1. Michael Jackson sought and befriended prepubescent boys...

1. Michael Jackson sought and befriended prepubescent boys. He took these boys as companions and traveled the world with them. Every so often, he would find a new young male companion and move on from the old one. This fact is not disputed.

2. Jackson lavished the boys' families with gifts and money. This fact is not disputed.

3. Jackson invited the boys to his home, which was filled with toys and candy. This fact is not disputed.

4. Jackson invited the boys into his bed. This fact is not disputed.

5. Jackson had a stash of bondage porn by the bed. This fact is not disputed.

6. The bed was in a room, behind a locked door, at the end of a hallway equipped with alarm systems that would alert him when someone was approaching. This fact is not disputed.

Which leads us to the last piece of the puzzle:

7. Five of the boys who shared a bed with Jackson later accused him of abuse. This fact, also, is not disputed.

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Uh oh jacko bros, maybe he did do it

Thank you based common sense poster

>imagine being so butthurt you take time out of your day to speculate on a DEAD man
get a life

el ayuwoki.....

a dead man that affected living people?

>accused him of abuse

I agree, it is a fact that he was accused. Now prove the accusations are true, because we already had this court case. This is like Dr Ford and Brett Cavanaugh, only Cavanaugh is a dead pop idol and Ford is a adult man.


why can't music fags listen to michael jackson music without having to think he is the greatest person to ever have lived

If MJ liked cunny instead of boipussy would any of these threads exist?

Do you have any family members I can cuddle with? It’s not a big deal I just had a shitty childhood


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he couldnt have done it though, because he didnt like the jews and is /ourguy/

If all of this was true than how come he went to heaven, huh?

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based goalpost mover

Have sex

el ayuwoki...

>The bed was in a room

No shit.

did mom pick you up early from school today?

>t. seething incel

>“Look at the true spirit of happiness and joy in these boys’ faces. This is the spirit of boyhood, a life I never had and will always dream of. This is the life I want for my children. MJ.”
The text of above was written in his copy of "Boys Will Be Boys." The man was weird but innocent.

>The text of above was written in his copy of "Boys Will Be Boys.

Next to a cum-stained bondage porn tapes?

everyone knew he was a pedo in the 90s no one cared why are zoomers making such a big deal about this after he's been dead for like 10 years

>This fact is not disputed
I dispute it.
Fuck off with your "settled science" faggotry.

I can't help but wonder what it would be like if MJ were still alive and had a twitter with people tweeting this el ayuwoki shit at him. He'd probably be on his 20th nose by now


>main witness is a self confessed perjuror

We’ve known all of this since the early 2000s. I don’t know if it’s boomers with amnesia or zoomers riding a bandwagon or what. Whoever claims to be enlightened by this “hot new doc” is a fucking idiot.


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I could write a post on this board saying Nancy Pelosi, George W Bush and the cast of Step By Step forced me to perform in Satanic pedophile rituals when I was a child and half the basement dwelling faggots here would unicronically believe it, but eye-witness testimony, court documents, pictures, and a mountain of circumstantial evidence is a jew plot to destroy an innocent for reasons.

grasping at straws

Curious how it's only the ones from poor families making accusations.


oy vey michael threatened me with the hitmen!!!!


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Nah They would have lynched him the second he suggested spending any time with the girls alone.

Hee Hee

>court documents
lol court documents are literally just the records of the eye witness testimony and pictures, dumbass.

It's almost like child molesters will intentionally target troubled kids with bad home lives?

>you will never be rich and do what ever you want

feels bad honestly think about this for a second if you were rich like MJ would you have people as friend who are old as you or children?

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my nigga Katt Williams had it RITE


>it's almost like
You have to go back.

Were the rich kids he slept with in a non-sexual way just a cover?


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i just want a pic of his hideous unique wang. no fag.

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>Yea Forums
>Hollywood pedos deserve to burn

>also Yea Forums
>MJ is innocent! post cunny itt

Retards. You all fuck yourselves over so badly. Any real evidence that could come out of this website is null and void due to all the retarded anti gay anti woman shit you constantly spew. No media would ever pick up on anything posted here ever. Even captain marvel, you morons just had to keep up with the smiling shit. Instead of actually criticizing the shit movie and exposing the absolute shillery, you talk shit about her smile. That’s exactly what they wanted, now everything is pointing to you as incel ‘trolls’.
Fucking shoot your own foot etc.

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>This fact is not disputed.
All these facts are just claims. Fact is something that can be proven.

Most people keep pornography in their night stand or near their bed. Not the best decision when you are a weirdo who hosts child slumber parties, but by the accounts of the women he was with Michael was not asexual.

have sex.

>>Yea Forums
>>Hollywood pedos deserve to burn
Go back to /pol/ mister Reddit

Its funny because OP is copypasted from dailywire, the lil ben shapiros website that was so stalwart to defend the accused until proven guilty that it jumps on a fucking crusade just because some emotional 4h agenda driven "documentary" targeted someone from entertainment complex

>yes, I am definitely going to let my prepubescent son hang out with this creepy ass 30 year old man

>eye witness
Often unreliable, especially years after the fact

>court documents
Lol literally just filings and depositions. Only worth the reliabilty of those involved.

None of the action, before or after.

>circumstantial evidence

Circumstantial evidence supposes that as a poster on Yea Forums, you are also an alt-right pedophilic incel. Am I correct?

Shut up, fag.

You sure proved him wrong

No you're just ignorant

>"this creepy ass 30 year old man"
>the undisputed king of pop

michaels innocent read the bible man. how convienant this documentary come out just in time for 10 year anniversary. When the jackson family okayd canada to use his music for 200+million. Rly makes you think. How all the kids had awesome time with michael except a few that came from very scummy looking white trash families. Good thing they dressed well for the documentary.