Whos your favorite comedian working today

Whos your favorite comedian working today

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Any Schumer

Sam Hyde

>working today

Definitely NOT Brendan schaub. If I want his thoughts on anything, I’ll just consult all the Adam
Sandler movie he constantly quotes.

He has such a little forehead he looks like an archaic hominid species

Nick Mullen

For me? Well, for me, it's the young, rising star, beast of an athlete, UFC heavyweight legend, podcast mogul, comedy prodigy, fashion trend-setter, work ethic champ and peach of a dad Brendan B. Schaub

Lose my number b

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for sure i agree my man
but i disagree

Oh fer shur my dude. Hunned percent

Cant wait to watch his special

Scott Aukerman


Is Tiger Schaub a good comedian

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Dylan Moran

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>this goober
>a comedian

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Post the unedited video

Tom segura

Other favorites include chapelle, Louis ck, burr, seinfeld

Ahmed Weinberg

>he thought he landed that elbow and knocked him off balance
>that walk up to start throwing those punches

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I don't care much for this bloated italian but I do think he works real well with theo von on the KING AND THE STING PODCAST. Theo is real funny, but his stand up is not too good. He's funnier when he's with someone to talk shit to. And Brendan is the perfect retard.

you can't deny that this pretty funny

Also, Brendan is filthy Anglo

dave chapelle, GOAT
brian regan
tod glass (not as good as lck or bb but a good one nonetheless)

It's tough b

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BG Kumbi, the gamer BULL

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Cast him

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its something that sucks for all men who were athletes and grew up playing high impact sports. Half the genetic battle is being able to get to these elite strengths, but the other part of the genetic battle is how long your body can sustain the abuse. Chin seems to be something the body loses very drastically and quick. You cant just repeatedly take head shots in football and mma all day and expect for your body to continue to operate

Pepe the frog

>based Schaub is getting a showtime special soon

Is calmedy saved bros?

Hunnit percent b

Noel Fielding.



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Binklebinklerbunker Schittenheimer

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Stanhope, Burr, CK

Joe Rogan and all of his friends need to die of AIDS.

In February 2018, Brendan Schaub met with the families of Parkland victims. After a brief interview in which he expressed his "cont-dolenences" and hope for closure, he reportedly burst out laughing and made firearm noises and mimicked two handguns shooting himself in the head. He then picked up the child of a deceased teacher and whispered into her ear "Your dad's dead, bitch", and proceeded to put on a pair of sunglasses and unleash a barrage of martial arts attack on the small child. She was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead due to extreme trauma. When asked later about the incident, Schaub became visibly sexually aroused and repeated the same attack on the reporter.

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Wtf is this true?