What was your opinion on The Incredibles 2?

What was your opinion on The Incredibles 2?

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Couldn't stand it.

"She normally doesn't drip like this"

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i still want a violet gf, but not as much as i did before

Waste of Bob Odenkirk

Felt like a direct-to-DVD-sequel with upgraded graphics. Not having a timeskip turned out to be a mistake: none of the characters really have arcs and they dont grow as characters

what did he mean by this?

Am I mistaken or was there a discord tranny superhero

it was boring, the voice actors all sucked, the villain was terrible, probably the best example of the definition for soullessness i can find

>hitting puberty and still looking like a stick

Why didn't she inherit her mother's proportions?


Absolutely redundant movie, Brad Bird is a hack.

Violet gave me an emo fetish.

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Pretty bad and unmemorable. Don't know what happened to Bird to become such a shit writer and director after his good movies came out.

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i swear they made this girl look a lot smaller and younger looking in 2, almost infantile

It's because in the first one she looked like an emo teenager and in the second one they gave her the hairband, which is normally worn by small kids.

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The difference in quality for what's pretty much a remake of the first film shows how far Pixar has fallen. It's just a kids cartoon.

this movie takes place literally the same week that the first movie ends in; she hasn't aged any between movies

Is this the middle aged parents thread? Yoga class tomorrow ladies?

I liked it. Thanks for saving my screencap.

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Could have been a lot better

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Why does Vi have eyebags?

It was pretty bad for a pixar movie. The best part was when elastigirl was getting to the screensavers apartment

It was awesome!

I'm sure Wreck it Ralph 2 is more soulless

The same exact movie as the first movie (so, really really good), but with a slightly worse villain. Which is disappointing.
Still miles ahead of anything you could get in a theater on the same weekday.

Am I cynical in assuming OP posted this thread with this image to signal a pedothread? But it's a joke right? Is it not a joke?
I used to assume everything on Yea Forums was a joke but its hard sometimes.

Not just the same week, the same minute.
First movie ends with the mole guy emerging, second movie begins with them attacking him.

>none of the characters really have arcs and they dont grow as characters
nigger what ?

Lackluster, except for the baby. The lost the aesthetic and character of the first one, and made it into a sitcom spy show.

They have the same arcs as the first movie.
Which is still fine.
At this point, just be grateful they didn't fuck it up and ruin everyone.

I'd say it was a B
All the new characters were lazy and didn't even fit in with the films aesthetic. I could see if the point was "these are hip new superheroes to contrast old school incredibles" but they just felt lazy
I liked the idea of focusing on the mother as the first one was about the father
But overall it just didn't work and I assume it was Brad Bird paying his way out of Director Jail after tomorrowland (which I didn't see but heard it was pretty bad and did flop)

>I'd say it was a B

Why do people give movies school grades instead of rating them out of 10 like normal people?

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Why do autists get triggered over innocuous things?



Because half of those numbers mean "F" so what's the point ? 1/10-5/10 are just wasted space

Only to retards who don't know how to rate movies.

Why do people use 10 instead of 500? 500 is a much clearer number of quality, you can get very specific. It makes more sense than using 1.2 or 6.0 or something.

It was the same movie again but with a worse execution
The designs for those generic heroes they meet also looked like trash, especially the tranny one with the green hair

At least tranny had a portal gun.
One of the new heroes is just Mr Incredible but uglier (super strong dumb nigga).

Imagine dating violet

You heard him

It dedinitely is that kind of post

So how often does violet go out wearing no clothes and masturbate in public whilst invisible?

Stop it, she's a kid.

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I'd say they're both about equal and hey they both pushed feminism at the expense of the moral of the original film. Surprise surprise.

but The incredibles 2 didn't shit on the first one like Ralph 2 did

The fact they made us wait a decade for there to be no canon timeskip still makes me mad

Doo doooo doooo doooo doo doo doo doo

>he wants an older Violet


Attached: Violet upset.jpg (734x804, 78K)

It was fine, but it didn't have nearly the same punch as the original. For the most pertinent example, the reveal that Syndrome had been methodically murdering supers to perfect his death machine was downright chilling, especially for a kid's movie. The Screen Slaver reveal was far weaker by comparison.

And then there was a few of little things that didn't sit right with me in the sequel. Like, I feel they were shitting on Bob too much. He sure wouldn't be happy about having to take a backseat while his wife gets to do the hero'ing. However his objection "b-but I'm the better hero" seems uncharacteristically petty. Stuff like that just reeks of nodding and winking towards pop feminist ideas that already get injected into every other movie these days, and it annoys me even when it's kept tame like here. Living up to as well crafted a movie as the first Incredibles is already hard enough. Failure to resist temptation and jumping on the zeitgeist bandwagon won't make it any easier.

She is begging for anal.