Why does it seem like comic book movie watchers are insufferable when it comes to female representation when literally other genres have been doing it for much, much longer.
Why does it seem like comic book movie watchers are insufferable when it comes to female representation when literally...
great image, mind if i save?
thanks in advance
It's literally just blue check marks looking for clicks. Outrage culture, nothing more.
Niggers man. What can you do.
Because diversity is marketable, especially among the numale crowd and the women who keep their company
Just compare the ghostbuster remake to Annihilation. Both had an all-female principal cast, but only one had the nerve to start bragging about it.
weird, i don't remember people complaining about Wonder Woman or the numerous super heroines (except CM) who have featured in the MCU so far
almost like people just don't like the actress for being a cunt
lol hey Beter
Well, tbf, most of the horror female protags nearly die before narrowly surviving. It's much more believable then a pack of Mary Sues.
Who cares about other genres?
Honestly thinking on it many anime/manga have some really great female characters (often better than the male leads) though I think SJW don't see them as good as they are because of fan-service which is really only there for eye-candy.
Meg = Captain Marvel
Chris = Gamora
Lois = Scarlet Witch
[B]eter = Black Widow
Who is your favorite girl in fiction?
Literally this
Any of those girls deserved way more a solo movie
Also it needs Brian=Wasp
>push something for political reasons
>Leftists make it entirely political even if directors dont
Watched it yesterday...fuck this bullcrap, is mediocre as fuck, with lots of jumps: She's here, then there, then in another place. Horrible pacing, everybody is trusting as fuck, Nick shouldn't bring a fucking unknown girl to secret bases, and Cap shoudln't trust her long time enemies in the first fucking talk
Last battle is bullcrap, she curbstomps everything, fuck, through the whole movie she defeats any obstacle with little to no problem
Mediocre as fuck movie
Maybe xena
Rina, from Rina and Gaurri
>she curbstomps everything, fuck, through the whole movie she defeats any obstacle with little to no problem
that was its only redeeming quality, that they didn't hold back on her powers. it's what DC should have done with Superman instead of making him a moody bitchboy who can't even hurt a fly
Fran from Franken Fran.
Wow what a terrible and gay meme
krill yourself
But as a story it made the entire third act boring.
It at least needed something to break her power, force her into a situation where she couldn't go 100%
comic book movies were a mistake.
>weird, i don't remember people complaining about Wonder Woman or the numerous super heroines (except CM) who have featured in the MCU so far
Plenty of people complained about la goblina semitica.
Did you miss the part where the Kryptonians kick his ass repeatedly? Or the part where Zod was slowly soaking the sun and becoming stronger and stronger?
Cpt. Marvel literally would have killed Ronin, the same guy who wielded an infitiy stone.
>Black Widow
>Deserving any screentime
She was by far the most boring Avenger before Captain Fungus made her debut. If anything she deserves less screentime. She and Hulk should have disappeared through the snap, never to be heard of again.
How about cunny fans?
For several reasons:
1. Modern superhero movies are currently more center focused in public discourse.
2. The discussions over certain forms of activism have changed significantly, compared to even 10 years ago, in my opinion.
Empowered women characters from years have a different "feel" to them, than current expressions of strong women characters.
While these discussions can turn into quite toxic things, I believe it's important to have discussions about where Art/media is currently at with present day issues.
We didn’t have a problem with it when it was any of the following:
>Ghost in the Shell
>Wonder Woman
>Tank Girl
What you’re looking at is Disney’s own narrative management,manufactured controversy, manufactured outrage, and the useful idiots they hooked in. Now let’s take a look at what they’re distracting us from:
Giving the title of Captain Marvel to Carol Danvers not only short-changes the male alien who originally carried the name, but also the black woman who carried it after him - Monica Rambeau. As if that weren’t enough, it also genderswaps the original alien to a woman as well and makes Danvers the inspiration for the child Monica Rambeau in one of the most tone-deaf displays of “White Savior” I’ve seen in recent memory. Then it takes a heroic man of action like Nick Fury and reduces his war wound to an injury inflicted by a fucking alien housecat. And to add insult to injury, it does all this while filling the role of Danvers with a smug, sanctimonious, virtue-signaling hypocrite who probably isn’t even aware of the subtle white-washing she’s been party to, or would care were it to be brought to her attention.
But by all means, let’s focus on all that “hate” from the fans. It’s really done wonders for Star Wars.
I expect you to deposit 10 cents into my Yea Forums Gold account every time you post it.
What wonders have it done?
Ezri Dax
They're reading piss poor propaganda with stories for middle schoolers, ridiculously boring characters.
Only a certain kind of turbo autistis is attracted to that shit.
No one gives a fuck about your stupid weebo shit.
Because today's hollywood female representation comes with obnoxious feminist and critical theory dogma.
If a film about super heroes started preaching Christian values I'd he pissed off too.
Western comics are significantly worse then every other major form of story telling. Adapting garbage will only result in garbage.
It's all about virtue signalling.
Anima and manga is weebo shit that no one cares about and not manstream, sci-fi is largely poor quality and low budget, and horror movies are consistently middle of the pack performers that are almost entirely forgettable as a genre.
Comicbook movies make a fuck ton of money and get talked about for years and years to come and usually get remakes after that. It's the most unique while being the most mainstream genre, so when movie watchers get a chance to jerk themselves off to visual pseudo pop feminism they will. They get to make their masturbatory fantasy about strong women count double as a chance to show everyone how "progressive", and "woke" they are because they LOVED black panther and Captain marvel and "only kind of liked" Batman.
>great female characters
>Why does it seem like comic book movie watchers are insufferable when it comes to female representation when literally other genres have been doing it for much, much longer
Because people are tired of you being fucking assholes. That's all it is and I don't give a shit but you brought this on yourselves.