>See mother, I make all things new.
What did Jesus mean by that line?
it's actually "See Mother, I trusted the jew"
Why is the ending so cheesy? It turned into some DBZ flashy ending with a commercial cliffhanger (promoting sandals) for the sequel Mel finally got his lazy ass around to.
>given choice between Jesus and a serial killer
>Jews choose to free serial killer
Why do they always act like stereotypical bad guys?
Christianity is part of the new testament, when Jesus spread the word bullshit like not being able to shave your hair, having a beard, eating pork and drinking etc weren't needed anymore as long as "you love each other as i loved you". he threw the talmudic jewish garbage in the trash
If you take Passion on its own, without thinking of any spiritual/supernatural meanings, Jesus comes off as an actually mentally ill crazy person in it.
Also, the Romans ordered and carried out the execution of Jesus, so they are respondible for it. Sorry incels.
romans were the OG good goys
This. They were the American soldiers of the time
They don't. It's the other way around.
Stereotypical bad guys acts like jews.
>He said he would destroy the temple... and rebuild it in three days!
Did he really say that or it was lies from the Jews? Why three days exactly?
Are you implying that in the near future the US is going to destroy Israel, just like Tiberius did it back then?
Jesus was the temple
So Jesus was against a centralized religion with temples and priests and all of that? He wanted that each person could find Jesus for himself?
This movie must be incomprehensible to non-Christians
Who doesn't know the basic story of Jesus? Not all the religious stuff, only the story of what happened to the man.
No, the jews gathered enough bs history now to make everyone feel pity for them, they can get away with anything now, also they have nukes, good luck making a nation with nukes experience anything other than sanctions on crops
I have always heard that Jesus didn't hate Judas because his betrayal was all part of his plan. Like if things were planned by God and Judas wasn't guilty for what he did. So why then we see Judas is hunted by Satan's demons and ends up killing himself?
I get what he means, most of what Jesus says isn’t easy to understand the first time you hear it, especially without the wider context at the time and knowledge of the prophecies.
That the way to God isn't through religious legalism like the Pharisees taught.
The way to God is ONLY,,ONLY through Jesus Christ.
Jesus was supposed to get rid of judaism by converting the jews to christianity but the rabbis didn't want that happening so they killed him. Jesus literally just wants people to follow the golden rule, everything else is dogmas to keep people in line and create traditions.
There are some flashbacks of his past, preaching in the mountain, the last supper, etc. But yes if you don't know a little about the religious stuff then you can't understand many of what he says in this movie. But again, I think Mel supposed that people that watch this movie knew a little about Christianity.
He becomes crazy because he killed the son of God and is responsible for it since he has free will. You are free to do anything but you will get rekt by God if you take the bad choice
wrong. you're just wrong. You have no idea what you're talking about.
What is that golden rule?
t. kike, prostcuck or tradcuck
But those were Satan's demons not he becoming crazy.
Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.
It's ok to be wrong, pal. I forgive you.
what's the difference?
>Jesus literally just wants people to follow the golden rule, everything else is dogmas to keep people in line and create traditions.
Obvious cope and try and excuse your sins. He explicitly states many other values and responsibilities.
Christ Came as the final sacrifice to remove (not cover) sins.
To be the final sacrifice so we could go to heaven and be with God.
That's it. That's the gospel. It's not about the golden rule. It's not about works. It's not about being good. You don't get to god by your own merit.
Only through the blood of christ. They killed him because He gave his life. No one can kill God.
He also said he was God and the pharisees freaked the fuck out.
Scripture presents Judas as "Son of perdition" in [John 17:12 ], meaning one doomed to destruction. Jesus knew He would be betrayed and in fact, He announced it in front of everyone in the upper room to all His disciples [ Matthew 26:20-25 ]. Judas even said, "Surely it's not me," and Jesus says, "Yes it is."
Now at that time if Judas was going to repent, and ask for forgiveness unto salvation it would be then; however he didn't, and Jesus tells him to go and do what he is going to do.
Hahaha I knew that you would respond that. Yeah I know what you mean, that in reality all those things about being tormented by demons must mean becoming crazy. But in the context of the movie itself, it seems like if it is Satan who is making him to kill himself, punishing him for betray Jesus.
He said He was God because he is God, God the son.
Also, you're saying anyone can go to heaven?
Um, I know he's God.
Anyone can go to heaven if they truly believe in God.
Acts 16:30-32
30 He then brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” 32 Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house.
>implying the bible didn't bastardize the word of Jesus to conform to the ethical dogma of the early church
>what are the gnostic gospels
lol stay upset jews
Remember, you will never ever be part of their senate
Jesus was just the Holocaust_Beta
>This is the meaning of the law of Moses
But then why Jesus contradicts what people have heard before.
He says:
>You have heard it said: you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. For if you love only
those who love you, what reward is there in that?
The Pharisees weren't teaching the law of Moses right then?
the golden rule means literally love (forgive) everyone despite what they do
But Jesus says in this movie that people have heard to hate your enemy.
the rabbis are corrupt
I'm still intrigued by this scene. What it's the meaning?
Jesus was the savior of the oppressed (slaves)?
how only a few will recognize him. It has nothing to do with oppression.
Get your SJW bullshit out of here.
That black guy is clearly a slave and Jesus was the liberator of slaves, r-right?
Are you this fucking stupid?
Slave or no slave, few will notice Him.
That entire crowd in that room are not taking christ seriously, except one. That is an illustration that few will take christ seriously.
You deserve to be shot in the face for how utterly dumb your are.
So Jesus wasn't against slavery?
what's your obsession with slavery? You're missing the fucking point. To jesus, we are all slaves to something. It's not about physical slavery, but slavery to sin and our love of self, which we all are.
Just shut the fuck up already. You're too fucking stupid for this.
Are you an expert on Christianity?
So what you're saying satan is pissed that Judas unwittingly helped Jesus pull of the greatest plan in saving humanity?
Was this roman soldier instantly converted to Christianity because of Jesus's blood?
I read the Bible. Maybe you should try it, shitskin
How many pages have you read already?
No, because he realized now all that he had done and who this man on the cross truly is.
So he is realizing that he is going to Hell?
No. He's realizing Christ is who He said He was.
And if this soldier believes that truly, he's saved.
why are you so angry and wishing violence on people? you're a sad mockery of any true christian
Nonsense. It wasn't a part of any plan. God foresaw a betrayer, who was unknown to Him until they betrayed Him. God's son had to die to restore us to life. Satan would go after our Lord the moment he knew he was permitted to do so. As to how it came about wasn't decided until Judas chose.
I'm a christian BECAUSE I'm a sad mockery.
Know what you're talking about, retard
He invented the four-legged table, remember?
Depends how you regard the whole business of Saint Longinus.
that's... that's not how the blood plumbing works.
Why that eye color? Seems pretty sinister. Blue would have been more purer.
>god is omniscient
>didnt know who would betray his son
Where was Joseph when Jesus was being crucified?
Joseph, christ's fleshly father, died before jesus was 33 years of age.
>look up bad reviews on amazon
jesus never said that in the bible, especially the mother thing.
I didn't know there were so many Christians and Bible readers in Yea Forums... I'm amazed. It must be the mormons of the USA.
Mormonism started in the USA, you dumb fuck.
And Mormons have everything wrong. False gospel. False doctrine.
Romans executed people for claiming to be deity? That's pretty harsh
It's a pretty good rule, too.
>be nice to people
>people tend to be nice back to you
>be a douchebag
>people tend to be douchebags to you
What about Saint Bigus Dickus?
>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Has a retarded son
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor
>Now further trying to appease leftist hollywood by making a police brutality movie written and directed by a JEW. #BlackLivesMatter!
Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?
Why would he realize that after stabbing him? This doesn't make any sense
None of this shit makes any sense. Retard neanderthals can't even make a coherent story. It's so convoluted an nonsensical that people spend their whole lives trying to train their mental gymnastics to try to put it together, since their entire existence depends on it.
This pasta pisses me off, becsause The Passion of the Christ is genuinely phenomenal film making. And this is coming from someone who prefers The Last Temptation of Christ by Martin Scorcese.
He still had free will and betrayed him for money
Jesus made a new covenant for mankind. One that covered the entire world, not just the ((chosen ones)).
He's a guard you cuck. He feels shame in helping what is happening in front of him
>it was prophesied that he would betray jesus
>he had to betray jesus for the whole plan to work
>betraying jesus led to the entirety of humanity's ability to go to heaven
>he still had free will and did a bad thing tho lol
>the moral of the story is that some people are just doomed to a life of torment and fucking up so that other people can learn from them
wtf i love christianity now
*tokes weed*
"Wow you know, the romans whipping Jesus (and the jews who asked for his death) are actually our saviors"
Because water came from him when he was lanced. That particular soldier became known as saint longinus.
Yeah poor guy, betraying someone because he wanted money. So unfair, God made him do it :(
"why did that man think He died for his sin when he stabbed him and was washed in his blood?"
The point is that SOMEONE had to betray him for SOME reason otherwise the whole plan wouldn't have worked. Why would you be an omniscient omnipotent god and create a plan in which someone had to do a bad thing in order for it to work, and then demonize that person.
lol you snitch bitch. Then Barrabas was not evil since his killings were necessary for him to be there and be chosen so Jesus could be crucified
Compared to whites, Jews have:
>Higher IQ
>Higher GDP per capita
>Higher percentage of professional degrees
>Higher percentage of STEM jobs per capita
>Higher life expectancy
>Higher high school & college graduation rate
>Lower rate of violent crime
>Lower rate of drug use, drinking, & smoking
>Lower rate of STD's
>Lower rate of broken homes/wedlock births
>Lower rate of unemployment
>Lower rate of welfare use
>Higher rate of self-made millionaires
Seems like it's clear who the actual chosen ones are
any word on sequel? after hacksaw ridge there was a lot of hype for it. and it was 2,5 years ago. is mel finished?
When did I say anyone was or wasn't evil? Why are you missing the point so hard? You're really doing a great job proving that religion is for brainlets
You're saying Judah didnt deserve demonization because he was playing the part that God gave him in His script
it's gay, old (i think some gnostics made that point) and akin to a scared 13yo fedora
The unnofficial sequel is Apocalypto. Why would he be finished when he just did a good movie that got him to the oscars despite being the most hated man in LA?
He doesn't deserve demonization. God made it part of the whole plan to save humanity that judas was to betray jesus. Are you saying that god makes people for us to demonize? They're doomed to be treated as bad people? This is the lesson that christianity is based on?
He apologized and groveled enough which is why he could still make movies.
I don't mean the basic story or characters (pretty much everyone knows that) but a Non christian watching this would just see it as a 2 hour snuff film. It must be completely alien to them.
Reminder that Jesus is not real
It isnt a script, Judas had free will.
>Depends how you regard the whole business of Saint Longinus.
some for honor ,other for dishonour.
no one treated judas like a bad person, the love of money mess him up.... his action just manifested what he really was...a child of perdition, a child of the devil. he deserve it cause that what he was
lol what is this cheap shit with bad acting? lmao the mongoloid interrupting the dramatic music
You're right! And still missing the point!
If judas used his free will to NOT sell out Jesus, then jesus would not have been executed and humanity would not have been saved. Therefore for the prophecy to come to fruition, SOMEONE had to betray jesus, and that someone would have to be a bad person. I don't know how many different ways I can explain this.
>then jesus would not have been executed and humanity
He would, man's sin is inevitable
Maybe read the whole post before commenting
My God and my King.
Toke some more and bring us the mind blowing thoughts like "Herod's massacre of the innocents was necessary for Jesus' trajectory"
Maybe address the point instead of implying i'm high and attributing arguments to me that I never made?
Are you confused? Do you need to go talk to your priest about it? Maybe get him to suck your dick a little?
Hey, did you know that for Christ to be crucified there'd have to be guys crucifying Him? Mind blown.
Fffuuuuuck, Jesus' death was a inside job?
Yes it's almost as if it's all bullshit and none of it is real! None of the story holds up to any kind of scrutiny and it's worse written than a harry potter book.
holy shit some 'the amazing atheist' tier youtuber has a better understanding of christians' perspective than you
begone child of satan
Yet all you can do is reply with insults instead of having a conversation. You must be really confident in your beliefs.
This is the movie people wen't nuts for?? looks cheesy af, man.
Hey did you know that for Christ's sacrifice to have taken place, the king of babylon had to burn Daniel's friends? God was in it this entire time
you insulted his belief first by calling it bullshit and compared it to harry potter.
but still expect some sort of respected
He's not God he's the son of God. Col 1:15-18
Satan can be used like any other tool. They were tools of God. Because he rebelled doesnt mean he can't be used
God is governed by Love.You understand love, yeah? Or maybe you don't, you sad fatherless boy.
Jews were given a gift from God. That gift was meant to be shared. God never came right out and said join others to you, the option was given to the Jews and many of them refused to be associated with anyone because of their xenophobia. Yet there's a clause within the law that said a foreigner could join with Israel and they'd be considered an Isrealite. Remember the Harlot who hid the spies in Jericho? Because of her respecting and fearing the God of Israel she was allowed to be a forebearer of Joseph, the adoptive father of Jesus.
Satan would have used a betrayer against our Lord. Whom depeneded on whoever. In this case Judas willingly, void of any "Script" Chose to betray our Lord.
Oh my well looky here at this criminal lying faggot scum! Surely you have evidence of your gods, the big bang abiogenesis and evolution, eh Atheist scum?
Surely you have as it happened evidence of the nothingness that was and then Scienific Evidence (observable testable and recreate able when applicable) of the nothingness that was and then you have evidence as to why the Purported singularity self created and you even have Scientific Evidences as to why in all this time a second singularity has arrived seeing as how the first self created from nowhere for noreason without any provocation. And then you have Scientific Evidence of the singularity expanding 32 trillion times the speed of light and then you have Scienfitic Evidence of the singularity creating black matter and slowing down and forming particles and then you have Scienfitic Evidence of this singulairty having its particulates engage in particles vs anti particles. BE CONT
"Judas was necessary" is a mind blowing take
That was way down the line and after a slew of insults from him. In no way was that "first".
AND surely you have Scientific Evidence of the anti particles being defeated by the particles and surely you have the singularity compelling the surviving particles to create dark energy so as not to become several black holes instead of just the one it almost became until it compelled itself to expand 32 trillion times the speed of light. And surely you have as it happened evidence of the act of ABIOGENESIS
You know when nothing for no reason was moved by its own will, which is a misnomer I know because nothing for no reason hasn't a will mind means by which or any of the above. But surely you have as it happened evidence of the nothing for no reason choosing solely left handed amino acid molecules in a world of equally righ and left. I'll pause and give you a moment to provide Scienfitic Evidencs there of, okay faggot!
t. Arius
Those are all theories and up for scrutinization as soon as any contradictory evidence arrives.
Are you willing to claim that the life of Jesus Christ and the existence of God are theory?
you'd have to be a literal Jew to dislike this film
I don't believe in god but the story of Jesus is the most powerful story I've ever experienced
The story of David Koresh is even more powerful and as a bonus it actually happened.
Your foundation are bunch of lies. You yourself can not say nothing created all this for all you can account for was made by intuitive purposeful beings. Nothing you can attest for that is at all purposeful can be called self created without AS IT HAPPENED SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! I'm calling you a hypocritical liar by the way.
Show me Scientific evidence of the big bang abiogenesis and evolution. And that's Observable Testable Recreatable EVIDENCE!
Even through a completetly materialistic frame, the story becomes about a ubermensch's passion surpassing his own tribe's dependency on their own subjugation and slave morality. He conquered Rome, the 'subjugated' temple and those beneath.
What does that have to do with David Koresh?
If you call someone a hypocrite for not having evidence of something then that just makes you a hypocrite for believing in creationism with no evidence. Are you big brained enough to understand that concept?
I'm aware, as I'm from Texas and was born 6 months before the siege. I used to be quite obsessed with the story and feel a great deal of kinship to David. If I were religious and existed then, I could see myself believing that he was God. I don't think he did anything wrong. We both share a lot of similarities too, both playing guitar, have an... ahem, preference for younger girls, wearing glasses, and at least in my youth having similar long hair (and of course being Texan). I used to have really strange dreams involving him but they have faded
Try again, Hypocrite.
Creationism? Are you stupid? Apologies because obviously. Don't YOU respond to me anymore. Seeing as how as You believe that NOTHING FOR NO REASON VOID OF INTELLIGENCE, A MIND OR WILL OR EVEN A MEANS BY WHICH IS AS PURPOSEFUL, Surely the god you serve, NOTHINGNESS, Can type your response to me. Be sure to provide for us SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE as it does it.
I use to think religious people were retarded for having to believe something, but now I see atheists are the most retarded for being angry that people (ironically, themselves too) do that.
If you put those two arguments together, the most logical sense is that there was a creator. Denying this is utterly ridiculous to say the least. This entire never ending-expanding universe did not just randomly appear from "nothing" therefore there MUST be a creator, a cause and all logic, based on how the universe follows fixed rules, points to the God of the bible.
If you choose to deny this you need to wake up friend.
God Bless the ATF and God Bless America!
At this stage I just see atheists as basically people who are very angry that people don't believe the sun is the center of the universe or for not believing in 19th century aether theories, just a guy being very angry in-between periods of scientific revelations.
Atheists can be fine, as long as they're not redit tier "omg im so smart for not believing in creationism" while knowing fuck all about science and acting like he's a evolutionary biologist
>disputing the Word of God
Kike detected. Up to your usual Talmudic tricks.
Matthew 27:15-25
15Now it was the governor’s custom at the feast to release to the crowd a prisoner of their choosing. 16At that time they were holding a notorious prisoner named Barabbas. 17So when the crowd had assembled, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?” 18For he knew it was out of envy that they had handed Jesus over to him.
19While Pilate was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent him this message: “Have nothing to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered terribly in a dream today because of Him.”
20But the chief priests and elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus put to death.
21“Which of the two do you want me to release to you?” asked the governor.
“Barabbas,” they replied.
22“What then should I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” Pilate asked.
They all answered, “Crucify Him!”
23“Why?” asked Pilate. “What evil has He done?”
But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify Him!”
24When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!"
25All the people answered, "His blood is on us and on our children!"
t. woman
it was to late for him mate..he stab christ.
the blood of the lord was on his hands...hell his the destination for him
Dubs say the Jews are cursed for all eternity
Matthew 27:54
When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, "Surely he was the Son of God!"
>Be Romans
>Be totally blameless for torturing and murdering Christ as well as thousands of Christians, saints, early Popes to come because "someone originally asked us to"
makes sense to me!
inferior organisms btfo once again
Can anyone explain how this passage doesn't explicitly bless Rome/Whites/the West and Asia/East Aryans/the East while simultaneously BTFOing the heebs?
Matthew 8:5-13
5When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came and pleaded with Him, 6“Lord, my servant lies at home, paralyzed and in terrible agony.”
7“I will go and heal him,” Jesus replied.
8The centurion answered, “Lord, I am not worthy to have You come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. 9For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell one to go, and he goes; and another to come, and he comes. I tell my servant to do something, and he does it.”
10When Jesus heard this, He marveled and said to those following Him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. 11I say to you that many will come from the east and the west to share the banquet with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. 12But the sons of the kingdom will be cast into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
13Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! As you have believed, so will it be done for you.” And his servant was healed at that very hour.
Egyptian Gods would BTFO out of Judeo-Christian-Beta-God.
"oopsie where's my dick" - your god
The actual answer is that the “golden rule” (Love God with all of your heart, mind, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself) is a summary of the law. If you follow the ten commandments, you will fulfill the golden rule.
Can't refute that.
>His blood be on us and on our children!
>But the (((sons of the kingdom))) will be cast into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth
Biblical levels of kikes getting BTFO
If Jesus was god, then why didn't he just teleport to Mount Doom?
that fake body is not very good
>there MUST be a creator, a cause and all logic, based on how the universe follows fixed rules, points to the God of the bible.
There's a pretty big leap in logic there, can you find it?
Day of the Pillow soon. We'll have every boomer dead or in chains in 10 years or may I be shot in a carjacking this very night.
Peter also betrays Jesus but he doesn't off himself. You are supposed to read the bible and apply it to your personal life. Do you take the path of Judas or Peter. It's your choice.
So is Jesus god or the "son of god" or "god the son"?
>God mostly flexed his power through weather events
>God led Moses and others(foreigners) out of egypt.
>Led them through the desert to Israel.
>Set was god of weather, foreigners and the desert.
In this case it would be Mount Crucifixion.
The three things at the same time.
hes all 3
god the creator father above us
son the sacrificial lamb
holy ghost christ in us
>t. someone who never read the Bible
Water comes out of the wound when they stab him, heretic.
>autists giving literal material reality to a movie
you're worse than creationists
Wait you have read The Bible? In what context?
water can come out if the individual is going though some real stressful things.
Peter never betrayed Jesus. He denied him out of fear. Judas Betrayed our Lord for financial gain.
The Trinity is so stupid, no wonder christians borrow greek logic gymnastics in order to justify it
>All the people answered, "His blood is on us and on our children!"
I thought jews were supposed to be smart?
if the jews said "someone asked us to", would they be blameless like the romans?
I mean there's no real evidence they ever said that, passage was imputed in during the Council of Nikea many centuries later.
who said anything about trinity? that a catholic doctrine.
god in 3 offices that all it is, or god manifesting himself in 3 attributes.
jesus the creator, jesus are Redeemer, jesus in us. one god that it
>Same as Italy
Who the fuck made this?
Favorite song from the OST?
Mary Goes to Jesus, Crucifixion and Resurrection are the best for me.
it's literally "the city of rome" there m8
this is what happens when 90 iq boomers learn how to use Yea Forums
So god is a substance?
Critical apparatus literally has zero variant readings on Mt. 27:25
>The film features all the visceral ideas of what the Christ’s Passion consisted of and the film is superficial regarding surrounding message.
>It is not a homily or a sermon but a visualization depicting the main event in the Christian religion.
>Some critics such as Newsweek have responded to the Gibson creation, saying that the relentless is self-defeating and instead of being moved by the Christ suffering, the filmmaker seems to punish the audience.
>This reflects what most of other audience might be feeling as there are many audiences who enters the theater with a spiritual mood only to emerge disturbed.
>You must be ready for whipping, beating, the crunching of bones, and agony of screams. If you are not ready to watch this, you may reach the end of the movie.
Why are audiences such pussies that always criticize movies where is violence?
and destroyed another race with his poison, made his own the enemy of that race for all time.
>An edited version titled The Passion Recut was released on March 11, 2005, with five minutes of the most explicit violence deleted to broaden the audience. Gibson explained his reasoning for the new version of the film:
>After the initial run in movie theaters, I received numerous letters from people all across the country. Many told me they wanted to share the experience with loved ones but were concerned that the harsher images of the film would be too intense for them to bear. In light of this I decided to re-edit The Passion of the Christ.[58]
>Despite the attempt to tone down the content, the Motion Picture Association of America still deemed the film too violent to rate PG-13, so Gibson released it as unrated.[58] The re-release showed for three weeks.[59]
yes god is a spirit
1 Timothy 3:16: “And without controversy, great is the MYSTERY of Godliness, GOD was manifest in the FLESH, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles; believed on in the world, received up into glory”.
>his own
u pagan?
>so you're telling me this "ice", "liquid" and "vapor" are all the same?
Saw this last night, absolute fucking KINO.
Mel is fucking good
Not as powerful as Forrest Gump 2
ever seen iron giant?