>For Jordan Peele fresh stories and representation are important, but it’s not the only important thing, “I'm a comedy guy, my pedigree, my DNA as an artist is the desire to provoke. I think if I'm not doing something that might piss people off then I’m doing it wrong.”


>“I have a very clear commentary with this film,” said Peele. “This movie is about this country. When I decided to write this movie, I was stricken at a time when we fear the ‘other’…the mysterious invader.” He goes on to say whether it is a person crossing a border, someone who has a differing political perspective or a stranger who doesn’t look like us, “we are all about pointing the finger.”

>He adds, “Maybe the evil is us.”


Instead of making entertainment, this talentless hack makes propaganda. Disgusting.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>"And with us I dont me-us, I mean white people"

Too bad, I'm watching it

I wish these fucks could be put in carteland without money or connections and see how they end up, maybe then they can realize true evil

Pretty much this. What else am I going to watch huh? Everything is trash at the moment.

Watch satantango

that guy is getting way too uppity

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kek what a pompous retard

He's not wrong, though.
You're just sperging out for the sake of it.

The oscars have become such a shit show that I think it's about time anyone with taste avoids any upcoming movies with "by Academy Award Winner" on them. They really are a warning to the politicized garbage that likely lurks inside said movie.

Implying this isn't going to be trash. I'm watching it too but purely for the racist agenda

Same. Looking forward to it, I thought Get Out was excellent.

You're never going to turn this board into r/e/ddit

When will Yea Forums learned to not trash talk and "sabotage" a movie cause they don't like the politics behind you always end up looking like dumbasses.
What is this the 5th time in 2 years that this stunt has come up and become popular in here and in Yea Forums

Amen African brother!

Interesting, how'd your wife's boyfriend like it?

>being this triggered over someone saying they are going to see a film

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Yeah it was pretty good, I am also excited for TZ, is he just the host or did he had any creative input?

So is it about race? Because last time we had threads anons were saying that it's automatically bad since it was "leaked" that it was about race again like Get Out, and yet everything I've heard says otherwise.

>“I enjoyed a movie that portrays America’s simpering rich white liberals for the race fetishists they are.”

when will Yea Forums trannies stop shitting up our comfy board

Next thing you're going to say is that the movie is going to bomb because nobody cares for African American lead horror movies

>someone who supports Jordan Peele and actually thought Get Out wasn't an overrated crap film
>using the word triggered

You co-opting the term does nothing to change the original meaning of it r/eddit fag

Bro I just saw one of you guys post straight up tranny porn in here, reflection much?

>Fuck my wife PLEASE

If you guys honestly think Disney started the controversy around boycotting Captain Marvel, then this shit has to be an attempt by whoever is publishing Us as well.

This board should really read some Vonnegut

I'm not sure, I had a look at imdb but they only have one episode listed with another writer. Hopefully he's done at least one.


I'm not going to make that claim, propaganda must remain profitable. Jordan Peele is laughing all the way to the bank, as are his jew handlers. Doesn't mean we can't ridicule you for watching propagandist trash weak "man".

The_Donald did that 3 years ago.


>reflection much?

yup that's going to be a r.eddit from me

Bomb? You and your cousins are gonna make the film skyrocket

The twist isWhite people have made a deal with a shape shifting Alien race to help them eliminate blacks.

>mentions The_Donald

You can't help yourself and you will never pass

>maybe the evil is us

Why do you mention cousins? Who do you think I am?

The irony is the same poster that makes stupid posts like this is the same person that thinks systematic racism, white supremacy and the patriarchy are real things and are very offended by them.

You fool no one.

Well I hope you're black? Oh no.

What did everyone here think of Get Out, just watched last night

I'm an ecuadorian immigrant studying college in America as a green card holder

>Maybe the evil is us
Thats right not the people beheading each other are bad, its the people trying to stay away from those people that are evil.

>Maybe the evil is us
nice reddit philosophy

you can't post here and study at the same time. back to work pepe.

Looks good. Even rich middle-class blacks have a violent African animal in them. This is what the dopplegangers represent - the real African animalistic nature that can't be contained by white civilization.

>the evil is us
The evil is in Black people's genes.

>maybe the evil is us
maybe go stage another crime hoax, ey blackey?

yes fellow 4channarian white people! let's protest this movie on social media just like the last week. let's raid RT! and make 9001 youtube videos about how it will bomb. i'm totally not an instigator hired to rile you up and get you to overplay your hand again so my employer can be victimized and use it for PR purposes. Nope, totally organic old 4channel user here to start a real grass-roots movement!


It's a perfectly valid interpretation. I'm not even racist.

How do people like yoy even function in real life?

I liked it. Yea Forums hates it because it's by a black guy

after seeing the trailer i was really hoping this film would be about how toxic certain aspects of black culture are and how they destroy the black family. this would obviously be represented by the "evil family". it really looked like that's what he was going for and i was actually excited. i haven't read much about it so i'll reserve hope but it's looking like i was wrong.

He has nearly finished his trilogy on why whites are bad

This is not even about whites.

I'm not a liberal by any sense of the word and I'll readily concede that there are varying degrees of racism and that stereotypes can and have saved people's lives, however saying stupid shit like
>The evil is in Black people's genes
is incredibly naive and borderline neanderthalic. The irony.

no it's about drumpf

>fragile liitle white guy

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lmao fpbp

i hope that's not the case. maybe the film is a critique of modern black culture but he knows he can't just outright say that without losing a ton of people who were going to see his movie. it's a reach but who knows. ill probably still see it regardless unless jordan pulls some brie larson level irl shitposting.

African Americans and the negro that made Get out in general, can't help but make it about whites

Have sex.

Have you seen the trailer? It's literally about a rich black family being attacked by their evil doppelgangers.

Exactly. He will still sneak whitey in. Use your head

Daily reminder that Get Out is based on Jordan Peele feeling uncomfortable when visiting her gf's parents in real life. The parents on the film are anglos, but not in real life. Can you guess what were the real life parents? The answer may surprise you.

If he doesn't, I'll say sorry in a future US thread.

>black people play traditionally white characters
>fucking niggers, stop stealing our culture!
>black people make their own critically acclaimed films with predominately black cast
>fucking niggers, stop making films about black people!

Why do blacks rape and murder so much as a population group irrespective of their location if it isn't caused by genetics? Why do you deny science and logic?

Almost as if racist assholes will never stop bitching about race because they're OBSESSED with race.

Based aliens

>skirting the obvious "white fragility" buzzword

You'll never be a real woman

I'll take Jews for 200 Alex

Mediocre with a stupid twist
The fat friend was the best part and the movie should have focused on him trying to find his friend
Saving the Le Epic twist till end meant that the movie basically had zero cultural satire(which people claim is the main point of the film)
Overall it's a sub-James Wanian teen horror flick

>inventing 2 strawmen where you can be the victim
sounds about right

Nice blog post

It's almost like you create more racist assholes when you're a racist asshole who spreads racism through your propaganda

huh, interesting

Yeah I too thought the movie was going full Boondocks.
Where people are expecting a black power fantasy that critiques whites---but is actually a show that focuses on the flaws that must be fixed in black culture.

Attached: boondocks-king-guess-whos-back.jpg (680x453, 52K)

Talking to african woman today she's smiling alot.
How much do black women like white men?

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Why do you think people with extreme political opinions are shut in good for nothings?

You'll never be a real man :)

because the jews will not allow them to get jobs because they fear a white man getting ahead in life

>Hollywood and the press by and large have become politicized and have spread blatant messages that white people = bad, black people = good, racebend clasically White characters and create almost entirely black movies and call it diverse and make sure to include implied anti-White rhetoric


You know how white women has a thing for black men? Well the same is true for black women because they have a thing for white men

Well in reality, I am genetically a man so yes I am a "real man". However reality is not on your side when you chose to create a frankenstein's monster of genitalia and call yourself a woman.
Reality has a right-wing bias, I'm sorry to say.

Sure you are sweetie, I'm sure everyone sees you as a real man and not a pathetic loser :^)

Shia Labeouf and Jim Carrey are already praising it as a fine art masterpeace

Thanks man.I'll get on it then.

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Your (yous) i messed up

>director has a message about the importance of self-reflection in an increasingly hostile America
fuck off retard

This, still better than neverending capeshit

Pay closer attention. The dopplegangers either represent the identity America(meaning wypipo) sees for them or the black identity America(again wypipo) tells them they should fear. I won't know for sure until I see the movie.

you really think a b-horror director should be talking like this though? quit being a mouthy pleb and let the film speak for itself.

It's called press. I will let the film speak for itself and I'll let Peele speak for himself too.

>Doppleganger story

HOw could I not see this

based retard

>science and logic
Your attempts at rhetoric so infantile that you make me feel like being very condescending towards you. Throughout history humans have had periods burdened heavily by violence, rape, and murder. Last time I checked the Huns weren't blacks. Neither were the Mongols, the Japanese, the European settlers in America, the Aztecs, the Gauls. Tons of rape and murder. Not blacks. Not genetic. Just human. You've watched too much sci-fi if you think blacks have magic shit in their DNA that makes them "evil". You're only handicapping your own mind by believing in this nonsense. Think for yourself. Humans are shit. That we are civilised enough to have this conversation at all is a near miracle.

I'm tired of movies being something to be mad at. I don't even care if people make movies with statements, I'm just tired of hearing you faggots pretend to be mad at everything. At least do a better job of it.

Why so defensive about somebody touching on inner hostility in America?
Does it make you uncomfortable?
Are you sure the callout is even directed at you in particular?

Triggered Whitey

Avoid anons who speak negatively or positively on a subject without having seen it. You'll have a better time.

Have sex

what are you the FBI. shut your face faggot.

Avoid them how? Am I supposed to post on Reddit to find decent shitposters? Because they aren't here.

Yes think for yourself...just like me!

Race is just a social construct. Everyone is equally evil. Except me of course, because I think myself. What's that? You think it is suspicious that I announce that my thoughts are in fact my own? What are you some kind of Nazi?

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Avoiding threads like this are a good start. Watch Star Trek and join us in those threads. Atleast the anons (mostly) give each series a try before shitting on it.

Also star trek was just an example. I guess im saying avoid /pol/ autism as much as possible.

I can tell you either don't frequent Yea Forums or didn't read my post, but there is no avoiding them without avoiding this site.

this board is filled with actual film discussion this thread is a poorly disguised pol thread

>We are all about pointing the finger
>Fuck white people

>you really think a b-horror director should be talking like this though?
>quit being a mouthy pleb and let the film speak for itself

Who the fuck cares, retard? If you get triggered so much, stop reading his interviews.

Don't you get tired of playing the victim?

You can avoid them just fine by not replying to their posts. Are you required to reply to every shitposter? If youve been here long enough are used to the shitposting and just ignore it.
Not that difficult.

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When did white people become such pussies?

>my DNA as an artist is the desire to provoke. I think if I'm not doing something that might piss people off then I’m doing it wrong.”

Why not provoke Jewish people? Or Israel?

Make a documentary about Israel, Peele. Talk about those people and how they treat Palestine.Or how about religious Jews and how they cut baby dicks and how weird that is.

Its worked very well for every other group. So, no.

>blacks playing victim because of slavery
>joos playing victim because of shoa
>white people playing victim because they are triggered by what they saw on medias and internet
My sides

Let's change the magic word:
>"And with us I dont me-us, I mean black people"
>"And with us I dont me-us, I mean Jew people"
>"And with us I dont me-us, I mean asian people"
>"And with us I dont me-us, I mean Muslim people"
>"And with us I dont me-us, I mean homeless people"
>"And with us I dont me-us, I mean liberal people"

What is the problem? Do you think the only objective of a film should be to be entertaining? I applaud Peele and other directors for trying to elevate film beyond simply entertainment.

>When did white people become such pussies?
When did non-White people need so much help, media, government money, services, holidays, etc to get them everything they have?

Why do non-White people want to be around White people so much?

Why can't non-White people just stay with their own kind?

Are non-White people children?

Don't pop a blood vessel whitey lmao

>Do you think the only objective of a film should be to be entertaining?
Yes. Everything else is typical an attack on White people. There is never an attack on Blacks for being the worst part of the US, for example. They are always treated as victims because they always need to have their feelings taken care of.

Why can't black people just go back to Africa instead of complaining about racism?

Black people are the biggest pussies since they can't even go back to their home country out of fear.

This level of ignorant racism is just sad

>triggered whitey
>reddit spacing
Hello r/the_donald

>he fell for the racism meme

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>Why can't black people just go back to Africa instead of complaining about racism?
this is stupid, that's like saying all whites should go back to Europe

Since when did the whites come to America against their will and under slavery?

lmao is this the new meme word we’re using? epic my magapede bro!

This horror kino is about the insidious evil of whites rewarding blacks for doing subpar work. oh is that too far, forget that lol

It's clones. Meh.

but i mean they aren't natives, you know what those are right? the peoples the white man stole land from by tricking them then killing them with sickness and plague, remember them?
yeah maybe whites should have stayed in europe
then we wouldn't have blacks here crying about racism

>how do you do, fellow kids?

>“Maybe the evil is us.”

I think Peele is well aware of racism on both sides

GET OUT was about white liberals obsession with trying to impress blacks and ultimately controlling them.

Yea Forums being the low IQ place it is really missed this whole fucking point, a black person simply being in a film is enough to trigger you faggots.

Who said those last two points other than you?

GOD I wish /po/ would just fuck off back to Israel along with Trump

Seriously, it looks about 95% less race-baiting than "Get Out." I'll probably watch it on TV.

>Get Out
>Race baiting
uh oh, someone hasn't seen the movie (or is a complete retard)

That's not the point of telling blacks to go back though.
They were brought here chained against their will, even after been freed, they were opressed by society, so it makes sense to them to go back and live better lives in their lands.
Whites came here because they wanted to, and subdued the natives through might. If you're too weak and stupid to keep your land, then your land gets taken.

Us... US... USA
Mind... fucking... blown.
fuck white people

No thanks, i'm good

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I'm watching it then fuck my ebony hottie date once we're out of there, and there's nothing you can do about it incel.

Try this neat trick instead: Avoid ALL new flicks