What are movies that are undeniably propoganda?

What are movies that are undeniably propoganda?

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the goebbels kinos


Anything on netflix


1984, though it's more antipaganda

American Sniper. Unironically.

Black hawk down
We were soldiers

>We were soldiers

Not really. Both the book and the movie shed light on the other side, they show the vietnamese as patriots heroically defending their homes, who have families who love them just like the americans. Maybe you should watch it again.

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>We were soldiers isn't propaganda
Sounds like you are the one that needs to watch it again

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I just told you why i don't think it's propaganda, you posted le funny meme. Why do you think it's propaganda? Being patriotic and emotional doesn't automatically make it propaganda.

Da Hai Zhan- A shit, over-acted movie that ended with a shit sequence of Chinese naval ships sailing on rocks in the South China Sea just to remind everyone in the audience that it China land.

Anything that has the CCP's fingerprint all over it.

Cowspiracy and other vegan documentaries

>Being patriotic and emotional doesn't automatically make it propaganda.

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>le funny dumdum meme is my only response lol

literally imbecile

All Hollywood movies are propaganda.

The entertainment business main intention was NEVER a monetary one. It's intention was always to influence people - clearly, in case of Hollywood, in a bad way.

That's why you should always question whenever a multi-million production is pushed by media.

Patriots Day

Fun fact, Britain's propaganda tactics came from businesses that were lobbying against workers rights.

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This masterpiece of American war propaganda by Frank Capra.

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black hawk down is a pretty accurate depiction of what happened according to all the accounts of it, from the american side. the music may make it a little over the top but it's realistic

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That they didn't slaughter every upperclass person back in those days is hard for me to understand


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Independence Day
>sir the americans have figured out a way to stop the motherships
>well it's about bloody time what do they want us to do old chap-ee-oh's

did they really drop 2 guys on their own to get nogged?

Top Gun was literally partially funded by the Army.

This. Especially American war movies.

Miss Saigon is the most hilarious. The real Miss Saigon would be sniping american GIs and cutting their balls off for burning her home.

Elysium is literally muh open borders propaganda.

Fuck you the OST was fucking kino

>All 80s action movies (Either libertarian: Police is shit, only the lone righteous man can save the day or conservative: Criminals are insane, police need more rights)
>Red Heat
>Olympus has fallen
>Female Ghostbusters
>Captain Marvel
>12 Years a Slave
>Fight Club
Well, there are a lot.

they volunteered to, against everyone's wishes, their request was denied several times but they kept insisting
im a big fan of it too, but im saying i can see why people would think its propaganda Because of it