It's like a black mirror episode

>it's like a black mirror episode

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why won't china pay me to breed their gooks?

If this were a publicly available ranking system open to wealthy/powerful men, women would openly compete.

ask nicely and they will

They don't want inferior gweilo genes in their gene pool

Hmm... doesn't seem worth it

Shut up gook

Attached: titsandtwink.webm (368x640, 1.67M)

fucking hell she is breedready

Sweet bagpipin' Jesus and the orphans whats the godcunting fuckgnarls

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wish I was the twink. Would make a great slut for white cocks

I don't consider myself to be a tit-man, but god damn..

Chinks need more females if they're going to mutt up their gene pool they'll pay women not you.

anybody got her database id?


>That silky and long black hair
>That rack
Sweet Confucius...

cos australians are doing it for free

Sounds based and redpilled, but I fear that it's anti-Chink propaganda

What makes the Chinese so all in on creating the best dystopian/big/brother is watching you kino?

fun fact: there are stores in china that have id lock for the restroom paper because chinks wait until they open and steal all of it.

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ewww i only want 10's to know when i'm breedready

Racial purity, racial creed.

this might be the first chinese woman with big tits I've ever seen

The Chinese have five thousand years of recorded history in which an uncontrolled populace chimps out and eats itself only to grow fresh from it's own shit until it's large enough to chimp the fuck out again.
They know better than anyone what happens when you let too many idiot's talk unsupervised.

>The youngest girl in this database is 15y old. The youngest woman with BreedReady:"1" status is 18y. The average age is a bit above 32y, and the most aged woman with a BR:1 is 39 and with a BR:0 is 95y. All are single [89%], divorced [10%] or widow[1%]. About 82% lives in Beijing

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Chinese 'leftover women' is a real thing but for a reason. They act desireable and demure untill you put a ring on it and then you're stuck with a 210 pound heffer playing angry birds in bed all day with a stash of half eaten KFC under her pillow.


Here comes the new meme.....

Confucian bullshit about hierarchy. They're whole culture is about being a bitch to your family and superiors. 1000s of years of this have made most of them a docile hive race of bug people. They never had books like 1984, brave new world, or animal farm, it's just not in their nature to question order and authority, in fact they think it makes them a more efficient society than others and they're probably right

>The youngest woman with BreedReady:"1" status is 18y.

Cringe and bluepilled

You have no idea how dangerous a surplus of 50 million men are in an already oppressed culture/society. Now tell those men that they mathematically cannot ever find a wife and you got yourself a revolution. (Due to China's one child policy and Chinks killing girls).

Now add that the West is a sexual free for all, where only the best men get free soft harems and a generation of unemployed and unhappy NEETS, who will never be "good enough" in the eyes of Western women and voila.

You got yourself a recipe for WW3.

'cause we don't have niggers and faggots.

Japan would pay

>China is already at goverment issue gf stage
>US is still a feminazi reich
So when are burger luddites catching up?

by western standards, Chinese history was incredibly stable especially considering the size of the country and the population. At it's greatest extent the Roman empire was just about half the size of Han China and was barely stable across single lifetimes of emperors.

Thousands of years of hierarchial teachings being ingrained into them until they become more ant than man. To ask a chinaman to stop worshipping authority is like telling a christian to stop worshipping Jesus.

There's a video of exactly this with some
Australian guy yelling at his useless Asian wife who just lays in bed tapping on her phone not answering him. He starts saying how she's become lazy and useless since they married, how she does nothing and wont touch him and he eventually storms out of the room. Wish I could find the video

If this was /pol your flag would be canadian.

that is a future ankle injury waiting to happen.

not until the jews are out


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Worried about the black and Muslim population in your own country,user.
The Chinese breeding problem is the problem you don't need to worry about the most. China is already making genetically modified babies.
When China’s clone army established, there will be only suicide bombers and chimpanzees in your country.

>What makes the Chinese so all in on creating the best dystopian/big/brother is watching you kino?

imagine marrying a chink only for her to bring her smelly family and refuse doing anything. imagine being surrounded by loud, smelly insects who cant into logic, compassion, or basic hygiene. these are your family now, and your neighbors, your friends and your politicians. where did all whites go? am I alone? its smell here, sun cant shine through smog, my social credit score is low, my hapa son is a loser, my hapa daughter fucks blacks, Im alone, a white spot in a sea of yellow piss and gutter oil. but it was worth it cuz chinese are based and redpilled /pol/ said so.

Based quads and gutter oil reference. Breaking up with my chink gf now.

>Worried about the black and Muslim population in your own country,user.
You mean those 7%? You mean that by the year 2070 my country will be at 40% Muslims?
Scary stuff man. Id be more worried about getting to the year 2070, due to the actual problems in the West and China.

It should be a future stomach injury too. She deserves to get the wind knocked outta her by me for being a whore.

Chinks have better personal hygene on average than white piggus.

>Chinese history was incredibly stable especially considering the size of the country and the population
I'm not arguing who made better societies, I'm saying they've wrote the shit down. It's not a plague or an invader that fucks them (except the Mongolians but they've got slant eyes and parts of Mongolia had been parts of china on and off for a millennium anyway) it's always their own people.

You're no more willing to use your guns than any other cuck.

Hello. I am breedready too, where is my gf?

>Id be more worried about getting to the year 2070, due to the actual problems in the West and China.
name single bigger problem in the west than demographic change.



>Chinks have better personal hygene on average than white piggus.
thats why they eat gutter oil and eggs boiled in piss?

you know how they have kill vans, they should have breed vans where semen demons like her are bound up for your sexual pleasure

I got my japanese wife already and living the good life.

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Did you not read my post? The biggest problems are:
>Automatization of jobs
>Massive young male unemployement/social frustration
>Western women refusal to settle down before age 30 and maybe having 1 child (technically part of the demographic problem, but more importantly a problem, because it results in sexual and societal frustration of millions of young men)
Just because Muslims will outnumber us in 100 years, doesnt mean that everything will continue as is in the next 100 years. Use your head.

job automation

>Chinese history was incredibly stable
The average Chinese emperor was more ruthless than the worst European king. They enslaved their subjects and forced them to work under conditions comparable to Concentration Camps.
Every now and then an Emperor would go one step too far, the people would rise up and murder the whole royal family. Then somebody else takes over and it all starts again.

That's why Mao being responsible for 70 million deaths wasn't anythinkg to be concerned about. They are used to that, it's probably part of their DNA now to bow to any authoritarian mass murderer.

>have to make a computer program in order to encourage people to breed, something that for all of human history was simple instinct.
And ppl say capitalism doesn't destroy culture

Yea Forums posters are forcibly sterilized in China.

The UK has been doing this for years, Itsnothing new

When the Truman show ends

Yea Forums posters have low social credit score and are forced to shovel dirt and feces. blacks have high social credit score in china and are breeding their women.


Fuck off you American retards. Some people don't want to die off and be replaced while they waste their lives on mindless consumerism , degeneracy and pets

The body odor gene is less they posses is less repulsive as is the the lack of facial and body hair. Chinese routinely go days without bathing or brushing teeth. So no, their personal hygiene is less than average. They simply do not bother to do it because it not an issue.

Based and Bugpilled

actually tyrannical emperors were the more stable on the whole, the history of civil war in any asian country is usually due to warlords claiming authority on BEHALF of the emperor and turning the Emperor into a hostage, until eventually having the emperor is virtually pointless anyway.

Download Tantan
Just make sure you don't have basedface / a Wu-Tang tee

i can kinda buy that. they also don't get wet earwax because there are no ear bugs over here.

>mindless consumerism , degeneracy and pets
You're describing China though.

>Some people don't want ... waste their lives on mindless consumerism , degeneracy and pets

What are you referring to here? Certainly not the Chinese. Mindless consumer is almost as natural a fit as mindless government yes citizen drone.

I live in China and am paid to breed with Chinese women
It’s a dirty messy moist job but someone has to do it

this guy is correct, also it's something about how westeners have wet ear wax and Asians have dry ear wax that basically just falls out so you don't notice it
>t. hapa Korean gf, her ear wax is like a whitey but her most of her family's isn't (I asked her about this very subject recently)


d-delet this china propaganda

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Daoism is exactly that though and China alone has a long history of people having a chimpout and destroying all hierarchy every so often.
china is very extreme, people can be bugmen or hyper individualists to the point that their powerful egos consume everyone else around them.
they can be super hierarchical or super egalitarian but often extremes rule.

based and auspilled

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>The body odor gene
There's no gene for that.
Bromhidrosis (medical term for BO) is caused by bacteria eating the fatty acids in sweat. The amount of sweat glands you develop throughout childhood is environmental and not genetic. You're right about body/facial hair though as it traps the moisture from sweat rather than allowing it to evaporate making a bacterial buffet.

which is why the enlightened Communist Party Leadership is trying to address this issue instead of ignoring it.
too high birth rate is no good, but zero birth rate exists now is obviously bad as well.

if(breedready == 1) { insertDong(); }

He doesn't know

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shamelessly disgusting protruding nipples.

>/r9k/ fags ejected from society by low social score
>breedready women offered to the rest of the population
Holy shit how based can one country be?

why do males and females smell different if there's no genetic factor

tranny tits don't look like that, tranny

>me no pee pee in vagoo me mad ;(
Literally irrelevant, automatization is true because it will bring real changes to the system, because people wont simply agree to die from starvation when rich jews make money.

If chinks are so prone to brainwashing then I'm assuming religion is a big deal there?

iirc despite government suppression it has the fastest growing religious population on Earth and if trends continue at this rate will eventually have the highest number of Christians on the planet. Commies have been trying to keep the lid on since Mao died.

Comes and goes.
They're primarily programmed with CCP propaganda though which bans religion but things like falun gong (kind of syncretic movement of traditional chink religions) had a big following until they were cracked down on

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have you guys seen this video

>chinese are prone to brainwashing
lol no
Chinese just smile and nod when someone more powerful tells them something, then proceed to either do fuck all or do whatever they feel like regardless.
meanwhile westerners are easily brainwashed and fall head over heels for one ideology or another.

She has an Easter Island head.

Because they're planning to indirectly genocide the baizuo and steal their shit. Kinda like what they're doing in Africa.

you gotta be pretty easily brainwashed to fall for communism

>Chinese just smile and nod when someone more powerful tells them something, then proceed to either do fuck all or do whatever they feel like regardless
Can confirm. They're an absolute hell to work with. I had a more pleasant time dealing with HUE HUEs.

subtle changes in the makeup of the fatty acids being eaten by the bacteria produce subtle changes in the smell. Other user is half right about "no smell gene" but half wrong, it's a combination of a body's metabolism (which is determined by genes) and the bacteria (and food) gathered from their environment (which isn't).

wud be proppa bleedin mentaw innit

US corporations do the same for targeting marketing.

That single video is probably what he as basing his only evidence on.

>fall for
Chinese just don't care about ideology which is why as soon as the powerful Mao died they immediately changed from Communism to communism*

(*with Chinese characteristics)

however peasant revolts were a common feature in China because the peasantry was hardly so yielding and mindless and Europeans pretend.

your point?

Yeah it's a common myth
Pretty sure the actual thing is that their genes mean they can't smell it

I have no interest in chinks. I'd actually rather fuck a nigger even.

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Why do the Chinese behave the way they do? Totally devoid of decency and concern for others.

Lack of Christianity.

Automization is a meme. You faggots keep promising it, yet here we are at a decades-low unemployment rate.

>not enough women to go around, male surplus
>men refuse to fuck the women, rather play anime dating sims


Is this true
lmao chinks with broken noses

>she comes to your country
>tells you she's "breedready"

Still not sure if this would make me rock hard or kill my boner faster than thinking about my gramps. There's just something too robotic and organized about it, no challenge like what we have in Western dating scenes. No risk of failure, she's just ready to be a cum receptacle.

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>tfw virgin chinese gf with a high paying job

You're probably a nog yourself.

>no challenge like what we have in Western dating scenes.
Yes I love being "challenged" by obese psychopath bitches who spend literally all day in tease mode.

>she's just ready to be a cum receptacle.
Oh no, what a turn off


>nipple so big and juicy that you can see its outline from that distance

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Got that yellow fever man.

based and pedopilled

Is the only way to keep a 1B+ population in check.

Good appeal to emotion but you're not wrong dubs

They don't have the same history of Western liberal values we have here in the West. I also imagine there is a HUGE disconnect between the ruling class and the masses of rural chinks.

>its smell here

It's a myth so long as there are cheap workers to exploit. African never work, and China is rapidly growing a middle class, the only cheap source of truly cheap labor for the near future is pajeets. The moment it becomes cheaper to automate than it is to hire third worlders or Romanians, it will occur. It's basic economics.

imagine the smel

>This thread

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For some reason the West assumed China would become liberal as it grew wealthy.

any ADVChina bros here?

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Sometimes refererred to as the "End of History". The West assumed after the fall of the USSR that the world would embrace our clearly superior Western way of life and turn into liberal democracies.


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Uncanny resemblance.

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Is there any nice chink porn out there?

Dammit you got me by 30 seconds

Facial Abuse- Jayden Lee

there's a lot of professionally done "Japanese IV/idol" type stuff but with softcore chinese girls instead, but they all look the same because they all get the same plastic surgery and shit. there's also a TON of tik tok amateurs and such. hardcore of chinese people in china is hard to find though and most of their sexuality and softporn is through weird outlets like that because I assume the government bans and cracks down on actual pornography.

I have a friend with tits like hers. We used to sleep together but we didn't actually fuck all the way so to speak; I used to grab her tits a lot after smoking weed and chilling in bed, rubbing and shit. All that stopped after I got a girlfriend with more stuff in common. Miss her rack though, easily a 9.5/10 body.

amelia wang

That's not the actual End of History. The End of History is what Kojeve wrote about, not Fukuyama, he skipped the last step. Kojeve talks about the historical Hegelian synthesis between capitalism and communism in a global panopticon, which is basically what is happening.

>wow epic they deepthroat and she tears up omq so heartbreaking noooo ;_;7

If the bacteria is environmental wouldn't the Bromhidrosis be just as present in any other environment? I think the opposite, the Chinese must have some sort of antibody inhibiting BO.

she's a hardcore whore, bruv. watch her pre and post interviews

that's pretty (for lack of a better word) gay


it's clear that she was a low class woman to begin with. also their house is a tip. he was a bogan.


The only thing turning you off would be the knowledge that if she gives you a child, it would be Elliot Rodger-tier

>typical AsianMasculinity poster

she looks like a picasso painting

>asian porn actresses
Why would you watch that?
To hear her cries that sound like a 2 year old baby, and her facial expressions that make her look as if she's being tortured?

>he thinks large numbers of young sexually frustrated men aren't dangerous
Why do you think Muhammad enforced polygamy you fucking dolt? India and China are going to war eventually and it's due to the surplus of men

>she looks like she fucks white men

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this fucking face though


Young men denied opportunities to move up the social ladder is sociologically proven cause of crime and social unrest.

>asians have been the seething abused cucks this whole time
>not blacks
>not whites
>just smelly brown asian boys

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isn't bejing the where the communist HQ is?
it's just a list for anyone in the party who needs some good times


dat face tho

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