What movies do girls like?

What movies do girls like?

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Black Panther (2018)

Anything Disney, because they can follow it easily.

Anything with black men starring it.

White girl here
My favorite movies are the ones from blacked.com

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That's funny, cause women largely prefer white men/cocks. What's even funnier is: no one even buys brown colored dildos, which in time started to be produced in much smaller numbers, that still sit on the shelves.

interesting bit of incel cope

This nigga trying to COPE

nice anecdotal evidence fag

White girls were made for black cock and seed.

>women who prefer white cocks need dildos

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Oh sweetie...

She fucks black guys?!

Dustin doesn't sound like a niggers name to me.

we did it hapa incel bros!

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Interracial rough sex

The film's of Greg Lansky.

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I, too, am a fan of vixen and tushy.


Direct to video Christmas movies that get pumped out constantly all year.

My wife has pretty bad taste. She mostly watches documentaries about crime, rape and murder. Occasionally stuff about weird cultures. When she watches comedies they're always stuff like bad moms or cock blockers. She struggles to get into scifi or fantasy and has no interest in seeing Star wars or capeshit. I can't even get her to sit down and watch old movies, unless there are things she grew up watching like babe, Matilda or Little mermaid. She does like kids movies though. Won't watch the classics, rarely watches the big academy movies, and her taste in horror is pretty much stuff like The conjuring. She won't touch movies like house or evil Dead with a ten-foot pole. We really have very polarized taste in movies. It's a shock when we find something we'll both watch. I think the last thing we saw in theaters together was Jurassic World 2 and then at home we watched the Fyre documentary. That's literally it.