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just turn your brain off bro

Of all the stupid things they do in this idiotic movie, that at least was fitting of the themes and characterization. Main scientist guy had been converted to a faith-based mindset: he had no doubt in his mind the planet was welcoming to them

Did Ridley Scott fuck up Covenant that bad on purpose to make this shitfest look good in comparison?

How many times do you have to be told the air is breathable?

>Prometheus is bad
based redditarian

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it is, but i still would have taken the interquel of david's xenomorph experiments over covenant

microorganisms son

I jerked off when the trilobite raped and impregnated the engineer

nitrogen and oxygen based atmosphere =/= pure air free of contaminants, microorganisms, spores

... then the EXACT same fucking thing happened again in the next film



why does nobody care when they do this in other sci-fi films?

Ahhh coochie coochie cooo ~ :3
What a cute snake creature
I, a biologist trained for a dangerous mission on an unknown planet, will now proceed to take off my helmet and pet this fun snek

Name 1


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It goes so far beyond that. As other anons have already mentioned, there's microorganisms to consider. As they *haven't* mentioned, that goes both ways. Scientists wouldn't expose a pristine site like that to the microbes their own breath carries.

Name a few sci-fi movies from the last decade that you consider to be superior to Prometheus. I genuinely want some more to watch. I thought Prometheus was imaginative. It really captured the feeling of adventure and brought the flora and fauna of an alien planet to life on the screen. I want more like that.

The getting lost after mapping the ship pissed me off so much

>getting near crab man

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Nobody got infected by atmospheric contaminants in Prometheus, I don't know why people complain about them removing their helmets, you may as well complain about the same thing in Aliens.

Of I farted in your face that would be breathable too. Now remove your helmet.

Then it's probably dumb in that movie too but I haven't seen it

This movie comes before they knew that. And you always go in assuming this is a necessary precaution, because it's a precaution you can't take once the horse is already out of the barn.

The only ones that do it are Star Wars and Star Trek, and neither of them is relying on a degree of realism to sell horror.

The little scanner thing on their suits scans for possible deadly micro-organisms though. That's part of the "breathable" test.

I watched this shitshow 2 years ago and although it was quite fucking dumb, I enjoyed it.Should I watch Covenant?

there's a ton of errors to nit-pick over that are far more detrimental to the film

You can't make a scanner that scans for unknown pathogens. What if the "dust" it's detecting is a silicon-based microorganism just itching to find a nice, moist place to reproduce, giving its host silicosis in the process?

>you may as well complain about the same thing in Aliens
i would, but the low class colonists brought the atmosphere with them.

i sadly can't think of any. i may shit on Prometheus here but that's because its what this board is for. maybe some other anons can recommend a good scifi movie with exploration aspects, all i can think of is annihilation

depends on if you autistically care about lore more than atmosphere and plot

Fucking cretin it would have unknown contamination in it, either by trace gasses or material debris.
Water from a nuclear reactor coolant tank is drinkable but you wouldn't fucking drink it would you?

What if this? What if that? Can we stick to the film please

Yeah but you dumb motherfucker, they were dealing with octopuses, not air germs

Scott could've made an awesome pre/sequel to Carpenter's The Thing.

>i would, but the low class colonists brought the atmosphere with them.
It already had an atmosphere, they brought machines that made it breathable, that doesn't mean there wasn't something alive there.

the fact that the colonists were fine until the xenomorph discovery suggests that if there were any alien bacteria it wasn't pathogenic

Even sci-fi not from the last decade. I understand Prometheus has problems, but I defend it because it gave me a thrill and sense of wonder that almost no other movies have in as long as I can remember. Interstellar is similar for me in that it has some really dumb ideas in the script, but the visuals and imagination are enough to win me over.

The fact that the scientists were fine until David intentionally infected Charlie with the black goo suggests that if there were any alien bacteria it wasn't pathogenic.

So again, why is Prometheus a problem and Aliens isn't?

because of idiots like you the aliens fucked up the galaxy you dumb fuck

play subnautica

in prometheus they were exploring a new world, in aliens the settlers had been there for years. its the difference between being fine drinking tapwater vs drinking from some river in the congo

Studios don't like movies where main characters wear helmets.

Yes. The aliens destoryed the galaxy because 5 characters took their helmets off in a zone where helmets were fine to be taken off. How about I kill you motherfucker?

Thanks for the suggestion. I actually have a VR headset and got Subnautica for free from the Epic store, but never got around to playing it. I'll rectify that!

They were shitty scientists. That was the point. The whole thing was a sham.

>the same board that routinely shits on TLJ for its objectively bad script will also defend Prometheus even though it’s guilty of the same sins as TLJ

have fun user

that's just retarded

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Oh my fucking god, you idiot.

What multi billion dollar corporation would send the shittiest scientists on the most important intergalactic venture in hunan history?
Do you not realize that the entire movie just falls apart at this stupid premise alone and that you’re defending it for no reason other than to fanboy like a fanboy?
Fuck. You.

What's retarded? Weyland flat-out says the entire "scientific" side of it was just there to placate Shaw and she and her boyfriend were only there because he was superstitious.

>Water from a nuclear reactor coolant tank is drinkable but you wouldn't
fucking drink it would you?
Irradiated water is arguably better to drink than stagnant water assuming it doesn't get physically contaminated with radioactive species or metal from the reactor core.

>an entire corporation poured hundreds of billions into a field trip to assuage the superstitions of one retarded lady
>we must accept this premise because dude turn off your brain

I bet you think TLJ is also a good movie, brainlet

Maybe you should have actually watched the movie instead of whining like a cunt. You can think the premise is dumb, but it's explained why low-class scientists were chosen and it thus explains why they would agree to it.

>they're wealthy and therefore smart
oh I am laffin
Companies make fucking stupid mistakes all the time you absolute cuckold

>people do stupid things irl so we must accept bad scriptwriting just shut up and accept it

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I accept the explanation that Weyland chose them because they found the star maps in multiple locations on earth, but surely you’d have more competent scientists eager to go on a deep space exploration mission in search of alien life. Especially if they’re getting paid for it. I could also buy that Wryland is dying soon and they had to get a working team together ASAP, hence a lot of them having never worked together before. Or that Charlize Theron’s character wanted the mission to fail so she could easily take over after Weyland died so she chose a less competent crew.

This. A million times this to all the retards saying they "tested" the air. Any test of any kind someone might do is selective to only known pathogens. There's an almost infinite number of forms pathogens can take with several routes of exposure making it impossible to have some all-inclusive test.

They deal was they would not be told where they were going or what they were doing. That was actually a complaint by haters of the movie: Hurr, what kind of scientist would agree to go on those conditions?? The answer is shitty ones that cared only about money, which is what one of them flat-out said.

So what's the future of this franchise anyway? Do the xenomorphs make it to earth? Is that the next step? We already covered where they come from and how they were made, essentially. What would you do next with the franchise?

No one cares when they do this on Star Trek.

lmao yes let me grind the movie to a fucking halt just to have some scene where the characters explain pathogens in order to please some autistic losers

>Companies make fucking stupid mistakes all the time
thats the running joke about the entire Alien franchise. W-Y is run by chaotic stupid cartoon villains.

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