What about this movie makes it so perfect?
What about this movie makes it so perfect?
That subtle colouring. The tasteful thickness, Oh my God. It even has a watermark.
Bales performance
Umm... yes, I know it's a little late but would it be possible to reserve a post for dubs or, trips perhaps.
It was directed by a woman
That's right, incels, your male power fantasy was satyre written by a faggot and put to screen by a woman
My dubs confirm this to be the case
Everything but the edgy murder scenes
Will it ever be able to discuss this film without it turning into a gets thread?
Roastie whores BTFO
pic related
>power fantasy
imagine being too low IQ to understand American Psycho. also the movie is hard to watch now because every line is a meme, like the dark knight plane scene
these dubs
hey guys......check these QUADS
The reason why Patrick Bateman is such a compelling protagonist is the core of tragedy in his soul. In the movie's best moments, Bale plays him almost as a little boy lost.
Bateman did everything right. He has the Harvard degree, the high paying job on Wall Street, the taste in fashion and art, the high society connections, the great looks and toned abs. He accomplished everything that society says should make you happy ... and yet has found that the cup is empty. Society lied to him. All this stuff doesn't make him happy at all. He's impossibly trapped in a world that he had to sell his soul to get into. He has found himself murdering people just to feel something real and provide a human connection, even if just for a moment.
Bales Perfomance
the comedy
the writing
the main character
at its core its a brilliant character study
So close, yet so far.
based and red pilled
Its really fucking eye opening, the film is eye opening
its based off a good book and the movie adaptation is faithful and just as good. nearly 90% of the movie dialogue is from the book that is why the writing is good and bale did an excellent job as bateman
What dubs fag? People like you will never have such a thing
>directed by woman
>based upon a book written by a man
>dubkino thread
>these are the only digits
Shameful display
Love the movie, like the book even more.
Bales performance is legendary though I'm still curious what the original casting would have been like (DiCaprio).
Comedy is really good, definitely caught the general feel of the book and many monologues and dialogue was taken directly from the book.
Highly recommend the book to everyone. If you liked the movie you will not be bored by the book, which is crazy because the book has a literal 40 page chapter that is just Bateman trying to reserve a spot at a restaurant but its fucking hilarious and so manic that I was laughing the entire time reading.
It's a totally bonkers book. You never know what you are getting each chapter. One chapter is him just obsessively analyzing Huey Lewis and the News, it's literally just a straight up dissertation, then the next is a brutal murder scene of him filling a hamster tube with acid to get a rat to dig into some chicks vagina. One chapter is literally just one long run on sentence due to his manic state. Its fuckijg incredible.
hi fellow kids remember to upload your photos to facebook
My favourite scene is where he stabs the living fuck out of that black homeless man.
Can anyone dump their dubs folder?
mostly based until you went on about the book
this isn't Yea Forums
The fact that you can decide for yourself whether the murders happened or not.
There are hints throughout the movie which certainly imply that a lot of it takes place in Bateman's head but the way the movie established the fact how superficial and fake all these rich fuckers are makes you think the lawyer in the end just might have mistook whoever he met in London for Paul Allen.
The characters in this movie forget each other’s names and appearances all the time so they wouldn’t even notice if someone just disappears.
>be engaged to prime Reese Witherspoon
>go rot your dick off in prostitutes instead
The killing, I can forgive, but this is just retarded.
amazing soundtrack
i wouldnt say its perfect but i personally think the comedy blends in very well with the horror, combined with christian's acting makes the film very memorable.
also, check em