>But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
how can one man be such a fat disgusting spineless cuck?
But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army...
Other urls found in this thread:
Brainless normies flocking to your mediocre rpg fanfiction en masse would give you the idea you're a real writer as well
tolkien is shit though, 10 pages of lore for every paragraph of plot, dull one-dimensional characters, boring story and everybody breaking into gay songs all the time
>Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
i thought orcs don’t give birth? they just come out of the ground or are conjured the way it was shown in the films. is he seriously this much of a baiting hack? fuck this fat fuck
Tolkien's work is a concept piece. The focus in on form (a throwback to mythic poetry), not on content -which is disconnected from modern narrative and acts as a secondary layer.
GRRM's focus in on crowd-pleasing/baiting "story". His prose is pulp-tier trash
>GRRM's focus in on crowd-pleasing/baiting "story". His prose is pulp-tier trash
From memory, I recall his prose sometimes becoming more elaborate if the scene is dramatic, i.e. the dragons hatching, the Blackwater battle, and so on. Eh, sometimes I don't mind his brevity, like Ned's death conveyed pretty simply as "she heard a noise... a soft sighing sound, as if a million people had let out their breath at once". But I go easier on the guy than a lot here.
While I see why Martin's criticism of Tolkien cokes off as pedantic and missing the point, there's no reason fantasy can't or shouldn't focus on Realpolitik rather than abstract mythic narratives.
i hope this fat jewish fuck lives long enough to witness the holocaust 2.0 for real this time though
Tolkien wouldn't even care to think about this fat hack who thinks he can actually level with Tolkien with his fan fiction tier soap opera.
>10 pages of lore for every paragraph of plot
>a bad thing
Orcs are reanimated elf corpses afaik. Not too much of a Tolkienist.
However Sauron also had some nigger tribes fighting for him with war elephants or something like that?
>But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s Sneed policy? Did he fuck a sucking army? What did he do in times of feed and seed? And what about all these Chucks? By the end of the war, Sneed is gone but all of the Sneedposters aren’t gone – they’re wearing they're Gucci loafers. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of soil pH degradation and kill them? Even the fancy city slickers, in their fancy German cars?
Gurm has written some good stuff, but most of his books are copy pasted muh feel feelz and blunt, ugly narative.
His best work was that old monk guy talking about young men being forced to go to war and lose themselves in that.
Christ, you people are tiresome. Scream GRRM is a Jew, scream that Adam Driver is a Jew, and so on. I don't know if it's baiting or if you fucks are truly that stupid and/or lazy to do a basic background search on these guys.
>inb4 'b-but! they're sneaky jews! they're hiding! t-they are!'
Fuck off.
Tolkien made the story to read to his children to put them to sleep. He also was in the League of Empire Loyalists.
Martin writes to try and get shekels. He also looks like he rapes white women.
First orks were tortured elves, then came uruks which are "bred" from fleshy mass in the dirt.
there’s no reason it shouldn’t, but it shouldn’t in LOTR. comparing LOTR to realpolitik is apples and oranges. details like aragorn’s “tax policy” make no sense in an epic adventure, would only bloat the story with unnecessary information and steer the attention away from the story.
he literally had a gene test done you obtuse fucking kike
kill yourself you neurotic subhuman
I read the books around 2014-2015 when 18-19 and would read the ASOIAF forums at the same time. So reading these analyses and being more impressionable at that age, I was sufficiently convinced the series at literary merit in spite of the prose being one of brevity (the theme of legacy is one that sticks out in my head). I don't know. I may reassess everything upon rereading.
They're jews in the sense how they sold their souls for fame and glory, but ended up as soulsess husks that just NPC through their lives.
And Driver is actually a semitic jew I think.
I am part Jew myself and can tell by looking at him.
If you aren't a Jew shill, you are really stupid
This quote isn't him calling Tolkein's work bad, he's just discussing the differences between their books.
>Inb4 he's a shit writer
That's right, this is still a misquote.
I thought gurm had talent.
Then I read Dostojevski's Brothers Karamazov.
Now gurm is no more than steven king to me.
This led to tax-posting, the best meme this board has ever seen.
its not a misquote you faggot its word by word what he said. the original quote is even worse.
>A major concern in A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones is power. Almost everybody – except maybe Daenerys, across the waters with her dragons [this is the part where all the book readers go “HA”] – wields power badly.Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?In real life, real-life kings had real-life problems to deal with. Just being a good guy was not the answer. You had to make hard, hard decisions. Sometimes what seemed to be a good decision turned around and bit you in the ass; it was the law of unintended consequences. I’ve tried to get at some of these in my books. My people who are trying to rule don’t have an easy time of it. Just having good intentions doesn’t make you a wise king.
>those numerals
i swear to god though some hitler and goebels quotes are so accurate that it's fucking scary
if you've ever argued against a jew it's so apparent it's insane
the best one imo is the thunderstruck one from uncle a
it was about how you can argue with a heeb, rhetorically push him against a corner, make him admit he's wrong but the next day you see him back to the same position
uncle a said he was thunderstruck at the chutzpah of these kikes in doing this
>But dammit, literature is not just about the words; it's also about the structure you build with those words. And as a plotter, characterizer, and inventor, Martin is as far superior to Tolkien as Tolkien's wordsmithing is superior to Martin's. Gollum and Feanor are about the closest Tolkien can get to moral ambiguity; there is nobody as conflicted as Tyrion Lannister, no one who changes as dramatically as Jaime, no one who alternately demands and savages our sympathies like Sandor Clegane. Tolkien has nothing like the complexity of Martin, none of the sense of wheels within wheels within wheels, all interacting with each other in ways too subtle to predict. No character in Tolkien has the sort of epiphany that Jon Snow has when he realizes his fellow recruits all see him as a bully, or that Tyrion has when he learns that the people of King's Landing hate him even worse than they hate the sadistic King Joffrey. Tolkien leaned on the convenient crutch of making race the main determinant of character; Dunedain are all noble, Orcs are all wicked, Hobbits are all sensible. Martin's characters are far more individual, even though they are far more numerous.
>In all, Tolkien's work is like a small, comfortable cottage built from perfectly cut silver bricks inlaid with rubies. Martin's is like a soaring cathedral with flying buttresses, adorned with a thousand magnificent statues, but constructed of drywall and plaster. Which of these you like better says more about you than it does about the authors.
Tolkincels BTFO
>And Driver is actually a semitic jew I think.
Trying finding proof. There's nothing you can turn up showing he's a Jew, only some north-west Euro mix.
>I am part Jew myself and can tell by looking at him.
I'll hold my hand up to being a wrong about GRRM, seeing as how I don't have an autistic obsession and hateboner over ze joos.
>I am part Jew myself and can tell by looking at him.
Does apply to blonde, blue, and small nosed guys like River Phoenix too?
>asking questions no one gives a fuck about
When I read fantasy I don't want to be reading about taxes, cabbages and other boring mundane crap. GRRM is a hack.
go read a fucking history book then
>some literally who's opinion matters
kys faggot
Why do incels get so triggered by based George?
>(((Martin))) is a plotter
>Tolkien, brave, noble ,and, Aryan isn't
Yeah and it's still fucking retarded, where does GRRM discuss tax policies?
>the lannisters are like mega rich because uh they have a bunch of gold idk
Tolkien was autistic enough that he probably drew up trade routes, tax policies and the economics of Middle Earth but just didn't put it in the book. The most offensive part about the quote is GRRM actually comparing himself to Tolkien as if they were peers, not the unfortunate bit about taxes. It's like JK Rowling would compare herself to Lovecraft and that their works are two sides of the same coin
You do realize goebels was a satanic psychopath who robbed nations and sent young men to die for his and hitler's vain glory, right?
>i was an assmad kike that got everything wrong
>i'm not obsessed like you incels XDDDD
death to israel
death to the yahud
>Tolkien's work is a concept piece. The focus in on form (a throwback to mythic poetry), not on content -which is disconnected from modern narrative and acts as a secondary layer.
>GRRM's focus in on crowd-pleasing/baiting "story". His prose is pulp-tier trash
>Does apply to blonde, blue, and small nosed guys like River Phoenix too?
>the exception to the rule disproves the rule
stop kvetching kike
the goyim are starting to know things and you can't do anything about it
Really? Maybe he changed his approach after the handful of novels I read; elaborate pls
>sloped forehead
>larger bottom lip
I AM a blonde, blue-eyed male 1/4 Jew and yes, he is clearly Jewish.
You know that meme about crying out as they strike?
These fucking ADD retards these days.
and hitler had one testicle, 3 kidneys, 2 penises, 6 gorillion people died in the holobunga and jews are god's chosen people
I don't even care if Driver was a Jew. He's an okay actor and I'd have a beer with him.
And I'm not a jew.
Any of yiz read The Eye of the World?
Because he's not based and we're not incels?
>Look at a figure like Woodrow Wilson, one of the most fascinating presidents in American history. He was despicable on racial issues. He was a Southern segregationist of the worst stripe, praising D.W. Griffith and The Birth of a Nation. He effectively was a Ku Klux Klan supporter. But in terms of foreign affairs, and the League of Nations, he had one of the great dreams of our time. The war to end all wars – we make fun of it now, but God, it was an idealistic dream. If he'd been able to achieve it, we'd be building statues of him a hundred feet high, and saying, "This was the greatest man in human history: This was the man who ended war." He was a racist who tried to end war. Now, does one cancel out the other? Well, they don't cancel out the other. You can't make him a hero or a villain. He was both. And we're all both.
whoa....really make you think
Plotfags are literally mentally ill. How can you be this obsessed with just one thing?
We don't really know for sure.
That's from the movies. In books it's implied that Saruman created uruk hai by "blending" orcs with humans - dunlandings. At least that's what Treebeard implied anyway.
I'm only curious about Phoenix cause, on the surface, he does have antithesis traits like the hair, eyes, and a small nose.
kikes always condemn white men for the good things they do and praise them for the bad
Very fatalistic of you user.
The world must seem strange all in black and white for retards like you.
>The sight of her shit was shit
Sorry for a second I thought you were talking about Israel and its politicians
>retards like you.
i'm not the one believing in literal kike propaganda my guy
>Tolkien was autistic enough that he probably drew up trade routes, tax policies and the economics of Middle Earth but just didn't put it in the book.
He didn't. And yes, Martin is Tolkien's pair just as C.S.Lewis. And just as Robert E. Howard was a pair to Lovecraft It's not up to Tolkienfags to say if they are or not.
He's based.
Tolkienfags seething.
>But on Saturday during the record-breaking "Game of Thrones" night at Richmond County Bank Ballpark, Martin let slip his real feelings about the "Lord of the Rings" author.
>During a conversation with the Advance, Martin discussed everything from the war in Afghanistan to his childhood dreams of Staten Island to this year's GOP presidential candidates' stances on Iran. When asked if he would ever consider running for president, Martin's answer was a simple no. Why not?
>"Because it's hard," Martin laughed.
>Martin went on to discuss how few other fantasy books have explored the difficulty of power and leadership -- Tolkien included, he said.
>"You see that at the end of the ['Lord of the Rings'] books, when Sauron has been defeated and Aragorn is king," Martin told the Advance. "It's easy to type, 'he ruled wisely and well,' but what does that constitute?"
>"What was his tax policy? How did the economy function? What about the class system?"
>"The orcs," he continued. "There are still tens and thousands of orcs at the end of 'Lord of the Rings.' Did he pursue a policy of genocide toward them? Or did he reach out and try to educate them and bring them into the mainstream and civilize them? We never get answers to any of these questions. We just get 'he ruled wisely and well.'"
There are actually a couple of different Jewish noses that are predominant. Especially in the girls, mixed Jew/Aryan can have small, cute noses.
Racial typing is a skill that you can learn. Perhaps not even intentionally, if you worked with a Hutu and a Tutsi, you would be able to tell at first glance, even though both are from the same country. I used to work with a Tutsi and could tell off the bat that he was one.
Once you start noticing (((coincidences))), you may find us much easier to spot.
Same guy as . Also curious because I unironically have a very similar profile to Phoenix's (and slightly larger bottom lip), with the only real discernible differences being a pointer nose, my chin doesn't recede, and I happen to have the same type of eyes and colouring as Ryder, same jawline, etc. and know there were Jew immigrants where my ancestors are from, so I can't help but wonder. Am wondering a DNA test too desu.
God how pathetic.
*farts* Ah yes, but what about the refuges at the wall, what must be done with them *coughs and splutters*.
tolkien stated that aragorn “ruled wisely and well” so obviously he genocided the orcs. fat kike can’t read between the lines?
t. pleb that skipped the songs
>tolkienfags missing the entire point
Maybe if instead of a question he would had made a song
>Martin writes to try and get shekels. He also looks like he rapes white women.
I think not user.
>Tolkien made the story to read to his children to put them to sleep
That's only the hobbit.
I heard he also likes Turkish whores.
george is such a disgusting individual
views and books aside his mannerisms, ticks, weight and his face just makes my stomach fucking wench
just from his physiognomy you can infer that anything written by this disgusting fucking "man" will be putrid trash
And Gods chosen isn't a fatalist idea?
And some other things...
imagine touching this fat disgusting cunt and smiling
i bet the smell of him alone would make me want to throw up
You're just a jelly hater.
[BRAAAAAAP] eheheheheheheh, well done Token, well done indeed [wheeze] but, eheheheheheheh, what about [BUUUUUURP] I said what about [CHOMP SLOP OOOOMPH] I said what about, eheheheheheh [heart stops] Aragorn's [shits his pants] I said what about Aragorn's tax policy? Answer me that, hmmmm?
Home is behind, the world ahead,
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadows to the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight.
Mist and twilight, cloud and shade,
Away shall fade
Away shall
thats fucked up
When I read this, all I could think about what that shitty scene in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Fuck Bioware.
fucking kino. i don’t trust people who don’t like this trilogy.
Imagine viewing the world through brainlet eyes, incapable of understanding true art
Why does this fat fuck always wear a captain's cap?
>has one scene about tax policy in 7 books
>he played that shitty game
>he actually still remembers anything from it
I am currently watch The Fellowship of the Ring on Netflix. The soundtrack for these films is hella dope.
apex kino scene
Slob Martin posting and taxposting are few good things that came out of this.
He created a new genera but refused to name it as such. This he and his fans misinterpret him as a deeper fantasy writer when he's actually a grim dark fictional historian.
so its up to Martin and Martinfags to compare him to the best fantasy writer? that's really convenient.
>all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
Yes, yes you fucking kill them.
>"I hate people purely based on physical appearance"
Post you own pic if you're such an oil painting sweety
Wilson was the worst president of all time and will ALWAYS be the worst president of all time. He was never a hero at all.
>this one scene vs. the entirety of Game of Thrones
>LOTR trilogy budget: 280 million
>GoT budget so far: over 600 million
>>GoT budget so far: over 600 million
what the fuck. are they laundering money? no way that steaming pile of shit takes 600m to make
Probably upity actors.
i don't want to dox myself though
also it's not illogical to infer certain behavioral traits from appearance
i do agree with you that calling him a disgusting individual on an anonymous forum is an easy thing to do because you couldn't be pointed out as a hypocrite, but i am not one
i know my word means basically nothing but i'm /fit/ and well put together
believe me if you want
Why the fuck do Tolkien fanboys here LOVE to take this out of context? The tax policy statement was just a way to contrast their work. And ASOIAF indeed does focus a lot on details like politics much more.
Asking what is Aragorn's tax policy is like asking what was Odysseus's opinion on the political affairs of China, or what Beowulf's ideals on the income inequality of his kingdom.
looks like he was reading japanese Light Novels at the time he wrote that.
>asking Yea Forums, one of the shittiest boards on the whole site, not to take something out of context, or not to miss the point entirely due to brainletism.
The full quote is posted above and given his other very pathetic statements on Tolkien only further reveals what a thoroughly loathsome sack of lard Martin is.
>why do people praise an author worthy of praise instead of fart sniffing a disingenuous fat fraud
Eeeheheheheheheh.......tags bolicyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
>tags bolicy
Important for porn sites.
So what were the tax policies of Robert, Joffrey, Stannis, Balon, Renly, Robb, Cersei, Dany, Jon, Mad King, Aegon 1?
Get fucked cucksaders.
>tax policies of Robert
Tax exemption on whores.
You're correct. Also, GRRM is a perv who loves to include gratuitous and tasteless descriptions of lewd sexual behaviour in his novels.
People say this but in my opinion he almost never goes far enough with them. That's the problem with most of these fantasy writers. They want to add tits but just don't go far enough, even though that's the one of few appeals of these books.
Which ones are gratuitous? The ones with Daenerys, Jon, and Sam were all character defining moments. Tyrion's thing with Shae shows how much his obsession/delusions about their relationship was deepening. Catelyn and Ned's, which was far from lewd, was simply showing what kind of healthy relationship they had. If the guy is trying to depict all the fundamentals of life like war, legacy, ruling, etc. why not sex? It's the show that is filled with gratuitous and lewd sex stuff.
>even though that's the one of few appeals of these books
no it’s not, what the fuck. maybe in gurm’s genre of pseudo-fantasy where whores are on the top of the pyramid, in which case he should fully convert to just writing romantic fiction.
Martin is not saying it's wrong to kill the baby orcs, he's saying he's interested in the minutiae of governing and the Feudal social system, while Tolkien was more of a "big picture" guy.
They're both very good writers in different ways.
>maybe in gurm’s genre of pseudo-fantasy where whores are on the top of the pyramid
You haven't read the books, have you? The whores are as lowly as the rest of the commoners.
Tolkienchads laugh at you
Appeal is feudal kitsch family drama, murder and sex. Gurm does try to do other things, but he's not that good at it nor is it very interesting. Which is why I think he should have just stuck with Westeros without Dany plot. Maybe it's hard for him to worldbuild more because it's fantasy and not sci fi that he worked on in the past.
i have, maybe you forgot the contant romanticism of prostitutes and whores?
based centrist user, tribalist babbies btfo
>They're both very good writers
>dude war of the roses with dragons and zombies.
Well, one it does depend on the perspective of the character the chapter is from. Tyrion doing it makes sense. Otherwise, they're portrayed as about as human as the rest of society. The most romantic thing about them in the whole books is the Summer Islanders have a very lax view on sex and members of their society spending a year or two working in pleasure houses.
>fought in a war
>uses his Christian values as a way to drive his work in interesting directions, but don't generally use it to preach
>don't even care that much about writing books, just want to sturdy literature, history myth and languages, writing books was more just a side effect
>hates allegories, wants his work to stand on it's own two feet
>loved as both as an author and a scholar
Is Tolkien the most based fantasy author ever?
don't kink shame, user
>maybe you forgot the contant romanticism of prostitutes and whores
Or you just watched the fucking show and think this OCs were in the book
Does it ever occur to people that mock this bit that making you scoff and laugh at it was the point? I most that meme it together don't shit about the chapter it was found it without a google.
No, also being christian isn't "based", it's not a brave thing to be in todays world, at least no more than liking salt or sugar, and was just the default in his era.
It's funny, because Tolkien sctually started writing a sequel to LOTR set hundreds of years later or something about how Aragorn's successors became tyrannical and a secret Morgoth cult starts a civil war in Mordor. He admitted it was a shit idea and canned it.
/r/atheist seething because a devout Christian created the greatest work of Fantasy
not really to make you laugh, but I think it was intentionally crude as a reminder that she's still human after being treated like a god by everyone around her for some time
Never said it was. Just that it helped shape his whole view on good vs evil which became the focusing point of his books, and unlike a lot of authors, never used his books as a way to just shill Christianity.
That works too. The whole thing precedes a big epiphany she has about her identity and place in the world, so having to be brought pretty low in contrast to where she was at throughout the rest of the novel was needed. Other than that small part, I recall the chapter having a pretty somber, introspective tone.
I'm catholic, not atheist. I'm saying there's nothing "based" about being normal. It's not hard to be christian and it wasn't hard to be christian when he was young. At least you are a christian in a muslim country it's not really "based"
>>fought in a war
He actually never through highly of himself for his role in the war. He disparaged the role of an officer, a man who orders others around, and he especially condemned those who actively, eagerly sought such a role out. He pretty much escaped death because poor health made him unfit for service on the front lines.
Zoomer holocaust when?
Who cares? Theres nothing in LOTR even slightly religious, its not a part of the cultures of men, elves or dwarves. Eru exists but no one worships him, JRRT added him only so the universe was in line with his monotheistic beliefs.
Shut up boomer, go sell your McMansion or something and participate in hippy orgy with Gurm.
Even more based.
literal fake news
Actually, hasn't the only time religion played a massive role in his lore when Sauron manipulated the Numenoreans into worshiping Morgoth? Not trying to say Tolkien had some anti-religious method, but that's funny counterbalance to the 'he wuz a Christian!' point that's brought up when praising Tolkien. Although to those saying it was easy for him to be a Christian in those days... he was a Catholic, you must remember. That caused a big ruckus when he wanted to marry Protestant Edith.
are you tolkien cucks really going to stand there and lie about how you enjoyed the faggy songs every two pages let alone read them?
bitches please
The Dow 500 has been weighted, Gondor calls for quantitative easing!
He's a very interesting guy. I like to think he died happy despite Edith's death preceding his cause his faith in a reunion and afterlife was strong.
>but it shouldn’t in LOTR.
And he never says LOTR should though. He's just stating the difference.
imagine being this much of a homosex
>Nothing religious
>One of the protagonists is literally an angel sent by Eru (Christian God)
Gandalf isnt an angel nor was he sent by eru but manwe
>Deities present and active =/= religious worship
That's his point. That religious worship of these beings or beings believed to exist isn't particularly ubiquitous in LotR.
>uncle a
Have sex you mentally ill faggot.
>christian god
Are you sure about that?
>Some people have criticised the Ring as lacking religion. Tolkien denies this: “Of course God is in The Lord of the Rings. The period was pre-Christian, but it was a monotheistic world.”
>Monotheistic? Then who was the One God of Middle-earth?
>Tolkien was taken aback: “The one, of course! The book is about the world that God created – the actual world of this planet.”
Read that again, carefuly
He just wanted to make a meme and so he gave us taxposting. I hate your books Martin but I like Taxposting.
>Gandalf's role and importance was substantially increased in the conception of The Lord of the Rings, and in a letter of 1954, Tolkien refers to Gandalf as an "angel incarnate".[14] In the same letter Tolkien states he was given the form of an old man in order to limit his powers on Earth. Both in 1965 and 1971 Tolkien again refers to Gandalf as an angelic being.[15][16]
Is anyone gonna point out that Martin is objectively wrong and that Tolkien went into great detail how Aragorn reigned into the Fourth Age in the Appendices?
The more she drank, the more she shat.
even the question of orcs is answered in the appendices but that would just kill this meme dead so we carry on pretending to be retarded
> his prose sometimes becoming more elaborate if the scene is dramatic, i.e. the dragons hatching, the Blackwater battle
Those were some of the most underwhelming parts in the books imo. The battle of Blackwater was a tedious read.
Tolkien's "magnum opus" is the silmarillion and its hardly finished
Tolkein spent months in trench while fat fuck here gorges on McDonald's and can't finish a single book in a decade.
Handsome chap when younger too. Very regal face.
True, but kinda beady. Mosley like so.
Have sex
lets be honest thats a onions face if ever there was one and you fucks would see it too if you got off tolkiens dick
LOTR books are boring but the Silmarillion is great. Fight me.
>confuses regal English gentleman with soi scum
Go to the opticians as soon as you can, or get a lobotomy. Preferably the latter.
This remains brilliant, however:
>“In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl. A great black shape against the fires beyond he loomed up, grown to a vast menace of despair. In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl, under the archway that no enemy ever yet had passed, and all fled before his face.
All save one. There waiting, silent and still in the space before the Gate, sat Gandalf upon Shadowfax: Shadowfax who alone among the free horses of the earth endured the terror, unmoving, steadfast as a graven image in Rath Dínen.
"You cannot enter here," said Gandalf, and the huge shadow halted. "Go back to the abyss prepared for you! Go back! Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your Master. Go!"
The Black Rider flung back his hood, and behold! he had a kingly crown; and yet upon no head visible was it set. The red fires shone between it and the mantled shoulders vast and dark. From a mouth unseen there came a deadly laughter.
"Old fool!" he said. "Old fool! This is my hour. Do you not know Death when you see it? Die now and curse in vain!" And with that he lifted high his sword and flames ran down the blade.
And in that very moment, away behind in some courtyard of the city, a cock crowed. Shrill and clear he crowed, recking nothing of war nor of wizardry, welcoming only the morning that in the sky far above the shadows of death was coming with the dawn.
And as if in answer there came from far away another note. Horns, horns, horns, in dark Mindolluin's sides they dimly echoed. Great horns of the north wildly blowing. Rohan had come at last.”
wow, no writer has ever pondered such deep questions before. the fact that he omitted such things must be because Tolkien had never heard of taxes before.
stop comparing him to Tolkien goddammit. thats exactly what he wants. the fat fucks wants to harp on his fame, and since both books are fantasy retards will start to compare.
This should go to Yea Forums
This is too powerful for Yea Forums.
Too meme charged for Yea Forums. Taxposting was and always will be Yea Forums meme.
>Taxposting was and always will be Yea Forums meme.
aha epic.
why do normies jerk off to a shitty series
Enjoying the songs is sign that you're a true patrician and that you've read the book a few times already.
Best part of the whole story is the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring, change my mind.
Also there's plenty of moral complexity in lotr.
Orcs don't have cradles
They have menus, I don't thing cradles are that far fetched.
>There's nothing even remotely religious in LOTR
Excuse me, the entire work is replete with Christian themes. It is a meditation on the power of hope in the face of almost certain doom, the quest itself being the story of the meek inheriting the earth.
To begin with, Frodo embodies one aspect of the Christ-figure. He takes on the evil of the world as a burden, suffering greatly in his attempt to eliminate it forever. As he and Sam get closer to Mordor, he struggles more and more with his own failing hope, encouraged and reminded by Sam of the existence of higher virtue as the ring takes hold. Tolkien intended parallels between the lord's prayer and the climb up mount doom.
Aragon is the kingly aspect of Christ and directly gives hope to others. One of his elvish names (Estel) just means 'hope'. His struggle is to do this in a self-sacrificing way (as with frodo) to inspire the light of a new day in others and prevent them from falling into despair- as Tolkien makes it clear, once you fall into despair the game is lost. This takes Aragorn even to the land of the dead deep underground where he redeems the sins of past generations of men and returns to bring victory on the field. After fulfilling this role his holy qualities now emanate from his hands and he is able to go round the city healing the sick.
Gandalf is the final reflection of the Christ-archetype, being the priestly aspect. Again he is a vessel of hope for the benefit of others in a sacrificing manner and of course ends up giving his life in defense of the highest ideal (the quest of the fellowship) against a demonic power, and then is reborn in a state both more powerful and more spirit-like.
The entire journey is the triumph of the struggle of hope when realistically they should all only despair (this is Tolkien in the trenches with nothing but his faith in Christ). The characters talk about this explicitly but it is also embodied in their actions and the broader events of the book. Theodin falls into despair courtesy of Wormtongue and is only rescued by the arrival of Gandalf the White and then later inspired further by Aragorn at Helms Deep. His new spiritual invigoration ultimately turns the tide of war later on. Denethor more explicitly falls into despair, being corrupted directly through the palantir. This leads to his madness and suicide and it is left to Gandalf to defend the city. Boromir fails as his hope is based on the seizure of power. He then pays with his life, but not before redeeming his soul through sacrifice and so being pardoned by the king of men.
There is so much more to be said, but just don't forget that Tolkien was a literary genius with an intimate academic knowledge of mythology. His stories take place on the level of archetype, the good and the evil are always symbolic representations as a background for spiritual struggle and transformation
boggles the mind that there are people THIS stupid, who likely went through higher education. Really the only criticism in this vein you can make is that Tolkien didn't manage to expand on shorter timeframes like the downfall of numenor or the wars of Gondor enough, but the man only had one lifetime and the events are still compelling.
>no one who changes as dramatically as Jaime
He is right you know
Frodo changes pretty drastically, Gandalf the White is notably different from the Grey, Saruman changes a lot albeit behind the scenes, even Bilbo changes drastically. But like Jaime, the only half decent character in got, those changes were actually traits those characters had all along which get brought out by circumstances and reflection. Tolkien was a virtue ethicist and beleived people are born with natures that they could choose to be true to or not. For so many got characters, they have absolutely no nature whatsoever, they may as well be chess pieces.
At least Tolkien finished thenl fucking books
Tolkien is fifth grade literature.
Most based post today, plenty redpilled too.
>Gradually, I began to hate them.
feed and sneedpilled
Doesn't gurm also resort to the exact same type of black and white enemies with the white walkers? Asking what happens to the orcs after Saurons defeat is like asking what happens to white walkers after the Night King is dead.
>Tolkien made the story to put them to sleep
well it worked!
Muh global warming
People forget that his job wasn't being an author he was a full time professor at Oxford. Writing lotr he does in his spare time
There must always be a Night King. Jokes aside he has described them as being faerie / sith / elf like. Own culture, language, and all that jazz that makes up a society.
Fuck off martin, your books are shit
It's funny because none of this is present in Game of Thrones (except constant reference here and there to public treasury being empty, without any visible consequence to the plot), and it doesn't make good storytelling anyway.
Never read any of Tolkien's books here: How does a song in those books look like? Is it like sheet music or is it only the lyrics? if it's the latter: How do you know what the song sounds like? Do you just make the tune yourself?
have sex
I read every GRRM quote in South Park's shitty parody voice.
>and what about that flaccid weiners of Gondor? Did Aragorn join them? Did they remain unerect and non-threatening?
Just lyrics. Personally I go with clamavi de profundis channel that has a lot of lotr songs on youtube, but I like audiobook version of "Mounds of Mundburg" by Rob Inglis.
To all the incels REEEing ITT
Tolkien: Catholic pro monarchy family man
Martin: Communist anti monarchy incel
Y'think it's coincidence that GoT is all about incompetent yet evil nobles and prostitutes?
Well, nobody's perfect.
>Just lyrics.
But how do you know how it sounds like?
Why do incels get so mad over GRRM's non-criticism?
Tolkien would be repulsed by you creatures worshiping him.
I always thought that was something Saruman was saying to them to make them hate humans and want to fight for him extra hard.
Becuase Tolkien = christian = based
Martin = Tumblr = commie
Especially disgusted at those skewing GRRM for the Jewishness.
Ah yes, the arbiters of christian morality and family values
Pretty much, it will not last, as soon as the Amazon show starts tumblr will love it and they will slowly start hating it, not becuase it will be shit, just becuase "liberals" like it
This is probably the best description of dysentery in fiction ever written. It's also a shining example of the old literary rule, "never show your characters going to the bathroom; it's assumed they will, and you don't need to get into the details."
>every piece of work has to be streamlined, cook-cutter crap.