Has there been any other true crime kino like the Chris Watts case that we could watch from start to finish?
Has there been any other true crime kino like the Chris Watts case that we could watch from start to finish?
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I watched that whole thing hours ago and still can't sleep. Watched a bunch of David Lynch interviews. This Chris character seems like liars act at college. They think they're better than you. This Chris Watt, he seems like a real jerk.
>Kinnikuman looking 56% wife's son appears halfway through
holy fuck where did you get that pic
See it from his view:
-bossy cunt of a wife, who constantly belittles you on her jewbook account
-obnoxious little kids running around when you just want to come home and watch the game
-you work your tail off but keep sinking deeper and deeper into debt
-meet a woman who respects you and treats you as an equal and let’s you do anal
-typically get 3 hours sleep because you’re stressed and probably a little amped from Thrive patches which contain a low level amphetamine
-wife tells you, you’ll never see your kids and you’ll be forever in debt because of child support/alimony.
-you aren’t thinking clearly
Clearly he was in the wrong and he was the cause of his problems but things aren’t as black and white as it’s portrayed.
It’s been circling around for a while
>when the dead fetus commercial starts playing
>everyone watches it intently like it's a sign
Fucking hell, we really do live in the matrix don't we?
agreed, epic picture. Thanks for sharing OP.
Imagine being an incel trying to find excuse for a guy who murdered his entire family.
Don't get married and don't have kids if you can't deal with this shit a normal human being.
Maybe women should also learn to not push people’s buttons
Don't forget this new release
Watched this guy video, it was pretty good.
Also I read an article just a few days ago that he confessed in prison that he killed his wife in the house then loaded her up in the truck with his daughters still alive, and he killed them in the oïl field.
Just imagine all the roasties who are going to bombard him with love letters.
Not excusing, but the guy is portrayed as a devil when it was simply someone who lost their mind and did something absolutely horrible. Honestly if people are to learn from this tragedy they need to understand why it happened and not make up delusions about it being because Chris was evil. Literally everyone of us is capable of doing horrible things.
already happening
the guy is a devil. he was so self-absorbed he thought he could get away with it with his bloated sense of his self and intelligence. not many are capable of this. only sociopaths and psycho monsters. killing the children blows any sense of this being a crime of passion. the guy dispalyed no emotion till he confessed and was only concerned with his own fate
Goddamn you're retarded. Chris Watts is a textbook narcissistic sociopath, he was ready to live out his new life as a free man. He only regretted getting caught.
This guy gets it.
I think his neighbour recording all that shit is creepy as fuck
it's not that simple, kid. society indoctrinates everyone to do what's "normal" even of they're not suited to it. there's pressure from everywhere to do like everyone else does or you're treated like human refuse and forsaken
They probably didn't like him very much and were just waiting for something to happen
Yeah its weird, but he also suspected Watts immediately so I can kind of understand why he did it.
Lmao @ all the faggots believing his bullshit "the wife killed the kids" cover Chris was pushing whenever these threads would come up who are silent now that he finally confessed to it all.
Not only that, after seeing the fetus on tv he tell the cop "She is pregrant as well"
I don't know over the years I've heard many creepy neighbour stories.
chris wanted to murder him on the spot when he busted out the tapes
Have you guys never had an odd neighbor? They're more common than you think. You probably had them and didn't notice.
Are we being fair? The camera is always on for security reasons. He just CHECKED with attention this time, because of what happened.
He also looks like a fats slob, but is a man of intuition because he immediately felt the neighbor was "off".
link please
>Christopher Watts, the Colorado man who is serving a life sentence for killing his pregnant wife and two daughters, confessed in a prison interview that his daughters were still alive when he put his dead wife’s body in his truck and drove his family to the oil field where all three bodies were found, according to an investigative report and audio recording of the interview released on Thursday.
>During a nearly five-hour interview with investigators last month, Mr. Watts, 33, revealed that he killed his family over a longer period of time in August than was previously reported and painted a disturbing picture of his daughters’ final moments.
>He said that he strangled his wife, Shanann Watts, after a fight at their home in Frederick, Colo., and that his 4-year-old daughter, Bella, witnessed him dragging the body down the stairs.
>“What is wrong with Mommy?” Bella cried, according to his account.
>He then loaded Bella and her 3-year-old sister, Celeste, into the back seat of his truck, with their mother’s body nearby on the floorboard, and drove them about 45 minutes to the oil site, he said.
>When he got there, he said, he used a blanket to smother Celeste, who was nicknamed “Cece,” and dropped her in an oil tank, before doing the same to Bella.
>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?” Bella asked before she died, according to his account.
>He claimed that he had seen his wife strangling Celeste via the baby monitor and that Bella was lying on her bed and appeared blue. He said he went into a rage and strangled Ms. Watts before disposing of all three bodies at the oil site.
>He said he came up with the idea to blame Ms. Watts for the girls’ deaths during his interrogation by the police. When the possibility that Ms. Watts might have killed the girls was mentioned, he said, he “just went with it.”
If someone puts this in a movie re-telling the story in the future, younger people will call it cheesy, bullshit, etc
Pretty sure I am the odd neighbour, not being seen for weeks/months at a time etc.
It's as simple as saying no if you don't want it.
Hi gramps. I hope you realize that nobody talks to their neighbours anymore
Just imagine all the roasties who will schlick it to that summary of events.
>>“What is wrong with Mommy?” Bella cried, according to his account.
Jesus Christ.
>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?”
Reminder that his house is haunted now.
those people's houses were all 3 feet apart. a lot of them i could see all shared one huge communal driveway. it's disgusting. might as well just build an apartment building everyone knows what everyone else is doing anyway
didn't one of the investigators claim to hear a little girl's voice?
He's a big guy for you
Wow that guy was a real jerk
It's made to be cheap but it doesn't have to be as cheap as an apartment. Sharing walls and floors as your ceiling is worse than at the very least being 3 feet apart. And you're exaggerating. The center of a home like that is has way more distance.
A little girl's laugh, EVP's, and a bunch of police were dispatched to his house because it was believed someone broke in.
Creepy part for the police is that no one was in the house but you can obviously tell that the officer is perturbed by something.
Some have also pointed out that the garage lights are on in the beginning, but for some reason they're turned off when the police check the garage.
But they weren't killed in the house
>is the same thing going to happen to me as cece?
It's not entirely uncommon in the "paranormal world" for spirits to remain at their dwelling despite dying somewhere else.
Or what faggot you'll cry on the internet?
>woman science
Reminder ghosts aren't real, it's demons.
>it's not entirely uncommon for those who believe in ghosts to make shit up to keep their fantasies alive
Really gets the noggin' joggin'.
huh? why you're mad?
where's the laugh?
If you're going to watch it then brace your ears because the dog barking at certain points is incredibly loud.
Why did he need to kill his children? What a monster.
>killed his kids and dumped them in an oil tank
>TV shows a baby in the womb, then a skull covered in oil
Actual real life kino.
that's some creepy shit
is it pissing anyone else off that this guy still had the factory film over the margins of his tv?
dont bother, people love any excuse to hate
>people will read this and still blame his wife and kids for "pushing his buttons"
>women still send him bg screen tvs, naked photos, and snacks in jail because they think he's innocent
>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?” Bella asked before she died.
Yeah, shit like that makes you think there's something paranormal going on
Absolute kino
i know the difference between thinking something and doing it even when i'm furious and i have what's called impulse control. i value what little freedom and autonomy i can afford and am never deluded into thinking i am entitled to cause others harm or to get away with harming others. when i do something that would be clearly seen as morally wrong to others i make certain that i am ok with the consequences of those actions should i be exposed
Ghosts don't real you fucking nerd
Jesus H. Christ. There are coincidences and then there's this.
>the way he looks entranced at the screen
prove it, fucker
That's fucking heartbreaking...
he looks really relaxed and not guilty at all here
Ok let's just cut the memes and bullshit for 10 minutes... How the fuck could this sequence of events actually take place the way it did? It's way too perfect. Wtf
He is proof of the dumbing down of America. Psychopaths used to have high iq
if you watch the whole of the video you can tell he is shitting his pants. his whole plan blown up a few hours into it. at one point he freaks when he hears something on the police radio. the whole time he is mostly in his phone looking scared and suspicious as fuck
>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?” Bella asked before she died, according to his account.
Is that something a kid would really say? seems like he's a compulsive liar I would take it with a pinch of salt.
Shut up and release the captain marvel review.
That chair is a fucking hero
It's like that one behavioral specialist told Michael Rafferty when Michael denied everything but still acted like a little kid who's done something bad.
>You're not an experienced criminal, you're not built for this shit.
>You don't know whether to choke, shit, puke. You haven't even touched your doughnut.
Interesting stuff.
Why would he choose this detail to lie about?
>Psychopaths used to have high iq
No, they didn't.
His whole thing in the recent interview was trying to sound like it wasn’t at all premeditated. His parents would find it hard to talk to him if they found out he planned to kill them.
I dunno man people like that are real Walter Mitty types
>Is that something a kid would really say?
Why wouldnt it?
It just depends on the psycho. The first people studying them stated "good intelligence" to clarify the behavior, sometimes self destructive, was not due to being incredibly stupid.
This led to the misconception that all psychos are geniuses, especially in the media.
The truth is that smart ones are CEO (no, not all CEO are psychos tho) and stupid one write with shit in public restrooms and start "was 2049 dishonest" threads.
I would go on a killing rampage if I lived in a justed McMansion desu
you can't make this shit up
Life imitates kino
That's after the neighbor says you don't see anyone in the footage. He was on the verge of confessing at the start.
>cheat on your wife that you had children with
>Wife founds out and is upset
>Kill wife and force children to drive with the dead body for hours before also killing them
>Bella's last words were "Daddy, no!"
Have sex
what series?
feel terrible about the daughters but the wife was a pyramid scheme housewife and one less is a net gain to society.
pic related? cuz thats a spooky pic
>When the possibility that Ms. Watts might have killed the girls was mentioned, he said, he “just went with it.”
kinda based and chad i wont lie
He did nothing wrong
She was also a bossy cunt, just saying
that's the traditional catholic divorce, tho
I’ll never understand why he didn’t get rid of the phone and purse and stage a break in through the back door (smash a window), leave the back door open. It would at least allowed him time to escape to Mexico.
Most women are, but he married her anyway. Just divorce her, don't strangle her and your 2 kids. Yes, alimony and child support is a bitch but did he really think he'd get away with the murders?
divorcing that is worse desu
It was probably a poorly thought up/poorly executed plan, I don’t think he planned to kill his kids though. That just happened. He probably should have thought of the likely possibilities and executed a plan that would give him time to escape. He was a field operator grunt labourer, I doubt his iq is above 90.
Especially since the court system overwhelming is set up to be on the side of women. He would have been bankrupted and forced to almost life long servitude.
He probably is living like a king now. Has women writing him tons of love letters, sending him photos, free food and snacks, anything he wants (except not being in jail)
The first famous "smart" psychopaths got caught because they dropped fancy custom glasses with the body, after actively spending weeks to plan the perfect murder to prove how great they were. They've always been idiots who think they're smarter than they are, and thus think they'll get away with it.
I've watched a lot of forensic files where people tried to do this and they always fuck up some detail that lets them get caught.
But of course, forensic files episodes are only for solved cases so there could be tons of cases where they were successful.
If you're ever feeling trapped by a marriage like that, don't kill them. Here's what you do: Book them a flight and say you're going to El Salvador on vacation, but really you go to paraguay. If they ask any questions about the ticket discrepancy(which they probably won't) just say that el salvador is the capital of paraguay or something, they don't know anything about south america.
once you're there, rent a car and drive into a jungle and just leave them there with no money or passports. They can't speak the language, they don't know where they are, they have no proof of identity, and women and kids are pretty dumb, they'll just end up as south american ruffians and beggars.
When you return to america, your story is that she had a fight with you and kidnapped the kids and ran off so you just came home. That's how you get rid of your wife and kids without committing a crime. Including the kids is optional, I guess, if you want to keep those, just don't take them with you.
>actually saving that text and reposting it
For what purpose? Did it give you more (you)s than you've ever gotten the first time, and you just can't help yourself than try to recapture how good you felt?
I hope hell exists.
Don't divorce her. Just squirrel away enough money to be comfortable and then leave to some country where they either can't find you or if they do, can't get you to pay anything. It's not like he was loving his life, he was planning to fuck off with his mistress once the family was out of the way. Just fucking do that without killing anyone and nobody will even be hunting you.
Meaningful coincidences. Or synchronicity.
fuck off reddit, he did nothing wrong
this is still retarded the second time you posted it
Why do you retards on here still think the neighbour was filming Chris' house?
It's the neighbour's driveway and truck but Chris' truck activates the recorder when it moves because it's just a little in the range and visible in a tiny corner.
1. He cheated on his wife who he had children with and planned on leaving them for some young thot
2. He murdered them because he thought that was the easiest way to solve his problem
Cheaters are evil. Murderers are evil. Your actions define who you are. Not your intentions.
he prolly woulda but his wife's friend blew up his plans cause she came over to take her to a doctor appointment. he already called the school to remove suspicion of his kids not being there. he thought he had more time.
Low IQ posters who are going to jail for murdering their families instead of taking redpilled vacations to El Salvador, Paraguay
He should have did something to a gas line and left a candle going and blew up the house with them in it and then fled. There’s a guy who did that and he’s never been caught.
he was being tormented by inmates in colrado. telling him how to hang himself and emiding him daily there is a hit on him. he feels better in wisconsin but the moment he is ever allowed to be around other inmates he is fucked. they don't kindly to crimes against children
>posts anime
>calls others low iq
He should have did taken his family to paraguay and left them there. There’s a guy who did that and he’s never been caught.
>numale weeb posters
>calling anyone low IQ
TCC fandom in a nutshell.
This is why we need the death penalty
He could have gotten the death penalty, but the wife's family said they wanted him to get a life sentence instead
Cases like this should be mandatory death penalty instead of taking up taxpayer money until he dies of old age
>hate crimes against children
>have 0 problem brutally murdering adults
Why are prisoners so goddamn fucking retarded?
She probably busted his balls for being a manchild. He comes off like a beta in all the home videos and post murder interviews.
>There’s a guy who did that and he’s never been caught.
If you know "a guy who did that" then it sounds like the authorities already know he did it as well. That's a classic insurance scam tactic and can be exposed pretty easily once they find out where the explosion came from inside the house.
cause most are human in the end. the prisoner justice isn't the most logical but they do hang to a shred of their humanity. taking out someone like chris or a pedo is one way they feel they can have a soul. they don't like people committing crimes against women either. it's is contradictory though cause a drug dealer who destroyed or caused the loss of life for women and children has nothing to fear as drug trafficking is acceptable
this. this never ceases to amaze me. if you want proof real life kino exists, this is it.
Fuck off with this shit
>his wife
Sure from your description that would be shitty. But not a reason to kill a person. He should have had a discussion with her. And desu he probably deserved the belittling since he was a cheating scumbag.
So it was kids being kids? Come on now.
Yeah debt he probably got himself into like every other retard who works in the oilfield
The rest of this just adds more to him being a piece of shit. She is completely justified in wanting a divorce from his cheating ass.
That is actually incorrect.
When men actually choose to fight or contest custody (ie when they give a shit about their children) they are rewarded with custody rights 70% of the time, compared to 40% for women.
Men just need to attend court and fight for custody, they are almost always rewarded with it.
i've seen this so many times now. it's still incredible.
>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?” Bella asked before she died, according to his account.
This channel is fucking based, too bad he had to cut up and delete videos because YouTube deemed it NSFW
What the fuck was that a commercial for?
Just throw them in a cheap hole and feed them cheap but nutritious gruel, thus saving taxpayer money and giving them as much punishment as you can by way of solitary confinement making them go mad. After a year of not seeing anyone/anything they'll be wishing for death.
Does anyone think he probably made this up? Like hes just snapped and is trying to appear as fucked up as possible now. It sounds like bullshit
>Daddy, no!
It's a psychological cope, "I may be X but at least I'm not Y"
The best part is, the authorities are the ones who fed him this story. They basically asked "Did she hurt the kids and you snapped?" as a way to tease the admission that he did something out of him.
I hope whatever state he's in doesn't have death penalty so he can get life and spend the next 50 years in a concrete hole.
Yes, that definitely makes sense. I dont want my parents to hate me, so ill go in detail about how my daughters begged for death as i murdered them.
this guy is Yea Forums personified, what a fucking loser lmao
>I got lost
Any more women trying to lie their way out of a murder?
>homewrecker gets away scot-free
>laughing and on her way to indirectly murder another family
She's the real culprit in this. Probably some form of demon.
Your entire fucking plan relies on them doing no research into the holiday they're going on. First thing they're going to do is type 'el salvador' into trip adviser.
What's Tonka up to now?
>homewrecker fell for the "Married, but I swear I'm gonna leave her" meme
>looks up wedding dresses, lingerie, and how to do anal
>decides to help cops so she doesn't look completely evil
>she helps the investigation and moves on to destroy another family
He’s convinced them that it was all this big soup of crappiness and that he just kind of had a break down and killed them because he was kind of led down that path. To say yeah I planned the whole thing in advance and then they begged for their lives is far worse than just saying he had a total breakdown and felt trapped (his story)
Did the younger lover egg him on?
I watched a compilation of all the interviews and footage but only saw bits of her lying and didn't have patience after Chris said his wife killed the girls.
>and how to do anal
is that real? Second time I seen anal referenced here, was there some google search that leaked lmao?
>Men just need to attend court and fight for custody, they are almost always rewarded with it.
so women shouldn't need to attend court and fight for custody? its just defaulted to them?
Police probably went through her search history because she was a suspect
>Then, on the night before the murders, Kessinger spent 45 minutes Googling 'how to prepare for anal sex,' 'the anal sex guide,' soon after began looking at videos of threesomes on a pornographic website.
i don't think she egged him on to murder his family. some people think that cause she deleted his messages and lied a bit but i think it was more of an "fuck" this guy is nuts and our relationship prolly led him to do this. she did say it would be nice to have a family with him like he had with his wife. moron prolly just went with that in his head and did what he did like when he partially confessed after being fed a story by the fbi. if she really was involved in planning this chris would have ratted her out quickly to make himself look better
>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?”
>'the anal sex guide,' soon after began looking at videos of threesomes on a pornographic website.
lmao the nigga killed his whole family while a bitch was jerking off to DPs
idk i didnt think she actually planned anything, but I could imagine her putting ideas in his head about alimony etc
One phone call to the US embassy would sort all of this shit out.
oh no no no no no bros it's happening again
how do we save him before he sends his girlfriend to "paraguay"
Those girls would have grown up to be roasties. This was for the best, right fellow involuntary celibates?
Cant blame the family. Tbh a life in prison sometimes sounds worse than just falling asleep.
I dont see how this is true. Is the assumption here that the woman won't fight for/defend their custody of the child?
I was a completely different person when I was young. the same is true for everybody else I think. those girls didn't deserve what happened to them in their current implementation.
Bullshit. He killed his daughters before leaving the house and he just can't own up to it because no one cares about a roastie dying but murdering two girls is unforgivable. Pure Beta. Watts is /pol/ incarnate.
>Yeah debt he probably got himself into like every other retard who works in the oilfield
Why do Americans even buy those garish McMansions when they can live comfortably in a home half that size for half the price?
Unironically rethink your values, your line of thought essentially goes:
>life isn't easy for me so I'll kill everyone
this is genuinely evil and most importantly, weak. Watts was a low-energy basedboy beta faggot who trapped himself into a shitty life and did not have the strength to take it. He's a genuine coward and worst than that a complete idiot.
I hope he rots in hell
Reminder this house is a clapboard piece of shit built as cheaply as possible with garbage materials and beaner labour designed to be sold for top dollar to dumbfuck brainlets. No ghost is haunting that soulless McMansion, and even if they were sucks to be them because it's just going to fall down in 20 years anyways.
Anyone have the tier list if killers?
>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?” Bella asked
fuck, this got to me hard
there's no words for this dude
Same reason Americans are told they need to move out and live on their own for 15 years before getting married, because Real Estate is built on sucking money from the citizenry through turning vapid marketing practices into "cherished cultural values." People who think this all started with the Jews is dead wrong, it started right at the turn of the century with the Industrial Revolution.
These people paid 180k minimum for the privilege of leaving 3 feet away from their neighbour. It is NOT a better deal than an apartment.
>they werent killed in the house
Yes they were
American Horror Story Apocalypse I believe
>this scumbag can have a gf and kids and i can't
Are you actually trying to find a gf? Because you probably can get a girlfriend by the end of the month - she might not be a supermodel, but she'll still suck your dick.
Because he was a lazy stupid fuck. I know his type: he had everything handed to him in life, never had to work for or earn anything, and all his shitty and short sighted decisions were finally ctaching up to him. In his mind probably would ask some questions about his family disappearing, nod sympathetically about his story how the wife ran away with the kids, and everyone would just drop it and leave him to build a new wonderful life with that whore who totally wasn't a carbon copy of his cunt wife who would've put him through the exact same marriage.
Got any proof, or even any tangibles on this?
Well generally those houses are pretty cheap all things considered. So you have people who want a larger house (nothing wrong with that) but seeing how price is obviously a concern, they are on a budget. Therefore they often overextend themselves
news broadcasts are so fucking gay. just show the goddamn video
>didnt have to work
Didnt he work in the oilfield? Thats hard fucking work..
>VIC Folder
so at 33 hes already had a full white family, murdered them, and had a good job and home and lost them, fuck
Raw Surveillance Footage > Edited Surveillance Footage > Police Cam > Edited YouTube Video > News Broadcast. That shit you see on the evening news is so watered down it's designed so lily-livered housewives and small children can watch it without freaking out.
He was the poster child of the vapid, brainless consumer-minded middle-class white family. If this happened 60 years ago he'd be living in a carbon-copy Suburban ranch working at the local GMC Auto Factory. He's nothing special.
>tfw 27 just graduated college and cant find work
Im so far behind
>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?
this is so fucking heart breaking. That little girl has not even a notion of anything outside that trust, she's just resigned to her parental figure like it's god dictating what's what and what will happen to her
This, remember it's ALWAYS the womans's fault.
Pay some beaner a can of coke to chop that bitch up in the jungle
>Listening to Col. Russell Williams interrogation
>Billy Boy constantly stuttering, stopping, and being unable to answer simple questions like, "where were you on Friday night?"
I know its a joke post, but your mentality will result in the deaths of more people. You are unknowingly evil.
It's a load of bupkis. He's trying to make it sound like the murders weren't premeditated so he won't get the darth penalty.
I think he already got the Darth penalty. Killing your wife and kids is very much the action of a sith.
Kill the wife, sure.
But the kids.... why?
Which interrogation was this?
How do you figure
He's a child murderer. He has to stay isolated from the other inmates. Even some of the worst criminals there won't tolerate child murderers.
women go to hell
Same thing with Breivik. A lot of women are sending him love letters, gifts, and want to marry him and have kids.
Killing women makes you someone labeled kill on sight by gangs and new inmates trying to prove something.
Killing children also labels you kill on sight.
Killing babies does so as well.
Chris did all three of these. He's fucked if any inmates see him and even if he's in protective custody there's no guarantee someone isn't messing with his food.
The final Google search conducted by Kessinger that was noted by investigators came after the murders of August 19 when she looked into how much money Amber Frey made in her book deal and her net worth, while also searching ‘did people hate Amber Frey.’
Frey was the mistress of Scott Peterson during the time that he killed his wife Laci and their unborn child.
well boys I think I finally figured out a way to have sex!
>Killing women makes you someone labeled kill on sight by gangs and new inmates trying to prove something.
I am really skeptical about this one
I was skeptical about getting fucked up the ass but Markus helped change that...
The guards will eventually let him out of solitary, that's when another inmate will shank his neck, such is life in the zone
what do you mean exactly by true crime?
Yea Forums was comfy when the skittles boy got killed by the mexican and the they livestreamed jabba the hutt as a witness in the trial
They still exist but you don't see them because they don't get caught
The Jinx?
Butthurt, much?
Extremely but it feels kinda good too.
There is video proof of him leaving the house with the 2 girls alive, numbskull
>Roastie tries to rape a brave upstanding man
>Escapes and later reportes
>Gets fired and live ruined
>Ep IX The Loya Wars
I'm fully on board with him killing his wife but killing his kids just reveals him as a monster.
>Killing women makes you someone labeled kill on sight
ummmm ... more than half of the inmates in for murder killed women. You talk out yer ass. Entire post disregarded.
Because as the other user pointed out, understanding does not equal excuse. We should ask why.
What makes a man kill his own family? What can be done to prevent further murders? Outright condemning someone doesnt answer these questions.
And asking those questions is not an admission of condonement.
Killing women doesnt make you kill on sight. Spousal murder is the most common murder in the world and inmates regard it as one of the most “justified” types of murder after gang killings because theyve dealt with a lot of crazy bitches in their life ect
Killing children however definitely makes you kill on sight
Prisons are darwinian tribe based environments, prisoners have little but base archetypes to set their reality to thus are more animalistic in nature, thus protection of women and children is more ingrained in their psyche,
Or prisoners jut think it's funny to kill people and use it as an excuse to target new meat that comes in
Most of the people in jail for murder are there because they killed a woman.
>thus protection of women and children is more ingrained in their psyche
You mean the women and children who are already fucking dead? Prisoners don't give a fuck about women and would rape the shit out of them if they were given the opportunity.
Why many anons idealize scum inmates?
>why am I here again?
>oh right, the murders
I would pay good money to have 10 minutes alone with this motherfucker, show him the inexhaustible limits of pain
and if the other inmates (or "cellies" as they're called in "the clink") ever find out you kicked a dog, they'll have your guts for garters!
it's hilarious when the idea that prisoners hate chomos (they do) is then extended to men who fuck a 17yo and you instantly realize the person idealizing the imaginary violent thug is a woman getting all wet in her fish hole
yeah it's from the movie
who writes these jokes? did you write them?
Because he enjoyed the killing.
>tfw women would rather fuck an absolute degenerate child murderer than you
I need to work on this whole being an asshole thing.
>guy could’ve finessed a MFF threesome with wife and girlfriend
>murders whole family and sent to prison instead
>people here calling him Chad
Real Chad would’ve had his cake and eaten it too without harming a hair on a single woman’s head.
This woman killer her kids and then put together a birthday party for them at the graveyard
Na, dogs are trash
he's in jail now, you got plenty of time to catch up ;)
>The prosecution suggested that Routier murdered her sons because of the family's financial difficulties. Prosecutors described her as a "pampered, materialistic woman with substantial debt, plummeting credit ratings, and little money in the bank, who feared that her lavish lifestyle was about to end"
It's like that Chris guy
>white """"""""""people""""""""""
Fuck, that got me good
well for one they just saw him drag their dead mom around the house and into a truck so he probably didn't want them going on living with that memory seared into their brains forever.
>low-energy basedboy beta
uh that's a total yikes from me chief
Have you ever met a child? It's seems more likely she'd be screaming then asking such a tragic yet inquisitive question.
Did STEVEN!!!! get any
I know you're being ironic but it's kind of fucked up that the idiots who keep talking shit about women suddenly feel sad over girls who would grow up to be women.
The point is every women you're bitching about is a female no matter what age. You have a feeling of sadness about them? Well what happened to them as girls may have very well shaped them into the women who don't want to have sex with you.
>source: my ass
children are innocent you monster
Not really. Most cultures historically saw no problem with killing women and children when they became inconvenient.
>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?” Bella asked before she died, according to his account.
>>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?” Bella asked before she died, according to his account.
Colorado has the death penalty, how did this fucker escape? I know it's rare but holy shit if it was ever deserved it was in this case.
What cultures did that? name one culture that did that. Even savage cultures spared women when they went raiding so that they could take them as sex slaves
shieet dem keeds were soaked in crude oil couldn't get cremated needed special caskets
Chris dabbed on his wife and kids epic style
That "hehehe" noise sounds more like something a walkie talkie would make and less like a child giggling.
Most of the time when a woman gets murdered by her boyfriend or husband, it’s her fault
She was either
A. Unbearable and combative cunt escalating the situation
B. Retard who wanted the most aggressive alpha she could find
>He is proof of the dumbing down of America. Psychopaths used to have high iq
Psychopaths are more likely to have a higher IQ that average, but it's not a guarantee. The way his wife's name is spelled is proof of the dumbing down of America.
>Most cultures historically
are you a redpill guy who somehow still believes feminist myths about history where men treated women horribly?
in history if women didnt have some rights was only because of overprotection (so in greece they couldnt go out alone if they had family and money but it was because they were protecting her)
Biologically women and children are far more prescious and valuable than men. They have inherent worth which translates to different cultures in different ways, no culture was fine with killing them.
It's why your dick selfie has no value while a broke ass 19yo girl's nudes have worht
have you guys ever slapped a woman
Rebranded as tonka radio, same old dead air 5+ hour streams talking about boring shit and sometimes commenting on the recent IBS drama
The mise en scene in the whole frame rivals that Sandy Hook guy's house (the weirdo who took kids inside to his ultra-kitsch-americana/creepy-kid-fine-art decorated house)
>Most cultures historically saw no problem with killing women and children
ah yes the many cultures which used women as cannon fodder, such as .... ahm... hum...
yeah feels great when they back down then you feel like shit later
Based and redpilled. Chris is not a cartoon supervillain, he was just someone who was pushed to the edge.
nice, can I save it?
Lol. Nice shitpost spelling.
At least his genes wont pass on.
So what do you propose after we fins the root cause for these murders, user? Making adultary legal for men? Making it illegal for women to divorce men? The dude cheated on his wife and was going to rightfully lose custody of his kids and if murdering his family seemed like the logical out for all of this then it seems like his potential custody loss was justified. No. Not everyone is some apologist that can rationalize murder for a person that let themselves live a life they didn't want. The dude was unhinged and no amount of incelspeak can change that.
Man this video is fucking kino im marathoning this shit now. thanks based user.
I don't know
>3 children child support
>20% of your income + the inconvenience
>50% of networth
In fact, women control their pregnancies, just look at that fat woman getting pregnant by a tall chad; she could have manipulated him into impregnating her without total consent. Now the guy marries a fat woman because he has a child with her, and every time he gets horny, she makes sure to get pregnant again.
It could be that he never wanted to be with her from the beginning and just sucks at sticking his dick around. Fear of alimony and paying 50% in taxes just to be with a woman he finds attractive made him lose his mind.
Bro no, dude, no fuck, fuuuuck
Bros I just saw a commercial for doctor Phil getting an exclusive interview with three landwhales that are apparently family of this guy or his wife.
anyone have a YouTube link for that episode. It was weird to see the things Yea Forums talks about appear on an actual tv for once.
I'm not from Burgerland so I didn't know about this, it peaked my interest now.
What do I watch first, where do I start? I want the full kino experience.
Putting in a random ass picture for attention
anyone got a link please
Start with the Jim Can’t Swim episodes, you can pull up the link to the full police body cams and the full interrogation
That anons an idiot. The only gender considered disposable has always been men
I bet you wouldn't say any of this if he was black
I can’t believe you got a hard on from this you creep.
got to me hard =\= got me hard
learn to read
This. Every other post would be some variation of "hurr durr paid the toll"
No, you're mentally ill. Seek help.
I know it's a doggy dog world and all and I probably shouldn't mention it, but it PIQUED your interest.
>responding to what is AT WORST squatters like it's a fucking active terrorist cell
Oh say can you see!
>Hur hur all women deserve death
Are you really edgelord faggots or do you pretend behind a screen?
Nobody gives a shit that he killed the wife. Most would even understand and give him a bit of sympathy. But killing his own kids put him over the line of decency.
>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?”
expecting me to believe this shit? fuck outta here. i got bunch of nieces and nephew and they never say anything like that when i beat their sibling ass.
>no one cares he killed his wife
>people would probably give him sympathy
Are you really this delusional? No one would fucking give him sympathy for murdering his wife.
>Most would even understand and give him a bit of sympathy
This is why you keep getting banned from social media, user.
>seeing your sibling get beat up is the same as seeing them get murdered
Okay user
>Don't get married and don't have kids
An excellent set of precepts to live by
He should have remained single.
10 minutes to show what pain is, fuck off you don’t know what pain is.
What meme is the cop in this picture? Janny maybe? Someone should remake this picture but from Watts POV.
>“Daddy, no!” were Bella’s last words, Watts said,
>we hate roasties so killing little girls is okay haha right guys lol
Don't forget about the explosion in between the two, also symbolic
last bump
Chris is an insect. He's got no sense of duty or responsibility or compassion. All he cares about his personal comfort, and if killing innocent children means he gets to fuck his hot new girlfriend, he's going to do it without a second thought. He's a zombie. A "1" on Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development. He only feels "sorry" about this whole thing because he got caught.
I really wish we had public torturing for these kinds of people. Prison and death is too easy.
He is telling this after he has pleaded guilty and got life in prison. He has no reason to lie anymore and this story makes him even worse than what the police originally thought.