IT'S UP!!!!!!!

IT'S UP!!!!!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

not even clicking that shit faggot

Oh my god it's real!!

It's up alright.

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the only thing gayer than sjws are people who make their entire lives revolve around sjws

2/10 op is a faggot

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The only thing gayer than people who make their entire lives revolve around sjws are people who make their entire lives revolve around “pwning da incelz”

>IT'S UP!!!!

Fuck off back to R*ddit

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All e-celeb fags need to die a gruesome death

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Imagine not expecting pushback when the film's star openly spews racist and sexist hate speech.

Agreed. It’s just so easy to ignore. Actively seeking out shit SJW shit that will make you angry and talking about it everyday is a form of mental illness.

wow it's almost like literally everyone can see the title of the video before clicking it except you

dumb luddite faggot

Get Woke, Go Broke. Yong out

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Ignorant person here.

Do these people make any money if I click on that link?

Not unless you are watching an ad

>Actively seeking out shit SJW shit
Brie Larson denouncing "white men" requires no "seeking out".
This shit is carried by mainstream media.

Woah user, what an original thought! I've never heard this opinion before!

this guy looks like a numale

>e-celebs shilling their channels

Where were you the day Yea Forums died?

Fake positive scores

Fake negative scores

They cancel each other out. Perfect balance.

Maybe if you get your news from YouTubers.

oh no, it's that soiboi cuck faggot made of cringe

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You're right user, people should just be allowed to lie and commit crimes just ignore them bro

rent free

>So Jay what did you think of Captain Marvel?
>I dunno I kinda liked it
>Well I didn't HATE it

I agree. We need to track these anons down and punish them for their heinous crimes.

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What with all those games and consoles boxes in background? Is this bearded dude 14yo or something? Even if I hate SJW faggots I dislike man babies like him just as much. Go to normal work shitstain, making YT videos with your cat isn't what adult men should be doing.

Typical manchild incel

in his head

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He does have a wife, but he is a manchild

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So calling out white men is ok?
Does that mean I get to call out black women?

White men are the only ones fine with being called out and degraded. That's why they showed up in force to CM. Black women or other groups won't stand for being called out, white cucks will.

if you were truly an alpha male you wouldnt throw a fit everytime some tumblr girl says something online

What do you want to call them out on?

>just ignore the hate speech against you, that'll work