>silent Ben Hur
Horses got killed to make it so it's trash.

I watch porn with the sound off, does that count?

cry moar fgt

>Hates based horses
>Calls anyone a faggot

I don't mind that people watch capeshit, I get pissed that it is all they ever talk about
elitists were often too radical, dismissing any discussion that they didn't feel was high-brow enough for their artistic sensibilities
but still, they'd talk about movies, and different movies, instead of just the same tired genre and rampant shitposting

Lads, I urge you to make threads asking for the creation of a separate board on /qa/
also, do participate the /film/ thread created there, and make some of your own about the movies you want to discuss

I wish A Quiet Place had way less music, it would have been better if they kept the noise for frightening scenes.

Based patricians. I can only imagine how fucking good this board would be if it were only filled with anons like these. Please Hirsoshimoot, for fuck sakes, ban all cross posting from Yea Forums Yea Forums Yea Forums /pol/ /r9k/ and Yea Forums. If You want your advertising bucks you have to ensure the brainlets can't get ofr their contsinment boards. I just want smart comfy film posts again. I dont give a shit poltards are seething over captain marvel we don't need 800 threads a day about it.

Back on topic: Metropolis still looks so good. Film makers back in those days were goddamn artists