Drives 500 km to stab a guy 27 times

>drives 500 km to stab a guy 27 times
>makes a glass of chocolate milk in the process
>"""self defense"""

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is he still saying that euro fell on broken glass?

Why should I watch this? I thought it was lame but your suggesting a murder now?

I'm not watching your garbage movie so stop posting everyday

you don't believe what the movie tells right ? i hope...
yes because that's what happened

>I am heavily into my Northern Heritage
>Bathory, Thulean perspective, MyFarog, the list goes on

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You and me user, we are of the same kind. Just keep the struggle going, one day we will have redpilled the plebs on this board and the white nords will rise up against and crush (((them)))

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>wants for fight for the white race
>continues to watche youtube videos and parrots what he learned on a bulgarian child trafficking webface

>movies are accurate representations of reality
Ah yes, I recall reading all about Darth Vader in history.

This thread is pozzed and zogpilled.
Also I'm not watching the movie. Keep shilling see if I care

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>Keep shilling see if I care

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>posting a recent movie is shilling

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Come on now, Varg. We all know you did it.

>Vikernes was arrested on 19 August 1993 in Bergen.[44] The police found 150 kg of explosives and 3,000 rounds of ammunition in his home.[54]
> "I was getting [the explosives and ammunition] in order to defend Norway if we were attacked any time. During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union could have decided to attack us. We have no reason to trust neither the government, the royal family or the military because of what happened last time we were attacked. We are left to ourselves."[54]
yeah, checks out LMAO that liar

OP did you just make this thread just to post this?

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nah, you are responding to several persons.
Varg-drones are the worst tho.

good for you, i'm not.

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varg-drones and ncp's like OP are the worst

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It's pretty simple

Is the movie good?
>It's okay. It has high entertainment value, some eastereggs for metal autists etc
Is it accurate?
>No, also who cares? Neither is Gladiator
Is Varg a lying fuck 24/7 since 1992?
Is the main conflict overly simplified?
>yes, this is why the movie isn't really good
Is Varg right about sperging about the movie?
>No, see above+he hasn't seen it
Should I torrent the thing right before watching Ted's movie?

>has 3,000 rounds in his home
>has guns
>drives to stab a guy

That doesn't compute.

>is a crazy violent closeted faggot
>does crazy violent stuff to another closeted faggot

No I didn't

This movie had a great chance to be a comedy kino, and they completely blew it. It's all over the place and shit.

I wonder how it feels to stab someone 27 times.

First it's a struggle - then pleading. Finally, submission and ultimately death.

Why didn't he stop? Did he go for a finishing move when he was already unconscious?

What a dude. Outright murdered someone, that person is dead and probably died a scary, horrifying death. He'll never come back.

Meanwhile, Varg is preaching on Youtube.

Varg isn't even preaching on youtube, he just makes videos about his board games and takes multiple jabs at Euronymous's sexuality.

he has like 7 videos online about that movie

>Varg isn't even preaching on youtube

That's exactly what he's doing on YouTube you retarded idiot

After all the retarded Vargposting we now have a Vargposter who obviously doesn't even regularly watch Varg, nice.

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>watching multiple videos of a white supremacist
>taking pride in his preaching

Why he looks like Putin?

russia was founded by vikings

i don't take pride in it, wtf. varg is a fucking moron. i just love his music and watch his retarded channel from time to time to laugh or get angry.

>white supremacist
"whites" are mutts according to varg, and he isn't wrong.

he also says that blue eyes give you superpowers during winter and autism is a very good thing


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And that doesn't mean he isnt right about self identified "whites" being new world mongrels

When VV broke /pol/

>you are ugly therefore wrong

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there's literally nothing wrong with being "ugly", it's just funny when people who talk about their superiority based on their race and want to exterminate other people because of their race or religion turn out to look like that.

>there's literally nothing wrong with being "ugly"
uglo detected

>fat faggot ruining vinland flag
I want to punch his face

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it's pretty simple
Should we stop making thread about this trash ?

no. vargposting is the most interesting and entertaining thing on Yea Forums, aside from lotr threads. everything else is trash.

yeah, threads about movies are the real problem of Yea Forums

>vargposting is the most interesting and entertaining thing on Yea Forums
Yea Forums is so fucking dead
I hate phone posters

joke's on you, i'm not a phone poster, just a phone browser. Yea Forums won't let me post from my phone.

Shitskins worldwide flock to white countries to be around people that look like that.

Varg might seem somewhat harmless in his videos, but he is Hitler level of crazy when it comes to racial matters and has invented an entire worldview solely dedicated to purification of genes into some kind of "Aryan" theory he has of mankind.

It's pretty much the same racial program Hitler described in Mein Kampf were Germans over time would all become blonde and blue eyed trough selective breeding.

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idiot. im not saying that did you lost your mind? my point is that this threads are always turning into /pol/ trash and nobody actually talks about the movie (probably because there is nothing else to tell except that it's bad)

what's your point?

also, they don't come here to be with people that look like that. they come here to have a chance for a decent life. because they are in danger at home, either from violence or poverty. it has nothing to do with /pol/tards being ugly.


okay tranny

Yeah because they're violent subhuman parasites that create shithole countries. Ugly white people doesn't change that

You have really good reading comprehension.

how new are you? Be honest.

>when you interrogate people about their beliefs intensively they no longer appear normal

If you're older than 16, congratulations, if it took you this long =

I read all of Vargs books. It's esoteric rambling without any footnotes or basis in empirical sciences. The only thing holding his shitty stuff together is his pathological antisemitism.

>I am ugly but at least I am not brown so I became a Nazi
your post is very telling, uglo


Congratulations, you can type out psychological constructs aimlessly! So can I!

The movie is simply all wrong of course, but it goes without saying.
If you're an edgy metal autist like me you'll probably love it. Some of the props and recreations and fucking perfect, though.
"metal radar" guys will hate this, though. Nobody should listen to those people in the first place.

Doesn't make sense in your case, you are very angry and it's obvious you are projecting this because I hurt you. No need for an IQ analysis, your motivations are transparent.

you have nothing else to tell ? it's alright good bye.

You prefering to be around ugly nazis than with your own people is very telling.

Well now, this doesn't make sense in your case, you are very angry and it's obvious you are projecting this because I hurt you. No need for an IQ analysis, your motivations are transparent.

>You prefering to be around ugly nazis than with
are you retarded?

certified reddit post

Why is he so perfect bros?

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Varg is funny as fuck.

Euronymous was a faggot his band memebers where happy he died they were relieved



do you think he goes on Yea Forums ? is it you ?

wait isn't that fenriz?

All rook same to me
>i may have made a mistake
I'll admit it

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Varg's pretty much confirmed on visiting /pol/. If Fenriz goes anywhere, it's Yea Forums.

Varg’s videos with his children are adorable. He’s nothing it not a devoted and caring father to them.

I think you have face blindness, user.

lmao, desu I don't care if he travelled 500km to kill someone - sounds fucking dope if he did. I don't agree with him on most things - but I admire the tenacity.

Let's just ignore his first kid

I-Isn't that a symptom of autism?

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varg did nothing wrong

She probably ignores him too. :(

Why not we do for John Lennon.

I thought you guys just didn't like Varg - but I see your world views are just far removed from the Power of Will. Talking about escaping "danger," and a "decent life".

That's weakness. If you cannot be the master of your environment, whatever it may be, you have failed.

Introspectively, I'm questioning myself while I write this. I'm aiming to go into Finance or Tech after I graduate in CS - wondering if that's actually mastering the environment with the gifts I have.

Either way, you're just a fucking bot.

it's alright and ok

Yea Forums, /x/ or /out/

everyone deserve redemption, even pagans

Varg is just a white nigger who is famous for a murderous chimpout

>It's pretty simple
unlike using greentext, it seems

i'm sick of redditors dickriding this trendhopping numale
>dude fenriz is so cool lmao xd rawr

stop blogposting u faggot noone cares about your stupid opinion

>believing literally anything in this movie

>believing literally anything count cunt says

So there was no band named Mayhem playing black metal?

>believing literally anything in any movie

>believing literally anything

get redpilled plebs

>believing anything at all
lmaoing at all u fags

>He’s nothing it not a devoted and caring father to them

French government pays for them anyways, also they'll have autism because Varg being anti-vax and autistic

>trendhopping numale
Transilvanian Hunger is good though

varg is a faggot murderer and euro was a faggot who had it coming

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>French government pays for them anyways

Because they pay everyone for their children you fucking burger piece of shit. Just like every other EU member. You get money for every child you care for, until they have a job.

>until they have a job
watch me add some oil in my soviet gaz with ss painting

Because he doom claws to non distorted funk jazz if need be. I've seen it. It was hilarious.

Anyone have a streaming link?

I think he put it in his skull the 27th time.

The guy he killed was a massive faggot. It still perplexes me that with all the information they had on Euronymous they still chose to take a sympathetic protagonist route. The only shitty things he did in the movie really was whenever something happened and it was revealed to his circle jerk buddies he'd butt in and be like 'oh I told him to do it' and repeats this over. Also they falsified him having a girlfriend and turned part of it into a love story.

It's on

Thank you

>Why didn't he stop?
People can still keep fighting even with a shitload of stab wounds.

Well I agree with you on the basic fact of the statement but the relation to Varg's obsession is a little different, individual cases ought to be considered.
The point is that Varg has no clue about race. A lot of the ideas he peddles come straight out of the mouth of his French girlfriend, an actual autist and writer of racial "theory" books who believes there is an inherent connection between autism and Neanderthals. None of the ideas that are being thrown around by these two are based on reality, actual Anthropology is a science and mostly numbers which people try to understand in the light of historic context. What Varg does is pick weird shit, present it out of context just to add his own ludicrous theory that can fit his ideological believes.

People that have studied anthropology and have read the research of many famous anthropologists have laughed at him for quite some time. The comparison with Hitler isn't that accurate because a lot of the stuff that is being attributed to Hitler in regards to his own racial believes is wrong.

Is it true that Hitler smelt like boiled eggs?

I thought that was a defining trait of black people?

Hitler's barber claimed he smelled good and was well kept


They also pay for varg and his wife so they can cosplay in the woods retard

>b..but muh varg is a millionaire through his records

>I'm a black metal fan

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That dude has a YouTube channel its cringe as fuck

He probably didn't stop because if he did then he'd be left with someone screaming in pain bleeding all over the place. The more stab wounds = the quicker someone stops screaming, as they're blood pressure drops and they start to lose consciousness before dying of blood loss.

Almost every stabbing murder plays out like this. Serial killer Ed Kemper talks about it. Varg probably started stabbing Euro, realised he wasn't dying quickly enough, continued to stab as much as he could before he freaked out and instinctively went for the head to stop the screaming and struggling.

I don't know why people still have a hard on for Varg anyway, he served his sentence, whatever the norwegian court decided it was and now he's out and has been for a long time, started a new life and is doing fine. His kids are lovely.

Well, maybe because he has that youtube channel with the lunatic videos every few days that have 200k+ views after two days?

>murders somebody
>served his sentence
He should be in prison still if nordics weren't pussies.

Why? You really think anyone who kills someone should never be free again? There's reason for things that happen, and different definition of the circumstances around the killing of a person. The goal should be to keep society safe, not keep people in prison at all cost. If you find out why a person killed, if you make sure he won't do it again, and if he served 15 fucking years in prison, why shouldn't he be set free again? Prison is very expensive. Europe isn't the US, where people actually make money with the private prison system.

Varg told me not to watch


For someone having a farm, 6 homeschooled children, a wife, books and a pen&paper rpg to write, a youtube channel, comments to read, and a music project, Varg knows an awful lot about /pol/ memes.


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>Is it accurate?
>>No, also who cares? Neither is Gladiator
People unironically thinking retarded hypocritical shit like this should be lined up against a wall and shot.

And what about it? you act like he's the president of the world or something, as if one day he's going to enact his own world order and exterminate all Euronymous defenders and non pegans. He's irrelevent in the grand scheme of things with just a small youtube channel about his everyday thoughts.

>Jonas Akerlund
>Into the trash

He should have stayed a music video director.

sounds like some faggot hacker lmao

>There's reason for things that happen, and different definition of the circumstances around the killing of a person.
the semantics is sorted out in the trail, he was convicted of the scandi equivalent of first degree murder, if there was evidence for accident or justification than he would have been convicted of manslaughter or lesser homicide felony.
>The goal should be to keep society safe, not keep people in prison at all cost.
except he escaped and carjacked a family at gun point
>Prison is very expensive.
he is still living on the government's dime and shits out children while unemployed like the white trash he is

stop sucking this delusional old man's dick

i'm not sucking his dick man, in fact i fucking hate that piece of shit. but still, he's neither unemployed nor living on the government's dime. He's an artist, and a farmer. And the government benefits he receives are child support, everyone in Europe gets those. You can't do anything against it. If you don't give them a bank account for example, they just pile it up until they find out where to transfer it to.

At least be fair with him, there's more than enough reasons to hate and despite him beyond that.

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These threads are an excuse to have a full on /pol/ tard extravaganza. Worse than MDE threads. You don't even talk about the shit movie. I haven't seen a single snapshot or webm in 10 of these threads. Vargtards can now hide behind a supposed on topic thread, without having to worry about jannies deleting their YouTube eceleb garbage cancer

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>I haven't seen a single snapshot or webm in 10 of these threads

well then you haven't been looking close enough, there's been several of hebrew Varg drinking chocolate milk or euro's gf undressing.


>Yes, I really didn't plan to do a video about this, but I did anyhow, because... goys just wanna have fun, you know. BTW: They sent me the script for the film (ages ago), so yes, I would know what is in it.