I just begun watching this. Explain why its the greatest anime ever made...

I just begun watching this. Explain why its the greatest anime ever made. It just seems like glorified jerk off fantasy with all these hot naked anime chicks buzzing around this incel kid who is the audience stand in.

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Other urls found in this thread:


But OP you just explained why it's the greatest anime ever made

fpbp came here to post this

>explain why it's the greatest anime ever made
It's not. The longer I watch anime, the more shit it is to me. It's just 2deep4u wankery overrated by post-ironic anime fans.

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I like it because it's very accessible for non-animé fans. Weirdly enough, I think my favourite aspect of the show is the quick edits. A few times an episode, a character will say a meaningful line, and the scene will abruptly cut to something else. It's a simple trick for the director but I loved it every time.
There are many things that stop it from being truly great art, but I think what you say about the incel kid being the BLATANTLY obvious audience stand in, or at least the director's self-insert, is a main one.
That being said, there is a lot to love here. I haven't seen many anime shows, and I'm sure there are many shows better than NGE, but there don't seem to be many shows as unique as NGE.

>i hate this, please debate me, I need atention
go back to Yea Forums Shinji Kun Baka!

hmmmm yes this is based

shinji isnt an incel

somebody who expect it to be a shounen will never understand why.

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You just got filtered pleb

shinji is so shit

Japanese people in the anime and games industry can't write consistent well thought out narratives.
Just look at any long running Japanese video game franchises' timeline: Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Zelda, the new DMC etc etc.
Every new installment makes the story more convoluted and nonsensical.

This, also people need context. By 1990 almost every anime was a "shonen tournament" or a moster of the week shit. Evangelion came in a time (1995) when shows started to have OVA quality but it was mostly a low season
>zenki, Magic Knight Rayearth, Gundam Wing, Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter V, Tenchi Universe, El-Hazard, Fushigi Yugi, etc
Evangelion also come from the same guys who did Nadia wich was super popular back thenm and had a more mature tone. Is not a show aimed for Gundam Wing audience, but for people who grow up with Ultraman or Macross

He says while posting Berserk images...

that's the point actually.

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the anime is only good with some great moments interspersed throughout. end of evangelion propels it into full kino status. watch the full thing OP.

Watch the whole thing before posting or find better bait

Because you only started watching it.
The first few episodes are to set up the cliches before the rest of the series starts deconstructing them.

why aren't animes drawn like this anymore?


Maybe finish watching it before coming to conclusions.

Context is key. "Great" anime is great when compared to all other anime, which is overwhelmingly garbage. So in practice a show like NGE is terrible for any normal person who has watched any middling television drama, but for tasteless weebs, it is the height of animation excellence.
Beyond Ghibli and other classics that have made the crossover to mainstream appeal (Akira,Your Name etc) there is no reason to attempt to "get into" anime as you will be disappointed. If you already enjoy it then more power to you

shit to a point where he hinders my enjoyment of the show

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that's not golden boy...

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The only good anime is DB and JoJo maybe Yu Yu hakusho fuck off

Literally no one cares.

But user, that isn't Legend of the Galactic Heroes

>audience stand in
Cringe. Anno wishes a fraction of the japs who watched it at the time had the same self awareness as Shinji

and he is not a rapist either

nips are also becoming lazy each generation.

Dub or Sub?

it was originally a deconstruction of the mecha genre in anime and was the first anime to do so, that's literally why

If you don't like watching giant robots fighting alien monsters you almost certainly are low test

i've seen the first three episodes I think. I like the opening song and the weird characters but I don't feel like watching the other 23

Its like the Watchmen of anime. You have to have a deep understanding of anime tropes and history to understand why its great. otherwise it just seems like confusing giant-robot-versus-monsters story with a very unlikeable protagonist that ends with a weird diatribe about Gnostic Christianity.

Asuka is best girl

what's wrong with him exactly? if you want heroic and confident bullshit then watch another show.

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The meaning of NGE is individuality and a story about self appreciation and confidence but you must be part of the target audience to get it because if you are socially normal and well adjusted you already know this

Enjoying and understanding NGE is one of the very few perks of being a social reject and a loser

The beginning is like a 5/10. Middle becomes a 7/10. End of the show is like a 9/10. The ending movie is a 10/10. If you haven't finished it, dont bother commenting on it.

you should try to read the manga (where that cover is from) as well, as it has a much more deeply satisfying ending, despite resolving similarly to EoE

Tell me a manga better than Berserk

berserk and eva are literally the two best anime ever made

He's way too much of a little bitch

a deconstruction of a genre 99% of the viewers of NGE are not familiar with at all even though it's still an excellent anime (and of course EoE too)


It's fun when retards throw out buzzwords without even knowing what they mean.

no wonder nips love this so much

dub is hilarious



no, Urasawa is hack writer.

>it's supposed to be bad!
Fuck off


beginning: 7/10
middle: 9/10
climax: 10/10
ending: 6/10

I don't know man, it's hard to tolerate more than 5 minutes of Shinji crying because he might hurt another pilot whose robot is LITERALLY destroying houses. And then you transition to some unnecessarily long gore scene with some sad music in the background and bitchass shouting YAMETE for 5 minutes. But hey chekov's rifle takes 20 seconds to reload and the shield can only stand the beam attack for 18, you better not miss Shinki!!!. Also do they explay why they all have the exact same face? Is that also part of the religious undertones?

I don't get why people like the Berserk anime
If I had watched it instead of reading the manga I wouldn't have cared about Berserk

>ctrl + f
>detroit metal city
>0 results
You're missing out, frens.

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Don't compare this trash anime to Berserk

Listen to this my son youtube.com/watch?v=Ew3--XVFioU
or this youtube.com/watch?v=w1o4O2SfQ5g&t=561s

The point is, the 97 anime was the only good adaptation of the best arc of the Berserk manga. It also helps that it had God tier soundtrack and semi passable animation. For the visuals they nailed the atmosphere (not perfectly but still, who could outdo Miura?) and it will forever be better than those abominations that came out in 16/17

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what's wrong with it? he fight against terrorific entities inside a giant humanoid and has a father who always rejected him, and also constantly blamed for nothing by some angry bitch. (but in this case he actually fight back)

what do you wanted with him exactly?

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>Bad is when i have not my fantasy world dudebro alpha males making explosions

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This is how I feel when people complain that Kylo Ren isn't a good character because he's whiny. Shinji is just timid to the point that it hurts him and those around him. That's ok

*it's not ok to be that timid, but it's ok for a character in a story to be

If I wanted to get into LotGH, where do I start?

tbf, the movies were decent, and the third was a straight up good adaptation, but you are right that only the 97 anime really captured the atmosphere of the manga

This man onto something

The top 3 anime:
>Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise
>Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket
All written by the same man

>Asuka is best girl

I almost thought you knew what you were talking about

Yeah, really good character trait, throw a hissy fit every time something goes wrong and spend the next 20 minutes crying about you pathetic existence. I've seen plenty of protagonists cry and lament themselves, but never a protagonist who's character is COMPLETELY built aroud that. Takes you completely out of the whole action.

wasnt funny. japanese cant do satire.

Whatever your opinion on the dude, the video is pretty good

this is just how a really insecure teenager would be.
also he's complaining most of times on his head and during non-action sequences.

again this is not capeshit.

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Evangelion. The drama is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of anime tropes most of the tragedy will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Shinji's depressive outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these tragedies, to realise that they're not just sad- they say something deep about RELIGION. As a consequence people who dislike Evangelion truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the sadness in Shinji's existential problem "My father hates me," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as HIdeaki Anno's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>And yes, by the way, i DO have aAsuka tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Kylo Ren isn't whiny though. If Shinji had half as many freakouts and more dimensions (similar to Ren) he'd be a better character

Rei is best waifu

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>dealing in absolutes

Reifags need to be gassed

>you will never get your hair cut by Rei

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Man you should really read the Golden Age ark in Berserk, just to put in your head the perspective of someone tormented overcoming their self pity. Also to show you how much of a hack both you and Shinji are. I hate over-the-top Shonen protags that never see problems as much as the next guy but Shinji is the exact oposite, completely monodimensional on crying about his life.

Also I never talked about superhero media even once, RENT FREE.

Look bro here is your capeshit with stronk wymmin isn't it cool dudebro?

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Oh you mean that just because Donovan raped Guts and Guts doesn't became like Shinji so he is bad written even if you are comparing fantasy with modern post-apo science fiction on completely different contexts?

>I hate over-the-top Shonen protags
but Eva is not a shonen actually

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not really related but the Shinji Ikari Rising Project manga is the best alt reality of evangelion because unexpected interactions like this actually actually happen

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>gritty """fantasy""" settings where some twinks could join a mercernary band for some reason
>a neglected NORMAL 14 years old first world kid who complained in his head and did his job saving the world while regularly felt the pain of being crushed, stabbed, burned, slashed that would traumatize most adults.

So this is the type of modern audiences raised by Hollywood and television to be unable to sympathize or understand normal human behaviors, huh?

Go have sex and rethink your life, user.

I know, but and think it's the only other character type to ever exist.

It's satisfying knowing they reunite against all odds after the world resets.

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Because if you pulled a random 14 years old with family issues of the streets and told him to go through Shinji's journey, he would jump off the balcony half-way through the show.

I don't get why you Westerners don't get a simple story like Eva. Shinji is a NORMAL kid. He isn't hero material, he isn't protected by plot armor, he isn't some child soldier, badass superhuman, action hero or fantasy character. Piloting the Eva pushed him to the limit both physically and mentally. And logically, like any normal human being who isn't your typical main character of a power fantasy, he snapped.

Guts was raped, used as cannon fodder, abused by his stepfather who blamed him for his adoptive's mother death. Berserk isn't born an action hero, HE BECOMES ONE through the course of one if not the best manga arcs of all time. We see him suffer shit that heavily outweights what happens to Shinji, Shinji just complains about it all the time wich makes him MUCH harder to like, or even empatize.
Also Evangelion's world is as gritty and edgy as Berserk's. ALSO you're all trying to use as an argument that Shinji is more REALISTIC than Guts, even thought both characters are ficticional, the setting of a contemporary era doesn't validate a character's personality, or it's flaws. There are plenty of handicaped kids and cancer survivors in the REAL WORLD that teach that lesson.
are buzzwords, not real arguments.

It is a standard monster of the week show with cool designs and good animation up until episode 16.
Then it becomes something completely different, and the reason why it is so highly regarded

an insecure teenager is a bad character, what else is there to say? no man or kid wants to emulate a fucking wimp loser

>but youre not suppose to want to be him, youre suppose to know how he FEELS


Wow not a single actual argument has been posted in this thread. This board is a joke.

you expected a serious argument on Yea Forums? are you underage or really new? either way, fuck yourself, bitch

the manga start with him being the black swordsman and his past is revelead on flashbacks.
the point of Berserk is showing you violent battles with warriors and monsters on medieval era rip-off.
the point of Eva is very different, also isn't even that edgy, this show is full of comfy and goofy moments unlike Berserk.

but even little kid could understand those are very differents contexts and genres.

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I was just passing by. I've always known this is a nu/pol/ colony so the lack of people with brains doesn't surprise me, just wanted to rub it on your faces.

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Babby's first ""psychological"" animu.

nobody gives a shit if you two want to give each other anal orgasms.

>start watching evangelion
>i don't like the fanservice stuff, it's awkward
>eoe is over
>fanservice stuff ain't that bad i guess

>No goofy moments on Berserk
Also you're SPECIFICALLY chosing to ignore the whole Golden Age arc wich shows us Guts' troubled childhood and forges him as a man.
Oh and by the way:
>medieval era rip-off
It's actually called fantasy.

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>Its like the Watchmen of anime.
This is the only part I agree with.

then fuck off and don't watch it, we are right since the beginning, people who hate Eva are constantly power fantasy niggers who can't even handle something dramatic.

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Guts it's older than Shinji on the golden age arc.


>It's actually called fantasy.
Medieval fantasy rip-off. Better?

I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion for the first time 4 years ago when I was 35 and I loved it because I am a 39 year old virgin with no confidence or friends
I don't think normal people can like Evangelion

Episode 1?

Well, I don't actually know how old Guts was when he killed Gambino, but I don't think he was much older than 14 years old Shinji, or at least he doesn't look like it.

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After you finish it watch Madoka Magica. It surpasses Eva. I'm serious, don't laugh.

>main characters plopped out of his hanged mothers womb
>picked up by mercs that JUST SO HAPPENED to be passing by
>adopted daddy doesn't love him
>gets raeped
>watches his gf get raeped
>his final form is fucking black armour with a wolf face and with red eyes
>oh and he replaces his arm with a cannon
>oh and his sword makes your average Final Fantasy weapon look reasonable
Yes truly an interesting and complex character here, how does grorious nippon do it?

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Yeah bro, lazily quoting the plot of a +350 chapters manga REALLY puts in perspective how bad it's main character is. Everything is just like you quoted it, no moral dilemas, no romance, no betrayal. I'll give you a point for humouring me with the sword comment though, never heard that one before.

I like the series because it's incredibly well done on a technical level, has a good story, and complex and interesting characters. The TV ending is my preferred ending because of the optimistic take on the main character's arc. The movie is more of a brutal assault on the mind of whoever wants to self-insert as Shinji or jerk off to Asuka, which plays out pretty good but again, I like the more optimistic ending. I think a lot of the philosophy is really well done, and Human Instrumentality is an idea that absolutely will be explored in the near future (probably about 40-50 years negating any drastic changes in social landscape that prevent technological development). Plus the show is just aesthetically pleasing, from the designs of symbols to character designs and has a great classical score.

The inversion happens halfway through episode 14. It's where you start getting to the meat of the story.


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fuck no

le subverted tropes totally not a magical girl show that ends up literally just being a magical girl show where the most gruesome thing is the chomp that happens 2 episodes in, black haired girls back story is neat, kyubei’s deal is interesting but holy fuck main girl is such an uninteresting deus ex machina character the finale is the most fucking horrible thing

spoiler but its literally the main character flying from shot to shot just fixing everything with magic, it is the most anti climactic fucking cop out gay shit and after she did like nothing the entire time

oh also shadow world or whatever its called art style is fucking unappealing as fuck, that might be the point but it is literally a fucking eye sore, like watching angela anaconda

So it only appeals to losers, figures

A message to all the anons who think shinjis shit, Lack of empathy is a sign of autism and not every anime has to resolve to power level bullshit

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This is just my opinion and since I'm a loser it's worthless


Do girls like NGE?

Personally I thought it was the best anime I've ever watched. Makes Eva look like trash which is saying something because I love Eva. The third movie was even better than the show too. I'm not surprised madoka gets so much hate though, I can see where you're coming from.

>I can't argue why Shinji is a good protag so I'll just call them autists.
Bravo! You finally admited that Shinji is shit. Here's a (You) for your troubles.

Thanks for the (You) my friend.

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redpill me on Berserk bros. as a kid i used to read some manga, but pretty much only the big 3 (naruto, bleach, wan piss). hadn't watched any anime until i watched kill la kill 3 years ago and NGE+EoE about 2 weeks back.
i want to get into Berserk now and heard that the 90s anime is where it's at. should i watch that or read the manga? also is the modern anime any good? i checked out a few videos from it and i hate the 3d style, is the 90s one also like this?

Definitely read the manga, it's way better than any adaptation
The first few volumes are pretty rough in places but it gets better fast

90s berserk anime is based

It isn't. It's a bunch of nihilistic bullshit.

what is some other quintessential anime i should check out? i am currently watching cowboy bebop, with samurai champloo, code geass, death note and hellsing ultimate on the list. is trigun any good?

berserk is to manga what The Comedy is to western literature

You're watching a Manga?

Close, but no.

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Oh boy, I can't wait to hear what fascinating moral dilemmas there were to the MC plopping out of his hanged mother or how Guts rape scene truly enhanced his character.
Weebs should face the fact that Berserk is not good, no matter how many titillating rape scenes the author throws in.
> the plot of a +350 chapters manga
It almost sounds like you consider the ludicrously drawn-out length of this manga to be a positive. Have they stepped off that fucking boat yet?

watch the '97 anime then start the manga. optionally, you could watch the golden age movies 1-3 after the anime, or just check out the berserk redux fan edit (eps 1-4) that combines them both into a series of cleverly edited movie-length episodes.
here's some links:
Berserk Redux Trailer (somewhat spoilery but nothing major if you've heard of the series)
Berserk Redux Pastebin

>The Comedy
is that what pretentious pseuds call The Divine Comedy? you couldn't be bothered to spell it out completely?


I also started watching anime recently and so far I've liked eva, welcome to the nhk and kaiji

>It just seems like glorified jerk off fantasy with all these hot naked anime chicks buzzing around this incel kid who is the audience stand in.
that's exactly the point. it deconstructs waifufaggotry.

Wait til he goes full incel, spergs out and wipes out humanity.


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Code geass was ass, but a lot of people seem to enjoy it so what do I know.
Hellsing and trigun are fine, if not extremely shallow, death note is good but overrated.

No, it reinforced it in manga and anime for the next 20 years.

Guts is not a complex MC but he works really well when juxtaposed to griffith.
I don't know about the manga but the anime was good albeit flawed.

Read the manga, the 2 arcs just after the anime ends are really good.

I think they like the manga because it's more yaoi feelings-y

Berserk is just a decent adaptation of a great manga, Eva is a visual/storytelling masterpiece that was made as an anime.

>jacks off over her comatose body

I think some of the different changes for the characters in the manga, is much better than the anime imo.

It is a pretty harsh commentary on the nature of fanservice and the way waifufags objectify female characters.

How is it different than just perpetuating that behavior


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Because it's presented as awful behavior that results in self-hatred, even beyond other other people hating you?

Only to 14 year olds that would have done the same. For a supposed deep and complex series, they sure like to spell out the philosophical concepts to the audience and plop religious imagery that meant ultimately nothing.

Because it is supposed to feel uncomfortable to see the audience stand-in do something that disturbing. Call it shock value if you want.
And if that was not enough 2/3 through the movie we even get a 8 minute montage where shiji get confronted and utterly destroyed for the way he sees women.

lol divine is a gay word

You're already fucking up by going in expecting the greatest shit ever.

Nobody has ever praised the religious imagery as being meaningful or part of the meat of the series. Both fans and Anno recognize that it's just there to look cool.

because the scene itself is incredibly uncomfortable, the colors are oddly sterile, the only sound is the air conditioner and heart rate monitor and it ends with the character saying he’s fucked up

how does that perpetuate anything? if anything it is blatantly spitting in the face of objectifacation

Doesn't stop some people

damn right, they want it to be capeshit or Gurren Lagann.

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>imagine their barbaric smell

Note how the cornered Eva contrarian will resort to vulgarity and simply declare "it's shit" because it's the only his low-IQ mind can express itself

the most kino scene ever.

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It's entry level and a proto harem shit

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I love gurren lagann though

Wait why is ranma there?

>proto harem
Harem had been a thing for years by the time eva came out

the real villain of the show

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How os her name pronounced, my translation is “owl-ska”

97 anime is kino watch that then read the manga

I'll post what another user said to me when I first started watching it:
>First 6 episodes are solid 7/10
>Episodes 7 through 13 are crap, 5/10
>Episodes 14 and 15 are good, 7.5/10
>Episodes 16 through 24 are pure kino, 9.5/10
>Last two episodes are a pleb filter, 9/10
>Movie is pure kino, 10/10

The movie really is "that good".

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Yes, but it got more and more obnoxious and eventually became harem shit

>Explain why its the greatest anime ever made
Yea Forums inhabitand here, is not

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that is probably the most realistic depiction of auska possible

>People standing there talking to their problems is 9.5
Easily the most over rated aspect of the whole Eva experience, great scoring though, movie is the best thing related to the franchise.

which one?

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posting berserk

That's fair. I did like that I could never tell exactly where the series was going from episode 16 onward. I can't think of many television shows or films nowadays that have that crucial characteristic, without it feeling like a gimmick (i.e. it still feels natural even though you can't figure out where it's going).

Mob psycho 100
Dragon Maid

all better than eva

i like the 62 second waltz episode


This is Berserk

I did too - I'm not saying that user was 100% spot on, but that it was a encouraging pattern to go by.

The only people I’ve met who like eva are those who seem like good candidates for seeing Shinji as self insert, aka those who have meaningless opinions, aka incels

>dragon maid
are these romantic/slice-of-life/school animes? i don't want anything to do with that kind of shit. jjba and mob psycho i'll check out

>dragon maid
>better than eva
yeah naaaaah.

The problem with Evangelion is that most of the people praising it have literally never watched another anime in their lives, or if they have it's some flavour-of-the-month slice-of-life waifu simulator. Evangelion is one very specific thing - an homage/deconstruction/inversion of the tropes of older mecha anime such as Mazinger Z, Getter Robo, Macross, Gundam, Combattler, Ideon, etc - that gets mistaken by entryists for being something much deeper and more profound than it actually is due to all the visual religious symbolism and the protagonist's depression and existential angst. The only thing it really has going for it in my opinion are the aesthetics, and even then a lot of the character designs and stylisations feel very "of their time" in the mid-nineties: it's mostly the industrial design elements that hold up.

OP, do yourself a favour and watch Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket instead. It'll only take you three hours.

I have the weirdest boner right now.

Breakthrough (Golden Age OST version)

not actually, every one who loves EVA doesnt wants to be shinji. i dont like shinji and still i think eva is the best anime ever made.

What do you think about Patlabor and the way it treats those tropes?

They are drawn to make you boners.

Berserk (2016) - Fan Trailer

Patlabor starts off as a goofy police procedural with mech suits and ends up as some kind of Tom Clancy-esque political thriller by the second movie. I really love Patlabor, a lot more than Evangelion, and think it handled that transition into a more serious examination of its genre very organically and satisfactorily. It also never stopped at its core being fun, either.

Asuka/ AH-ska, treat the U as silent.

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He's too scared to make a move, idiot. Asuka is throwing herself at him. Heck, the girls at school think he's pretty neat for being an Eva pilot. We saw that. It's not the same thing as being an incel.

Really? I love Watchmen, and everything I know about superheros, I know from movies. (I do read comics, but not capeshit.) And Evangelion is my favorite anime, even though it's the only mecha one I've seen.

Just wait and keep watching till episode 16, you anxious faggot
Then keep going

First movie best movie

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because of teh rei

>2deep4u wankery overrated by post-ironic anime fans
>he says while posting fucking Berserk

It's the only anime other than Ping Pong the Animation that I've ever really enjoyed.

If you don't really like to watch mecha anime, you should watch Patlabor 2. Its one of the best movies with mecha in it, also one of the most realistic ones.

>deconstructs the genre and subverts viewers expectations to the point that most of them think it's actually bad
>presents a narrative dealing with themes of existential angst, the difficulty of forming meaningful interpersonal relations and the courage it takes to allow oneself to be vulnerable
>elaborate metaphors and visual elements wrapping up the core themes in order to work on different levels
>there are people that still don't get that the entire premise is an elaborated version of the hedgehog's dilemma along with an exploration of the effects of childhood trauma
you're just that much of a pleb

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Nah man, the second movie is just the plot of SV2 longest day but edgier. There's also only one fight . Too much drama and too little action. First movie it's where it's at, good amount of action, good amount of police thriller and the protagonist is Asuma, wich acts as anchor between the unit and the detectives.

worst post in the whole thread

Shallow entryist detected.

>I just begun watching this. Explain why its the greatest anime ever made
>begun watching this.

Keep watching, and then watch end of evanglion afterwards desu.

This but berserk as a manga is the best fiction book I've read

Finally a good post. Thanks user, you gave me hope.

The first is awesome, no doubt about it, but the second is the thinking mans mecha, a nice thriller with an awesome plot.

>berserk as a manga
degenerates into a shitty action that just drags itself forever
It was a damn awesome medieval drama but after that it's barely memorable.

>jerk off fantasy with all these hot naked anime chicks buzzing around this incel kid who is the audience stand in.
so you're not actually watching it? did you accidentally put on episode 25 and watch the parody scene? I don't get how you can be this dumb

Why are people who have watched 5 shows and a ghibli movie so desperate to have an opinion? Why is it impossible for them to just be humble and not make sweeping generalizations about a medium they know nothing about?

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The modern anime is rubbish

I'm guessing because there is a lot of gatekeeping in the anime community and also a lot of unwarranted elitism.

It doesn't seem unwarranted to me when having watched a couple of movies and skimmed through Berserk chapters makes people feel like experts on the whole culture. It seems to me like there needs to be more gatekeeping.

I'm gonna check out Patlabor now. Always thought it seemed boring but you sold me on it.

>Code Geass was ass
Shit taste confirmed


>complains about NGE
>posts shitty Berserk anime
Watch more anime

Imagine coming to a 200 coments thread and disregarding every single criticism to an anime with "You're just not cultured enough to understand". Stay mad and keep posting sarcastic memes, maybe that will help your point.

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Waifus! waifus! waifus!

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>shitty Berserk anime
Imagine dissing Berserk golden arc and calling yourself an anime fan. You people disgust me.

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The bad guys have their own corporate jingle. What's not to love?


Please pick one

It's really not. It just gets super crazy near the end and people think that since nothing makes sense that it has deep meaning and is amazing. The show doesn't become good till the 2nd half anyway. The first half is awkward ass anime shit

Thats a man user

>Make a private army
>Have it act as some sort of secret police
>Call it SSS
What did he mean by this?

*True eoe ending: kino/10

The real reason is that it's too expensive. Digital is way cheaper than cels, and at this point the return on investment is too low to switch back.

source pls

That's a yikes for me.

The real question is that if Gunbuster is good?

it's not


tbf you have to have a really high IQ and be very, VERY comfortable with your sexuality to like Berserk

I can't post the source.

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????????? Have you even watched it? The message conveyed is the complete opposite.

It's about growing up.

it's too late to watch it now, the medium has changed way too much

yep that's the artist.

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>better than eva
fuck you asswipe

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wow, that's pretty trash. Similar to how Darling in the Franxx ended too

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first harem shit is Love Hina

Not today

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are there any other anime that actually make an effort on cinematography?

Because the audience stand in fails, is miserable and pathetic (like you) and everything goes horribly wrong like halfway into the series.

And the first post confirmed why its also the worst.

Cowboy Bebop maybe?

yes, lots

it's not even uncommon

ping pong

Madoka ruined it's potential after episode 3 bc Urobuchi is a hack obsessive with 'twist' and shock factor. Utena did the same concepts much better but Madoka could have been good had been not written by an edgelord. The spinoff manga also did much a better job re-telling Mami and Kyoko's arc than the main series ever did.

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what you said plus the suggestion of a philosophical backstory never fully explained.

Plugsuits are sexy

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this is like saying "are there any other books that make an effort on prose", try watching literally anything.

toji was best character

Is there nudity in this?

not really
you see tits in EoE, but it's not really something you're gonna be jacking off to

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>It just seems like glorified jerk off fantasy with all these hot naked anime chicks buzzing around this incel kid who is the audience stand in.
It's a parody of that, or as most people put it, a deconstruction. The show has an anti-escapist message, and part of that is criticizing modern anime cliches. So you have:
>Shinji, a main character who performs amazing feats, but has a self-image too low to be proud of them. He also becomes improbably surrounded by girls, but is too insecure to actually become close with them. Basically, he's someone who is put in an escapist fantasy, but is incapable of enjoying it because he's an unconfidant introvert, as kind of a jab toward anime fans who obsess over these kinds of shows.
>Rei, a vulnerable girl character whose "moe" traits are meant to be played for weirdness and portrayed as character faults (ie: she doesn't value her own life, she has no interests, she's incapable of communicating with others like a normal human being)
>Asuka, a tsundere whose bullying attitude stems from real personal trauma and, rather than just being an endearing character quirk, is presented as a flaw that prevents her from becoming close to others, even when she needs emotional support
There's more to it, but that's the gist of it. Unfortunatly, a big percentage of Eva's supposed fans don't get the anti-escapism stuff. These are the people who unironically complain about Shinji not manning up and have waifu wars over the characters.

Also, this

Oedipal surprise might be included , be forewarned , user who asked about the nudity .

death note is better

get out

>video games
There are no good writers in video games. There doesn't need to be.

And where does the penguin start coming to play? Is it the phisical manifesation of his daddy isues? Maybe a biblical representation of his carnal desire?

pen pen is very obviously a play on the animal mascot character

Never seen it before but that was the impression it was giving me.

>Never seen it
Holy shit go fuck yourself faggot imagine being such a fucking self important faggot that you post on threads about shit you never even saw like anyone gives a shit about your life I literally cannot grasp why you even made this post you gigantic BITCH