The way I understand it, seasoned Actor and Director Jonah Hill is now a professional traditional photographer, what new creative venture will he expertise in next fortnight?
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It’s actually quite astonishing how far up his own ass Jonah Hill has gone in the last year
He could've been a legend if he wasn't so insecure
Getting BTFO as hard as he did will do strange things to a man.
Every night I pray to God that I don't get btfo by a cute french weather girl
I've taken better pictures with a 15 year old digicam
sandwich artist?
post his photos (hope you don't mean op, which is a picture *of* him, a different thing)
so this is what he has been shooting at?
>film photographer
He's friends with MEW's former husband isn't he?
Ronnie the Limo Driver
>kicked dog energy
Take a look through here. That camera including lens is AT LEAST $5000 (used) and he's honestly the shittiest photographer I've ever seen, both technically and artistically.
I don't say stuff like this often, but you male literal bitches all need to get a life. Holy shit. This board is literally Yea Forums's toilet
The irony here is that his watch is worth more than you've ""earned"" over the last year.
>He has more money therefore he's above criticism from people with less money!
Not based & retardpilled
some people want to be rich and famous man
some people don't have that desire at all and are free to make fun of the people from the first category who aren't cutting it without being vulnerable to the old "where's your movie huh"
Nah man. If you look at some of his other pictures he's improving.
Lol. Cry me a river, you fucking loser
What happened to him? QRD
>gossip over a person's private life is now criticism
Get fucked
Hes a shit photographer though
>If someone has money he can't be gossiped by those on lower socioeconomic strata
When will we see his Buddhist phase?
>literally defends gossiping
Wow sounds like a great life you're having there
he's now a messiah of love
who hurt you?
Maybe he will buy a shower. You know, so he can take one, so he doesn't smell anymore.
>I don't say stuff like this often, but you male literal bitches all need to get a life. Holy shit. This board is literally Yea Forums's toilet
I don't say stuff like this often, but you male literal bitch need to get a life. Holy shit. This post is literally Yea Forums's toilet
What is it about Jonah that makes Yea Forums suddenly turn on him?
Is it because you once saw yourself in him and can't stand to see him self improve himself while you're still that fat kid from Superbad in the inside of your heart?
I have such an irrational hatred for this sack of shit. Just look at him. He is disgusting in every measure. Look at his face. As he is expertly composing his next photo with his meme rangefinder, he looks like he's making doodoo in his slacks, which he probably paid thousands for just so he could look like he shops at a thrift store.
Post your face, I want to compare it
He's trying on different personalities at age 38, and pretends that the profound incel-like sadness in his eyes does not exist.
All of this came on the tail end of the french girl REKTing, he's being a total fag basically.
I'd respect him if he took gearfaggimg to the extreme like carrying around a Sinar architectural medium format camera with film backs on a fuck-huge tripod, not that "go to B&H online, select pro digital camera, sort by most expensive" basic bitch Leica shit.
I too think these Jonah hobby of the week ventures are hilarious but what the fuck is wrong with people on social media. He's in the right here.
So glad I don't have twitter, instagram etc. What an utterly worthless endeavor. It seems like there's only 4 types of people on it.
Angry incels/ thirsty poos/niggers/yassslayy queens.
you forgot whiteknighting soibois
>what the fuck is wrong with people on social media
Have you actually looked at this very thread?
He's looking to capture the moment that is the essence of life. I think he has his eyes set on Magnum Photos. He's gonna be the next in the line of great American street photographers. I already see shades of Winogrand in his work
I personally see a much heavier Robert Frank influence in his body of work. The slight off focus, the heavy contrast black and whites. It's refreshing to see somebody faithfully recreate such a renowned photographer of yesteryear.
RIP Jonah Hill - Dead at 40.
>He's trying on different personalities at age 38
It's genuinely depressing he doesn't have anyone to point out how retarded he's being, especially while exposing himself to the world. I mean I'm guilty of doing similar kind of things, but in my mid 20s, not my late 30s. The awful truth is that whatever you try to do, you always end up being yourself. Homeboy really needs someone to at least tell him not to dress like a wes anderson character.