WTF Disney

WTF Disney

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>Women on the frontlines

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literally everything hollywood does is statist/military propaganda

Have sex

Fucking muricans are being programmed for WW3, same shit is going on in russia

>incels talking about military

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They literally have to, because NEET's don't want to join the military anymore.

Have sex

>modern warfare
Wars nowadays are fought with drones and special forces strike teams.
Marines are glorified guards nowadays.

None of those are still fit positions for a woman. Women can't be composed, collected, rational and quick-thinking in any battle.


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There's no women in special forces teams because none of them pass the physical tests, and drones don't requiere anything, there's almost no sense of urgency when you are pretty much playing a videogame.

War has become a joke.

I logged onto my IMDB account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.

Come at me.

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Was waiting for you, Mr Autistic Smile Batman. God bless.

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the hero this board deserves AND needs, right now

>lad status: mad

t. never even been in a fight

I have regularly, what next?

Being in a fight is not the same as controlling a drone from soom room at the other side of the world.

>guy who saves pepe images calling others "incel"

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woah like... woah
the zoomer NPCs start to malfunction
I bet the article begins with an explanation of Top Gun since nobody of the captain marvel target audience would know that film

>Wars nowadays are fought with drones and special forces strike teams.
Good luck holding ground with drones or strike teams

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this absolutely activates my almonds

How can one man be this based?

The marines by themselves certainly are not going to hold anything with their barebones training.
Then again, nowadays our enemies are a bunch of stupid sandniggers with rusty AKs, so it's a competition to see who's more incompetent.


>join the airforce and get raped eventually
Great message to girls

If you keep fucking with sandniggers, certain someone else might get angry and then you're fucked/

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I find people speaking so openly about their sex lives distasteful. I don't want to think about any of you having sex.

This is, huh, wow...

Alright, bend over

The military needs more women, otherwise pic related happens.

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The street rat is right.

The penetration of the military into Hollywood is sickening. Think back to the 80s, where we got a raft of films that were highly critical of the US involvement in Vietnam, and showed the troops at their absolute worst. Platoon, Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, and probably a half dozen others.

We have now been in Iraq and Afghanistan for 18 years: the same amount of time that lapsed between the Vietnam war and the 80s movies about the Vietnam war. Where's the equivalent wave of movies? Where's our generation's equivalent of First Blood, an angry and iconoclastic movie that drew attention to US's terrible treatment of combat veterans? Where's our version of Born of the Fourth of July, tracking the lives of the young men who gave life and limb for a unnecessary war and can finally see through all the bullshit?

The answer is - they're not being made. The Pentagon controls all. Make a movie showing the US military to be anything other than on the side of angels, with bullets that magically avoid civilians and bombs that only explode when near bad people, and you're blacklisted forever.

The US lost Vietnam not because they lost control of the battlefield, but because they lost control of the narrative. They're not making that mistake again.

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Yall amerilards have nurses, don't you? We do.

It is true. To use military equipment in films you have to give the US Army editorial control over your fil. Oh, and fuck the troops!

I'd stick my dick in it

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that is fucking disgusting

>can be found
>also implying marketing companies care about Yea Forums

Could it be any more obvious?

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And this is why, if you really want to be in the army, you go spec ops. At most, you'll find autistic people, but you certainly won't find any trannies.

Can't wait til WW3 and killing female NATO soldiers with a combat knife. Holy shit a dream come true, god bless liberalism.

Brilliant insight.


Ackchually its because the Middle East wars are fought for Israel, while Vietnam was a fake war that nobody in power actually needed.

wow, a good post on /tel*vision and f*lm/

>infantry combat
Are you 12?

Hahahahah oh no

>muh rotten tomatoes
Fuck off

What will happen is that you'll act like a retard in front of a squad and the moment you pull out the knife they'll unload an entire mag on you.
And besides, you actually think a WWIII would involve anything but nuclear exchange?
Go back to Call of Duty.

well i've seen multiple ads on websites promoting the movie and seeing "ad paid for by the us army" underneath it so

I think everyone knows that women in the military suck and are more of a burden than anything. This kind of propaganda isn't meant to recruit women but instead get all the feminist cunts who are usually leftists to shill for neocon wars. It's meant for the women who vote for Hillary. It is also psychological warfare on boys by guit tripping them for not joining the military when women do.

You'd think a more effective way would be implying there's hot girls in the military for them to bang.

females in the army is the biggest joke ever

Nuclear weapons will not be allowed, because the wicked must suffer like Jesus Christ before they can get to heaven. Nuclear annihilation would be an easy way out.

>You'd think a more effective way would be implying there's hot girls in the military for them to bang.
Yeah I think they used to do that, but like I said this seems to be directed at women who will shill for neocon wars. they must have realized people who oppose to wars the most are females, and they need to convert them to neocon ideology? Best way is to use an ugly woman, that's more realistic and they don't feel threatened somehow.

>mfw Americans have to watch ads about how great it is to die for Israel

WWIII is going to be drone warfare


Pretty sure I read that if you want to use Military vehicles in your film then the Military has a big say over the edit.
for pop shit like Transformers or cape-wank anyway.

here's something about it..

faggot shill

>shooting their drones with our drones
>they shoot our drones with their drones
Might as well not even fight honestly

>mfw other countries don’t even have militaries

>it offers a pair of dueling ideas that go together like oil and water. “Joining the Air Force is so cool and feminist!” the Captain Marvel ads seem to say. To which I ask: Wait, the same Air Force that’s controlled by President Donald Trump?


>they think the military follow's the presidents orders

you first

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>while the Air Force can’t openly say the movie is a recruitment tool, an Air Force representative told "Task & Purpose" blog that they had a “partnership” with the filmmakers to make sure Danvers was “accurate and authentic,” with the aim of creating an Air Force heroine who would be positively received. With enlistment numbers dwindling, the armed services need new ways to attract young recruits.


Come fight for Israel, goy. You don't want Mudslimes to take away your capeshit, do you?

>with the filmmakers to make sure Danvers was “accurate and authentic,” with the aim of creating an Air Force heroine who would be positively received.

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actually they didnt want to own a pyramid, they were more than happy to work for their god king

The movie had pretty BLATANT anti-military themes in it.

it's not gonna work user, the movie is making a fucking ton of money

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>mission accomplished, I guess


Fake but not gay

She made this article based solely on the trailers because it looked like military das. Here's here article after watching

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So you ARE twelve

Yes but only mentally. I'm a Christian after all

I think there are some women in America's Delta Force squadron. Also, one of the Northern European countries has an elite special forces group composed entirely of women, they were called the jaeger something, I can't remember. They formed the group because they needed a special forces that could talk to middle eastern women like in Irag or Afghanistan, but also be able to protect themselves.I did a quick search on Google and found this article:

Here is another article I found on Google, about the women in Delta Force:

Don't forget, the United States uses a volunteer force. Yeah, guys still need to be registered for the draft, but there hasn't been any forcible conscription since the Vietnam War and a volunteer military means a more professional military. I would say let the military recruit any way they can, except Trump is the President of the U.S. So until he leaves office, it would be best that no one serve in the military. So yeah, if there was a competent president, then people should serve and the military should recruit any way they can, but as long as President Trump is still in office, it would be best to avoid military service any way you can.

You actually think the president controls the military and not the opposite?

Whatever, I'm just saying "Don't serve in the military while Trump is President."

People shoud be worried, the military is actively trying to recruit. They wouldn't do that if they weren't planning for a new war. It doesn't matter who is president, Obama and Hillary did just as bad as Bush and Trump surely won't say no to a war.

It's not like anything's going to change.
The military and the CIA will keep causing wars for the sake of stroking the military industry.
That's why nothing changes when a new president comes in.

Not only that but they were honored by being buried near him.

>Disney managed to make the US military pay them for a movie that's entirely about the MC rejecting the lies of "her" imperialist government who bomb civilians and made her into a weapon, ending with her realising they lied, rebelling and taking out her former squadmates and commanders
Whoever worked out that deal with the air force must be getting a sweet promotion or bonus, just for how good they are at fooling people.

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I'm not here to argue with you guys, I'm just saying "Don't join the military while Trump is President." And people accuse me of having conspiracy theories. When Trump is out of office and America has a small military, the government would never dare force conscription on its citizens (being sarcastic here). This isn't the Terran Federation from Starship Troopers where they actively discourage you from joining the military, and when the military suffers a terrible defeat having 80% of their forces wiped out, they still wouldn't draft people to fight in the war against the Arachnids but rely on people volunteering (I'm talking about the novel, not the movie). But in the real world, you could still be forcibly conscripted into the military.

But right now, I'm just saying "don't join the military."

Hey, would any pure-blooded Aryans want to join Heinlein's multiethnic, multicultural Terran Federation? Fight along side people who come from different cultures or ethnicities? Fight alongside Americans, Japanese, I think even aliens were citizens in the Terran Federation, Muslims, Germans, Chinese, Finnish, Turkish, Finno-Turkish, Greeks, and loads of other people?

that's not how marketing companies write instructions.
at first look at [ ] brackets. They emphasize that author wanted it to be a template first. But imagine the thread which explicitly states
It's not even a post structure, for fuck sake. What the point of those brackets? That's because larper changed the main idea for his LARP midway.
Real tutorial would include more references - for example, "meme pointers", "coarse language", all this would be documented too. Also "Expand of bold claims" must've be refer to a list of possible topics too. References to anecdotes? Also no reference to IP switch guide - and this guide is supposed to be read by fucking monkey writers - one of the brainless automatons.
But the main redflag in that larp is this:
>herd mentality is a very easy manipulation tool
you see that author completely got into role of "shadow manipulator" that he included this absolutely nonsensical kind of line in what should be "shill tutorial"
also a minor note:
>im a quick manner

moron much? military fags are the guys who you call le evil incel nazis all the time. you should kys

Honest question: are those trannies?

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Gee, I kinda feel like this is FUCKING BASED AND REDPILLED

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>And that's okay
Why do all these shill media/entertainment fuckers always use those kind of taglines in their articles?

You contributed nothing to the discussion, you fucking nerd/geek.


to give you some kind of conclusion so you can easily parrot their opinion?

lol at getting mad about recruiting people to the coolest and comfiest branch of the military

yet these libtards cheer when feds storm people's houses with rifles, spy on people and lie about it, plot to take out politicians because they don't like them, etc.

Oh no, then we'll have to fight stupid snowniggers with rusty AKs.

Not anymore mate. There were some woman who wanted to become Rangers but they all failed the test so they filled an offical complaint about it and guess what, the requirements for woman only were dialed down. Now you have female Rangers that are utterly useless should shtf.

They have to put it right in the headline so the frothing mass of liberal cunts don't get triggered, as they'd never bother reading the article to find out if it's a good thing or a bad thing. They're covering their ass.

Not everyone has drones as advanced as the US.

So you think the right way befoire reading the article and forming your own conclusion based on it.

>people should serve
Fuck off warhawk.

>weapons manufacturer that made weapons used to slaughter Yemenis is awarded one of the most lgbt friendly companies in 2018
>suprised when government is hand in hand with propagandists like Disney

I just realised something - I was laughing thinking about movies that started production thinking Hillary was certain to win and they'd be releasing in the Queen President Getting shit Done scenario.
Did they Cast Bitch Face Brie Larson because she *reminds people of Hillary Clinton*?!

Dugin pls

gays in the army is a good thing because it creates stronger unit bonds

This is the saddest thing I've read all day.

>the only criticism of the US military is that the president is currently a republican
more great political analysis from the left

Incels got drafted just as much as any Chad or normie. Wanna guess who doesn’t get drafted?

The president?

Nice epic comeback bro, too bad I don’t much care for Trump so it fell flat.
No, the answer is women.

Yeah and Tony Montana dies like a bitch at the end of Scarface. Yet they are plenty of guys who idolize this movie because the only thing they rememeber is that the guy started selling kebab and ended filthy rich and fucking Michelle Pfeiffer

Yeah I'm sure the people who watched Captain Marvel will only be remembering the few air force flashbacks and idolise them, and not the superhero stuff where she's blowing up missiles and ships.

yet women are roflstomped in any competitive videogame

>Yeah I'm sure the people who watched Captain Marvel will only be remembering the few air force flashbacks and idolise them, and not the superhero stuff where she's blowing up missiles and ships.
I haven't watched it but I doubt the audience will equate these aliens with the US military. More like a US air force female beating foreign invaders. The alien would represent Russia or China.


how did he grow tits in the military wtf

The military have to approve the movie for a movie studio to use military resources so yes.

oh, this brings back memories

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To be fair, the Rangers haven't been useful since WWII.

>but as long as President Trump is still in office, it would be best to avoid military service any way you can.
yes, since he the only president that isn't going off and starting wars right and left.

It simple - when the economy sucks, the government has no issues meeting recuitment quotas, when the economy is good (and it very good right now) they have a hard time convincing folks to go serve when the private sector is throwing good money at people.

That's ranger school, not RASP. So there are no women on the batt, just some chicks with an undeserved ranger tab.

>Trump is the President of the U.S. So until he leaves office, it would be best that no one serve in the military.
On what, exactly, are you basing this suggestion? Have you not been paying attention at all the past 2 (3) years?

>if there was a competent president
Alright, now I know you just know nothing about politics. In terms of actual concrete achievements Trump's the most successful president in living memory. You can be a far left liberal and HATE everything he's done for all I care, but saying he's not competent is just a flimsy lie. (Hint: actual presidential accomplishments aren't just "the wall", and tweets aren't policy).

FET teams are not delta

>as long as President Trump is still in office, it would be best to avoid military service any way you can.
I agree with this but for reasons of boredom seeing as he's trying to get people out of endless wars.

>he's trying to get people out of endless wars.
That's what I've been trying to say. He's a piece of shit.


>the bad guy's name is "Yvan-Eht Nioj"

I can’t belive I’m saying this, but, dumb frog poster

>the good guy is called Ecrof-ria

with my fake vagina

maybe he did but then he asked a question, you stupid nigger

>They're not making that mistake again.
because everyone thinks the war on terror is going splendidly

Die for Israel, goyim

>rotten tomatoes

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