movies about losing a child?
Movies about losing a child?
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>her poop is in the yard
I cry everytime
Reddit genocide when
I was in an airport a few months ago and there was a woman making a video call, she was making noises you would make to a baby. So I just assumed she was talking to her kid, turns out it was a fucking dog, dog fags are just the strangest people
this is white genocide
Oooh this makes me a special kind of mad.
Dogfags aren't people and it should be legal to curb stomp them at sight.
Cats are shit too so don't even try me with that, dogcucks
I agree. But dog-people are 10x more trustworthy and reliable than catfags.
>incels are so incapable of love they even get mad when people love their pets
Goddamn I didn't understand at first and thought they'd bought a dog to cope for the loss of a human baby.
But fuck that is some embarrassing shit.
>make a post that makes it seem like they lost their young daughter
>it's a dog
hmm wonder why people are calling him a cunt
A parent invests their hopes and dreams into a child. Why would someone do that with a dog or cat? "My baby is going to make me proud by eating all the turds in the backyard."
>Also see "whites"
This thread was made by a chink.
There is nothing atypical about your grief
>instead of dignified mourning in private you should post a whiny oestrogen laced story online
>Her poop is in the yard
That line would’ve been hilarious if the reveal wasn’t ruined with a big dog pic
>talking to friends about dogs
>mention how pit bulls are dangerous and violent and shouldnt be pets
>white friends looks at me like i just said the n-word
>non white friends agree with me
i swear to god, i only ever see scrawny white people and gang banging mexicans and blacks with these shit tier dogs
t. Chink
too much onions in the diet and drinking tap water
I kek'd hard desu. I am seriously concerned that modern males care more about animals than children of their race tho, idk where that shit comes from.
dont start
>look at his profile
>past week has been nothing but ;_; we lost our baby
lmao dogfags are so pathetic
We're all thinking it bro.
Or movies about never getting the chance to make them in the first place
That's it. I'm liberal now. I want to experience that level of emotion.
Reptiles are the chad pets. My pet will eat your pet.
You can know a dog will love you and you know that you're not the parent. You're never quite sure if the kid is yours because if you want a DNA test my wife threatens divorce.
I'd rather have you swinging from a bridge senpai
kek this fucking guy
Why are people so terrified of just having real children
>my GF's sperm
da fuk
It's pretty obvious this is a joke, why are you all so angry?
I think we have a future serial killer on our hands..
Do dogs even have baby teeth?
>Luckily my wife's son has been a blessing in reassuring me.
Psychopathic behavior
>>non white friends
People are vain and selfish and think they're going to be young forever
>tfw my body more or less
>going on someone's page just to waste their time saying you don't have the money to help, then making it about yourself and your "doggo"
>a fucking leaf
>Reposting content from reddit
OPcide when
I'm poor and my family has a lot of mental illness. It wouldn't be fair on the kid.
Der Juden!
Alex Jones brought this up on his latest JRE experience, our souls are connected to dogs in a lot of ways. We needed dogs because they had incredibly useful functions to us as we advanced as a society. No matter how many kids and how close you are to your children, they will eventually get older and will begin to drift apart. It's a part of life. It is spiritually and physically impossible to drift apart from a dog. As long as you take care of it to the bare minimum (feed, water, walk, play with) then you have got yourself a loyal companion.
What the hell is wrong with white people lately?
How many of you fucks use /r/drama?
As someone who lost a 23 year old dog last year, who I basically grew up with and treated like a little brother through my formative years, I can relate to this feel, but can understand why some people can't. To dismiss the emotional bond humans can have with dogs is to dismiss hundreds of years of symbiotic evolution. There are monuments around the world dedicated to dogs who lost their owners, or remained at some place for whatever reason, and spent anywhere from 1 to about 15 years waiting for them. They have no other purpose in life. An owner to a dog is what a god is to the religious. If you've ever earned a dog's trust then you'd know that that dog has the most loyalty for you than anyone else you will ever meet in your entire life.
having children is the most selfish thing in the world. second moat selfish thing is to stop someones.suicide
Dogs are of more value than some ZOGbot goymeat.
Too fucking many now that MDE is gone.
everyone likes doge but yur a fag
Baby's Day Out.
Because they will likely grow up to be shits like millennials.
My pet gives me unconditional love and also gets me girls. You can keep your “cool badass” reptile.
I didn't know dogs could make reddit posts.
no, it just wants food
>listening to fat tinfoil yelling man
Petparents are generally failed adults. That said, if you're making babies with a list of demands in mind, you're already fucking up. Their success and accomplishments should be the result of your love, not the other way around.
>her poop is in the yard
Lazy cunts.