He did nothing wrong

He did nothing wrong

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he represents all sellouts that keep the world this way
they are the ones that allow women to get raped and children to get their organs harvested and raped

He did something wrong by murdering people. Opting to go back in and stay in there without murdering people would have been doing nothing wrong

Mudering the people that took him outta the matrix*

He cooked that fuckin horse alive

was Neo the only one to get a choice of red/blue pill?

Well he spent 20 mins gloating rather than icing those bitches and going back resulting in his death

I guess that would be a mistake



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What I didn't "get" was why he wanted a complete memory erase. I mean, what is the difference between that and death? He would be a completely different person.

Why does Joe Pantoliano get killed in every movie I have seen?

Well if he got that choice too you can't blame the others for taking him out

I hear Ginny's got a 90 lb mole taken off her ass. He had no right to say that about a made man's wife, a second to Carmine btw.

Watch The Fugitive and its sequel 2bh. He only gets injured.

how do you rape an organ

the thing is they never tell you what outside the matrix is really like until after you taken the pill.

I love him even more now, lol

logged in just to upvote you

>not kek

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>they are the ones that allow women to get raped
Boner stop

He (Cypher) said that when the choice was presented to him he didn’t get the full story.

Him wanting to stay in the Matrix wasn’t the problem.

It was him getting his friends killed in order to do it.

When he hands over Morpheus he's handing over all of Zion. He's selling out his entire species just because he believes he didn't get a fair deal ("I would have taken the blue pill..."). I get where he's coming from and I empathize with him but he's still an immature genocidal asshole.

Honestly this is mostly Morpheus's fault for freeing him from the Matrix in the first place.

which movies should i watch if i want to bluepill myself again?

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Any movie about (((civil rights)))

This. If I were him I'd have kept my memory in order to think "lol those loser are on that shitty underground city full of diversity sweating people, while I'm here drowning in pussy and money and steaks and my life is pretty much perfect"

He lives in the movie Daredevil. Funnily enough his character in the Netflix version didnt.

>He's selling out his entire species
If you count the sequels as canon (I don't), humans are pretty much condemned anyway, since they just are in another layer of the Matrix.

the cider house rules

The Last Jedi.

for everyone saying hes bad
>it was just a horse
>she was just a whore
>steak is delicious