Just open up and be vulnerable, bro, women love that stu

Just open up and be vulnerable, bro, women love that stu...

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Women are cold-hearted

dont act like you wouldn't feel the same

That's bullshit and you know it
A ton of men have savior fantasies and would DREAM of helping a girl who was a victim
Women are the most cold-hearted gender

nice television & film related post we have here

She's thinking about her future. No sane woman would want a crying manchild as father for her children.

women who were raped as children have huge social and sexual problems, good luck with your used slut as she is probably on every drug and will cheat on you to satisfy the sadness in her past

Women are truly vile. If that cunt had been raped and he DUMPED HER because of it, she would have his face plastered all over social media and have all her little feminist friends try to get him fired.

It’s probably best she leaves him, desu. He deserves better

link me. I want to see responses

and a possible pedo at that

Women are evil by nature, but it's societys fault for enabling them

>A ton of men have savior fantasies

Ok satan. Is that why there are constant threads bashing women? Shut your fat mouth. Don't act all high and mighty now all of the sudden.

Daily reminder that r/AITA is full of b8 posters who know exactly what they're doing


never tip your hand to a roastie. they are not even human



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this. its funny this post came out right after the Micheal Jackson doc blew up

Have sex.

Obviously a false flag post to rile people up.
Also not television or film

Welp looks like I'm taking it to the grave

Anyone have the one where the chicks bf gets assaulted & nearly killed and she ends up fucking the assaulter?
It was a pretty solid redpill that one

Women were a mistake

Who has a cap of the post that BTFO’d women? That the faggot janny deleted?

spill it

blackpill you mean?

She should break up with him. He sounds like a massive faggot. Only a faggot would allow himself to get raped. A real man would've done everything possible and more to turn to tables. Biting his cock of for starters or ripping off of the testicles. He only has himself to blame, and is technically not even rape as he allowed it to happen. Regret does not equal rape.

I tried telling my parents and they called me a liar and now to this day they still call me a liar. Biggest mistake of my life, should have left it for therapy or just shut my big mouth about it

I'm sorry user, I really am

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Women only want you to open up about something horrible in very specific situations:
1. If it is a situation they feel they can fix, since it triggers some weird maternal instinct.
2. It was horrible but you overcame it and it doesn't really bother you and you make jokes about it.

So if that guy said his step brother raped him when he was 11 and he said "but I got that faggot back, he broke his legs and was bed ridden and I jammed a cactus up his ass and told him if he ever told anyone what I did I would axe his face off. It was hilarious, mom still doesn't believe his story to this day."

He was a kid you retard

>tell woman something
Within 2 weeks everyone will know that this poor guy was raped in the ass as a kid fucking hell I hate women

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>the one where the chicks bf gets assaulted & nearly killed and she ends up fucking the assaulter?
No way that's real.

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I don't have a cap but I was in the thread and it was a post about how something like 60- 70% of female doctors and psychologists in psychiatric facilities end up in sexually consensual relationships with their sociopathic and psychopathic inmates. Sort of like the Joker and Harley Quinn.

Pretty much what you'd expect.

Everyone calls her a reprehensible cunt and wants her to leave her BF because he doesn't deserve to be stuck with such a shallow person.

Wtf is aita?

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Women can’t meme

where do you think the damsel in distress trope comes from?
Men like saving women.


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