>he opposes socialism
>he pirates films
He opposes socialism
Other urls found in this thread:
socialism is not anarchy dumbass.
It will work this time come on lets try it again
cap ap paapapappa braaaaaaaaap
Torrents are a legitimate part of the free market
Piracy isn't theft you MPAA shill.
Intellectual property is anti-capitalist.
>using subjective logic and moralfaggotry (all of a sudden) to desperately seem in the right
Love this comic
>piracy isn't theft
>therefore it is okay
>pirates were socialists
>you are either a free-for-all turbocommie or a hardcore nazi neocon
dumb frogposter
Literally me
>freely owning things is against freely owning things
The real metaphor would be like stealing a patented design and posting it online for free. It is stealing but the moral is supposed to be stealing isn't always wrong
OP has a point that within an idealised socialist society IP would be part of the shared commons and people would contribute simply for their enjoyment and to entertain
>but no-one would make anything without the profit motive
I know many many artists and musicians who do. And they have to keep working a day job. Films are tricky but with public grants by something like the NEA great films could still be made. In stead of pitching to Hollywood you would pitch to the bureaucrats. I wish people weren't so stupid and terrible because real socialism would be deluxe.
stealing isn't socialism
This. I pirate, support free healthcare (for citizens only) and want cheaper public education but fuck illegal migrants and socialists.
>intellectual property is capitalist
nice try commie
>one faggot lowky stole my product but I don't care because there are still other costumers
Cuck much?
It's a branch, yes
>he opposes socialism
It blows my mind peoole in america will not only accept having no healthcare, having unions crippled, electing corporate shills into power, being straddled with $50k in debt as soon as they graduate, and having a $7 Dollar an hour minimum wage, but actually defend these things and claim it's in their best interests to get fucked in the ass so mr Goldberg can make 0.4% more quarterly earnings
It'll tickle down ;)
if this device existed we wouldnt need stores in the first place
piracy is good because it helps to spread and preserve
many movies were lost in wars, they someone pirated them we would still have backups
same about books, technically monks "pirated" them and thanks to this they survived
think of piracy as 'backups' and as 'spreading cultural achivements among humanity'
>they someone
Not Ravachol the Bonnot Gang or Jacques Mesrine
No Gods No Masters!
>murder isn't theft
Or we could just make backups
>technically monks "pirated" them and thanks to this they survived
Also valid. Refer to "By The Skin of Our Teeth" episode of based docuseries Civilization.
85% of American had health insurance before Obamacare, unions are useless, only shit states have 7 dollar minimum wage and there's plenty of jobs and that don't deserve to be payed more than that
People like you are litterally the same as slaves in the old south fighting for slavery so that their owners might beat them/rape their wives less instead of just fighting for freedom
yes but they have to be spreaded. you can't keep them near to each other
>Yea Forums is suddenly against piracy now
Have Yea Forumstards taken over the board or some shit?
Also what the fuck is it with faggots ITT making all kinds of psuedo-intellectual excuses? Literally all that needs to be said is "Deal with it, buyfaggot"
God I fucking hate newfags and redditors shitting up this board
we had communism and i'm not kidding, it was illegal to be a neet
slaves were rarely beaten or raped
>national minimum is 7.25
>85% figure
source: Your Ass (also how many through medicare and medicaid since Obama care was just an antisocialist ploy by neoliberals)
>unions are useless
Wish my granddad could kick your ass desu
>they don't deserve to be paid more
I agree all IT and programming should be done remotely in the 3rd world by near slaves
I'm sure the movie creators already have multiple databanks and servers full of backups in case of a sudden downfall
This is your brain on conservatard propaganda
What do you want freedom from? Capitalism?
appears to be a film. not sure what you mean to say by it
feel free to refute it
It will work in the US because the US won't invade us and overthrow our government with a foreign-allied stooge
piracy is good because its free and i dont have to give money for the stuff i download. iamgine being a cuck for corporations and super rich shareholders lmao. i want to punch buyfaggs in the face
4redditors need to debate over everything because their ability to argue aggressively is the only way they will ever experience masculinity
Now. They didn't have it in pre-digital era.
So now think of 2nd part - 'spreading cultural achivements among humanity'.
If you achieved something, you should share it with the rest of world. Toyota didn't copyright hybrid technology, so other producers can improve it instead of starting from zero.
>In 2010, the percentage of persons uninsured at the time of interview was 16.0% (48.6 million) for persons of all ages
Copyright law, patents and IP are anti-capitalist though.
A genuine free market has none of these things.
Again a lot of those were insured by the state. Obamacare was a win for corporations but very unpopular for obvious reasons.
Bless your heart
You can't own an idea, stupId.
kek. true
Congratulations on not knowing what socialism or piracy is
Think of it as a resource ration only for the most desperate situations.
Why waste the ration even though nothing happened yet. A backup ration in case of a downfall is only for said downfall
suprise, people who hold political beliefs are hypocritcal and stupid especially incel neets who probably complain about welfare niggers yet contribute nothing to society and think sticking it to rich corporations is part of their duty is a proud antisocialist
This thread is being closely observed by our operators.
Wait, which side is the edgelord on
What is it then?
>he supports socialism
>he pays for films
Leftists are the only ones that lick boots here.
Lol kill yourself you brain damaged central bank bootlicker.
I hold political beliefs and I'm not hypocritical or stupid.
>multiple people can have the same idea first
Dumb commie
Reminder that healthcare used to be insanely cheap before the government took it over.
The solution to our healthcare problem is to free the market.
I got banned there for being too based
i see lots of ads tho, pretty sure movie producers own those too so it equals out, fuck off now
>Leftists are the only ones that lick boots here.
Anyone begging for the rich to get more powerful and the military-industrial complex to expand is a bootlicker (aka capitalist rube)
this pretends that first world socialist countries don't exist
this. underage americans please go
Libertarians actively fight against the military industrial complex.
Socialist bootlickers support the state controlling every aspect of their lives.
Go live in North Korea.
They don't.
Scandinavian countries are some of the most free market nations on earth.
Peak bootlicking.
>Libertarians actively fight against the military industrial complex by being militants themselves
There fixed it for you
Why are you simply proving my point for me you absolute brainlet?
t. retard
Good lol
so how would the economy work then if you could only sell something once
>pirates everything. even free games
My sides.
You do realise that socialism is only government control of major industries like healthcare right?
You understand that both private and public property can exist at the same time right?
You're not a retard that blindly follows the political trends of the internet right?
i oppose both socialism and capitalism, fren
You wouldn't need the economy because you'd be in a post scarcity society.
>Libertarians actively fight against the military industrial complex.
So do leftists.
>Socialist bootlickers support the state controlling every aspect of their lives.
>Go live in North Korea.
I can't. US has sanctions on North Korea (due to capitalism). Or do you oppose those?
>Arming yourself is the same as supporting endless wars in the middle-east.
pretty much the average eastern european opinion
How does the economy work when you can't sell air?
You're no better than them, stop acting like you're doing good work.
woah buddy you're not a NATIONAL socialist are you? 2edgy5me
>You do realise that socialism is only government control of major industries like healthcare right?
>You understand that both private and public property can exist at the same time right?
That's social democracy (succdem), not socialism. Socialism is state planning of the entire economy.
don't cut yourself on that edge, apu
taxation is theft faggot
Profiting off other people's labor (capitalism) is theft.
Lmaoing at your psychoanalysis Nietzsche.
>leftists fight against the military industrial complex
Jesus Christ
People plant trees to combat the effects deforestation has on the production of oxygen. These people are paid to do this.
The prototype would still need to be built and designed by someone. What would their incentive be?
>grouping Based Socialism with mr. adolf "one testicles" hitler
>gibs me dat
im gonna sound like /pol/ but the whiter the country, the better the government and society
Where are you from?
>one testicles
retarded socialists always fight over which brand of tyranny is best
>Not a yang post
Why would you worry about sounding like /pol/?
Healthcare has become so expensive since Obama that many people cannot afford it. They are then punished for not being able to afford it by being fined hundreds of dollars.
In an older time politicians would swing for shot like this.
Read this it has pictures and sourced accounts
Sounds Jewish to me.
I only stream movies
what am I, Anarcho-Primitvist?
>stealing a patented design and posting it online for free
read up on how patents work
fuck off
Why would you think that?
the bike talking cracks me up
Do you think piracy would be reduced if with every piece of media that was released, you could see a fully transparent breakdown of the costs of the movie?
For example, how much the actors were paid, how much the director pocketed, how much the sound technician got, interns, etc.
As we've seen with the music industry, those actually making the music (artists that actually compose or write their own material) usually make absolutely NOTHING from CD sales or streaming hits, it's all about merchandise and public concerts/events. Everything else goes to the exact same group of elites.
It's really hard to justify buying something because you want to support the actors or sound directors, or the "little people" who actually make the movie work, when instead you know that the same old fucks at the top just pocket the $20 you gave them.
I feel like capitalism might have been a good system to live in, during the 1960s where employers couldn't do as they wished, and you could generally be employed somewhere as a helping hand and end up as an executive at the end of your career.
Nowadays you can't even get a house because the average job lasts maybe five years, and you have to go sucking dicks to even find one. I'll gladly take $1000 a month just for existing, thanks.
>>Socialist bootlickers support the state controlling every aspect of their lives.
>hey comrade, this company is now owned by some smelly commune and your labor is now worth what we will tell you it is worth because we sucked academia cock and we know better than you
>fuck off shitstain before I shove your orange mocca frappuccino up your ass
What now socialist swine, what are you going to do with that fucking working class white male?
>and your labor is now worth what we will tell you it is worth because we sucked academia cock
This is already what executives do
That red piece where your employer profits from your labor is far higher than this picture makes it look. In reality your employer probably makes 3-4 times as much from your work as your income and benefits cost combined. And they get away with paying less taxes on the money they make from your labor than you do. That’s why we need unions and organized labor.
Also taxation is also voluntary. You are free to go live in the forest or a third world country where they don’t have taxes. But you may be beaten and robbed because there are no police and you may die because there are no hospitals.
Might make a little difference. Not for a Chad pirate like myself though.
>he opposes nationalism
>but promotes socialism
Oh are those those mustard socialist retards that constantly get rightful purges from Turkey?
So stunning and brave! W-what? What do you mean forceful conscriptions, h-haha, y-you bigot.
this is the only sensible opinion to have
>corporations dodge taxes by getting involved in government
I agree, the solution is not higher taxes and making government even bigger you fucking retard
Socialism does not work.
Capitalism works.
>he opposes socialism
Yes, because I am not a cocksucking millenial weakling and I can take care of myself and my family, and I want to go to my heavy industry job while a socialists hang from lamp poles along the way.
>"""free""" healthcare
I love how the pretense of the argument (potential customer) is completely blown out at the end of this comic. If it was made ironically, job well done. If it was made literally, the author is a complete fucking moron, along with anyone else who agrees.
>social democracy is socialism
kek look at this fucking retard. I remember when bernie sanders got btfo by the PM or Denmark because he used Scandinavia as an example of socialism
>In reality your employer probably makes 3-4 times as much from your work as your income and benefits cost combined
too bad. that's just how it works. capitalism works and socialism doesn't
>affordable healthcare
There happy now?
They don't. Venezuela or North Korea are not first world countries.
>it's going to be different with MY version
they both involve wealth redistribution so that's all that matters
>continues to prove my point
>In reality your employer probably makes 3-4 times as much from your work as your income and benefits cost combined. And they get away with paying less taxes on the money they make from your labor than you do. That’s why we need unions and organized labor.
They also work 3-4 times as much, takes 3-4 times as many risks and so on and so forth, should that have been the case anyways.
Unions work for unions, and unions are nothing but bloodsucking leeches.
>Also taxation is also voluntary
Of course, and when you refuse to pay taxes you get thrown in jail.
War is peace, etc etc
How do we get corporations to voluntarily pay taxes then?
I mean, I get why they don't, because they want more money.
But how can you use public infrastructure to obtain that money but not contribute anything back to it? It seems hypocritical and not sustainable. Eventually there won't be any more public infrastructure for them to piggyback off and they'll either have to pay taxes to regain it or start building their own which is a hell in of itself.
Sure. Just so you know, what you described before and what you described now are totally different things though. But yeah, I'm all for affordable healthcare.
Why are you lying socialist swine. Wait, you are lying because you are a socialist swine, I almost forgot. I go to executive and I negotiate my wage, because I am not berniebro little bootlicker, and we will come to mutual agreement, like adults. Where the fuck is there a room for a little socialist swine in that process?
The executive is at least a part of that industry, while a socialist swine just got fat on cash that mommy and mommy gave him to sit on his ass in 150k college.
By having a small but effective government that is not paid, bought and ruled by and for corporations.
no, because movies make like all their profit in the theater. pirating is why we've been condemned to eternal capeshit
>take 3-4x as many risks
I'm not sure why you believe that. The lowest ranks of companies take the hardest hit and risks when push comes to shove (being fired completely, no severance pay, no benefits, unsafe working conditions etc) whereas the employer/boards will often continue to pay out the top execs even when a business is failing. They are continually rewarded for making these "risks", when they are completely an illusion. Even if the company does fail, they end up hopping to another senior level position for years to come.
The top of businesses are extremely inbred and incestuous.
Also you are unironically defending North Korea while saying socialism doesn't control almost every aspect of your life.
Kill yourself
>>affordable healthcare
You mean like America used to have back before the government took over our healthcare system?
I know this is Yea Forums(nel) but you're aware people can agree with you, right?
How do corporations end up buying out/secretly ruling the government anyways?
I'm aware that lobbying exists (but I'm not sure how it is legal).
More importantly, how do we prevent it, if the government is made to have a low profile. Who exactly guides these processes, without giving them too much power to abuse and become corrupt?
The worker get 99% of the end products of what he produces though.
It's impossible for the capitalist to get any more than approx 1%.
You're an idiot, the capitalists have nothing for you.
Surplus value is a myth.
I'm against healthcare if it means immigrants are getting the same benefit as normal tax-paying citizens.
When government becomes powerful enough to be worth chasing, you will see corporations chase that very power.
You prevent it by not having a large powerful government, but a small and effective one.
Piracy is the most capitalistic thing. I bought a thing, made a copy of that thing and gave it away.
I wonder what the hard limit of population size is under a government like that. I don't think it could work with the US' size and population, maybe even the Nordic countries are too large.
I've always thought that cities should have population limits/controls to ensure that nothing becomes overburdened and maintains homeostasis, but that always brings up cries of racism, class issues, eugenics etc.
>not wanting to pay for something im only going to watch one time and that's probably shit means i want high taxes and give government all the power
wtf i love communism now
>I'm aware that lobbying exists (but I'm not sure how it is legal).
Politicians in America spend most of their day fundraising. Basically whores for special interest groups/lobbyists.
A good example of how bad it is is Jack Abramoff.
Why is this a thing at all? How is it actually legal and why do they call it lobbying instead of being more forthright and just saying financial persuasion?
I know I sound like such a clueless idiot, but I just can't comprehend how much inbreeding there is between politicians/government and corporations. Why do the people of the government need to accept large sums to be swayed in particular directions in the first place, shouldn't they be educated enough to understand and analyze political decisions/consequences?
At this point, is there really such a clear line between "government" and "corporations" if they are continually exchanging the same powerful people (CEOs being swapped into extremely high government positions and vice versa)?
They do
>implying pirates weren't ancaps
The less invasion and intervention from white countries, the better the government and society. White countries are "comfier" because they export suffering to other countries (see what's going on now in Venezuela)
How come millennials don't understand supply-side economics?
A system designed by capitalists and written into law by capitalists against the will of the people fucks everyone over yet again.
>If we give the capitalists even more wealth and power, then they'll fix it, I swear
Venezuelans are just retarded because they hinged their entire socialist economy on oil and never produced anything else worthwhile.
>hes in favor of socialism
>he equates it to theft
Watch it, Bernie!
>muh mocca frappuccino
boomer humor
I'm not gonna go into the shit flinging /pol/ talk about markets just because it's supposed to be Yea Forums but I think any creative endeavor like movies/music/art etc should all be public domain and any money made off them should be in the form of donations from people that actually feel it holds value for them. Media is a form of social and cultural expression and has a dynamic relationship with both and all that bullshit so a lot of people would be compelled to donate to something if they really like it and only things that people want to see would be made which should curb a lot of the hollywood accounting shit show.
I feel like what we have in place now is effectively just that and because you'll always have a majority of people who are technologically impaired to always float the stuff they shit on the silver screen while more conservative consumers will consume it for free and support it one way or another if it resonates with them. It's like that EU study they did for pirating that found it had no negative effect on media sales and ironically increased their sales since people could sample the media without committing the full price of consuming it or being mislead by sleazy marketing.
That's literally how products goods and services become cheaper. The wealthy need to have capital to invest in business. If you want people to be better off you don't just hand out money which results in inflation. You want the dollar to accrue value.
>free market
>you're not free to share a movie you bought with other people
If you're an internet-poisoned retard
Do that chart for the USSR
no, that's not all that matters. Scandinavia countries aren't socialist, they're social. shit isn't black and white and we're not proof that your shitty political ideology works
only plebs consider the american marketplace to be "free," pleb.
>they both involve wealth redistribution
So does capitalism so what's your point? Any economic system is wealth redistribution, just capitalism redistributes it to adrenochrome-slurping psychopaths with armed guards while socialism redistributes it among the working class who created that wealth to begin with
Well it's called a free market, and not a free tradecircle
>if this device existed we wouldnt need stores in the first place
>pirates films
I don't watch movies. Don't watch TV either.
They want to be reelected, and you don't get reelected without a ton of money, so you whore yourself out to get money/support.
Nothing will happen about it. Thank your republican officials and the conservative judges on the supreme court.
>The new rules put in place by Citizens United allowed for the creation of a new kind of PAC known as a “super PAC.” Super PACs can raise unlimited amounts of money, and can accept unlimited contributions from corporations, non-profit groups, and unions.
Capitalism only works when constantly overthrowing socialist/communist countries and replacing them with US-friendly dictators. Once you run out of socialist/communist countries, what are you going to do? You'll have no one left to enslave or fuck over and the system will collapse
that only works if you buy discs
>he opposes rape
>he still has sex
Buyfags like to complain because they're too low IQ to torrent. They think they'll click a magnet link and have their computer immediately locked by ransomware and a permanent ddos attack on their IP.
>instead of pitching to hollywood you would pitch to the bureaucrats
Think through how awful an idea that is.
>almost every single nation has socialistic policies
>Bosses work 3-4 times as much
lmao are you 15 years old?
>takes 3-4 times as many risks
Workers risk having a heart attack at work and going bankrupt trying to pay for a hospital visit. Workers risk the health effects of working long hours and long commutes. Workers risk any minor financial inconvenience (health issue, car accident, theft, etc) forcing them to miss work/get fired/go bankrupt.
Bosses don't take any risks at all. You need to be financially well off to begin with to start a business and the worse case is the business doesn't work out and you go back to being financially well off. Can you name a CEO who died because their business didn't work out?
>a socialist swine just got fat on cash that mommy and mommy gave him to sit on his ass
this is 100% of capitalists' kids and 0% of socialists' kids. Or you think the Koch Brothers' kids or the Bushes/Clintons/Kennedys' kids actually worked hard to get where they are?
Digital movie market has ruined the experience anyway
I miss when I actually had to search for shit
>Telling people to go to North Korea
>Banning people from going to North Korea
capitalism always trips over itself
Sorry, I'm not American, but why do you need a ton of money to get reelected?
I thought that the average person votes regional/local representatives who then go on to form the national government. so why would you need money if the local people around you are choosing to elect you.
Surely the average person knows that most companies, while offering you the illusion of convenience and a better life, are really just out to get your money in the least ethical and moral ways possible.
Is there anything you can do as a local community to fight off corporations effectively edging you out of the damn democratic process here? Why do people even vote at this point if it's literally just a handful of corporations really making decisions for the country?
I torrent everything. The only physical media I've paid for in the last decade was the Twin Peaks Return but that's really only because I wanted to watch the behind the scenes featurette and nobody uploaded it on torrent until a couple days after I received it.
Every country in the world is socialist. Except maybe somalia
This isn't true whatsoever. Capitalism needs to invade other countries and create a massive regulatory state to drive profits. That's the incentive. It'll always strive to make government bigger.
He opposes Axis fascism. He fights in a war.
Captain America was a hypocrite?
>At this point, is there really such a clear line between "government" and "corporations" if they are continually exchanging the same powerful people (CEOs being swapped into extremely high government positions and vice versa)?
Now you're getting it. Welcome to capitalism. It's only going to get worse.
>not trying stuff before you buy it
Get a load of this goy
>How come millennials don't understand supply-side economics?
We understand it well enough to know it's horseshit. We understand flat-earth theory and creationism too.
>he opposes socialism
>he watches tv and movies through a botnet
>he carries a telescreen in his pocket that monitors every move, activity and little that noise he makes
The overwhelming majority of films are not worth my money. If I enjoy a film, I buy it. There is literally no downside to this. None. Enjoy throwing profits at vapid bullshit and 6/10 capeshit movies every other weekend just so you'll have something to watch.
The wealthy gentrify cities, pollute the environment, and introduce more and more obstacles into our lives (e.g. health insurance) via technology and via government lobbying. They're not making anyone better off.
I can honestly sympathise with both positions. I have pirated myself simply because I didn't want to waste money. Otherwise I would be pissed if I was a creator. I just feel like I am shitting all over them.
Trickle down economics isn't real, it's a leftist boogeyman argument that brainwashes you idiots into thinking free markets are bad.
Marx didn't invent taxes
Increasing economic production objectively increases living standards for the working class.
If would be nice if we actually had economic production these days instead of central bank kikery thanks to leftists such as yourself.
>Surely the average person knows that most companies, while offering you the illusion of convenience and a better life, are really just out to get your money in the least ethical and moral ways possible.
Most people in this thread don't even know that and this is a generally literate, college-educated board. Imagine what some 60-year-old Bible grandma in Wyoming thinks
To an extent I can empathize with the creators, but it's not like even the creators get 100% of the profits back from their own creation.
There is such a mess of pointless middle men, managers that most of the profit seems to slide into that area, rather than the actual creators themselves.
If I were a creator, I would be fighting harder to retain my profit against vampiric companies/managers/handlers instead of blaming the consumer.
>Is there anything you can do as a local community to fight off corporations effectively edging you out of the damn democratic process here? Why do people even vote at this point if it's literally just a handful of corporations really making decisions for the country?
Primary Democrats and replace them with anti-capitalist anti-imperialists who don't accept corporate money. DSA's taken off in the last couple of years and that's making a little progress here and there. The House passed a great voting reform bill (HR 1) which has a lot of great stuff in it, but we won't be able to get it through the Senate/White House for a few years at least.
Artists, athletes, game devs, journalists, etc. are hugely overrated. They are far more harmful that gas and tobacco and should be taxed to hell for wasting societies time.
Retarded take
>Private banking
Why exactly are you on Yea Forums?
Who are you responding to? Literally no one in this thread said "trickle down economics"
They need money to run their campaigns. Staff, buying ads etc. You can argue that ads are not effective, but there seems to be a correlation between campaigns spending the most amount of money and getting electing.
>he doesn't
>art and entertainment
So this is the power of MAGA...
I don't get it
>humans are easily corrupted hypocrites
no shit
>start thread on socialism
>socialists exhibit absolutely no understanding of economics
Pay for movies that don't have an anti-American agenda, don't pay for ones that do.
Simple and fair. Give Hollywood an economic incentive not to slander the audience.
That is why I paid to see Alita multiple times.
Don't you find that disturbing? Doesn't the general public find this disturbing?
Isn't it fucking weird that there is barely ANY educational content or information out there that details the impact of these monolithic corporations are not only influencing the world, but your actual local life? Or how individuals aren't really taught these skills to question WHY someone is providing to you and the consequences of actually getting that thing provided to you (financially, environmentally etc).
Or is all of this information hidden through legalese/laws? Or is it actually protected by law and no citizen has the right to investigate into the workings of ANY corporations?
No one finds it weird that you can't go to any random company and see the process of how they get product A and how it affects your life to get it too?
Like sure, we get some bullshit fluff news pieces about mistreatment of workers or buildings that collapse, but there's never any further investigation into these companies after that, ESPECIALLY not by the average citizen.
Honestly, that does actually sound hopeful, if there's progress being made. It just sounds like we won't see a difference in our lifetimes, unless there is a greater force (outside of humanity's influence) that causes us to change.
I am even more interested in looking up my own country's lobbyists and procedures here.
Millennials are drawn to socialism because they’re all stupid, unskilled and lazy and they want “free” stuff.
They’re too dumb to realize that the high costs of socialism mean massively increased taxes, which in turn means they will have to work even harder than they did before.
Why aren't all candidates just given the same amount of money, so they must use their experience, intelligence and own personality to use the amount they have most effectively?
I think ads are doubtlessly effective, but if you can just run more ads than anyone else because you are more corrupt and accept """legal bribes""", how is that fair?
To me, it seems that if you have more money as a candidate (which almost NEVER comes from personal finances if I remember correctly, save for a few exceptions) you are getting it from biased sources that essentially push you towards certain laws or ways of conducting government, so why the fuck would anyone want that.
Ask me how I know you're a virgin
>Isn't it fucking weird that there is barely ANY educational content or information out there that details the impact of these monolithic corporations are not only influencing the world, but your actual local life?
It's totally out there, just people generally don't give a shit. Capitalism is designed to fry people's brains to keep the status quo going. Even when people do learn how fucked up things are, there's no clear path to doing anything about it. Everything's been boiled down to the fake Democrat-Republican axis while both parties generally prop the entire system up.
We have a few new representatives (AOC, Omar, etc) who are at least challenging the establishment for the first time in a while. But no handful of politicians are going to fix anything, they can just raise awareness so normal people start getting together and thinking about actual paths to improve things.
No, they're not, and no, they won't.
They're drawn to socialism because they're naïve idealistic children that think it is viable to give everyone what they need and are dumb enough to help that cause by parting with what they want for the sake of others
They literally will because the more socialist policies you implement, the higher risk you run of increasing unemployment, decreasing wages, inflating prices, misallocation of resources, and creating stagnant or even declining economies.
>fake Democrat-Republican axis while both parties generally prop the entire system up.
This is what is genuinely horrifying to me, that the majority of people are unable to see this. Both D and R (or any variation on two party system) fight tooth and nail to protect corporations and instead, appear to "bicker" about non-essential social trifles that are meaningless in the long run or were simply engineered to give something the two parties to contest about.
It's honestly refreshing to see that you are hopeful that these newcomers will at least shake SOMETHING up.
On the other hand, sometimes it really feels like the only way change could occur is if 90% of the current senate/congress/government just up and died tomorrow and this new blood doesn't fall prey to what happened to their predecessors. I wonder why there hasn't been more hits on the people that have effectively ruined the West/America (like Wallstreet CEOs, bankers, etc.). These people walk around in public sometimes, don't they?
Sometimes you just have to be glad you're not an American.
On the contrary my friend, I'm just in a different, parallel hell.
Canada almost does the exact same, but in a much more insidious way, where everything is dressed up in humanitarian issues and being multicultural etc.
I feel like the critical thinking skills with respect to the government and the workings of corporations are even lower, if that's possible.
I only oppose communism
well, and even if someone stole my bike, maybe that person is happier with it than I would be, so that makes me happy too!
I only pirate flicks and movies, never films and kino.
yeah, immoral. need a dictionary, retard?
Seething moralfag
any form of government would work as long as there aren't blacks and jews to poison it for you
>What would their incentive be?
being able to clone any female
That's actually how I did feel when someone stole my bike though.
Well more like damn they've probably got it pretty bad I can get a new bike
but I pirate all the time. I'm just not trying to fool myself into thinking it isn't immoral, I just know that I'm not a thief so I don't give a shit
>I'm just not trying to fool myself into thinking it isn't immoral
Don't need to fool yourself to know the truth
then what if everyone decided to pirate a product? I'm just glad I can get away with it because other people buy, but they would be fucked if everyone was like me
>then what if everyone decided to pirate a product?
It would be bad for whoever made that product.
>they would be fucked if everyone was like me
Indeed they would. I don't see your point.
that would mean that making a product to profit would be impossible. we wouldn't have any type of entertainment, or even educational books. are you an anarchist?
>he thinks piracy is socialism
am laffin. fuck off and die libturd
>that would mean that making a product to profit would be impossible. we wouldn't have any type of entertainment, or even educational books.
Yes. But that doesn't happen and won't happen because there will always be other people to buy that shit. So what's your point
>are you an anarchist?
I know objective morality doesn't exist.
you're taking a product you didn't pay for. we live in a world with laws, and that is deemed illegal not matter how hard you tip your fedora. of course it's not theft and it isn't destroying anyone, but it's still wrong
>inb4 I wouldn't have paid for it either way
well that's another issue because it's impossible to prove and it's extremely easy to abuse that excuse
>objective morality doesn't exist
fuck off, rust. you're not deep. of course I can't prove a dude microwaving his little baby is "immoral" but he's a shit person either way, you're being pedantic
>socialism means free stuff
>we live in a world with laws and that is deemed illegal
And if I want to and can break those laws with no consequence then there's no reason not to. Laws are consequence. If you can evade them there's no other reason other than personal subjective feelings to stop yourself
>you're not deep
It isn't very deep to be right, yeah.
>of course I can't prove a dude microwaving his little baby is "immoral"
Because it isn't
>but he's a shit person either way
To the baby maybe, before he's dead, seething moralfag
worked pretty well for china and the USSR, russia went from a fuedal monarchy to a the first spacefaring superpower in a few decades. China advanced from fuedalism to a state it took the west hundreds of years to achieve in the same period. Cuba still has better healthcare than the US. The fall of the USSR was one of the greatest tragedies not only in pure material terms (i.e. life expectancy fell through the floor in post soviet countries) but also as it was the last bulwark against neoliberal capitalism
so are ARE an anarchist. you could've just said so, man
Boomers were the original socialist retards to be fair
>capitalism is designed ..
>immediately goes off on a tangent about government interferrence in an otherwise functioning efficient market
Because everything is only one big company and there is nothing to protect from infringement because the company owes everything you produce?
>capitalism works
no it doesn't you shithead, you just don't care about its flaws
There is nothing immoral going on. Intellectual “”””””property””””” is the worst jewish trick of all time.
Wtf i hate property now
how so? it's easily abused, yes, but I don't see anything wrong with the concept
works ≠ is perfect
So you get thousands of Chinese level trinkets because everything is just one company and it doesn’t matter if there’s a lower quality the money goes to the company either way.
the pavement
you're a statist, aka bootlicker
To fuck over the jewish film industry, pirating films is a morally virtuous act.
First off, they absolutely can.
Second off, a true capitalist system allows for competition while intellectual property laws remove competition.
I'm for national socialism
Communism was overwhelmingly jewish.
>he supports socialism
>he had food to eat
*squeaky toy noises*
Prove me wrong
He didnt invent socialism either, the fatdrunken neet
jokes on you i dont watch movies or tv
This. who the fuck needs food anyway