Quarterly reminder that you can make it as an actor in Hollywood despite your 'unusual'/ugly looks as long as you know...

Quarterly reminder that you can make it as an actor in Hollywood despite your 'unusual'/ugly looks as long as you know how to fucking actually act; like these two fine fellows.

Attached: dafoebuscemi.jpg (400x264, 14K)

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Willem was bad guy handsome as younger guy
Buscemi always looked ugly

well maybe having a distinctive look helps you stand out. bescemi said he wouldn't have his career if he had listened to his agent and fixed his teeth
i hate seeing promo pics for some new show and everyone looks like the fucking same

Buscemi's weird. He looked good in some shit like Airheads, didn't look horrible in Ghost World strangely but looked shit in stuff like Fargo, and Conair (though, maybe deliberately).

He looks alright now with age. Also, good actor.

Buscemi is good even in movies like Spy Kids


Weird looks can make you more successful. Audiences will remember you if you have unusual features.

Dafoe is masculine and handsome.

Attached: 9E005B32-314E-443F-9DDC-5A8CFC495ABA.gif (498x266, 1.14M)

Dafoe is handsome in an unconventional way, but I agree about Buscemi.

i cant even say his name...

Somebody post Dafoe's porn stache dance

Buscemi only needs to fix his teeth


Attached: Steve.Buscemi.09.1992_01.jpg (1000x1012, 197K)

Um so where are the ugly successful actresses?

Olivia Colman?

Your waifu.

Women actually find them attractive. If you are ugly/distinct, just be confident, do your job right and it actually works.

Buscemi is ugly but has a distinct look with those eyes. Probably what made casting directors remember him.

That new show that's coming out with Dnaiel Radcliffe has him look alright. I personally prefer Steve with longer hair. He's kinda grown into his looks with age too as you say.

>it aint me starts playing

Uh Lady Fucking Gaga